Senior Brother Simon?

He's getting stronger again!

The moon god looked at Ximen Blowing Snow, and immediately froze.

Where could she not recognize it, this was clearly the master who drove her away when she spied on the Ancestral Dragon Palace!

It's just that although Ximen Chuixue was strong at the beginning, he was only an ordinary Grandmaster Realm master!

And now, the feeling that this white-clothed swordsman gave her was like a heavenly sword piercing the sky, which made people unable to look at it directly!

"You can go in, but don't make a noise!"

Ximen Chuixue stood holding his sword, and his cold voice echoed between heaven and earth.

Everyone was stunned.

You know, this white-clothed swordsman is facing the most honorable King Qin today!

Dare to be so rude? Aren't you afraid of King Qin's anger?

However, what was shocking was that after hearing this, Ying Zheng not only did not get angry, but bowed his head slightly, and then opened his mouth to order.

"Meng Tian!"

"The minister is here!"

Immediately, Meng Tian stepped forward and gave his hand.

"Come in with the widows!"

Ying Zheng spoke, and then walked directly into the Ancestral Dragon Palace.

Meng Tian and the moon god and the others quickly followed!


As soon as they entered the Ancestral Dragon Palace, everyone felt a strong coercion enveloping them!


Luna was shocked in his heart!

In her perception, the Ancestral Dragon Palace has obviously changed a lot from before!

This time when he entered the Ancestral Dragon Palace, the oncoming supreme coercion on his body made the moon god always have the illusion of being watched by the gods!

Of course, she naturally didn't know, this was because after Jiang Han broke through to the seventh level of the Dynasty National Fortune, his control over the dojo was stronger!

In addition to the moon god, Meng Tian and the others were also shocked, but they were all coming to the Ancestral Dragon Palace for the first time, and naturally they didn't know that the coercion that shrouded them had only recently appeared!

"This is Longmen Waterfall!"

Meng Tian looked up at the gushing river falling from above the nine heavens, and his face was shocked.

It is also strange to say that Longmen Waterfall falls from the sky, day and night, into a small lake built in the Zulong Palace!

It stands to reason that such a large waterfall would have flooded the entire Xianyang City a long time ago!

But in fact, the waterfall above the nine heavens fell into the lake, and it only set off a splash, and then it was silent!

"The nine of you, you can enter Longmen Waterfall!"

"Whoever crosses the Dragon Gate can attain the cultivation of the Grandmaster!"

"As for the opportunity of heaven and man, it depends on your own creation..."

Ying Zheng stood in the Ancestral Dragon Palace and spoke with his hands in his hands.


Meng Tian and the others took the lead.

After that, several people went in the direction of Longmen Waterfall!

Zulong Palace inner lake, there is a lake pavilion, the closest to Longmen Waterfall, can be used as a starting point to enter the waterfall!

After a few people entered the Lake Pavilion, Meng Tian glanced at everyone, and then without saying a word, he jumped and jumped directly into Longmen Waterfall!


Swish! Swish......

Immediately behind Meng Tian, the moon god and the big siming and others were not to be outdone, and plunged into the moon into the Longmen Waterfall!

"Look! Here we go! "

"Here they go! The experience of Longmen Waterfall..."


Outside the Ancestral Dragon Palace, someone stood on several floors of pavilions, looking condescendingly into the Ancestral Dragon Palace!

At this moment, outside the Ancestral Dragon Palace, countless masters from the Six Nations froze their eyes, looking at the situation of Longmen Waterfall with a concerned expression!

Despite the rumors in the rivers and lakes, anyone who crosses the Dragon Gate can obtain the cultivation of the Grandmaster, and among them, there is a chance of heaven and man!

But in the end, it was too much to believe!

It is inevitable that some people are skeptical!

Now, it's finally time to be able to test the truth of the rumors...

Inside Longmen Waterfall!


As soon as Meng Tian entered the waterfall, in an instant, a monstrous pressure pressed on him on the spot!

This heavy pressure was like a primeval sacred mountain, and it was almost crushed by Meng Tian in just a moment!


Meng Tian roared angrily, and his body was bruised!

After all, it is the immortal killing god on the battlefield, Meng Tian's will is so strong, he immediately uses his internal force to forcibly carry the coercion that falls on his body!

And at this time, behind Meng Tian, the moon god and others entered one after another!


The figure of the moon god was one on his feet, and the other was almost unstable, and was directly pressed down.

"This coercion!"

The moon god was horrified in his heart, and the Yin and Yang family mana in his body was running wildly, and he could barely resist!

After that, the moon god glanced at the few people around him, and found that all of them had a painful look as if they were under extreme pressure, and they couldn't help but have a flash of inspiration in their hearts.

This coercion turned out to be aimed at different people and had different intensities!

What a Longmen Waterfall!

The moon god couldn't help but be more in awe of the ancestor of the Qin Kingdom.


Inside Longmen Waterfall, Meng Tian roared, immediately stepped on the surface of the water, and jumped!

In the next instant, Meng Tian's figure went directly against the current!

It's just that the moment Meng Tian went upwards, he felt that the pressure that fell on him was growing exponentially!

With just one jump, just a few meters away, the pressure was almost overwhelming!

It's just that in the waterfall, after all, they are all masters of one side, or world-famous generals, all of them are strong-willed people, one by one, supporting this pressure and going against the current!

"Old Qin man, standing up to the heavens and the earth, what are you afraid of?"

In the waterfall, Wang Ben roared, his whole body was bruised, and he went upstream.

And beside him, Luna God and others are also holding up a strong will, rushing forward in the waterfall!

"Oh my God! You see, it's really going up! Go up! "

"Can a person swim upstream in a waterfall? Is this true? "

"It's incredible, you see, they're almost halfway to the waterfall! Maybe someone will really cross the dragon gate..."


In Xianyang City, countless masters were amazed, each gathering three or five, looking at Longmen Waterfall with a shocked face, and whispering.

And at this moment, regardless of the outside world, within the waterfall, Meng Tian and others went against the current, almost desperately, resisting strong pressure, and rushing forward!

The True Dragon's Nest is only hundreds of meters in the air!

However, this distance of hundreds of meters is comparable to ascending to the sky for Meng Tian and others!

The more later, the stronger the pressure falls on the body!

Until later, if you want to go forward, every inch is as if you are going to experience a life and death duel!

Enough hours!

Finally, Meng Tian rushed to the front and arrived under the dragon gate!


Inside the waterfall, Meng Tian finally arrived under the dragon gate!

However, at this moment, the coercion that fell on Meng Tian's body became extremely terrifying!


Meng Tian jumped sharply!



In the waterfall, Meng Tian's figure jumped up!

Above the nine heavens, golden clouds filled the sky!

At this moment, Meng Tian had a feeling of flying immortals, seeing the dragon gate in front of him getting closer and closer, jumped and directly crossed the dragon gate!


In an instant, above the nine heavens, a golden light shone!

Since Meng Tian's body, a terrifying aura that belonged exclusively to a Grandmaster Realm powerhouse instantly erupted!

, "Skip it!" Oh, my God! He skipped it! "

"Grandmaster! It turned out to be a grandmaster! Oh, my God! The rumors are actually true..."

"Grandmaster Realm! What a terrifying Longmen Waterfall! It's a miracle..."


At this moment, Meng Tian jumped over the dragon gate, preaching the Dao Grandmaster, and the city was in an uproar!

However, this was just the beginning, and soon, immediately behind Meng Tian, one figure after another jumped up and directly crossed the dragon gate...


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