The Qin army rested in Daliang City for half a month.

Half a month.

The battlefield of the Battle of Qin and Wei has been completely cleaned up.

Various policies promulgated by Qin Shi Huang were also implemented in Wei.

These policies of his are all policies that benefit the people, so they have been supported and supported by the local people.

In fact............

The appeal of the common people is very simple, that is, it is enough to have food, land to plant, and a place to live.

As for who will rule them, they don't really care.

The anti-Qin people in the Six Kingdoms were actually the princes and nobles of the original Six Kingdoms.

Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms.

Their interests were compromised, and they suddenly changed from being princes and nobles to ordinary people.

This huge gap in identity makes them unbearable.

Therefore, they wanted to oppose Qin and overthrow the rule of the Qin Dynasty.

In order to be able to regain the rights of nobility.

They are anti-Qin, never for the sake of the common people in the world and the people, but for themselves.


Ying Zheng made up his mind to completely eradicate the nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

For every city and every kingdom destroyed, he destroyed the nobles of the six kingdoms.

He could allow the existence of nobles in Great Qin, however, he did not allow the existence of nobles from the Six Kingdoms.

Today, there are only three countries left.

Yan Guo, Zhao Guo, Guo.

Originally, Yingzheng planned to destroy the Zhao State first, then the Yan State, and finally the Qi State.

But since the state of Qi is allied with the state of Zhao.

Then, he will destroy the Qi State and the Zhao State together.

The Great Liang Palace, the inner hall.

Ying Zheng is reviewing the folds.

Han Xin, Xiahou Ying, Guan Ying, Fan Xu, Zhou Bo, Cao Shen............

The six of them walked into the main hall.

Xiahou Ying, Zhou Bo, Fan Hao and others were originally in Nanjun to help Xiao He deal with government affairs.

A few days ago, Ying Zheng issued an edict and summoned them from Chudi.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Han Xin, Cao Shen, Xiahou Ying, Zhou Bo and others immediately saluted Ying Zheng respectfully.

"Excuse me!"

Ying Zheng nodded lightly and glanced at the six of them casually.

"Hanshin ......"

"Do you think that with your ability, how many soldiers will be needed to destroy the Qi Kingdom?"

Ying Zheng asked lightly.

"Naturally, the more the merrier!"

"The more armies you lead, the better!"

Han Xin replied.

"The more the merrier!"

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

"Appoint Han Xin as the general of Qi and command 400,000 troops!"

"Appoint Xiahou Ying as the right general!"

"Appoint 200 Infant Irrigation as General Zuo!"

"Appoint Fan Xu, Cao Shen, and Zhou Bo as pioneer officers!"

"Then you can send troops to destroy the Qi country. "

Ying Zheng gave an order to everyone.

Heard Yingzheng's words.

Han Xin, Cao Shen, Xiahou Ying, Guan Ying, Fan Xu, Zhou Bo............

Everyone was dumbfounded and completely stunned.

They thought they had misheard.

Especially Han Shin.

He was directly stunned.

What did he just hear?!

Ying Zheng actually appointed him as the general of Pingqi and asked him to command 400,000 troops!

It made him feel a little unbelievable!

You know, before that, he had no qualifications.

He is not famous, and he has no experience in leading troops into battle.


Ying Zheng actually appointed him as the general of Pingqi as soon as he came up, and asked him to command 400,000 troops to destroy the Qi State.

Guan Ying, Fan Xu, Zhou Bo, Cao Shen, and Xiahou Ying were all stunned.

They didn't expect that Ying Zheng would attach so much importance to Han Xin, and let Han Xin lead 400,000 troops as soon as he came up.


Han Xin, Fan Xu, Cao Shen, Xiahou Ying, Zhou Bo, and Guan Ying were all dumbfounded and extremely shocked.


Han Xin was already in tears, and immediately fell to the ground, throwing his body to the ground.

Han Xin has been familiar with military books since he was a child, and he has some ambitions, but he can't carry them out.


Ying Zheng's insight gave him a chance to display his ambitions.

This is the grace of knowing the encounter, and Han Xin is extremely grateful.

"Thank you Your Majesty for your trust!"

"Han Xin will definitely destroy the Qi State. "

Han Xin burst into tears and said very excitedly.

Even though he had great ambitions, no one ever gave him a chance to do so.

But today, Ying Zheng gave him such an opportunity.

He was very touched and grateful.

Fan Xu, Cao Shen, Xiahou Ying, Zhou Bo, and Guan Ying were also very excited and excited.

Before, they were all unknown petty officials, but now, they were suddenly made generals and led troops into battle.

