The locust plague disappeared and the sky cleared.

However, where endless locusts passed before, all they left behind was a mess!

The land of Bashu is left with all the devastation, the fields are bare and not even a trace of green remains, and hundreds of people almost cry to death in heaven and earth!

Inside the Zhangtai Palace, Yingzheng summoned Zhili Neishi.

"King, what is this potato? Forgive the old minister for being lonely and ignorant, he has never seen this thing! "

Wang Yuan, who was shining at Zhili Neishi, leaned over and looked at the so-called new grain crops that Ying Zheng had handed him, and his old face was almost screwed together.

"It's okay if you haven't seen it!"

"You just need to remember that this thing is enough to produce 10,000 catties per acre, and as soon as it is ripe in March, the potatoes will be pushed to the world, and the dilemma of my Qin Kingdom's autumn harvest without grain can be solved!"

On the throne, Ying Zheng was condescending, looking at this old courtier who was not confused.


"10,000 catties per acre? Ripe in March? "

"Great King, just as the so-called way of heaven is more than damaged and insufficient to make up for the inadequacy, how can there be such food against the heavens in this world! Wasn't Wang Shangmo deceived by some villain? "

When Zhili Neishi heard what Ying Zheng said, he was startled on the spot and hurriedly advised him.

Now the people plant five grains, and the harvest in a year is no more than 1,000 catties, and this crop called potatoes can produce 10,000 catties per acre?

How could there be such a crop against the heavens in this world!

Even if there is, it must be an immortal food that belongs to immortals, how can it appear in the world....


"Are you questioning the widow?"

Hearing the words of Zhili Neishi, Yue Zheng was furious on the spot.

Immortal food is given by the ancestor, in the eyes of Ying Zheng, the ancestor is an existence who is also a teacher and friend, leading him out of countless difficulties, such an existence in the heart of Ying Zheng, can be called the supremacy of gods, and now someone dares to slander Jiang Han in front of Ying Zheng, how can Ying Zheng endure!

The Son of Heaven was angry, and the heavens and the earth lost their color!

Jiri Neishi was so frightened that his legs went soft on the spot and he knelt on the ground.

"The great king is angry, the king is angry!"

Zhili Neishi trembled all over, and quickly called out for forgiveness.


"Just do the things entrusted to you by the widow, and do your duty well!"

Huan Zheng snorted coldly and spoke with an indifferent expression.

When Zhili Neishi heard this, he was amnestied, and quickly bowed to Yingzheng.


"Lao Chen will arrange it, and he will definitely promote potatoes and plant them throughout the country!"


After arranging the planting of new grains such as potatoes, he summoned Zhao Gao.

"The slave has seen the king!"

Zhao Gao wore a blood-colored official hat, and his five bodies were thrown to the ground and respectfully saluted the government.

In the face of Zhao Gao's almost morbid respect, Ying Zheng was already strange, sitting on the throne, looking down on Zhao Gao kneeling at his feet with a flat expression.

"Zhao Gao, you did a good job before!"

"Everything is the great king wise, and the slave is just a little bit of strength!"

Zhao Gao's tone was extremely respectful, and when he heard this, he knelt at the feet of Ying Zheng and spoke.

Not proud of his achievements, very sensible!

Zhao Gao's attitude made Ying Zheng feel a lot more satisfied in his heart.

"What is yours is yours, and the widow still disdains to compete with you for credit!"

"The king of everything has the final say!"

Zhao Gao replied respectfully.

Ying Zheng: "Meritorious work should naturally be rewarded, from today onwards, you will be the order of the oligarch's Zhongche Mansion!" "

"Previously, Lu Buwei was the prime minister, he had established a net, inspected the world, and carried out the duties of assassination, espionage, and inspection, and Lu Buwei was demoted to Shuzhong by the widows, and the nets were leaderless!"

"The widow has ordered you to reorganize the net and turn it into a sword in the widow's hand!"

"You, possibly?"

Ying Zheng's voice echoed in the Zhangtai Palace, Zhao Gao heard this, and suddenly felt that he was hit by a huge surprise, forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, his head was like pounding garlic, and he kowtowed to Ying Zheng madly.

"The slave will live up to the king's expectations!"

"From now on, the slave and the net will be the sharpest sword in the hands of the great king, and where the enemy does not die, it is the death of the sword!"


"Very good!"

"Now the widow will give you the first task!"

Huan Zheng looked at Zhao Gao's reaction, and a look of satisfaction appeared under his eyes.

"The great king please command, the slave will go to the soup and die!"

Zhao Gao's head was buckled on the ground, extremely respectful.

"Watch Cheng Yu for the widow!"

"If you find a problem, you should know how to do it..."


When Zhao Gao heard this, his heart was upright, and he looked solemn and spoke.

"The slave understands!"


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