Jiang Han was pleasantly surprised, this Heavenly Dao Qi Luck Gui was really miraculous, and very practical. A great Qin's national strength, providing Heavenly Dao Qi Luck Gui, must be able to produce a large number of Qi Luck Beads.

"Emperor Liu, Qingling Rice, Qi Luck Bead, with these three supreme treasures, Daqin's cultivation world will definitely be able to develop rapidly!"

Jiang Han calculated that the side task of Reiki revival should soon have phased results!

"Kill Xiang Yu, the son of luck, and reward so many things, then the other protagonist, Liu Bang, can't let it go!"

When Jiang Han thought of this, his heart moved.

Now that Daqin is prosperous, naturally there is no chance for Liu Bang Xiang Yu, and before Daqin opened the imperial examination, Xiao He Chen Ping, the two outstanding civil servants, also returned to Daqin.

Without these civilized and martial wings, Liu Bang is just an old rogue!

However, Liu Bang's hometown was in Pei County, and it was not under the rule of the Qin state at this time. But soon, the Qin army will sweep here.

Jiang Han opened his delusional eyes and saw the Zhengzheng in the Xianyang Palace. At this time, he was facing the map sand table, analyzing the war reports from the front.


Jiang Han's majestic voice sounded next to Ying Zheng's ears, and he immediately put down the things in his hand, stood up respectfully, and saluted the void.

"What did the ancestor order?"

This was not the first time that Ying Zheng had received a summons from the ancestor, so it was not the slightest surprise.

"There is a person in Huijipei County, named Liu Bang, or also Liu Ji, who is a heroic man of human nature and once served as a disciple of Xinling Jun."

"This seat senses the heavenly machine, this person is a rebel thief of the Heavenly Destiny, which hinders the world of Daqin!"

"Find him and kill him!"

Jiang Han briefly introduced Liu Bang's situation, and the rest naturally did not need him to make a move. Whether it is the East Factory or Luo Net, some of Daqin are masters of tracking and probing.

When Ying Zheng heard the ancestor say that there was a destiny against thieves, he was immediately shocked in his heart.

Dare to hinder Daqin?

No matter who this Liu Bang is, he will definitely be caught after searching the mountains and seas!

"Follow the orders of the ancestor, and the widow will send out his men, search it out, and kill it completely!"

Ying Zheng did not hesitate and cut to the chase.

Jiang Han bowed his head slightly, no longer paying attention to this matter, and fell into a deep sleep again.


State of Chu, outside Shouchun City.

The two armies of Qin and Chu fought each other, leaving countless bloody corpses.

Meng Tian cast the Wind Wing Talisman to kill Xiang Shaoyu, the son of Heaven's Destiny, in one fell swoop, completely cutting off the future of the Xiang clan.

When Xiang Yan saw this scene, he was immediately crazy.

"Meng Tian, you dare to kill my Ai Sun, I will never let you go today!"

Xiang Yan glared angrily, his hair was open, and desperately, he drove his mount towards Meng Tian.

Meng Tian was not afraid at all, but was overjoyed in his heart.

If he can kill the opponent's main general above the battle formation, he will definitely be able to make the morale of the Chu army plummet, and even collapse!

He grabbed Xiang Shaoyu's head and shouted.

"The people of the Xiang clan dare to resist Daqin, and they all deserve to die!"

"Not only do I want to kill the young master of your Xiang clan, but you old man can't escape General Ben's sword!"

Meng Tian took advantage of the fact that the effect of the Wind Wing Talisman was still there, and drove his horse at a gallop, sweeping over the heads of many entangled soldiers, and rushed straight towards Xiang Yan.


Xiang Yan looked at the head in Meng Tian's hand, filled with grief and indignation, and roared angrily towards Meng Tian.


Both of them were masters of grandmasters, and the movement of the battle was extremely high.

Although Xiang Yan is older than Meng Tian, his strength is not as good as Meng Tian. After a while, it was completely suppressed.

Meng Tian laughed heroically, activated the bloodline of the dragon, ran the Immortal Cultivation Technique, and his strength soared again!


A sharp sword light cut through Xiang Yan's defenses and stabbed into his heart.

After Meng Tian won his hand, he released his long sword and quickly retreated.

Xiang Yan's eyes were full of anger and sadness, looked down at the long sword on his chest, and let out a lamentation.


The corners of Xiang Yan's mouth overflowed with blood, his eyes stared ahead in confusion, and his expression gradually disappeared.

The peerless general of the Chu State and the head of the Xiang clan, Xiang Yan, died at the hands of Meng Tian!


As soon as Xiang Yan died, the three major legions of the State of Chu suddenly became chaotic, and they rushed to Xiang Yan's side to protect his body.

Meng Tian rode the wind-winged pegasus and quickly retreated to the Golden Fire Cavalry.

"The whole army listened to the order, divided and surrounded the Chu army, surrounded layer by layer, and did not let them break through!"

With Meng Tian's order, the Golden Fire Cavalry no longer entangled with the Chu army, and they converged one after another, increasing their horse speed and galloping across the battlefield.

The Chu army lost its main general, and the command suddenly failed.

During the confrontation, it was constantly divided by the golden fire cavalry and cut into small units.

The Qin army suddenly formed a situation of fighting more and less, and quickly wiped out the cut out Chu army units one by one.

"Xiang Yan is dead, surrender and don't kill!"

Qin Jun shouted loudly, and the sound shook the four fields.

The Chu army was sad and indignant and wanted to fight back. It is a pity that he lost his command, could not concentrate his forces, and was constantly broken and divided by the Qin army.

In the end, the surrounding Chu army, either dead or surrendered, lost its ability to resist.

