"I'm using the Immortal Realm Divine Power. Guiguzi explained.

"Immortal Realm divine power, what kind of power is that?"

Hearing this, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the Northern Hell Son, and the Duke of Chu Nan were all extremely shocked.

The divine power of the Immortal Realm, they had never heard of it, sounded very powerful.

"The Immortal Realm Divine Power is a very special power, and its greatest role is to heal and heal wounds. "

"No matter how big your injuries are, I can heal. "

"Secondly, the Immortal Realm Divine Power also has an important ability, which is to restore your vitality, as long as you still have a breath, I can resurrect you with full blood. Guiguzi explained.


Hearing this, everyone gasped.

Their faces were full of shock and incredulity.

"This kind of power is really terrifying!"

"With this kind of power, no one can kill them. "

Donghuang Taiyi, Xun Fuzi, Chu Nangong, Bei Yingzi, Xiaomeng, and Chi Songzi were all extremely shocked and shocked.

In addition to being shocked, they also expressed doubts about the power that Guiguzi said.

"The divine power of the Immortal Realm, is there really such a god as you say?"

Chi Songzi slowly spoke, questioning Guiguzi's words.

"Believe it or not. "

Guiguzi didn't bother to explain to them, believe it or not.

Now, the vision of Donghuang Taiyi, Chu Nangong, Beiyingzi and others is very narrow, and they are not on the same level as him.

The divine power of the Immortal Realm is actually nothing, and there are other kinds of divine power that are called terrifying.

"Let's go. "

"I'll take you to settle in. "

With that, Guiguzi took everyone and settled everyone in the Qishi Mansion.

Bai Qi returned to the Killing God Guard military camp.

It immediately caused a huge sensation in the army.

All the soldiers of the Killing God Guard are very proud, and they are proud of their ranks.

Their commander is a land god!

He is the only land immortal in Daqin!

"General, I want to worship you as a teacher, please take me as an apprentice. "

At this time, Wei Qing suddenly spoke, wanting to apprentice to Bai Qi.

The baby on the side felt extremely speechless.

Unexpectedly, Wei Qing, a stunned young man, really dared to apprentice to Bai Qi in front of the public.

Just when Guan Ying thought that Bai Qi would definitely reject the 18th Jue Wei Qing, he saw Bai Qi suddenly nodded and said: "Okay, I will accept your apprentice, and from now on, you will be my Bai Qi's apprentice." "

Hearing Bai Qi's words, Guan Ying was dumbfounded.

Bai Qi actually accepted Wei Qing as an apprentice......

This is...... What's the situation?

In fact, the reason why Bai Qi accepted Wei Qing as an apprentice was entirely because of the First Emperor.

"Meet Master. "

Wei Qing immediately bowed three times and bowed nine times to Bai Qi, bowed to the teacher, and offered tea to the teacher.

Wei Qing officially became Bai Qi's disciple.



The main hall of Zhangtai Palace.

Zhang Han is reporting to Ying Zheng on the situation in Qishi Mansion.

"Your Majesty, the people of the rivers and lakes have enthusiastically joined the Qishi Mansion. "

"Even the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Chu Nangong, and the Northern Underworld have also joined the Qishi Mansion. "

"Good. "

Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction and said lightly: "It's time to implement the net infiltration plan." "

"This is a net infiltration plan made by the widow, and you follow the plan. "

Ying Zheng waved his hand, and a piece of music flew towards Zhang Han.

Zhang Han took the fold, opened it and took a look, and had a general understanding of this net infiltration plan.

The so-called Luo Net infiltration plan is actually a plan for the Luo Net Organization to infiltrate the Ming Dynasty.

The most fearful thing about the Nets organization is not that there are a few first-class killers.

It's about the terrible intelligence network that is being organized.

As early as the era of the Seven Kingdoms, the intelligence network of the Luo Wang organization had spread all over the Seven Kingdoms.

And now.

Yingzheng decided to let the Luowang organization infiltrate the Ming Dynasty and began to collect intelligence on the Ming Dynasty.

Before the Great Qin Empire and the Ming Dynasty, sooner or later there would be a big war.

And Ying Zheng wanted to collect as much information about the Ming Dynasty as possible before the big war.

He likes the feeling of being in control, and he's going to dominate this war.

Once the two countries go to war, the Great Empire will conquer the Ming Dynasty.


Zhang Han bowed and answered.

"The widow gave you a jade leaf. "

"It will be helpful for the infiltration plan. "

As he spoke, Ying Zheng waved his hand, and a jade leaf flew towards Zhang Han.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. "

Hearing this, Zhang Han felt extremely happy and excited.

He saw that some time ago, Bai Qi absorbed such a jade leaf and was promoted to a land immortal.

If he absorbed this jade leaf, although he would not be promoted to a land immortal, he would definitely be able to greatly increase his strength.

