With the power of the talisman seal, Meng Tian defeated Xiaoyaozi and killed two elders of the Human Sect.

Without these main forces, the remaining disciples of the Human Sect began to flee one after another. Yan Yun Eighteen rode for a while, leaving most of them, leaving only a few clever Taoist disciples to escape.

As soon as the Taoist disciples were defeated, the mechanical beast had no opponents.

Even if Zhao Jun has a hundred people and thousands of people, he can only slightly hinder the movement of the organ beast, but he can't help it.

Meng Tian's eyes toured the entire battlefield, and his expression was greatly lifted.

Zhao Jun has no backhand and can start a decisive battle!


"Thunder and fire bats, launch a bombardment!"

"Golden Fire Cavalry mounted and ready to charge!"

With Meng Tian's order, the Qin army immediately changed its strategy and launched an all-out attack.

At this time, the main general Li Muzheng of the Zhao army commanded the army with a serious look to deal with the attack of the organ beast.

Suddenly, a butterfly flew, and Xiaoyaozi appeared from it and appeared beside Li Mu.


As soon as Xiaoyaozi appeared, he opened his mouth to speak, but spat out a mouthful of blood.

"National Master, what's wrong with you?"

Li Mu quickly picked up Xiaoyaozi and asked anxiously.

Xiaoyaozi's face was as pale as paper, his eyes were stunned, and he didn't know where he belonged.

Li Mu kept calling, and finally woke him up.

Xiaoyaozi forcibly stabilized his mind, raised a breath of true qi, and pleaded guilt to Li Mu.

"My human sect is incompetent and failed to destroy the organ beast of the Qin army, please forgive the general!"

Li Mu also knew that Xiaoyaozi had done his best, and the Human Sect had even lost many disciples.

He didn't blame Xiaoyaozi, just let him go down to rest and recuperate.

As soon as Xiaoyaozi left, Li Mu's face suddenly sank like water, and there was a despair in his eyes.

Li Mu was called a military god by others, but he was not a real god.

With such a rabble who lacked food and grass and few weapons, against the incomparably elite army of the Qin State, as well as the invincible mechanical beast, if it were changed to another general, I am afraid that the whole army would have collapsed long ago.

Li Mu has been able to guard until now, and he is already a competent commander and extremely outstanding.

"I, Li Musheng, am a Zhao person, and I am a Zhao ghost when I die!"

"The king trusts so much, even if he breaks his bones, he must stick to it to the end!"

A look of determination appeared in Li Mu's eyes, he was ready to die in battle!

At this moment, Zhao Jun suddenly had another riot. Even with the military judge arranged by Li Mu, it could not be completely stopped.

"Bats! What a big bat! "

"The bat monster is coming!"

"Not good, there are people above the bats! That's the organ beast of the Qin army! "

The soldier with good eyes saw the black shadow in the sky clearly, and his heart was full of panic.

"People can actually fly into the sky!"

Qin Jun was actually able to make bat beasts and fly into the sky, which completely shattered their world view!

Li Mu looked up and looked at the endless black shadows in the sky, and his heart was also endlessly horrified.

As a general, he knows very well how powerful such a flying class of troops will be.

Even if there is no other means, just shooting arrows and throwing stones at the ground can cause great casualties.

"Archer, aim at the sky and prepare to release the arrow!"

Li Mu hurriedly ordered, but it was still too late.




A cloud of white smoke and flames erupted from the black tube on the bat's chest. The fist-sized shell fell into the dense camp of the Zhao army, and a violent explosion occurred.

The shell explosion overturned all the nearby Zhao troops, and Qiqiao bled to death. Countless metal fragments and lifted stones, with huge energy, shot into other people's bodies.

"Ah! My eyes! "

A Zhao Jun's eye was shot by fragments, like a rotten grape that exploded.

More Zhao soldiers, fragments into their bodies, kept wailing.

"The bat demon can spray heavenly thunder!"

"This is the power of ghosts and gods, and it is a heavenly punishment!"

"God wants to destroy the Zhao Kingdom!"

In the face of the bombardment of the Thunder and Fire God Bat like a ghost, the morale of the Zhao army was already extremely low, and it completely collapsed.

The ignorant and superstitious soldiers of the Zhao Army knelt on the ground and kept pleading. More are throwing away their armor and running around.

At this time, the organ beast in front of the camp also took the opportunity to exert its strength and broke through the defense line of the Zhao army in one fell swoop.

Li Mu pulled out the sword given by King Zhao and beheaded more than thirty fleeing Zhao troops in a row, his face splashed with blood, like a devil.

But even so, it still can't stop the wave of rout.

"Is it really heaven that wants to kill my Zhao Kingdom?"

Li Mu weakly knelt on the ground and looked up at the sky. The tears in the corners of the eyes mixed with blood continued to flow down.


A thunderous sound made the earth tremble continuously.


"The cavalry of the Qin army has attacked!"

Meng Tian led the Golden Fire Cavalry, a charge, stepped on the hill where the Zhao army was camped, and swept over.

