Hearing this, Nian Duan looked at Flame Spirit Ji, his expression full of shock.

Her physical condition, she knew very well, her body had run out of oil.

And now, she feels that her body is rejuvenated.

Could it be ...... The medical skills of this person in front of her are even better than her?

"Thank you, girl, for saving your life. "

"Girl's great grace, the thought is unforgettable. "

Nian Duan opened his mouth and thanked him.

"I came this time to invite you to Xianyang City to serve Daqin. "

Flame Spirit Ji explained her intention directly.

Hearing this, Nianduan's face changed.

Nian Duan has always adhered to the concept that the doctor escapes from the world and stays away from the disputes of the rivers and lakes.

Only in this way can we protect ourselves from harm and save the world.

"Qin State, are you from Qin State?"

"It was the people of the Qin State who provoked the war in the world, you want me to treat the people of the Qin State, I don't know how many people will be ruined. Nian Duan said.

"Mr. Nianduan, you are wrong. Flame Spirit Ji said.

"What did I do wrong?" asked Nianduan.

"Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Seven Kingdoms have been in constant turmoil, not because of the Qin State, there have been wars, even if there is no Qin State, the Seven Kingdoms are still in turmoil. "

"And the Qin State just wants to end this situation of war, so it wants to unify the six countries, as long as the Qin State unifies the world, then, the situation of the war in the Seven Kingdoms will also end, and people will no longer suffer from the war, so they will live and work in peace and contentment, and live happily, are you right?"

These truths are all Flame Lingji who follows Ying Zheng all day long and listens to what Ying Zheng said.

If you listen to it too much, she will also speak.

"Even if what you say is reasonable, I won't go to Xianyang, you better go, my apprentice and I won't join the Qin State. Nian Duan said.

Prior to this, Yan Dan had also come to invite her more than once, wanting her to join the Mo family, but she refused Yan Dan's invitation.

Because she wanted to protect herself and didn't want to join the war of the Seven Kingdoms and cause trouble for herself and her apprentices, she always refused Yan Dan's invitation.

Now, Flame Spirit Ji also came to invite her, and she was unwilling to accept Flame Spirit Ji's invitation.

"If you don't want to join the Great Qin Empire, I'm afraid you won't be able to. "

"Because the land you are in is now the land of the Great Qin Empire. Flame Spirit Ji said.


"The Qin State destroyed the Yan State?"


Hearing this, Nian Duan's face showed a look of shock.

This mountain village was isolated from the world, and they didn't even hear any news about the war between Qin and Yan.


"Just the other day. "

Flame Spirit Ji said lightly.

Qin Yanyan had only been a few days, and the news had not yet reached this small mountain village, so they didn't know.

Hearing this, Nian Duan sighed softly.

"The first emperor established a hospital in Xianyang City, which recruited famous doctors from all over the world, spread medical skills, and saved the world. "

"I was ordered by the First Emperor to invite Mr. to the Great Qin Medical Hall. "

Flame Spirit Ji spoke again, inviting Nian Duan.

Hearing this, Nian Duan's face was embarrassed.

She really didn't want to leave the Jinghu Medical Center, and she didn't really want to go to Xianyang.

"I understand the kindness of the First Emperor. "

"I'm used to living here, though, and I don't want to leave here. "

Nian Duan still politely rejected him.

Yan Dan tried to invite her to join the Mo family again and again, but she didn't agree.

How could she agree to go to Xianyang because of Flame Spirit Ji's words.

"Okay. "

"Sir is reluctant to go, and I am not reluctant. "

"However, I saved your life. "

"That is, your life is mine now. "

"Since you don't want to go, then I'll have to take back your life. "

Flame Spirit Ji said indifferently.

Since you don't go with good words and persuasion, you have to take a tough attitude.

Some people are like that......

You talk to her well, and she plays a shelf with you.

However, if you are tough, she will give in.

Hearing this, Duanmu Rong was taken aback, and hurriedly spoke: "Master, you just promise her, I don't want to lose you again." "

"Moreover, she invited you to Xianyang to ask you to treat the disease and save people. "

"Master, isn't it the same wherever you are treated?"

Duanmu Rong pleaded bitterly with Nian Duan.

After thinking for a moment, Nian Duan finally nodded: "Okay, I promise you." "

The last thing Nian Duan can't let go of is Duanmu Rong.

She is alive, Duanmu Rong still has someone to rely on, and someone to take care of.

She died, and Duanmu Rong was helpless.

Who wants to die if they can live?

"Pack your things and come with me now. Flame Spirit Ji said.

"Good. "

Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong immediately packed up their salutes.

