In Xianyang City, there are hundreds of people cheering and watching.

Two sturdy prison cars, locked up by Yan Dan, the giant son of the Mo family, and Fu Nian, the head of the Confucian family, slowly moved forward under the escort of a group of Qin soldiers.

"Kill these two anti-thieves!"

"Dare to oppose Qin Daqin and divide them into five horses!"

"Yes! Decapitation is too cheap for them, it will cost five horses to divide the corpse! "

The people of Xianyang were indignant, and they couldn't wait to kill these two leaders of the anti-Qin forces.

Li Si was in charge of escorting the execution, he looked serious and did not say a word. Beheading is an order of His Majesty the First Emperor, and naturally it is impossible to change it because of a few words from the people.

At the gate of Xianyang City, a high platform has been built to facilitate everyone to watch. The reason why Yan Dan Funian was beheaded here was to deter the world.

The soldiers pressed Yan Dan and Fu Nian onto the high platform and tied them properly.

Lees ascended the high platform, sat on the main throne, and waited for the time to come.

At this time, among the crowd under the high platform, a group of mysterious people with strange looks gathered together silently.

"Xiaoyaozi is in charge, this hijacking of the court depends on Your Excellency!"

"Let's go and create chaos, and when the time is ripe, please ask Your Excellency!"

This line of people is the anti-Qin remnant who conspired in Organ City before.

This time, he came to hijack the Dharma Field and rescue Yan Danfu Nian, mainly the remnants of Taoism and Mojia. The Confucian people are not able to use force, and are responsible for the way back.

Xiaoyaozi nodded, Yan Dan had a close relationship with him and had a good relationship. In order to save Yan Dan, Xiaoyaozi was willing to take this risk!

Li Si sat on the high platform with an indifferent expression. He glanced up at the sky, the daylight was gradually intensifying, and noon was approaching.

"Chopstickman, prepare for execution!"

With Li Si's order, two black-armored Qin troops with strong bodies raised the big knives in their hands high.

At this time, the people of Xianyang below suddenly opened their eyes one by one, they were not afraid of blood, but they were ready to see this scene clearly.

"Do it!"

There was a sudden burst of drink in the crowd below, and suddenly, many strong men suddenly took out round balls from their arms, lit them and threw them around.



The explosion was accompanied by thick smoke, flames flew, and the scene was suddenly chaotic.

This is exactly the low-level firearms thunder ball that Xiaoyaozi imitated by himself after seeing the sharpness of Qin Guo's firearms!

However, it is clear that these firearms thunderballs are not passable, although the momentum is not small, but the power is only like a cannon battle, and no one has been killed.

Xiaoyaozi took the opportunity to leap, got on the high platform, and came to Yan Dan.

The sword in his hand flashed, and the ropes bound to Yan Dan's body were all cut off.

"Your Highness Yan Dan, go quickly!"

Xiaoyaozi picked up Yan Dan, and another Mo family expert beside him also broke the rope on Fu Nian's body.

"Anti-Qin remnants, where to go!"

Li Si shouted loudly, his body was full of powerful momentum, and he even had the strength of a grandmaster! He had already started practicing Immortal Cultivation Exercises, and now he had achieved great results.

At the same time, countless Luo Net, East Factory and other Qin State masters surrounded from all directions.

Xiaoyaozi was anxious in his heart, and clasped Yan Dan's wrist with one hand, and immediately noticed that Yan Dan's internal strength was sealed by layer after layer of Yin-Yang family curse.

"Let's go! Dream Butterfly Escape! "

Xiaoyaozi naturally knew that the Qin Kingdom would not be ambushed without masters. But the reason why he dared to forcibly make a move was because he had the secret method of Dream Butterfly Escape, which could forcibly escape.

In an instant, Xiaoyaozi, Yan Danfu Nian and the others were shrouded in a layer of brilliance, and they were about to flee in front of everyone.

"Want to go? Or stay! "

"Heaven and earth have lost their color!"

There was a sudden sound behind Li Si, and a layer of black and white ripples rippled over, quickly dispelling the glow on Xiaoyaozi and the others.

The secret method of the dream butterfly was suddenly broken!

"Tianzong Chisongzi!"

Xiaoyaozi gritted his teeth and clenched the famous sword Xueji in his hand.

"Junior Brother Xiaoyaozi, don't come unharmed!"

Red pine nuts fluttered down from the sky, with an indifferent demeanor, snow-white hair, but a rosy face like a baby, like a fairy man.

Chisongzi suddenly appeared, and broke Xiaoyaozi's dream butterfly escape with the color of heaven and earth!

At this time, the Mojia Taoist and the others, who were originally going to take advantage of the chaos and quickly evacuate together, were suddenly trapped in place and could not escape.


"Grandmaster Master! A lot of Grandmaster masters! "

Below the high platform, the anti-Qin remnants who came together to create chaos were killed one by one by the masters of the East Factory hidden in the crowd, leaving a place to scream.

Xiaoyaozi's face was livid, but he didn't expect that so many grandmaster masters suddenly appeared in the Qin Kingdom, and his dream butterfly escape was even broken by Chisongzi, and it was already impossible to save people.

"Chisongzi, if you are willing to be a violent Qin minions, you will not die well!"

"Your Highness Yan Dan, I can't save you today, so the poor road will accompany His Highness to the Yellow Spring together!"

Xiaoyaozi roared and directly killed Chisongzi. He knew that he couldn't escape, so he was ready to pull the red pine nut cushion!

Chisongzi was expressionless and looked at all this coldly.

With a flick of the dust in his hand, he stopped Xiaoyaozi's Xueji sword light. Then an incomparably huge aura emanated from Chisongzi's body, making Rujiutian's gods fiercely press towards Xiaoyaozi.


