In the past, the imperial court selected officials through the election system and the hereditary system.

The recommendation system means that if you want to be an official in the imperial court, you must have a recommender to recommend you, and then after some investigation, you can be an official in the imperial court.

As a result, the opportunity to become an official was completely in the hands of the aristocracy.

The aristocracy formed a monopoly on the court officials and did not allow the common people to enter the court.

Ordinary people basically have no opportunity to become officials.

The passage for the common people to be promoted to the nobility was completely blocked.

The hereditary system is better understood, that is, some official positions can be hereditary.

Historians, for example, are hereditary.

The imperial examination system broke the monopoly of the aristocracy on official positions, so that ordinary people could also be officials.

With the imperial examination system......

The common people can study hard, gain fame, and become officials in the court, so as to achieve a class leap.

It can be said that the imperial examination system can solve the shortcomings of the previous official selection and can continuously select talented people for Daqin.

For the imperial examination system, the performance of the officials is also different.

Some people think that this system is very good and agree with the imperial examination system, while others are very disgusted with the imperial examination system.

Because the imperial examination system affects their interests.

They themselves were aristocrats, and with the imperial examination system, they had no privileges.

The imperial examination system was very beneficial to Great Qin, but it would definitely harm the interests of the nobles.

Those who genuinely think about Great Qin will naturally support the imperial examination system.

And those who only think about themselves are against the imperial examination system.

Although some people oppose the imperial examination system, they can only oppose it in their hearts, and they do not dare to stand up and openly oppose the imperial examination system.

Who dares to oppose the imperial examination system proposed by the First Emperor?

"Your Majesty, this imperial examination system is a very good system for selecting officials. "

"The minister felt that the imperial examination system should be implemented as soon as possible, so that the vacancies of officials could be filled, and the people of the world would also be grateful to His Majesty, and thank His Majesty for opening a channel for them to become officials. "

Li Si stood up and very much agreed with the implementation of the imperial examination system.

"From now on, the Qin Dynasty will officially implement the imperial examination system. "

Ying Zheng nodded, and immediately decided to start the imperial examination system in the Qin Dynasty.

...... 01......

Today, Ying Zheng has proposed two great systems.

Three provinces, six ministries and the imperial examination system!

Both of these systems are of epoch-making significance!

The three provinces and six ministries were the bureaucratic system of the Qin Dynasty.

The imperial examination system was the way in which officials were selected in the Qin Dynasty.

After the court meeting.

Li Si, Feng Quji, Wang Juan and other officials began to carry out the reform of the bureaucratic system.

From the system of three princes and nine secretaries to the system of three provinces and six ministries, it is a complex and cumbersome process.

This process takes time and is not something that can be completed overnight.

In the process of reforming the bureaucratic system, the implementation of the imperial examination system is also being carried out simultaneously.

Ying Zheng issued an edict to publish the imperial list and inform the world of the imperial examination system.

The imperial examination system is divided into literary examination and martial examination.

It is held every three years.

The imperial examination system has to go through three stages: the township examination, the general examination, and the palace examination.

Eventually, the right talent is selected.

As soon as the imperial examination system was introduced, it caused a huge sensation.

The people rejoiced and were very excited.

Because of the imperial examination system, they also have a channel to enter the official ranks, and they can gain fame by studying, so as to change their destiny and realize the leap of their own class.

For a time, many people began to study hard to prepare for the imperial examination in three years.


In this era, reading and writing is not an easy task.

In this day and age, the cost of reading a book can be very expensive.

If you want to read, you have to buy books and bamboo slips.

Although the Craftsy Bureau has produced paper, the production of paper is very small, and it has not yet been fully popularized.

The price of paper is also relatively expensive.

Therefore, in this era, reading and writing are still dominated by bamboo slips.

Paper, as a symbol of nobility, circulated only in the upper circles.

Books and bamboo slips are also very expensive, and ordinary people can't afford them.

Although the imperial examination system gives ordinary children the possibility of becoming officials, it is still very difficult for the children of ordinary people to study and enter the official through the imperial examination.

However, everything comes step by step.

There are some things, even if it is Yingzheng, it can't be solved now.

Ying Zheng had informed Gong of the loss of revenge and asked him to set about building a paper mill and a printing plant.

On the one hand, the production of paper was increased, and on the other hand, bamboo slip books were printed on paper.

With the increasing popularity of paper and the increase of paper books, the cost of reading and literacy will definitely become lower and lower.

When the time comes, more and more people will be able to read and write.

Of course, none of this happens overnight.

It takes a certain amount of time to complete slowly.

The Great Qin Empire had just been established, and in addition to the reform of the bureaucratic system and the official selection system, a series of reforms were also carried out.

For example, the Qin Dynasty unified writing, degrees, measurements, and weights and measures.

