Huan ordered Zhao Zhao Yun and Wang Bian's troops to attack the Wei state in two ways.

At this time, the public revenge in charge of the Tiangong Academy suddenly stepped forward.

"Great King, the Tiangongyuan has made a batch of Tianji puppets in accordance with the method of making the Tianji puppets given by the ancestor, which can be equipped for the army and go out together!"

With endless pride, he repays the government of victory.

The method of making the Tianji puppet can be said to be ingenious. The public revenge experiment was repeated many times, and finally the production was successful, and the process of this production allowed him to learn countless magical knowledge and further his skills.

He didn't expect that so soon there would be results.

"Public revenge, how many puppets have been made, and what level are they?"

With a strong curiosity, Ying Zheng asked Gong for revenge.

"Back to the Great King, a total of two hundred human-level puppets have been made, and there are only two prefecture-level puppets because of the precious materials required!"

The public revenge directly ordered the people to bring two puppets and introduce them to Ying Zheng and Baiguan.

The first body is bronze in color, roughly in human shape, but larger than ordinary people, and there are many traces of organs.

The second body, the whole body is silver-white, the whole body is smooth and perfect, the body shape is the same as a normal person, and it looks like a warrior wrapped in full armor.

Gong Qiu pointed to the bronze puppet and spoke lightly:

"This body is a human-level puppet with the strength of a first-class master. The materials needed to make it are everything. "

"For example, the craftsmen of today's Gongyuan have mastered all the production techniques, as long as the king gives an order, they can make as much as they want!"

As soon as the words of the public revenge fell, a sound of inhalation suddenly sounded in the court.

"Shhh! So, as long as there are enough craftsmen, you can form a puppet army with first-class strength all the staff? "

Prime Minister Liu Bowen's eyes glowed with golden light, as if he was fantasizing about how strong such an army was! And all the martial generals in the court fixed their eyes on the bronze puppet, reluctant to look away.


Ying Zheng couldn't help but praise, his eyes full of appreciation.

"Give the widow all efforts to collect the materials needed by the craftsmen, the Tiangong Academy, and supply the whole country, and we must create a puppet army!"

The public loss was extremely excited, and bowed down to thank you.

"King Xie, the ministers and the Tiangongyuan will go all out!"

Then, Gong Lost Revenge began to introduce another puppet.

"This silver-white puppet is a prefecture-level puppet and has the power of a grandmaster!"

Saying that, the public defeat looked at the revenge with a hint of regret, and surrendered to Ying Zheng:

"It's a pity that the materials needed for that Tiangong puppet are too rare, and the Tiangongyuan has not yet gathered them."

"Otherwise, once it is made, it will have the strength of heaven and man, and it will have spirituality, open wisdom, and be like ordinary people!"

This remark immediately shocked everyone, and the courtiers were stunned one by one.

"Silver-white earth-level puppet. There is the power of the grandmaster..."

"My entire Great Qin, how many Grandmaster Realm masters there are!"

"And the heaven-level puppet can actually reach the legendary realm of heaven and man! Turn on the spiritual intelligence, no different from ordinary people! "

The more everyone spoke, the more incredible they felt in their hearts, the heaven-level puppet was so powerful!

"Good! Very good! "

Ying Zheng was greatly amazed and couldn't help clapping his hands.

"Well done by Tiangongyuan!"

"Pass on the widow's order, the craftsmen of the Tiangong Academy, and be promoted to the rank of knight. The reward was five hundred copper coins per person, one masonry house per house! "

"Ten pairs of Yubi for revenge, pearls and hundreds of horses, brocade thousand horses, gold thousand gold!"

The public was pleasantly surprised, and immediately bowed down, answering loudly in his mouth.

"The minister leads all the craftsmen of the Tiangong Academy, and King Xie rewards it!"

Ying Zheng was still excited, and he spoke loudly to the group of ministers, and his voice echoed throughout the Zhangtai Palace.

"The contribution of the craftsmen of the Tiangong Institute is seen by the few. All the Qing listened, no matter who it was, whether it was a craftsman or a farmer, as long as they contributed to Daqin, the widow would not hesitate to reward him! "

"In the future, you must not look down on the craftsmen and farmers, their contribution to Daqin is no worse than that of the Manchu Dynasty!"

Ying Zheng's voice was deafening, which made the hearts of the ministers break endlessly.

And the public revenge in charge of the Tiangong Institute was even more grateful, and the corners of his eyes were red.

