King Huanzheng of Qin ordered that land and water advance together to destroy the Yan state.

Yan Guo is located in the north, unlike the south, although there are many rivers, but they have not formed a dense water network. But the sea to the east is unimpeded and smooth.

Zhang Wei led the water army and directly through the sea route, outflanking the retreat of the Yan Kingdom Thistle Capital.

Meng Tian, on the other hand, led the Golden Fire Cavalry all the way north, gathering at Wuyang City, an important town in the Yan Kingdom of Yishui.

"General, there is news from Wuyang City just now, there are many people who are willing to respond internally and help us break the city!"

An East Factory agent hurriedly came to report to Meng Tianyu.

This is the effect of the world returning to the heart after the Qin Kingdom gained a good reputation. Before attacking the Chu and Qi countries, there were also many cities, and as soon as the army arrived, some people opened the city and surrendered.

Although Wuyang City in the Yan Kingdom is an important town, and the King of Yan has controlled it heavily, it still can't stop the surging people's hearts!

"The army gathers and prepares to storm the city!"

Meng Tian ignored what the secret agent of the East Factory said, and with the strength of the Qin army, it was easy to break through Wuyang City. It is better if there is something inside, it doesn't matter if there is not, there is no need to pin your hopes on the inner ying.

With Meng Tian's command, the rumbling horse's hooves rolled, shaking the earth.

"Thunder and fire god bat bombing, artillery machine beast attack!"

The two masterpieces of mechanical techniques were suppressed by fire first, which was already the standard process for the Qin army to attack the city.

Even though with the continuous use of the Qin army, firearms are known to the world, but knowing it, there is still no way to resist.




The entire Wuyang City was suddenly filled with artillery fire and sounded non-stop.

Faced with the huge casualties caused by the shells, the Yan soldiers were extremely terrified.


"My arm..."

"I don't want to fight anymore, artillery is so terrible..."

The Yan army guarding the city suddenly howled, and the army's heart was turbulent. This also gave time to surrender.

"Quick! Take the gates! "

"Open the city gate and let the Qin army in, we won't die in the artillery!"

"Fight back before the battle, not guilty and meritorious!"

Many of the internal Ying, who were originally soldiers and officers of the Yan Kingdom, at this time, while facing the oppression within the Yan Kingdom, while thinking about the benefits of surrendering to the Qin State, they exerted ten times their courage and easily took the Wuyang City Gate.


The heavy gates of Wuyang City were slowly opened, and countless internal responders who were ready to surrender cheered to welcome the Qin army into the city.

As soon as the city gate opened, the Yan army guarding Wuyang City was even more devoid of fighting spirit, and fled in all directions, with little will to resist at all.

As the vanguard troops entered Wuyang City and confirmed that there was no danger, Meng Tian straddled his tall war horse and slowly entered Wuyang City.

Along the way, from time to time, people on both sides of the street carried well water, wine, cakes and fruits, and sandwiched to welcome Meng Tian's arrival.

Meng Tian didn't know how many internal arrangements there were, but he certainly couldn't help but appreciate the situation of eating pot pulp to welcome Master Wang'.

"Don't worry, my Daqin army is strictly disciplined and will never harass the people!"

"From today on, you will all be the people of Daqin, the people of the Great King!"

"My Daqin will definitely treat them equally, and try my best to let all the people have food for hunger and food for cold!"

Meng Tian's words immediately made the people of Wuyang City rejoice and be overjoyed.

"General Meng Tian, Wansheng!"

"Daqin Wansheng!"

The people of Wuyang City, who were just from the Yan Kingdom, quickly shouted the slogan "Great Qin Wansheng", and for a while, the scene was extremely harmonious.

People who don't know still think that this is an inner city in the Qin Kingdom!

In this way, Meng Tian easily took Wuyang City, a major town in the Yan Kingdom, into his pocket, and quickly took over the city without a single wave.


Yan Guo, Thistle Capital.

Above the palace hall, King Yan and his ministers received news from messengers that King Huanzheng of Qin did not accept the collegial agreement of the Yan State and had ordered an attack on the Yan State.

King Yan sat on the throne with an ugly face, and he couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

"The widow actually knows that the Qin Kingdom will not let my Yan Kingdom go!"

"How can this person, the ambition of the wolf, be satisfied?"

Although King Yan said this, his heart couldn't help but feel lucky. Always looking forward to it, it can drag on day is day.

The courtiers were also speechless, like a stupid goose, standing on their feet.


At this time, a herald soldier rushed into the palace with 100,000 people and reported to the King of Yan.

"King! Not good! "

"The Qin army attacked the Yan Kingdom in a big way, and Wuyang City has been broken!"

"At this time, Meng Tian is galloping towards Thistle Capital with the Golden Fire Cavalry!"

King Yan suddenly panicked, and his voice trembled endlessly.


"How is it so fast?"

King Yan was terrified, and his heart was terrified. But as a king, he did not want to show his fear, so he transformed it into fear and doubled it.

"! Wuyang City Guards, what are you doing! "

"Come, give the widow the Wuyang City Guard, destroy the whole family, hang the corpse city gate!"

In the face of the frightened, frightened, and furious King Yan, no one dared to step forward to advise.

The guards soon took King Yan's order to kill all the families of the Wuyang City guards living in Jixu, and hung their bodies on the city gate.

This action made all the courtiers of the Yan Kingdom even more frightened.

They were afraid that if they were not careful, they would also be wiped out by the Yan King, and they would perish before the Yan Kingdom!

"The Qin army is attacking, and people must be sent to resist!"