The Six Kingdoms script was abandoned, and the small seal of the Qin State was uniformly used.

And formulated a unified standard of measurement, measurement and weight.

In addition, the Qin Dynasty also unified the currency.

The currencies of the six countries were abolished and the currencies of the Qin Dynasty were uniformly used.

The currency of the Qin Dynasty was gold as the upper currency and copper coins as the lower currency.

The copper coin is the Qin half tael of the round square space.

In addition, Ying Zheng also ordered the issuance of paper money.

In order to meet people's needs for large transactions.

Banknotes are pegged to gold, and the smallest unit of a banknote is one gold.

In order to issue paper money, Ying Zheng also ordered the creation of state-owned money banks, which were used to exchange gold and paper money.

The Great Qin Empire had just been established, and Ying Zheng formulated a ten-year plan.

This ten-year plan is Daqin's development strategy for the next ten years.

The decade covered population, education, food, economy, water conservancy, military, medical care, and law.

Demographic aspects.

Population is the primary productive force.

Therefore, Yingzheng also attaches great importance to the population.

First, a nationwide census is conducted.

Establish a household registration as a family unit.

and free identification for all citizens.

With the Daqin household registration and Daqin ID card, they are the people of Daqin and are protected by the laws of Daqin.


Policies to encourage childbirth.

The War of the Six Nations led to a sharp decline in the number of people in various places.

In particular, the number of adult males is 80% less.

Therefore, Qin Shi Huang ordered that more births and more fertility should be encouraged, so that the population could grow as soon as possible.

For families with multiple children, the imperial court will have corresponding rewards, such as reducing food taxes, monetary rewards, and so on.


In each county and county, school palaces and colleges were set up for the children of the people to read and write.

In addition to government-run schools and colleges, the imperial court also encouraged private schools.

With these policies, the palaces, academies and private schools in various places will soon blossom everywhere in the Qin Dynasty.


Vigorously develop agricultural planting.

We will make every effort to promote the cultivation of high-yield crops such as sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn.

In addition, crops such as rice, wheat, millet, corn, and soybeans should also be planted.

It is necessary to diversify the cultivation of crops.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, peanuts, peppers, eggplants, spinach, watermelons, loofahs, carrots, ............

These crops and fruits, which were not available in the Qin Dynasty, should also be vigorously promoted and planted in the Qin Dynasty.

These seeds can be purchased by Yingzheng through the system mall, and then distributed to the people for planting.

In this way, the variety of ingredients in the Qin Dynasty will become very rich.

Economic aspects.

People are no longer restricted from doing business, but people are encouraged to do business and people are encouraged to engage in business.

Water conservancy.

In the territory of the Qin Dynasty, a grand canal was built to connect the north and south.

Build a shipyard and start shipping!

The construction of the Grand Canal can solve both the drought in the north and the flooding in the south. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moreover, it can also facilitate the transportation between the north and the south.


In the territory of the Qin Dynasty, the Qin Chi Road and the Qin Straight Road were built.

If you want to get rich, build roads first.

The construction of Qinchi Road and Qinzhi Road will greatly improve the convenience of transportation. []

Whether it is the construction of the Grand Canal, or the construction of Qin Chi Road and Qin Zhi Road, it is a great thing for the benefit of the country and the people.


These are large-scale projects that require a lot of manpower and material resources.


Ying Zheng ordered............

The hundreds of thousands of people who will cultivate the imperial tomb in Lishan will be used to build Qin Chi Road and Qin Zhi Road.

The more than 100,000 people who built the Great Wall were used to build the Grand Canal.

Hundreds of thousands of people built the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang in Lishan.

Now, Ying Zheng can live forever, and naturally there is no need to build a mausoleum.

Therefore, he pulled all these people who built the mausoleum to build Qin Chi Road and Qin Zhi Road.

The Great Wall was built in the north of the Qin Dynasty to prevent the invasion and harassment of the Xiongnu.

Right now............

Great Qin also did not need to worry about the invasion and harassment of the Xiongnu.

If the Xiongnu really dared to invade the Qin Dynasty, he would send a large army to destroy them directly.

Why can't the Xiongnu be destroyed?

Is it because the Xiongnu are strong?

Of course not.

That's because the area where the Xiongnu is located, there are many grasslands and deserts.

In these areas, it is very troublesome and difficult to transport grain and grass.

As a result, the Qin Dynasty's army could not penetrate deep into the desert and grassland, and therefore could not conduct large-scale battles against the Xiongnu.

And now.

With the Space Ring, it is very convenient to carry grain, grass and supplies.

This problem is perfectly solved.

The army of the Qin Dynasty could go as far as they wanted.

As a result, Ying Zheng revoked the order to build the Great Wall and sent those who built the Great Wall to build the Grand Canal.

Medical aspects.