"You do what you planned......"

"If you have any information, report it to the widow at any time, and the widow will give you instructions at any time. "


Zhang Han bowed and answered.

"This space ring is for you, and everything in it will be used. "

Ying Zheng immediately gave Zhang Han a space ring.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Zhang Han hurriedly thanked him.

"Let's go down. "

"The minister retired. "

Zhang Han immediately turned around and left.

After Zhang Han returned to his mansion, he immediately absorbed and refined the jade leaf.

Not surprisingly, his strength has improved greatly.

He was promoted from the peak of the Grandmaster to the early stage of the Great Grandmaster.

Although he was in the early stage of the Great Grandmaster, he still held the divine power of the Vientiane Realm.

With his current strength, I'm afraid that even if he is at the peak of the Great Grandmaster, he has the strength to fight.

In addition to the increase in strength.

Zhang Han also discovered other wonderful uses of jade leaves.

For example, his five senses have been greatly improved.

The most important use of jade leaves is that it can release a world tree seed.

Through the World Tree Sub-Tree, even if he was thousands of miles away from the Great Ming, he could instantly travel back to Great Qin.

Immediately, he checked the space ring again, and there were some magical things in the space ring.

For example, the transmission note, such as the Shadow Stone, such as the Projection Stone, and so on.

These things surprised him very much.

Zhang Han immediately began to carry out the net infiltration plan.

In most countries, there are strict inspections and controls on foreign personnel.

This is to prevent some spies or some lawless people from infiltrating their own country, affecting the security of their own country, and causing chaos to the security of their own country.

If you want to enter a country, you must have a customs clearance document to verify your identity.

Otherwise, the border checkpoints will not let people in.

Of course, this is the normal situation of entering through the level.

There is also the case of entering not through checkpoints, but through those lofty mountains on the border between the two countries.

These lofty mountains and mountains, with no checkpoints and no one to guard.

Therefore, as long as you climb over these lofty mountains, you can quietly enter other countries.

Zhang Han wants to send a net killer to enter the Ming Dynasty, and it will definitely not work if he enters through the checkpoint.

Therefore, he ordered the net killers to climb over these lofty mountains and mountains and enter the Ming Dynasty in batches.

Batch after batch of snare killers entered the Ming Dynasty, and then hid their identities and began to collect intelligence on the Ming Dynasty.

The Luo Wang organization gradually established a huge intelligence network in the Ming Dynasty.

Soon, they got an important piece of information.

Daming is preparing for war in an all-round way, expanding the army with grain and building weapons............

This is obviously to use troops against Great Qin.

Zhang Han immediately used the transmission note to inform Yingzheng of this information.

For this information, Ying Zheng was not surprised at all.

He killed Zhu Di, the king of Yan of the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang could not be indifferent, he would definitely send troops to attack Daqin.

Zhang Han continued to collect information, and he told Yingzheng all the information he collected.

After Ying Zheng heard the information from Zhang Han, he had a general understanding of the environment of the Ming Dynasty.

The storyline of the Ming Dynasty has completely collapsed.

It is worth mentioning that the rivers and lakes of the Ming Dynasty are a hodgepodge.

The characters of Jin Yong and Gu Long are all blended together.

This makes the rivers and lakes of Daming very exciting.

Daming Jianghu ......

Ariakyo dominates one side...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There are six major sects that want to destroy Mingjiao......

There is the Sun and Moon God Cult that dominates the southwest......

There is the Wuyue Sword Sect to compete with the Sun and Moon God Sect......

There is a famous sword mountain villa full of rivers and lakes.........

There is a sword god Ximen blowing snow invincible in the world...... []

There is a sword saint Ye Gucheng and Ximen blowing snow to compete............

There is a Xiao Li flying knife, there is no false hair, and one knife determines life and death.........

There is a cold and glamorous princess of the Flower Shifting Palace to invite the moon......

There is the world's first mountain villa, the world's first ............

What's even more outrageous is that there is the Dragon Guardian Villa and the four secret agents.

In a word.

This river and lake is very exciting.

But the Ming timeline has completely collapsed.

Yingzheng feels that the Daming rivers and lakes can be regarded as the real comprehensive martial arts rivers and lakes.

In the court, the four major cases in the early Ming Dynasty have not yet happened.

However, it is not far from the outbreak of the four major cases in early Ming Dynasty.


Qingtian County, Nantian Township.

In one of the huts, there was a constant coughing sound.

An old man, lying on the bed, had a painful look on his face.

This old man's name is Liu Ji.

Speaking of Liu Ji, many people may not be familiar with it, but his other name, Liu Bowen, has long been famous all over the world.

As the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Bowen also held a high position and was ranked as an earl.


Because of his discord with Prime Minister Li Shanchang, he was afraid that Li Shanchang would retaliate against him, so he resigned and returned to his hometown.

