Zhangtai Palace, the main hall.

A pilgrimage meeting is underway.

Ying Zheng sat on the dragon chair, and the civil and military officials stood in a row in the main hall.

News came from the Korean land that the quicksand organization headed by Wei Zhuang incited the Korean people to launch a rebellion in the area of Xinzheng in the Korean land.

Among them, many former Korean aristocrats participated in it.

Ying Zheng's face was grim, he looked at the civil and military officials, and said majestically: "There is a rebellion in Korea, who wants to share the worries of the widows?"

"The minister is willing to go to the Korean land and quell the rebellion!".

Changpingjun was the first to stand up and took the initiative to ask for help.

"The minister is willing to lead his troops to exterminate the traitors!"

Meng Wu also stood up and asked Ying to fight.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ben, Li Xin and others also opened their mouths to ask to fight.

"Changping Jun, the widow ordered you to quell the rebellion within three months. "

Yingzheng finally finalized and let Changpingjun go to Handi to quell the rebellion.


"Changping-kun, don't disappoint the widow. "

"The subordinate will not be dishonored!".

Changping Jun saluted Ying Zheng and turned to leave.

When the court meeting ended, Yingzheng called Zhang Han.

"Zhang Han, you send someone to keep an eye on Changpingjun's every move, and wait for Changpingjun to return to Xianyang and report his situation to the widow. "


Zhang Han answered, turned and left.

It seems that Changpingjun did not have the true trust of the First Emperor.

"Changping-kun, don't disappoint the widow............

Watching Zhang Han leave, Ying Zheng muttered to himself.

The reason why Yingzheng sent Changpingjun to Handi to quell the rebellion was to test Changpingjun.

Changping Jun is an anti-bone boy who will betray Great Qin in the future, almost causing the annihilation of Great Qin's 200,000 army.

Changping Jun Qiqi is definitely a white-eyed wolf who can't be raised.

Daqin was so good to him, and Yingzheng was so important to him, he named him the king of Changping and let him serve as the prime minister of Daqin, a very human minister, under one person, ............ above ten thousand people

But what did he do with Daqin?

The defection caused the 200,000 troops of Great Qin to be almost wiped out.

Eventually, he returned to the state of Chu and became an enemy of Great Qin.

In the original story line, Changping Jun's plan to rebel against Qin began when he went to Korea to quell the rebellion.

Now that Ying Zheng already knows all this, Ying Zheng naturally will not let Changping Jun's rebellion against Qin happen again.

Before starting the conquest of the Five Kingdoms of Shandong, he had to uproot all the moths that endangered Great Qin.

Ying Zheng can't tolerate sand in his eyes, and he will never let go of those who endanger Great Qin, and he will not spare them.

After all, Changping Jun is different from Zhao Gao, Li Si and the like.

Changping Jun is a relative of the emperor.

He is Fusu's uncle and Mrs. Huayang's most trusted person.

Therefore, Ying Zheng sent Chang Pingjun to Handi to give him a chance to redeem himself.

Whether he can grasp it or not depends on himself.

Although Ying Zheng seems ruthless, he is not a cruel and murderous person.

Even if he knows that the other party will betray him, he is still willing to give the other party a chance.

For example, Ganie.

He gave Gagnie two chances.

Once he asked him to kill Yan Dan, but instead of killing Yan Dan, he also helped Yan Dan escape from Xianyang City.

The second time, Ying Zheng was in the woods and asked Gai Nie to kill Yan Dan in front of him, but Gai Nie categorically refused.

Gai Nie is equivalent to disobeying his orders twice and betraying him twice.

In this day and age, disobedience is a capital offense.

What's more, Gai Nie also violated it twice.

Therefore, Ying Zheng decisively killed Gai Nie.

This time.

If Changping Jun can keep to himself and be honest, Yingzheng will not do anything to him.

But if Changping-kun plays some tricks behind his back, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

"The road to the top is destined to be lonely. "

Ying Zheng muttered to himself, but his eyes were extremely resolute.

"Your Majesty, Meng Tian asks to see!".

"Let him in!".

Meng Tian, who was dressed in armor, walked into the main hall and saluted respectfully: "Meet Your Majesty!"

Meng Tian is the son of the great general Meng Wu.

The Meng family is a family of Jiangmen.

Meng Fu, Meng Wu, and Meng Tian, three generations of one family, are all excellent generals.

The younger generation of the Meng family, Meng Tian and Meng Yi are very good.

"Meng Aiqing is exempt!".

Ying Zheng looked at Meng Tian with a look of appreciation on his face.

For Meng Tian, Ying Zheng appreciates it very much.

Meng Tian is young, energetic, and capable, and the key is to be sincere enough to Daqin.

"Meng Aiqing, the widow summoned you to the palace today, and there is a very important task to be entrusted to you. "

Ying Zheng said with a solemn expression.

After a pause, Ying Zheng said slowly: "The widow wants you to build the Golden Fire Cavalry into an invincible iron cavalry. "

Hearing this, Meng Tian was stunned for a moment, and then said very proudly: "Your Majesty, Daqin's Golden Fire Cavalry has already been the number one cavalry ............ in the world."

"Even if it is the powerful Zhao State Iron Cavalry, I am afraid it is not the opponent of the Golden Fire Cavalry. "

Meng Tian was very confident in the combat effectiveness of the Golden Fire Cavalry, and in his heart, he had already regarded the Golden Fire Cavalry as the number one cavalry in the world.

You must know that the Golden Fire Cavalry are all elite soldiers carefully selected from the Great Qin army, which can be said to be one in a thousand miles, or even one in a thousand miles.

The Golden Fire Cavalry can be five against one, or even ten against one.

"Meng Tian, your vision is too short-sighted. "

"When the widow speaks of the world, he does not mean the world of the seven kingdoms. "

"Do you know how many countries are there beyond the Seven?"

Meng Tian shook his head.

Due to the lack of information and inconvenient transportation, many people are actually unclear about the world outside the Seven Kingdoms.

"In addition to the Seven Kingdoms, there are many other countries, some of which are larger than the Seven Kingdoms combined, and many of them are ..................even more powerful than the current Great Qin."

Hearing this, Meng Tian couldn't help but gasp and felt quite shocked.

"In a place far away from Daqin, there is a country called Beiliang, which is famous for its iron horses. "

"Among the Beiliang Iron Cavalry, there is an Iron Cavalry called the Great Snow Dragon Riding ............".

"The Great Snow Dragoon, with a total of less than 10,000 people, can break the ............ of 300,000 enemy troops."


Hearing Ying Zheng's words, Meng Tian couldn't help but gasp.

Completely stunned!



A look of shock!

The face is incredible!

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