He threw himself on the ground and cried.

"Hundreds of craftsmen in the world, thank the king!"

"The ministers and others cannot kill the enemy for the great king on the battlefield, and the court relieves its worries. But I must go all out and strive to make better tools and weapons, and do my part for the world of Daqin! "

The true feelings of public revenge were revealed, and his voice was hoarse, which also touched everyone in the court.

The reason why he joined the Qin State was because Ying Zheng attached importance to craftsmen and the like, unlike other countries, who just used it and did not have the slightest respect at all.

Although everyone knew about the craftsman's contribution, he turned a blind eye and was rewarded with a little gold and silver at most. In the bottom of my heart, I still regard them as lowly people.

Now Ying Zheng's words are a complete affirmation of the value of craftsmen, so that they can proudly raise their heads in front of everyone in the future!

This order completely laid the foundation for the Qin State to embark on the road of industrial development.


Outside Xianyang City, military camp.

With red eyes, Gong Yanqiu handed over two hundred human-level bronze puppets and two prefecture-level puppets of the Grandmaster Realm to Zhao Yun and Wang Bian, and each of them got half.

Beside him, he was also followed by two teams of craftsmen, responsible for manipulating and maintaining the operation of the puppet.

"Two generals, these days the puppet will be handed over to you, if there is any problem, just go directly to the craftsmen accompanying the army, they know all the techniques of the puppet."

Gong Qiu said while pulling out a large handful of red talisman seals.

"These puppets originally needed spirit stones to drive. But I searched the entire Daqin, and I didn't find any trace of spirit stones, but some precious jade, which can replace the drive. "

"It wasn't until later that I suddenly discovered that the Spirit Gathering Talisman made by the Taoist Heavenly Rune Pavilion could replace spirit stones, which was able to make puppets in large quantities."

While explaining, Gong Zheng opened the puppet's chest, revealing a small core.

He placed the red spirit gathering talisman into it, and then turned off the mechanism.

Suddenly, the puppet's eyes lit up and began to activate.

Zhao Yun and Wang Ben were greatly surprised to see it, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"How long can a Spirit Gathering Talisman drive a puppet?"

This is a key factor related to the combat effectiveness of the puppet, and it must be ignored.

Gong Qiu looked proud, patted the silver-white puppet's shoulder, and let it start its activities.

"In the absence of a big war, a Spirit Gathering Talisman can make the bronze puppet run for three months and the silver puppet run for seven days."

"If you fight with a master, the consumption will be greatly increased."

Gong Qiu commanded the puppet, performing various movements, walking, jumping, and brandishing weapons, allowing the two generals to observe carefully.

"You can rest assured, there is no problem with a Spirit Gathering Talisman to support a big war, as long as after the big war, replace the Spirit Gathering Talisman, there will be no trouble."

Zhao Yun looked at the puppet who moved freely, proficient in swords and spears, and did not feel interested.

"Let me try, what is the strength of this puppet!"

Saying that, Zhao Yun directly picked up his spear and attacked the silver puppet.



Zhao Yun attacked faster and faster, and the gun shot out like a dragon. Zhao Yun already has the strength of a grandmaster, and his marksmanship is even more amazing. But even so, he still failed to take down the silver-white puppet.

The spear was pointed at the puppet, but it only splashed a spark, leaving a little white mark, which could not hurt the puppet at all.


Zhao Yun pointed a shot at the puppet's heart, blocking its attack, and then closed the gun and stopped, his eyes full of appreciation.

"Such a puppet who can't get into the gun, the battle grandmaster can completely not fall behind!"

"When you join my army, you will be invincible, and no one can stop you!"

The more the two generals looked at it, the more they liked this ultimate killing weapon, and they couldn't put it down.

The public lost the revenge and twisted his beard lightly, proud.


Yangzhai, a border town of the Wei state.

Wei Guoshou was full of worries and wandered around the city.

The collapse of the domestic night pearl price also affected here, resulting in military instability and riots among soldiers. Although he barely suppressed it, he left a lot of hidden dangers.

At this time, a cloud of smoke and dust suddenly rushed into the sky in the distance, like a rolling long dragon, straight towards Yang Zhai.

Under the smoke and dust, there were countless Qin army cavalry dressed in iron armor and shining cold, and the rumbling sound of horses' hooves was like a thunder, shaking the heavens and the earth.

"It's not good, it's Qin Jun!"

"The Qin army has attacked Wei!"


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