Qi State, Qufu.

Outside Qufu City, the Qin army and the Yan Qi coalition army fought a big battle, with invincible firearms, the coalition army was completely defeated, and then the golden fire cavalry continued to chase and kill.

Outside Qufu City, corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed like rivers.

Seeing such a tragic scene, Qufu Shou completely had no intention of resisting and directly surrendered in Kaecheng!

Meng Tian sent a partial division and took over Qufu. Such a strong city, without wasting troops to attack, it was directly in hand, and Meng Tian was naturally very happy.

He straddled his horse high and swung his sword.

"Golden fire cavalry, gallop with General Ben in the starry night, drive straight to Linzi!"

Hissy law!

A war horse neighed, and countless gold-armored cavalry rolled forward like a torrent. In the territory of the Qi Kingdom, no one dared to stop it.

In this way, Meng Tian led the Golden Fire Cavalry to Linzi, the capital of the Qi State, and the troops came to the city!

On the Linzi city wall, the Qi army guarding saw this scene, so shocked that their breathing was short, and their hearts were about to jump out of their throats.

"Quick! Pray to the Great King, the Qin army is coming! "

The Qi army hurriedly closed the city gate and quickly reported to the palace of the Qi king.

Seeing such a scene, Meng Tian did not directly order the siege of the city, but led the golden fire cavalry and marched around Linzi. The rumbling horse's hooves were like thunderous drums, beating the hearts of every Qi countryman.

"General, don't we take the opportunity to storm the city?"

A partial general beside Meng Tian asked Meng Tian suspiciously. According to common sense, now that the defense of Linzi is unstable, it is a good time to take the opportunity to attack and win in one fell swoop!

Meng Tian smiled confidently, and his eyes were extremely arrogant. At this moment, the invincible temperament of the peerless famous general is heartbreaking.

"There is a saying in the art of war: the method of felling the army, the second felling the hand, the second felling the army, and the most felling the city and attacking the city is a last resort!"

"Today's Qi State is already in a panic, and there is not much resistance at all!"

"Wait and see!"

Seeing that Meng Tian was so confident, he would not say more.


State of Qi, Linzi, royal palace.

After the news of the total annihilation of the Yan Qi coalition army led by Yan Dan came, the courtiers were discussing with all their tongues.

One by one, their eyes were flustered, and they loudly rebuked Yan Dan for being incompetent. But for the solution to the problem, I can't come up with half a word.

King Qi sat on the throne, anxious.

"Waste! It's all waste! "

"You group of wine bags are not even as good as Yan Dan!"

The King of Qi really did not have a good impression of these courtiers, and he could not give any useful opinions, but he was a good hand at scolding!

At this time, a panicked soldier rushed into the palace to report the news.

"Great King, it's not good!"

"The Qin army is coming!"

The soldier's words immediately made the court quiet, and he did not react.

"Where did you hit?"

King Qi was flustered and asked eagerly.

The soldier took a breath before he was finally able to speak the whole thing.

"General Qin Meng Tian, leading the Golden Fire Cavalry, has already hit Linzi City!"

King Qi suddenly collapsed on the chair, his eyes were empty.


"How is it so fast..."

King Qi was first terrified, then only endless despair, and his voice was full of crying.

The courtiers of the court were also frightened by this news, and their fear was indescribable.

"Meng Tian's soldiers are coming to the city, is the Qi Kingdom still on the way..."

At this moment, Qunchen had no worries at all, and the fear and worry in his heart were released wantonly.

"Linzi can't be guarded!"

"I heard that the Qin Kingdom will kill cities that are not surrendered!"

"Meng Tian is a big devil who has killed countless people!"

Qunchen sighed, and the more he spoke, the more desperate he became. In the end, they all set their sights on the national minister Hou Sheng.

Hou Sheng also had the same idea in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

"Great King, we are already powerless to resist, or ..."


King Qi has long been afraid to die in his heart, once the Qin army breaks the city, he is definitely the first target, and there is absolutely no possibility of escape!

He shrunk his head and glanced around at Qunchen, as if asking for advice.

Suddenly, Qi Guoqun and ministers stepped forward one after another to advise together.

"Great King, descend!"

King Qi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, sat up straight, and his spirit lifted a little.

He actually had this idea for a long time, but as a king, it was difficult to speak. At this time, there was a request from the group of ministers, so he immediately agreed.

"Good! Just according to the secretary of state! "

"Widow, descend!"