After King Yan disposed of the families of the defenders of Wuyang City, he finally remembered the Qin army that had arrived. He swept his gaze across the court and fell directly on the Great General Yan Yi.

"Yan Yi, as a general of the Yan Kingdom, the task of resisting the Qin army will be handed over to you!"

King Yan couldn't help but say, directly took out the talisman and handed it to Yan Yi, not giving him the slightest chance to shirk.

"Be sure to keep the Qin army out of the capital of thistle!"

"Otherwise, the widow will ask you! None of your family members can escape! "

"Wuyang City Defender, this is your end!"

King Yan was extremely crazy, and in full view of everyone in the court, he threatened the great general Yanyi.

Yan Yi heard King Yan's threat and was furious in his heart. He lowered his head to hide his angry eyes.

"Obey the order of the great king!"

Yan Yi behaved unusually well, obediently took the talisman in King Yan's hand, left the palace, and went to gather the army.

As soon as he walked out of the palace gate, a trace of contempt flashed in Yan Yi's eyes.

"What a stupid pig!"

"At this time, they all surrendered their military power, and they actually dared to threaten General Ben!"

"I don't know if I'm alive or dead!"

Yan Yi took the tiger talisman and, with his name as a great general, quickly controlled all the Yan troops in Jiddu.

He gathered the army together, but did not have the slightest appearance of preparing to go out of the city to fight the Qin army.

Yan Yi walked up to the high platform of the barracks and loudly announced to all the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom.

"Fellow soldiers, the Qin army is about to call!"

"The Great King ordered us to keep the Qin army out of the capital of thistle, and if we let go of a Qin army, we would kill our parents and wives!"

Yan Yi secretly changed his concept a little, replacing King Yan's desire to kill his own relatives with the relatives of all the soldiers.

As soon as Yan Jun heard Yan Yi's words, he immediately exploded. Everyone was immediately angry and restless!

Everyone knows the invincible prestige of the Qin army, and letting them resist the Qin army is very dangerous, and it can even be said that they are sent to death!

At this time, if you don't reward the army, in exchange for the soldier's life, you actually dare to threaten the soldier's family!

"What a shit king!"

"I am incompetent, I actually want to kill our parents and wives!"

"Reverse him!"

All the Yan Army soldiers suddenly boiled over and became angry.

"Yes! Reversed him! "

"Reverse the King of Yan and welcome the Qin army into the city!"

These words are naturally entrusted by Yan Yi long ago, and they are intentionally guided. I have to say that Yan Yi's strategy is very successful.

All the Yan army soldiers were originally unwilling to fight with the Qin army, and at this time, hearing the threat of the 'Yan King', coupled with the guidance of people with intentions, they suddenly became angry.

Yan Yi suddenly stood up and called loudly.

"With General Ben into the palace, he turned against King Yan and sacrificed him to the Qin army!"

Countless soldiers followed Yan Yi and rushed into the palace.

King Yan was anxiously waiting for the military report in front of him in the palace, although he was very worried in his heart, he still had a glimmer of hope, hoping that Yan Yi would be able to resist the Qin army and continue to prolong the Yan Kingdom.

At this time, seeing Yan Yi rushing into the palace with a large number of soldiers, his expression suddenly changed greatly.


"What are you going to do!"

"Yanyi, do you want to rebel?"

King Yan's voice was fierce, but his face was extremely pale. Vividly and vividly illustrate the idiom 'color is fierce and timid'.

A mocking sneer appeared at the corner of Yan Yi's mouth.

"Yan Xi, you should have thought of today!"

Yan Yi didn't even call him 'Great King', and directly handed over Yan Wang Xi's name, which was extremely rampant.

"Yanyi, you..."

"You trust so much!"

"You wolf heart dog lung, pig dog is not as good!"

King Yan was still round-eyed, impassioned, and cursing angrily.

Yan Yi didn't care at all, he waved his hand, and suddenly a group of soldiers stepped forward and suppressed King Yan.

"Tie him up, let's open the gate of the capital of thistle and surrender to the Qin army!"

Following Yan Yi's order, the soldiers quickly bound King Yan layer by layer, stuffing a white cloth into his mouth, making him unable to move.

Yan Yi took the bound King Yan and flew away from the palace. It wasn't until Yan Yi walked away that sporadic Yan Kingdom courtiers came out from the corner of the pillar.

In their eyes, there was not a trace of resentment and dissatisfaction towards Yan Yi, or sympathy for King Yan, but instead they breathed a long sigh of relief.


After Meng Tian broke through Wuyang City, he led the Golden Fire Cavalry and went straight to the capital of Thistle.

At the same time, Zhang's navy also landed from the port outside Jiddu, and finally converged at the gate of Jixu.

At the gate of the capital city, Yan Yi took the Yan Kingdom and the ministers of the Yan Kingdom, and they were respectfully kneeling and waiting.

King Yan, dressed in white, was tied tightly and knelt at the gate of the city. The state seals of the Yan Kingdom, map documents, etc., were all placed aside.

Meng Tian's eyes did not look at this, but stared at the gate of the capital of thistle.

There, there is a row of corpses of men, women and children still dripping blood. It is the family of General Wuyang!

"Yan Kingdom, it's not unjust to be destroyed!"

Meng Tian sighed softly, sent someone to take over the Yan King's national seal and other things, and then the army entered the city, completely occupied the capital of thistle, announcing the demise of the Yan Kingdom!


True Dragon's Nest, Crystal Palace.

Jiang Han was in a deep sleep when he suddenly received a series of system prompts.

"Ding! The host bound Emperor Yingzheng completed the 'Mission to Destroy the Yan Kingdom'..."


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