It made them feel incredibly excited and excited.

An attendant immediately brought the general's seal, tiger talisman and appointment edict.

Han Xin took it respectfully.

"Stand down!"

Han Xin, Xiahou Ying, Guan Ying and others withdrew from the palace.

Walking out of the main hall, Han Xin took these certificates and went to the barracks.

When Wang Jian saw the edict of appointment, he was also taken aback.

He couldn't figure it out............ Why did Emperor Shi let the unknown Han Xin lead 400,000 troops to attack the Qi State?

What if Han Xin suddenly betrayed Daqin?

Actually, Wang Jian is too worried about this.

Ying Zheng is really not afraid that Han Xin will betray him.

If Han Xin betrays himself, Ying Zheng can pinch Han Xin to death with one hand.

Although I don't understand the first emperor's move to let Han Xin lead an army of 400,000 to attack Qi.

But when he verified the authenticity of the seals, tiger charms, and edicts of appointment............

He still obediently handed over the 400,000 army to Han Xin.

He did not dare to disobey the orders of the First Emperor.

After Han Xin ordered the troops, he took Xiahou Ying, Guan Ying, Cao Shen, Zhou Bo, Fan Xu and others to lead an army of 400,000 and rushed to Qidi.


The Qin army of Daliang also opened up and began to march towards the border of Zhao.

Since, Qi and Zhao want to form an alliance and unite against Qin.


The War of Extermination of Qi and the War of Extermination of Zhao were fought at the same time.

This time, the army that went to Zhao was only 300,000 left.

At the beginning, the army of one million left Xianyang......

100,000 troops were stationed in South Vietnam, 100,000 troops were stationed in Chu, 100,000 troops were stationed in Wei, and 400,000 troops were sent to attack Qi............

Now, there are only 300,000 troops left, going to attack Zhao.


There are 300,000 troops attacking Zhao, which is enough!

Knowing that the Qin army had attacked Qi, Qi Wangjian was extremely shocked, and he immediately convened his ministers to discuss countermeasures.

In the end, he sent the generals Tian Heng and Tian Guang to lead an army of 400,000 to meet the Qin army.

Although Han Xin is the first time to lead the army, he is still very capable.

He led a large army to attack the city and plunder the land, and even took dozens of cities.


The 400,000 army led by Han Xin and the 400,000 army led by Tian Heng and Tian Guang met on the banks of the Yellow River.

The armies of the two countries fought fiercely here.

Despite the fact that both sides were armies of the same number.


The combat capability of the Qi army is completely incomparable with the Qin army.

The army of the Qin State fought all year round and accumulated rich combat experience.

The Qi army has not participated in the war for many years, and basically has little combat experience.

There is a huge difference in the physical fitness of the soldiers on both sides.


Han Xin's ability to lead the army in battle is not comparable to Tian Guang and Tian Heng.

Han Xin is worthy of being called a soldier immortal, and the first time he commanded the army, he showed extremely high command and combat ability.

This battle.

Han Xin led the Qin army and wiped out the 400,000 troops of the Qi State.

Soon, the battle report of the annihilation of the 400,000 army of Qi was sent to the hands of Qi Wangjian.

It was learned that the 400,000 Qi army was completely annihilated.

Qi Wangjian stumbled and almost fainted.

Qi Wangjian knew......


Qi is over!

The country of Qi is dying!

He hurriedly convened the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs to discuss countermeasures.

"The 400,000 army of Qi has been wiped out!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, what do you say?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Heard Qi Wangjian's words.

The civil and military officials in the court were all taken aback and shocked.

The 400,000 army can be said to be the entire strength of the Qi State.

In such a short period of time, they were all wiped out!

That's too fast![]

"Surrender, King!"

A minister opened his mouth to persuade.

Now, the Qi State no longer has any strength to stop the Qin army.

Only surrender!

"King, you can't surrender!"

"The minister heard that the Great Qin Emperor was cruel and unreasonable, and he was addicted to killing, and the princes and nobles of the country he destroyed were all slaughtered. "

"If the king surrenders, the king and all the nobles of the Qi Kingdom will probably be slaughtered. "

An official objected.

Hearing this, many people nodded their heads in approval.

The princes and nobles of Chu, Korea, and Wei were indeed slaughtered.

These are no secrets.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the widows are not willing to surrender. "

"But ......"

"In this situation, what else can you do if you don't surrender?"

Qi Wang Jian sighed.

Of course, Qi Wangjian was unwilling to surrender.


The current situation, do not surrender......

What could he do?

"King, run away!"

"Before the Qin army has attacked Linzi, we can escape!"

