Chapter 0062 Win Away: Ocean Supremacy? I'm going to decide!!!

At this time in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, the Western countries were already developing quite well.

Moreover, because history has changed too much, it is not certain whether the countries on the other side of the ocean have begun the first industrial revolution ahead of schedule.

If not, it's just that.

But if the trajectory of history changes, the first industrial revolution has already begun.

Then the late Ming world they are in now is going to be lively!

Under normal circumstances, if history has not changed, the first industrial revolution began in England in the forties of the eighteenth century!

Kai56 created an era of replacing manual work with machines, and far more than just a technological revolution, but also a far-reaching social change!

The most important thing is that the colonial rule of Western countries began at this time!

And what is the situation in Daming now?

The manufacture of artillery was far from mature, and even relied on imports from Portugal.

Moreover, due to thousands of years of feudal tradition, as well as the contempt of Confucianism for those skilled craftsmen and the lack of attention to various new technologies, the speed of development is like a snail!

When I thought of this, I really gasped.

If those Western countries are already carrying out or even completing the first industrial revolution, then if they attack Daming, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow!

Even if he won away with the Cangtian Realm Gate in hand, his heart still felt a chill.

After all, although the Cangtian Realm Gate is powerful, it can indeed bring a variety of extreme rewards.

But there is one point, the Cangtian Realm Gate is difficult to do.

That is the transformation of advanced thinking!

Western countries, especially England, even in the original history, completed the Glorious Revolution in 1688, established a constitutional monarchy, and began the journey of the empire that never sets!

In the east, there is also a Toei who does not know if the Meiji Restoration has begun!

This projectile land, which has a deep blood feud with Huaxia both in history and in the future, once it becomes strong, and Daming has no ability to resist, it will definitely be an unprecedented disaster!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the late Ming Dynasty where they are now even has an embattled crisis!

Suddenly, my scalp was slightly numb, but at the same time, it was more of a fighting intent

"I don't want to know, I will really be shocked when I think about it!"

Win Li whispered.

Zulong looked at the changing face of Yingli on the side, and he also had some bad feelings in his heart.

"Li'er, what's wrong?"

Zulong asked.

"Sonchen thought about how we should spend our three years here!"

"I also thought of how to greatly improve the completion of the salvation of the world at the end of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Moreover, if what the children expected comes true..."

"Then our Great Qin Empire can leapfrog thousands of years in one step and enter an era of unprecedented strength!"

"When I think of this..."

"The son-in-law can't help but tremble with excitement!"

Yingli looked up at the place where Dongying and the Western countries were, already thinking about what to do next.

Zulong and Bai Qi, Wang Yi, and Meng Tian heard the words of winning and leaving, and their faces suddenly changed!


"Eighth Prince!"


"Can it really make the Great Qin Empire leapfrog a thousand years in one step?"

"What are your plans?"

The first emperor and several people were completely aroused by curiosity and asked one after another.

"Yes, regardless of whether what I expected has really happened, after experiencing the late Ming world, Daqin will be extremely strong in a short period of time!"

"If it is handled well, it is really not impossible to pass on for thousands of years! Zulong took a deep breath and nodded heavily. "


"Father believes in you!"

"Whatever you have in mind, be bold!"

"The 600,000 Great Qin soldiers brought by Xu can be called by you!"

Wu'an Jun next to him, Meng Tian, Wang Yi and others also spoke: "Eighth Prince!" "

"I'm ready to wait for you at any time!"

Yingli nodded slowly, and continued: "Don't worry, I won't be polite then!" "

"It's just that I want to realize the idea in my heart..."

"There is one thing that must be had!"

When the words fell, Ying Li looked at Chongzhen and said with great anticipation: "The emperor of Daming..."

Before Yingli finished speaking, Chongzhen smiled and said, "The Eighth Prince can just call me Zhu Youzhen directly!" "

Winning is noncommittal.

"Okay then!"

"Zhu Youzhen, let me ask you!"

"Are the drawings of those treasure ships when Zheng He, the Tianbao eunuch Zheng He, during the Yongle Emperor's seven voyages to the West, still have them preserved?"

Yingli stared at Chongzhen tightly, afraid that he would say no.

After all, for the land of Kyushu, which is a landlocked country, if you want to conquer the eastern and western countries across the sea, it is impossible to do without strong ships and cannons!

And those giant treasure ships that Zheng He used to go to the West during the Yongle period are really suitable!

Columbus discovered the New World in 1492, but Zheng He's seventh voyage to the West was a full sixty-two years before him!

As for the first time, it was more than eighty years earlier!

Yongle Emperor Zhu Di is the only emperor with ocean consciousness in thousands of years in China, and the Yongle Dynasty is moving towards the Ocean Empire!

This is the only correct way for Chinese civilization to avoid decline, and before the great voyage of Europe, Zhu Di had the courage to make such a forward-looking choice, which can definitely be called an emperor of the ages.

The only emperor who has valued the sea in thousands of years of history, this is the only one! All the tragedies in modern China are because of the disconnection with the ocean!