Although these hills were not flat, they were not too steep and could not stop the cavalry.


"Defeat the Zhao army and capture Li Mu alive!"

Qin Jun's excited howl resounded throughout the heavens and the earth.

Li Mu stood up abruptly and looked at Qin Jiangmeng, who was in the lead.

"I, Li Mu, will die, and I won't let you capture alive!"

Li Mu's eyes froze, and he put the sword given by King Zhao across his neck.


"Minister Li Mu, this life is not worthy of Zhao Guo!"

Li Mu said nothing, and with force in his hand, the sword slashed through his throat.


A stream of hot blood splattered to the ground.

Li Mu gradually lost his life, but he was like a statue, still standing.

When Meng Tian saw this scene, he sighed in his heart,

"Although Li Mu is an enemy general, he is worthy of being a hero in the world!"

"Come, protect Li Mu's corpse and bury it thickly!"

Li Mu died, and Zhao Jun no longer had the slightest power to resist. The Qin army galloped across the country, invincible and took countless prisoners.

The 300,000-strong army of the State of Zhao was annihilated by the Qin army on the spot, and more than 150,000 were seriously wounded and captured. The remaining Zhao soldiers, like scattered wild birds, burrowed into the mountains and forests and disappeared.


Zhao Guo, Handan.

The news of Li Mubing's defeat and suicide spread back to Handan, and it was like the sky was shattered.

In the royal palace, a pilgrimage is being held.

King Zhao was anxiously waiting for the battle situation on the front line, and the atmosphere in the court was extremely tense.


The herald soldiers were in a hurry, and directly rushed into the palace and came to the court.

"Great King, it's not good!"

"General Li Mubing committed suicide in defeat, and the entire army of 300,000 was destroyed!"

The herald's words had not yet fallen, and the courtiers were already stunned.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of King Zhao's mouth, and his whole body withered.

"How could it be..."

"That's an army of 300,000..."

King Zhao stared blankly at the sky, his eyes full of despair.

The 300,000-strong army led by Li Mu was already the last strength of the Zhao Kingdom. As soon as the army was defeated, Zhao Guo did not even have enough troops to guard the capital Handan.

"Oh my God! Even General Li Mu was defeated! What should we do? "

"Li Mu misled the country! Who will stop the Qin people now! "

"What to do? What to do? Are we just watching the Qin people kill like this? "


In the court, the courtiers were terrified, and suddenly made a mess, and they were all frightened on the spot.

The army under Li Mu was almost all the elite of the Zhao Kingdom, and the whole army was destroyed in this battle! That Zhao Guo... Is there still salvation?


And just when Zhao Guo's court was in chaos, another 100,000-strong herald rushed in.

"It's not good king, Qin Bing is here!"

"General Qin Meng Tian, the Golden Fire Cavalry has already arrived in the city..."

At this moment, the entire court was first quiet, and then exploded.

"How powerful is Qin Junyou?"

"How did you come to the city so quickly?"

The group of ministers first thundered, but for a while, they quieted down. The group of ministers looked at each other, and their eyes were immediately away.

An invisible thought, brewing in their minds.

"Could it be that the widow wants to be the king of the Zhao Kingdom?"

King Zhao's eyes were confused, and he seemed to recall the ancestors of the Zhao Kingdom. The kingdom of Zhao was defeated in his hands, what face did he have, to see the ancestors and the ancestors?

At this moment, King Zhao seemed to have lost his soul and just stared at the sky.

Not only King Zhao, but all the courtiers of the Zhao Kingdom had only a look of despair. They knew very well that even if the Heavenly God came to the world, Zhao Guo did not have the slightest vitality.

At this moment, they focused all their attention on Minister Guo Kai.

Guo Kai has always colluded with the party and controlled the government of the DPRK. Above the court of Zhao Guo, a hundred echoes.

He looked around and glanced at each of the ministers.

The minister who was watched by Guo Kai quickly lowered his head with a touch of his eyes.

Although no one said a word, everyone's thoughts had already been clearly conveyed. Guo Kai had no choice but to be this emerging bird.

He bowed and saluted and spoke loudly to King Zhao:

"Great King, Li Mu's 300,000-strong army has been destroyed, and Handan has no power to defend the city."

"Ask the king to lead the group of ministers and open the city to surrender Qin!"

Suddenly, hundreds of officials in the court followed one after another:

"Ask the king to lead the group of ministers and open the city to surrender Qin!"

King Zhao's expression was extremely ugly.


"You guys..."

Unmoved, the courtiers once again advised:

"Ask the king to lead the group of ministers and open the city to surrender Qin!"

King Zhao was finally helpless, he knew that the group of ministers had united, and if he did not agree again, it would be difficult to say.

"That's it..."

"Widow, descend!"


Meng Tian rode his horse and came to Handan City.

The gates of Handan City are wide open, and it is exceptionally clean and tidy.

King Zhao led hundreds of officials and nobles, kneeling neatly in the middle of the road.

The jasper state seal, which represents the power of King Zhao, was held high by King Zhao...


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