Only in the center of the three major legions, countless Chu troops protected the body of the main general Xiang Yan.

The Golden Fire Cavalry surrounded it layer by layer, leaving no way out.

"Mechanical beast, attack!"

Meng Tian didn't want these Chu troops, trapped in the battle of beasts, and damaged too many golden fire cavalry. He directly transferred countless mechanical beasts to attack them.

A mechanical giant more than three meters tall, brandishing a giant axe arm, rushed in, setting off a shower of blood.

"Unparalleled organ, good!"

Many public loser disciples who controlled the organ beast were overjoyed and amazed.

"Annihilate the Chu army, don't let one go!"

In the face of such a powerful and invulnerable machine beast, the Chu army could not resist at all and was slaughtered!

Even if the Chu army launched a suicide attack regardless of life and death, it could not help the beast.

The generals of the Chu army eventually fell into despair. They stumbled to Xiang Yan's body, wailing and crying.

"General Xiang Yan, my subordinates have come down to accompany you!"

"When we arrive, there will be Huangquan, please take us and continue to kill the enemy!"

"The soul of the Great Chu Army will never be extinguished!"

Many Chu troops, especially the family soldiers of the Xiang clan, raised their swords above their throats.


The blade slashed through, blood splattered, and the generals of the Chu army killed themselves in front of Xiang Yan's corpse!

Countless Chu troops, who could not see the hope of escaping, could not hurt the organ beasts of the Qin army at all, and were unwilling to be killed by the Qin army.

So they came to Xiang Yan's body and killed themselves.

Seeing such a tragic scene, Meng Tian's eyes were solemn and he ordered to stop the attack.

The corpses of the Chu army who fell to the ground in front of them all committed suicide. In the end, all the surrounded Chu troops, not a single one hesitated.

Fierce Tiger, Thunder Leopard, and Teng Snake, the main forces of the three major ace legions of the Chu Kingdom, all committed suicide and were martyred for Xiang Yan!

Meng Tian straddled the war horse with a complicated expression.

As an enemy, he needs all these Chu troops to die!

But as soldiers, these Chu troops are worthy of admiration!

"General Xiang Yan, he is worthy of being a famous general of the Chu State!"

"The Xiang Clan Legion does not live up to the main general and the Chu Kingdom!"

Meng Tian did not hide his appreciation, such a loyal and righteous man really had a clear conscience!

"Come, bury the corpse of General Xiang Yan, the young master of the Xiang clan, and all the self-inflicted Chu troops together!"

"Order people to erect inscriptions to record this matter for posterity!"

With admiration and complexity, Meng Tian made the final decision. Then he turned his horse's head and headed for Shouchun.

The three main legions of the Chu army have been completely destroyed, and there is no longer the power to resist.

"The whole army obeys the order and attacks Shouchun!"

With Meng Tian's order, countless machine guns were all concentrated in the direction of the Shouchun City Gate.



On Shouchun City, countless Chu troops saw from a distance that the three major legions of Tiger, Thunder Leopard, and Tenglong led by General Xiang Yan were all destroyed, while the golden fire cavalry of the Qin army still had spare strength and came to attack the city.

One by one, they were desperate and demoralized.

At this time, the State of Chu had long been without generals, and no one encouraged morale and organized city defense.

For Shouchun's guards, they are also becoming more and more powerless.


A huge crack appeared at the gate of Shouchun City, but the city wall was bombarded too much by artillery fire and could not hold on.


There was a thunderous sound of collapse, bricks and stones flew and dust splattered.

Shouchun City Wall, completely collapsed a section!

"It's not good, the city wall has collapsed!"


"The Qin army is about to invade!"

The Chu army, which was already demoralized, saw the collapse of the city wall, and its morale completely collapsed.

Countless Chu troops gave up resistance and fled in all directions.

Meng Tian was below, and when he saw this scene, he was overjoyed.

"Golden Fire Cavalry, follow General Ben, from the gap in the collapsed city wall, into Shouchun!"

"Break the city, destroy Chu!"

Meng Tian raised his long sword and drank loudly.

Suddenly, all the golden fire cavalry behind him followed suit.

"Break the city, destroy Chu!"

"Break the city, destroy Chu!"

"Break the city, destroy Chu!"

For a time, the words of 'annihilation of Chu' were earth-shattering and resounded in the sky.

King Chu, who was hiding in the palace, was terrified in his heart, and his face was as pale as paper.

"General Xiang Yan is dead, and Shouchun City is also broken..."

"Chu Kingdom, is this going to perish..."

King Chu's heart was inexplicably sad, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.


Meng Tian led the Golden Fire Cavalry to rush through the breach of the Shouchun City Wall, and the tide poured into it.

"Some people guard the back road and occupy the important Fuku barracks!"

"The rest of the soldiers, follow me to the palace of the king of Chu and capture the king of Chu!"

Meng Tian was full of pride in his heart, and he took the lead, and rushed to the Chu Palace majestically.

At this time, in the palace, the ministers had already fled, and the guards did not know where they were, and many palace eunuchs, even holding the gold and silver of the palace, fled out of the palace to hide.

Meng Tian ignored this, went straight to the main hall, and found the king of Chu.

At this time, the king of Chu had already been paralyzed, without the slightest image of a king.

Meng Tian sighed infinitely in his heart, this Chu King's temperament was far less than Xiang Yan, Xiang Shaoyu, and even many self-killing Chu troops!

With such incompetence and cowardice, it is only natural that the State of Chu was destroyed!

"Come, tie up the king of Chu, collect the state seal of the Chu state and the map documents, and prepare to send it to Xianyang together!"

"Eight hundred years of Chu Kingdom, complete extinction today!"

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