Seeing those herbs in the medicine house, Nian Duan felt very distressed: "What about these herbs?"

"Since you're distressed, just take it with you. Flame Spirit Ji said.

"Take it away, how do you take it away?"

Nian Duan was slightly stunned and said in surprise.

"You pack all these herbs and you can take them with you. "

Hearing this, Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong packed these herbs one by one.


Flame Spirit Ji's palm swept lightly over these herbs.

The herbs were gone with a whizz.

See this scene.

Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong both widened their eyes.


The face is incredible!

The face is full of disbelief!

So many herbs disappeared out of thin air?

How did she do it?"

"Where have all my herbs gone?"

Nian Duan asked his own question.

"These herbs of yours are all included in this ring. "

Flame Spirit Ji stretched out her left hand, carrying a beautiful ring on her left ring finger.

This ring is the space ring that Ying Zheng gave to Flame Spirit Ji.

"What a beautiful ring!"

Seeing that ring, Duanmu Rong's eyes lit up, and she was a little envious.

"You said those herbs were included in this ring?" Nian Duan said in surprise.

"That's right. "

Flame Spirit Ji nodded.

"This ...... How is that possible?"

Nian Duan looked incredulous.

How is it possible to put herbs in the ring?

"This ring is no ordinary ring. "

"This ring is a spatial ring, and there is a space in it. "

"Don't believe it, you see. "

As she spoke, Flame Spirit Ji waved her palm, and those herbs reappeared on the ground.

"There is such a magical treasure in this world!"

Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong believed it.

But they were still shocked, very incredible!

This completely turned their perception on its head.

"Let's go. "

Flame Spirit Ji put away the herbs again, and then walked towards the outside of the medicine village.

Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong followed closely behind.

After leaving the medical village, the three of them got into a small boat and went down the river.

"Girl, your medical skills are so good, who is your teacher?"

Nian Duan asked curiously.

Flame Spirit Ji was able to revive her from a near-death state, indicating that Flame Spirit Ji was very skilled in medicine.

That Flame Spirit Ji's master, his medical skills must be even more superb.


"I don't know how to do medicine. "

Flame Spirit Ji shook her head.

"The girl said with a smile, you saved me from a near-death state, how can you not understand medical skills?"

"Master, she fed you an elixir, and you came back to life. Duanmu Rong said.

"That's right. "

"The pill I gave you is called the Longevity Pill. "

"As soon as you eat the longevity pill, the disease will be completely eliminated, which can help you prolong your life for five years. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Flame Spirit Ji opened her mouth to explain.

"There is such a miraculous elixir in this world!"

Nian Duan was shocked.

Completely shocked!



There is such a miraculous elixir in this world!

It's a miracle drug!

The previous space ring was enough to surprise her, and this longevity pill surprised her even more.

Whether it's a space ring, or a longevity pill............

all completely subverted her cognition.

With this magic elixir, her medical skills are useless.

"Since there is such a miracle medicine, then even if I go to Xianyang City, it doesn't seem to be of much use. "

"If the people have diseases, it is not enough to directly use this elixir to treat them. "

Nian Duan sighed, with a sense of frustration.

She worked hard to study medical skills, worked hard to treat patients, and sometimes did not necessarily cure patients.

And only need to take such an elixir to cure the disease.

So, what's the point of her hard work in studying medical skills.

"Do you think this longevity pill is Chinese cabbage? You can have as much as you want. "

"This longevity pill was obtained by His Majesty the First Emperor with hard work, and there are only a few in total. "

"To save you, I gave you one. Flame Spirit Ji said.

Hearing this, Nian Duan was greatly moved.

This longevity pill is very precious, there are only a few in total, but she was given one.

This kindness is too heavy.

"Please rest assured that His Majesty the First Emperor will definitely serve Great Qin with all my heart. "

Originally, Nian Duan was still a little reluctant to go to Xianyang City, but at this moment, she was willing.

"Master, if you say that, you only have five years to live. Duanmu Rong said.

"I can live five more years, and I am content. "

Nian Duan smiled and comforted.

"There are still a few in the First Emperor's place, as long as you behave well, in five years, maybe the First Emperor will give you another longevity pill. Flame Spirit Ji said.

Hearing this, Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong were extremely happy.

Flame Spirit Ji brought Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong to the Jicheng Palace and settled them in the palace.

Flame Spirit Ji went to Yingzheng to restore his life.


Zhang Han, Flame Lingji, Bai Feng, Chi Lian, Wushuang Ghost, Sheng Qi, Wu Kuang.

The group came to a mountain range.

On the orders of the First Emperor, they came to exterminate the Mojia Organ City.

