"Pass the order!"

"Great Qin is open and attack the Wei State!"

this day.

The Great Qin army began to withdraw from Chu and concentrated in the direction of Wei.

From the attack on the Chu State, more than a month has passed now.

During this time......

Wiped out the state of Chu......

Wiped out the South Vietnamese ......

Conquered Baiyue......

wiped out the farmer's ......

When he came, the Great Qin army had one million, and when he left Chu, the Great Qin army still had 800,000.

As for the 200,000 less............

Among them, 100,000 were stationed in Baiyue led by Li You and stationed in Baiyue.

Another 100,000 ............

Ying Zheng ordered Li Xin to lead an army of 100,000 and stay in Chudi.

On the one hand, it is to guard Chu and maintain normal order in Chu.

On the other hand, in order to assist Xiao He, he implemented several edicts issued by Yingzheng to help the people of Chu rebuild their homes and let the people of Chu return to normal life as soon as possible.

After conquering Chudi, he wanted to make Chudi truly become the territory of Great Qin, so that the people of Chu could have a real sense of belonging to Great Qin.

Ying Zheng rode in Luan and followed the army.

Flame Lingji, Lady Mingzhu, black and white, in the Luan drive, serve Yingzheng.

Guiguzi, Zhang Han, Moon God, Star Soul, Da Si Ming, Sheng Qi, Sheng Qi, Wu Kuang, Bai Feng, Chi Lian, Wushuang Ghost...............

They followed Ying Zheng's Luan driver and went to Wei together.



Wei State, Great Liang.

King Wei faked the war report from the Chu State.

There are only two lines on the battle report:

"The state of Chu is destroyed!"

"The Qin army is building a Beijing view outside Shouchun City!"

Just two simple lines of words.

It shocked Wei Wangjiao.

How long has it been since the Qin army attacked the state of Chu?

It's only been a month now.

The state of Chu was destroyed?

That's too fast, isn't it?

Among the Seven Kingdoms, the three countries of Qin, Chu, and Zhao were the most powerful.

Among the three kingdoms, Yi Qin was the strongest.

Chu and Zhao are second, but not much different from Qin.

And the Qin State actually destroyed the Chu State in just one month.

That's what makes it unbelievable.

Actually, what he didn't know was............

Qin destroyed Chu, not in a month, but in just one day, and wiped out the Chu State.

Due to the relative distance between the Wei State and the Chu State, when the news of the destruction of the Chu State reached his ears, it was already a month.

Great Qin destroyed the state of Chu......


Next, which country will Great Qin attack?

Could it be the State of Wei?

Wei Wang was very worried.

Even the state of Chu was no match for the state of Qin, let alone the state of Wei?

If Qin attacks Wei............

Wei is in danger!


947 "King Qiqi, the battle report from the front line. "

At this time, a herald scout sent a front-line battle report.

King Wei pretended to take the battle report and opened it to take a look.


The battle report in the fake hand of King Wei fell to the ground.

His complexion changed dramatically, he staggered a few steps, and sat down on the ground.

What he feared most was still coming......

The Qin army had already entered the territory of Wei and connected several cities.

The state of Wei is coming to an end............

The main hall of the royal palace.

King Wei urgently convened a court meeting to discuss countermeasures.

King Wei sat on the throne with a sad face.

The civil and military officials below are also like ants on a hot pot, full of anxiety.

"The First Emperor drove his own expedition and led an army of 800,000 to attack Wei, how is this good?"

King Wei pretended to be worried, looked at the civil and military ministers below, and asked.

Wei had an army of 300,000 at most, how could it resist the 800,000 army of the Qin army?

"Great King, even the State of Chu was destroyed by the State of Qin, let alone the State of Wei?"

"Instead of being destroyed by the Qin State, why don't you open the city gate and surrender?"

"If you don't surrender, you can only die. "

"Surrender, the king may be able to save his life. Wei Yong said.

Because Wei Yong had already received the benefits of Qin, he tried his best to dissuade King Wei from surrendering.

Hearing Wei Yong's words, King Wei pretended to feel that Wei Yong's words were very reasonable.

If you don't surrender, there is only a dead end.

Surrender may save your life.

"Your Majesty, you must not surrender. "

Wei Wuji, the general of the Wei State, immediately stood up and opposed the surrender.

The general of Wei was originally the head of the armor sect, Wei Wuving.

But Wei Yong's design killed Wei Wudi.

After that, Wei Wuji, the king of Xinling, assumed the post of general of Wei.


Among the Wei states, there were two people who had the most rights.

One is Wei Wuji, the general of the Wei State.

One is Wei Yong, the great director of the Wei State.

Wei Wangjiao has a lot of trust in Wei Wuji and Wei Yong.

Wei Wuji, the king of Xinling, was one of the four princes of the Warring States period, and he was definitely a legendary figure in the Wei State.

He has thousands of customers, many of whom are martial arts masters, and he is also a martial arts master himself.

Even King Wei was a little jealous of him.

Moreover, he is close friends with Wei Wudi, the head of the armor gate, and the Wei Wushu of Wei was trained by him and Wei Wudi.

In the intervening years.