Ying Zheng asked the Medicine King to establish the Great Qin Medical Hall.

And let Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong settle in the Daqin Medical Center.


Ying Zheng revised the laws of the Great Qin, revising some unreasonable legal provisions, as well as unreasonable torture.

Change the laws of Daqin to be more reasonable and humane.

In terms of land.

Yingzheng carried out land reform.

Nationalize all the lands of the former nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

The land in the hands of the old Qin people was repurchased with money and a large amount of compensation was given.

Except for a small number of people who have made outstanding contributions and also own land, all the land of the rest of the people has been nationalized.

Others only have the right to use the land, but not the ownership of the land.

This state-owned land is then distributed by the government to the people and individuals.

Every year, the people would pay a part of the grain to the government as land rent.


The Craftsman Bureau also produced and launched new agricultural tools, such as curved plows, shovels, iron shovels, hoes, etc., so that people's farming efficiency was improved.


He began to implement the first ten-year plan of Daqin step by step.

Ying Zheng found Zheng Guo of the Ministry of Industry and handed over the task of building the Grand Canal to Zheng Guo.

Ying Zheng appointed Zheng Guo as the head of the Grand Canal, giving Zheng Guo full responsibility for the construction of the Grand Canal.

The Grand Canal is a grand canal that runs north and south, connecting the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

In addition, the project will also connect the Weishui River to the Han River.

At the same time, it will open up the channels of the Han River and the Yangtze River, and open up the channels of the Weishui and the Yellow River.

Connect the Huai River with the Yellow River.

Once this project is completed, then the shipping routes of the Qin Dynasty will be connected.

Where the canal passes, there is no need to worry about drought or flooding.

When there was a drought, the people could use the water from the canal for irrigation.

In times of flooding, the canal can also act as a flood store.

Whether it is drought or flood, the people in the surrounding area are able to grow crops well.

Of course, such a vast project requires a lot of manpower and 397 material resources, and it takes a lot of time.

It can take five years, ten years, or even more to complete.

However, as long as the Grand Canal can be completed, no matter how long it takes, it will be worth it.

Ying Zheng sent hundreds of thousands of people to repair the emperor's tomb to build the Grand Canal.

Another 10,000 soldiers were sent to Zheng Guo to supervise these hundreds of thousands of people.

All the costs of building the Grand Canal can be paid from the national treasury.


Yingzheng found Meng Fu and handed over the task of building Qin Chi Road to Meng Fu.

Ying Zheng planned to build a total of nine gallop roads with Xianyang as the center.

The first is the Upper County Road leading from Gaoling to Upper County.

The second, out of Guguan, along the Yellow River through Shandong Dingtao, Linzi to Chengshanjiao Oriental Road.

Chengtoujiao, located in the easternmost part of the Shandong Peninsula, is also known as the end of the sky, Chengshantou, Shandong Shanzui.

This Oriental Road is a road from Xianyang City to the east coastline of the Shandong Peninsula.

After this road is repaired, it can go directly from Xianyang City to Songhai City.

The third, out of the Qinling Mountains, through the plank road of Sichuan.

Fourth, out of Longxian to Ningxia, Gansu West Road.

Fifth, the northern road from Jiuyuan to the north of Jieshi in Hebei along the Great Wall eastward.

Sixth, the Qin Straight Road from Yunyang to Jiuyuan.


There are a total of nine gallop roads, and Ying Zheng drew the routes of the nine gallop roads into a map and handed it over to Meng Fu.

These nine Qin Chi Roads are a very huge project.

These nine Qinchi roads, with Xianyang as the center, go from south to north and from west to east.

It can be said that the Nine Chi Roads covered almost all the land of the Qin State, and even reached the southernmost land of Baiyue.

After the construction of these nine gallop roads, its scale is larger than the construction of the Grand Canal, which requires a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.

In particular, the Qin Straight Road, from Yunyang to Jiuyuan, is more than 900 kilometers long.


Although the scale of this project is huge, once completed, it will open up the traffic between the north and the south, and the traffic between the east and the west.

This is definitely a good thing for the benefit of the country and the people.

If the nine Qin Chi Roads want to be completed completely, I am afraid it will take several years, or even more than ten years to complete.


The construction of Qin Chi Road is of great significance to Daqin.

No matter how much time it takes, they have to be completed.

If you want to get rich, build roads first.

Qinchi Road is a land route, and the Grand Canal is a waterway.

Once the construction of Qinchi Road and the Grand Canal is completed, then the land and waterways of Daqin will extend in all directions.


After Master Ban and Xu Fuzi came to Xianyang City, they were arranged to enter the craftsman bureau.

Ying Zheng ordered Master Ban to build a shipyard dedicated to building ships.

Once the Grand Canal is completed, these boats can be used to start transport.

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