"Chief, that is the entrance to the Mo Family's Organ City. "

Bai Feng pointed to a mountain peak in the distance.

Between the peaks, there was a cave, which was the entrance to the Mojia Organ City.

The Mojia Organ City was built on the mountain, which was built by hollowing out the mountain.

The Mojia Organ City is located in the belly of this mountain, surrounded by steep cliffs, and the interior is full of traps.

It is very difficult to enter the entrance to the city.

Unless you can fly, there is no way out.

Even if you enter the entrance, you will still face many mechanisms, and it is not easy to enter the interior of the organ city.

"This entrance is not easy to enter. "

Chi Lian opened his mouth and sighed.

Unless you fly over, it's hard to get to that intersection.

Of course, in addition to flying directly over, there is also a waterway to reach the entrance of the Mojia Organ City.

But that waterway, except for the people of the Mo family, others don't know at all.

Therefore, they were only able to fly over.

However, unless you reach the land immortals, you can't fly in the sky at all.

"If you can't get by, then I'll go alone. Flame Spirit Ji said suddenly.

"Flame Spirit Ji, how did you get there?" Chi Lian asked in surprise.

"Fly over, of course. Flame Spirit Ji replied.

"Fly over?

Chi Lian looked surprised.

Flame Spirit Ji didn't speak, the Primordial Realm divine power bloomed, and two huge fire feathers stretched out behind her.

Followed by......

The Flame Spirit Ji flew up in the air, and the fire feather instigated it, and flew quickly towards the opposite peak.

I saw a scene.

Bai Feng, Chi Lian, Wushuang Ghost, Shengqi, and Wu Kuang are all ......


Like a deer caught in headlights!


Even Zhang Han was extremely shocked.

Zhang Han knew that Flame Spirit Ji must have also obtained some kind of divine power, and her pair of fire feathers had the ability of that kind of divine power.

Looking at the back of Flame Spirit Ji leaving, Chi Lian's eyes flashed with envy.

She knew that Flame Spirit Ji definitely didn't have this ability before.

This ability should have been acquired recently.

It should have been the divine power seed given to her by the First Emperor that caused her to have this ability.

Nowadays, the word divine power seed is not a new word in Daqin.

As more and more people obtain the seeds of divine power, their strength has soared.

Many people know the preciousness of the seeds of divine power.

"I really want a divine power seed!"

Chi Lian felt how envious he was in his heart.

"I can go over too. "

The white phoenix roared in his mouth, and then a big white bird rushed down.

The white phoenix rose into the sky and jumped onto the back of the big white bird.

The big white bird took him and flew towards the entrance of the Mo family's organ (Li's) city.

Bai Feng himself can't fly, but he has the ability to control birds and beasts.

He can step on the back of a large bird and thus perform flight.

Zhang Han released the divine power of the Vientiane Realm, and with a single step, the whole person rushed towards the opposite entrance like lightning.

The rest of Chi Lian, Wushuang Ghost, Sheng Qi, Wu Kuang and others could only stay where they were.

Because none of them can fly.

Zhang Han, Flame Spirit Ji, and Bai Feng successfully entered the entrance of the Mo Family's Organ City.

After eliminating several Mo family disciples who were guarding the entrance, the three of them entered the organ city.

There are many mechanisms in the city, but for them, these mechanisms are naturally difficult for them.

These traps are mainly triggered by the ground, and as long as you don't step on the ground, they won't trigger.

All three of them can fly, so naturally they can easily dodge the trap.

Mojia Organ City.

A secret room.

The six-fingered black man of the Mo family sat in the middle.

Around him were the major leaders of the Mo family.

Gao Yanli, Jing Ke, Qin Wuyang, Toe Thief, Big Hammer, Master Ban, Xu Fuzi............

They're all here.

"The Yan State has been destroyed, and the Qin State has unified the Seven Kingdoms. "

"What do we do next?"

"Do you return to the Qin State, or continue to oppose Qin?"

The six-fingered black man looked at everyone and spoke lightly.

Before Qin destroyed Yan, the Mo family had always been anti-Qin.

Now that the Qin State has destroyed the Yan State, do they still want to continue to oppose Qin?

He wants to hear from his audience!

"Of course, it is to continue to oppose Qin, and it must not be surrendered to Qin. "

Sledgehammer was the first to open his mouth against.

He also served in the army in the Yan Kingdom, although he had long since left the army.

But when he heard that the Qin army had wiped out the Yan army.

He still felt extremely angry.

PS: In the new January, ask for all kinds of free gifts, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, 5 automatic subscriptions, add 2000 words!

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