The number of Wei Wushu has expanded from about 10,000 to more than 100,000.

"Great King, Wei now has 100,000 Wei soldiers, tens of thousands of iron cavalry, a total of 300,000 troops, why are you afraid of the Qin State attacking?" Wei Wuji said.

"What's the use of 300,000?"

"The state of Chu is known as a million armor, but it hasn't been destroyed?"

"Moreover, the Qin State has dispatched an army of 800,000 this time. Wei Yong said.

Wei Wang pretended to hear Wei Yong's words, and also felt that what Wei Yong said was very reasonable.

Although Wei had an army of 300,000, Qin had an army of 800,000, and the number of Qin troops was more than twice that of Wei.

"Wei Yong, did you accept the benefits of the Qin State?"

That's why he persuaded the king to surrender again and again. "

"Do you know what the Qin State did after it destroyed the Chu State?"

"The Qin State slaughtered the nobles of the Chu State and razed the three clans!"

There were thousands of diners under Wei Wuji's door, and among them were those who were inquiring about news from all over the Seven Kingdoms.

Regarding the battle of Qin and Chu, he knew even more news than the king of Wei.

Hearing Wei Wuji's last words......

The civil and military officials in the court all changed their complexions.

Because, these civil and military ministers present are all nobles of the Wei State.

Qin wiped out Chu, slaughtered all the nobles of Chu, and razed the three tribes!


If Qin annihilates Wei, will it also slaughter all the nobles of Wei and raze the three clans?

Quite possibly.

"The king must not surrender!

"In the past, I had 50,000 Wei soldiers in the Wei Kingdom, 100 cars, and 3,000 horses, and I could break the Qin army of 500,000. "

"Now, my Wei country has 100,000 Wei soldiers, thousands of cars, and tens of thousands of horses, so why are we afraid of 800,000 Qin troops?"

A minister spoke up against the surrender of Qin.

"That's right!"

"That makes sense. "

"No surrender!"

"Fight to the death with the Qin army!"


The ministers echoed each other.

The ministers who originally wanted to surrender heard Wei Wuji's words, and they all strengthened their beliefs.

There must be no surrender!


With the exception of Wei Yong, the other ministers were opposed to surrender.


"The minister asked for orders and led an army of 300,000 to meet the Qin army. "

Wei Wuji took the initiative to invite Ying to meet the Qin army.


"The widow ordered you to lead an army of 300,000 troops to meet the Qin army. "

Now, all civil and military officials are opposed to surrender, and it is impossible for King Wei to choose to surrender.

And, even if he surrenders, will he really be able to save his life?

Not necessarily.

The Qin army will slaughter even the nobles, will they let him, the king of Wei, go?

Although the king of Wei is mediocre, he will not be foolish enough to think that if he surrenders, the Qin State will let him go.

"Obey!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Wei Wuji responded.

After this meeting, Wei Wuji began to assemble a large army.

Then, he led an army of 300,000 to Puyang City on the border of Wei.

Puyang City is the gateway to the Wei State and the barrier of the Wei State Grand Prize.

There, he would lead the Wei army against the invasion of the Qin army. []


Zhao Guo, Handan.

Zhao Wangqian received a fake letter for help from the king of Wei.

While sending Wei Wuji to lead an army of 300,000 to meet the enemy, Wang Qian of Wei also sent a letter of distress to Wang Qian of Zhao.

It is hoped that the king of Zhao will be able to send troops to support the Wei state.

King Zhao hurriedly summoned his ministers to discuss the matter.

Many ministers were in favor of sending troops to support Wei.

After all, if the Wei State is destroyed, the Qin State will definitely attack the Zhao State next.

However, the ministers headed by Guo Kai opposed sending troops to support.

Guo Kai naturally also received the benefits of the Qin State.

At the beginning, Yingzheng sent Dun Liang and Yao Jia to various countries to carry out divisive activities, but they still achieved some results.

Guo Kai is the prime minister of Zhao and has won the trust of King Zhao.

His words carried a lot of weight in the court.

King Zhao listened to Guo Kai's words and finally decided not to send troops (abah) to support Wei.


He transferred Li Mu, who was defending against the Xiongnu in the north, back and prepared to prepare for war with all his might to meet the Qin army.

Zhao would not surrender to Qin under any circumstances.

Since this battle is unavoidable, then we can only go all out to face it.



Puyang City.

Located on the border of Wei, it is the barrier of the capital of Wei.

If Puyang City misses, then the Qin army can come to Daliang City.

The girder is in danger.

Therefore, Puyang City is extremely important and must not be lost.

Today, Wei has stationed 300,000 troops in Puyang City.

Among them, 100,000 are Wei Wushu who are powerful in the world.

Puyang City, on the city wall.

Wei Wuji, the general of the Wei State, stood on the city gate, his eyes looking into the distance, his expression a little worried.

At the beginning, although he was very confident in front of King Wei.

But actually............

He didn't have much confidence in this fight.

After all, the State of Chu, which was as powerful as the State of Chu, was wiped out by the State of Qin in such a short period of time.

As for the specific details of the battle of Qin and Chu, he did not know.