Xiaoyaozi was instantly knocked to the ground, unable to move. A strong internal force cannot be exerted at all.



"Have you broken through the legendary realm of heaven and man?"

Xiaoyaozi's face was terrified, his face was full of disbelief, and there was a trace of fanaticism about the realm of heaven and man in the depths of his eyes.

"Nope! One step away! "

Chisongzi's face was indifferent, he took a step forward, reached out, and the snow that fell on the ground automatically flew into his hands.


Xiaoyaozi also immediately understood that although Chisongzi's momentum was tall, it seemed very illusory, and it was not as terrifying as the legendary realm of heaven and man. But even so, it is enough to crush Xiaoyaozi.

"You have seen the road ahead, and you are only one step away..."

Xiaoyaozi looked lonely and desperate, and he couldn't tell what feelings he had.

He pursued it hard, but he didn't touch the realm of heaven and man at all, and Chisongzi had already stepped into it with half a foot.

"That's it, that's it!"

Xiaoyaozi closed his eyes in despair, no longer resisted, and waited for death by the neck.

Chisongzi took Xueji, who had always been a Taoist inheritance, and his expression was also a little complicated.

"From today onwards, the Taoist Sect will no longer be distinguished from the Heavenly Sect and the Human Sect, and the so-called Human Sect will perish!"

After saying these words, Chisongzi's figure shook and disappeared.

Li Si finally stood up, and with a wave of his hand, Qin Bing quickly tied Xiaoyaozi and Yan Dan Funian together. Together with the other captured anti-Qin remnants, they were all placed on the high platform.

"It's noon, chop!"

With a shout from Li Si, the snowy knife light fell.


Heads flew up, and blood splattered three feet.

Yan Dan, the giant son of the Mo family, Fu Nian, the head of the Confucian family, Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist family, and many anti-Qin remnants, all fell to the ground together, and their souls flew away!


The news that Qin Guo had killed Yan Dan Fu Nian Xiaoyaozi immediately spread to the world.

In the whole world, the nobles of the six countries who were connected with the anti-Qin remnants, the unruly rivers and lakes, suddenly panicked and feared.

And some anti-Qin remnants who could not turn back at all resisted even more fiercely.

"The more brutal the Qin Kingdom is, the more we have to resist!"

"Yes, we must write all the brutality of the government and spread it all over the world!"

Because the force was not possible, the Confucian people who did not participate in the rescue of Yan Dan Funian were indignant one by one and shouted and cursed.

They wantonly wrote books, wrote various pamphlets, and even posted notices, trying their best to smear and insult the government.

Confucians were originally located all over the six countries, and many of them were distinguished guests of the original six countries, and even obtained many knighthoods and land rewards. Now that the Six Kingdoms have been destroyed, their titles and lands have naturally all been confiscated by the Qin State and no longer recognized.

They were born anti-Qin in their hearts, but they didn't have enough force and courage to stand up openly. Nowadays, some people are spreading all kinds of pamphlets to smear the government, which immediately attracts them to join. One by one, they were constantly transcribed, and added to the vinegar, and spread to everyone who knew.

Therefore, when these Confucian students, whose interests were damaged, as well as many widows of the Six Kingdoms, saw the books and words that smeared the government and praised the beautiful Six Kingdoms, one by one suddenly fell into a climax and could not extricate themselves.

"Good! Well written! "

A gray-haired old man clutched a pamphlet that smeared the government, his face flushed and excited.

"Victorious dog thief, wolf-hearted, cruel, unkind, and absurd! The evil deeds of winning the government are simply indescribable."

"The strength of the Qin Kingdom is all built on the bones of my Six Kingdoms!"

"Xia Wei Shang, when it comes to cruelty, is far from being as good as a tyrant!!"

For a time, countless old and young people of the Six Kingdoms, countless nobles whose interests were damaged, and Confucianism, all joined this carnival like moths to the fire. When they saw these words, they were excited one by one and found spiritual sustenance.

Ten spreads, ten spread hundreds, and soon, the original six countries were full of such pamphlets circulating.

The whole world is suddenly expensive.


Xianyang, East Factory Station.

Sunflower Duke received the report and learned of this action, and immediately became angry.

His face was gloomy, and his eyes carried an endless murderous aura. The bone-piercing chill seemed to penetrate into everyone's bones.

"What a big dog guts!"

"Remnants of the Six Kingdoms, Confucian..."

"This father-in-law must uproot you and destroy your family!"

The spy kneeling in front of the sunflower duke was suddenly soaked with cold sweat, and his heart was beating wildly.


"All the hands of the East Factory, all dispatched!"

"Catch all the remnants of these six countries, don't let any of them go!"


Therefore, these Confucians and the widows of the Six Kingdoms who spread and smear the government can only have a heart higher than the sky and a life thinner than paper!

Qin Guo was responsible for supervising the secret agents of the East Factory in the world, and quickly came to the door.

"Come, arrest all these Confucian remnants! If there is resistance, shoot and kill! "

"All forbidden books that smear His Majesty the First Emperor have been confiscated"

"Anyone who dares to spread the bad words of His Majesty the First Emperor will also be arrested and sent to open mines and build roads!"

The East Factory ran rampant everywhere, sweeping away all the Confucian remnants who dared to smear the government. For a while, I don't know how many people were caught by Shun Vine. But the leader of the East Factory was not satisfied.

"It can't just end like that, there are still many left who have not been caught!"

"The Little Sage Village of Confucianism is definitely a base camp for anti-Qin Confucianism!"

"Hurry up and ask His Majesty the First Emperor to raid the Little Sage Zhuang!"

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