The limitations of agricultural civilization can also create a rotten and closed Manchu Qing! It seems to be a vast territory, but it is actually a decaying old empire with decaying roots, extremely weak, and shattered when touched.

Only vitality from the sea can bring new vitality to the Chinese civilization.

In the hundreds of years since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Huaxia has unparalleled trade capital

Silk, tea, porcelain, rhubarb, are all luxuries that Europeans crave!

With such a unique advantage, as long as the state-led maritime trade system is maintained and maritime hegemony is firmly grasped, China will truly get out of a dead end.

It's a pity that Zhu Di not only has a good holy grandson, but also a great-grandson of the God of War!

After the great-grandson of the God of War, the emperors after that have ambitions, but they can no longer change anything!

At that time, it was clear that Huaxia was the first-class maritime power on the entire earth!

At that time, the combined maritime military strength of all countries in the world was not enough for Zheng He to squeeze in the palm of one hand.

However, it is a pity that because of too many reasons, Huaxia, which has the most powerful naval power, missed the maritime supremacy!

And this miss, is more than six hundred years, until the time of winning and leaving the crossing, Huaxia is still catching up, but the gap is still visible to the naked eye!

In the winning centrifuge, this incident can simply be listed as the most regrettable event in the history of thousands of years in China!

How important is the supremacy of the seas, it is clear to win away from those who have crossed over in the afterlife!

If Huaxia Kyushu can firmly grasp maritime supremacy from the time of Zheng He, how can there be a certain country whose own history is less than 300 years old, repeatedly invaded in future generations?

How can there be regrets about 81192?

Thinking about this, Yingli sighed in his heart: "Since, at that time, he failed to successfully complete the complete control of maritime hegemony"

"Since I have come to this great next year, and I have 600,000 Great Qin soldiers who are happy when they hear the battle, if I don't make up for this regret, what kind of traverser is it?"

Chongzhen next to him pondered bitterly, racking his brain, recalling the drawings of Western treasure ships that he had hardly paid attention to...

Zulong and the others also saw the importance of this matter from the expression of winning and leaving, and looked at Chongzhen fixedly.

After a long time, Chongzhen seemed to have thought of something, and said a little helplessly: "Chengzu was quite far away at that time, and if the materials at that time were preserved, they would definitely be found!" "

"But I remembered one thing..."

Chongzhen couldn't help but clench his fists and said with resentment: "The drawings of the treasure ship should be gone!" "


Win Li couldn't help but curse angrily, angry enough.

Although the Zulong people did not know what happened, their faces were also very ugly

"Did Liu Daxia burn this thing?"

Win is about to burst into flames.

Chongzhen nodded helplessly.

Win Li originally thought that the history of this late Ming world has changed a lot.

Therefore, he expected that the drawings of the treasure ship from the Yongle Emperor period would still be there.

When the time comes, build a big ship according to the drawings, improve it slightly, occupy Dongying, and destroy the Western countries, it is not a problem at all!

But now, without drawings, it really makes winning and leaving extremely uncomfortable.

In the original history, after Zheng He's voyage to the West, the open-minded faction in the imperial court gradually lost its momentum!

The group of civil servants who controlled the imperial court had a low eye and a narrow vision, and could not see the rich resources contained in the sea and the huge benefits that ocean trade brought to the country and the nation

I don't even understand the importance of expanding colonies through the sea!

On the contrary, they think that going to the West costs money and food and brings bad people's hearts!

More seriously, in order to prevent the emperor from restarting his voyages to the West, the diehard Wen Chen led by Liu Daxia took advantage of the opportunity to take charge of the database of the Ministry of Works to destroy all the drawings and other important materials of Zheng He's treasure ship, and also forced the emperor to order that neither the government nor the people were allowed to go to sea, and imposed a sea ban!

Since then, once crisscrossed the South China Sea, the Western Chinese treasure ship has quietly lay in the port, slowly rotten!

And following the rotten treasure ship, there should be a brilliant Huaxia 3.5 future, but in the following five or six hundred years, Huaxia was constantly bullied at the doorstep, cut land and pay compensation, and lost power and humiliated the country!

Such a burning directly burned the 500-year glorious history of China, surrendered the ocean to Western colonists, and China has always suffered from it, even the beautiful and rich South China Sea is crying!

"Go to Nima's Liu Daxia!"

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and I couldn't help but burst into foul language.

"Just you return Shangshu to the Ministry of Work!"

"It's really blind to this position that is closest to technological progress!"

Chongzhen cautiously asked, "Eighth Prince, what should I do now?" "

"Since the Chengzu period, Daming has not invested any more energy in making treasure ships!"

"Now that the chaos in the world has just ended, those craftsmen who know how to make treasure ships still don't know where they are."

Yingli looked in the direction where Dongying and the Western countries were located, and seemed to smell the smell of gunsmoke, and the sense of urgency in his heart prompted him to come up with a way.

"Zheng He... Zheng He..."

"The colonists..."

"Portugal... English, Netherlands..."


Pacing back and forth to win, his eyes lit up, and he instantly thought of a person! Just bring this person back!

Not only can the shipbuilding matter be solved quickly, but even the admiral governor has it!

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