"Flee to the coast of the East China Sea and go to sea by boat, and the Qin army will not find us. "

A minister spoke.

"That's a good idea!"

"You can escape overseas!"

"It's better than losing your life. "

Other ministers chimed in and agreed with the approach.

"Good. "

"That's it. "

Qi Wangjian nodded and decided to flee from Linzi.


"King Qiqi!"

"The Qin army has already arrived in the city!"

Just then, a guard came to pay a respect.


Qi Wangjian's complexion changed greatly, and his face instantly became very ugly.

Now, the Qin army has approached the city, and even if they want to escape, it will be too late.

It seems that there is no choice but to surrender!


Qi Wangjian sighed and said very unwillingly.


Han Xin led a large army and came to Linzi City, the capital of the king of Qi.


The gates of Linzi City slowly opened!

Qi Wangjian was shirtless and had a white cloth tied around his head.

Holding the book of descending, the national seal, the household register and the map in both hands, he walked in the forefront.

After that, he followed the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the State of Qi.

They slowly walked out of the city gates.

came to Han Xin's war horse......

Qi Wangjian knelt on one knee and raised the book of descending, the national seal, the household register and the map above his head with both hands.

Then he said humbly: "The criminal minister Tian Jian, the whole country surrendered, and hereby presents the surrender letter, the national seal, the household register and the map!"

Han Xin nodded, and then ordered someone to collect the surrender book, the national seal, the household register, and the map.

"Enter the city!"

Han Xin immediately rode his horse and led the army into Linzi City.

The Qin army entered the city and completely took over the city of Linzi.

So far.

The state of Qi perished.

Han Shin then began to implement the alignment policy of the First Emperor.

The alignment policy is similar to the policy towards Wei and Chu.

The first thing was to slaughter the princes and nobles of the Qi State and raze the three clans.

Although Qi Wangjian surrendered, he still did not escape the fate of being slaughtered.

Qi Wangjian's surrender was forced to surrender.

If at the beginning, he did not send a large army to resist the Qin army, but surrendered directly, then his sincerity in surrender could be seen.


The First Emperor might spare his life!


Zhang Han came to the treasure house of the Qi Kingdom and found a special copper box in the treasure house.

He was ordered by the First Emperor to come to the treasure house of the Qi State to find this copper box.

After getting the copper box, he returned to Weidi.

In a residence in Wei Di.

An old man is lying on a bed in a house.


He was dying of old age and had reached the end of his life.

But his consciousness was extraordinarily clear.

He lay in bed and looked back on his life.

He ...... in this life.

There have been highlight moments, and he has also been named a waiter, and he was sealed to Pingjun.

There has also been a decline and was forced to leave the country............

As soon as King Zhao Mianxiang succeeded to the throne, he was relieved of his military post and sent Le Cheng to replace him who was leading the troops abroad.

He was angry because he was ostracized, and he attacked Lecheng, who fled.

He also left Zhao and went to Wei and lived in Daliang.

Although the king of Wei took him in, he did not trust and reuse him.

Since then, he has not been on the battlefield.

Now, life is on the line!

The days he misses the most are the times when he was killed on the battlefield............

As a general, he felt .........

Only on the battlefield is he truly alive!

Unfortunately, his life has come to an end.

He never had a chance to go to war again......

"I miss the days of killing on the battlefield......"

That's when it happened.

Zhang Han walked into the residence, walked straight into the room, and saw Lian Po lying on the bed.

"Lian Po, now give me a chance to go into battle and kill the enemy, do you want to?" Zhang Han said.

Lian Po was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Zhang Han, the general of Great Qin. "

"You haven't answered my question yet?"

Lian Po smiled bitterly: "Look at me like this, can you still go into battle to kill the enemy?"

He now struggled to even get out of bed, let alone go into battle to kill the enemy.

He felt like his life was being lost every moment.

Perhaps, it won't last long, and he will die permanently.

"You just have to answer me, do you want it or not?"

Zhang Han said very seriously.

"Yes. "

Although Lian Po didn't understand what Zhang Han meant, he still answered firmly.

"Good. "

Zhang Han nodded.

Immediately, Zhang Han took out a longevity pill and stuffed it directly into Lian Po's mouth.

"It's ...... What?!"

Lian Po's eyes widened suddenly, and his face was surprised and delighted.

He felt that the breath of life in his body was rapidly recovering.

The aches and illnesses in his body are also rapidly disappearing.

His withered body was being rejuvenated.


It's amazing!

It's amazing!

What kind of elixir is this?

It has such a miraculous effect.

In a moment.

Lian Po had already stood up vigorously.

He looks younger and more energetic than before.

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