Famous scenes such as Ying Zheng smashing the city wall with one punch, breaking the river with one punch, and determining life and death with one word............

He didn't know.

After all, the enemies who have seen these famous scenes have all died.

Beside him, two more people stood.

These two people are Wei Wuxian and Dian Qing.

Among them, Wei Wuxian is the current head of the Armor Gate and the uncle of Dianqing.

Dianqing's master is Wei Wudi, and he is Wei Wuxian's senior brother.

Wei Wushu was the former head of the Armor Gate, and after Wei Wushu died, Wei Wushu took over the position of the head of the Armor Gate and became the current head of the Armor Gate.

Dianqing originally had a junior sister named Mei Sanniang.

After Master Dianqing was killed by Wei Yong, Mei Sanniang was already disappointed in King Wei, so she stopped working for King Wei and left the Armor Gate.

Wei Wuxian and Dian Qing, they both cultivated to the extreme hardness.

They have cultivated the Extreme Rigidity to the realm of supernatural perfection, and their bodies are like copper heads and iron bones, and it is difficult for any weapon to hurt them in the slightest.

"Xinling-kun doesn't need to worry. "

"I heard that Yingzheng is also in the army. "

"When the war began, I rushed to Yingzheng and killed Yingzheng. "

"As soon as Yingzheng dies, the Qin army will inevitably be in chaos. "

"At that time, you will lead 100,000 Wei soldiers to destroy the Qin army. Wei Wuxian said.

His strength is the pinnacle of the Grandmaster.

With his perverted defenses of the most rigid skill......

In the absence of the Great Grandmaster, he is invincible.

There are a total of five great grandmasters in the rivers and lakes, and these five grandmasters are all ancestors of various sects, how could they work hard for Yingzheng.

Therefore, he planned to rely on his hardness to break into front of Ying Zheng and kill Ying Zheng.

This idea is very risky and bold.

However, it is doable.

Under the Great Grandmaster, no one can break his defenses, and he is basically invincible.


Wei Wuji nodded, and he also agreed with Wei Wuji's plan.

"The Qin army is here!"

An adjutant shouted.

Wei Wuji, Wei Wuxian, and Dian Qing raised their heads at the same time and looked into the distance.

I saw ...... in the distance

The dense army of the Qin State came like a tide.

The army of the Qin State exuded a terrifying and powerful momentum.

Even if they were far away, Wei Wushu could feel the terrifying ferocious aura emanating from the Qin army.

At the forefront of the Qin army was a very conspicuous cavalry.

Flaming red suits, fiery red armor, fiery red horses!

Golden Fire Cavalry!

After being trained by the veteran master of the peasant family, the Golden Fire Cavalry is no longer what it used to be.

It's stronger, more powerful, and more imposing!

Wang Jian and Meng Tian walked at the forefront of the army.

For these two people, Wei Wuji naturally recognized them.

These two ......

One is one of the four famous generals of the Warring States period............

One is the most outstanding general of the younger generation of Qin......

Wang Jian led a large army and came to the city of Puyang City.

"Who is the commander of the Wei State?

Wang Jian opened his mouth, and his strong voice reached Wei Wuji's ears on the city tower.

"I am the general of Wei State, Wei Wuji!"

Wei Wuji replied loudly.

"Wei Wuji?"

"Xinling Jun Wei Wuji?"

Wang Jian glanced at Wei Wuji, slightly surprised in his heart.

I heard that Xinlingjun had already retired, but he asked the government.

Unexpectedly, now Xinlingjun has re-emerged from the mountain and led the troops to battle.

"It's down there. "

Wei Wuji responded.

"Are you willing to submit to Great Qin?"

Wang Jian tried to persuade him to surrender.

Wei Wuji is also a talented person, if he can recruit him, he will definitely be of great use to Great Qin.

In particular, he excelled in training soldiers.

The Wei Wushu he trained and trained had strong combat effectiveness.

If he is allowed to train the Great Qin army, then the combat effectiveness of the Great Qin army will be greatly improved.

"The Lu of the Eater, the Matter of Loyalty!"

"As a general of the Wei State, I naturally won't do that traitorous thing to seek glory. "

Wei Wuji didn't think about it, so he rejected Wang Qian's solicitation.

"Since you are stubborn, then there is only one way to die. "

Wang Jian sighed lightly, feeling sorry for Wei Wuji.

"Xinlingjun, don't talk nonsense with him, I'll go down directly, kill him, and frustrate the spirit of the Qin army. Wei Wuxian said.

Wei Wuxian originally planned to kill Ying Zheng, but he thought things too simply.

Ying Zheng is hiding in the army of 800,000, and it is too difficult to find Ying Zheng's traces.


"You stay safe!"

Wei Wuji nodded slightly.

"Don't worry! Killing a Wang Jian is not a matter of being caught. "

Wei Wuxian was very confident in his own strength.

"Uncle Shi, I'll go with you. Dian Qing said.


Wei Wuxian and Dian Qing jumped directly from the city tower.


Wei Wuxian and Dian Qing fell heavily to the ground.

Wei Wushu and Dianqing, like a humanoid chariot, rushed towards Wang Jian quickly.

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