Who knew that he was infected with a wind chill.

Moreover, the condition is getting worse day by day.

Now, he can't get out of bed and walk.

That's when it happened.

A figure quietly appeared in Liu Bowen's room.

"Who are you?"

Seeing Zhang Han appear, Liu Bowen was taken aback.

"My name is Zhang Han and I am from Daqin. Zhang Han said lightly.

"The people of Great Qin?"

Hearing this, Liu Bowen was even more shocked, he had already expected that Zhang Han was a spy sent by Daqin.

"What are you doing here?"

Liu Bowen asked.

"I'm here to save your life. Zhang Han said.

"Can you heal me?"

Liu Bowen was skeptical, his illness had lasted for a long time, and he had also seen a doctor during this period, but his condition never improved.

"Of course. "

"I have one condition, though. "

"That is, you must join Great Qin and work for Great Qin. Zhang Han said.

"Let me betray Daming, you don't have to think about it. "

After listening to Zhang Han's words, Liu Bowen's face changed in vain, he didn't think about it, and directly shook his head and refused.

As the founder of the Ming Dynasty, how could he betray the Ming Dynasty and switch to the Great Qin?

Moreover, the Great Qin Empire and the Ming Dynasty were preparing for war.

In this case, it is even more unlikely that he will betray Da Ming.

"I admire your sincerity to Daming. "

"However, the Ming Emperor is not worthy of your allegiance. "

"You have made a lot of contributions to the Ming Dynasty, but in the end, the Ming Emperor wants to kill you. Zhang Han said lightly.

"You talk nonsense!"

"How could Your Majesty harm me?"

Liu Bowen's face turned red, obviously very angry.

Zhang Han actually slandered Zhu Yuanzhang for harming him, which made him feel extremely angry.

Is Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang such a stingy person?

He has already resigned and returned to his hometown, and there is no longer any threat to Zhu Yuanzhang.

How could Zhu Yuanzhang think of getting rid of him?

"You won't believe what I'm saying 377 now. "

"However, in a few days, Zhu Yuanzhang will send Hu Weiyong with the imperial doctor to treat you. "

"At that time, your condition will not only not get better, but will become more serious. Zhang Han said indifferently.

"Don't bother talking. "

"I won't believe anything you say. "

Liu Bowen didn't believe Zhang Han's words at all.

As the founder of the Ming Dynasty, he could not believe Zhang Han because of Zhang Han's two or three sentences.

"That being the case, time will tell. "

The voice fell, and Zhang Han's figure disappeared directly from the same place.

Look at this scene.

Liu Bowen's eyes widened, his face was shocked, his face was shocked.

What the hell is this man, he disappeared out of thin air!

"Father, who were you talking to? "

Liu Bowen's eldest son, Liu Lian, walked into the room and asked.

"I didn't ...... It's nothing. "

Liu Bowen did not tell Liu Lian about Zhang Han's visit.

Hearing this, Liu Lian felt very puzzled in his heart.

He obviously heard another man's voice just now, why didn't he see anyone?

Although he had doubts in his heart, he did not delve into it.

Three days later.

Liu Lian walked into the room and said happily: "Father, Your Majesty sent Master Hu to bring the imperial doctor to treat you. "

"It seems that His Majesty still cares about his father. "

Hearing this, Liu Bowen's face changed greatly.

This situation is exactly the same as what Zhang Han said before.

He was considering whether to ask the imperial doctor to treat him.

In the end, he still decided to believe Zhu Yuanzhang and planned to let the imperial doctor show him.

"Father, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Liu Bowen's face, it was very ugly.

Liu Lian asked with some puzzlement.

"I didn't ...... It's nothing. Liu Bowen shook his head.

After a while, Hu Weiyong walked into the room with the imperial doctor.

"Imperial Doctor Zhang, you can give Lord Liu a good treatment. "

Hu Weiyong instructed the imperial doctor.

"Yes. "

Imperial Doctor Zhang began to treat Liu Bowen.

"Lord Liu is infected with the wind and cold, so it doesn't matter. "

"I will prescribe a prescription for Lord Liu to ensure that the medicine will cure the disease. "

As he spoke, Imperial Doctor Zhang prescribed a prescription for Liu Bowen.

Liu Lian hurriedly grabbed the medicine according to the prescription.

"Lord Liu, you take good care of your illness, and after a while, Your Majesty will come to see you. "

Hu Weiyong gave Liu Bowen a fake comfort.

"Thank you, Lord Hu, for this trip. Liu Bowen said.

"Then I'll go first, you take care of your illness. "

Hu Weiyong immediately took the imperial doctor and left here.

It didn't take long.

Liu Lian grabbed the medicine and decocted it.

A steaming bowl of medicine was placed in front of him.

Liu Bowen hesitated.

To drink, or not to drink?.

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