Outside Linzi City, Meng Tian rode his war horse and looked down in front of him. An emissary who bowed down brought the news that the entire Qi state was willing to surrender.

Meng Tian's face showed an extremely satisfied look, he did not let the army attack the city, and finally waited for the delicious fruit of Linzi to ripen naturally and deliver it to him!

"Let the King of Qi bring the national seal and map documents, and open the city to kneel and greet him!"

Meng Tian was extremely domineering, and let the King of Qi kneel to greet him, but the envoy of the State of Qi did not dare to have the slightest objection, but returned to summon the message with great thanks.

Getting the desired result, Meng Tian did not have the original interest. It is not surprising that the monarch who surrendered has also seen more than one.

At this moment, what he was thinking in his heart was indeed the King of Qin and the Great Qin Ancestor who were far away in Xianyang. In Meng Tian's eyes, the stars shone brightly, and endless admiration and worship emerged.

"Strategize, win thousands of miles away!"

"The Great King and the Ancestor are the decisive factors for the great victory in this battle, and I am just a sharp sword in the hands of the Great King!"

"I am willing to be a sword in the hands of a great king, overcoming thorns and sweeping the world!"


Confucianism, Little Sage Zhuang.

Fu Nian stumbled back here, looking full of lost souls. The defeat of the troops outside Qufu City completely wiped out his confidence in helping the world's generals.

"Anti-Qin, is it really wrong?"

At this time, Fu Nian couldn't help but think of those Confucians who had long abandoned Confucianism and participated in the imperial examination of the Qin State; I thought of traveling to the Qin Kingdom, but never returned.

"Nope! Confucianism must not be destroyed at my hands! "

"The thought of Confucius and Mencius must not be severed!"

Fu Nian suddenly looked straight, and his steps hurriedly came to the back mountain. One of the current sages of Confucianism, Xunzi Xunqing, practiced here.

His hair is white and old. But the temperament is extremely harmonious, and there is no intention of decay.

"Uncle Junior, Fu Nian is wrong!"

Fu Nian knelt down in front of Xunzi, crying and lamenting.

"It's all Fu Nian's fault, not only burying the lives of countless Yan Qi coalition troops, but also encumbering Confucianism and Senior Uncle!"

Looking at Fu Nian who was crying like a child in front of him, Xunzi gently lifted him up without saying a word, but just patted him on the shoulder to show encouragement.

Fu Nian saw that Xunzi did not blame himself in the slightest, and his heart was even more sad and guilty.

He adjusted his posture and respectfully kowtowed three times to Xunzi.

"Uncle Junior, everything is Fu Nian's fault!"

"All the consequences caused by Fu Nian should also be borne by yourself!"

"The Taoist system of Confucianism must not be destroyed in the hands of Fu Nian!"

He stood up slowly, his eyes showing infinite determination.

"Please take care of Uncle Master, the Taoist system of Confucianism must also rely on Uncle Junior to inherit and carry it forward!"

Saying that, Fu Nian turned around and walked firmly towards the gate of the Little Sage Zhuang.

Xunzi looked sad, and his eyes were red. He trembled and stretched out his old arm, wanting to hold Fu Nian.


Xunzi opened his mouth stiffly, but in the end he didn't say anything, only a sigh, which was blown away by the mountain wind.

If it were Xunzi himself, he would make the same choice.

Fu Nian is reasonable, Fu Nian can die, but the inheritance of Confucianism can never be destroyed!


At the gate of the Little Sage Zhuang, Tianze came with many masters and countless black-armored Qin troops.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the Little Sage Zhuang, he saw a man dressed in white, carrying a thorn and kneeling down.

Fu Nian was not surprised to see Tianze bring people here. He first bowed respectfully, and then slowly spoke.

"A thousand mistakes, all Fu Nian's fault!"

"All this has nothing to do with Little Sage Zhuang and nothing to do with Confucianism!"

"Fu Nian is willing to bear all the blame, just don't hurt the little sage Zhuang!"

After saying that, Fu Nian kowtowed again, his head dead against the dirt, and he no longer moved.

Tianze's eyes were indifferent, and he glanced at the little sage Zhuang, and in the end there was no other action, just a cold opening.

"Lock up Fu Nian and send him to Xianyang, waiting for the king to fall!"

The Qin army behind him quickly stepped forward, tied Fu Nian with a thick iron cable, escorted him to the carriage, and headed for Xianyang......_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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