"Not good!"

"Lord Emissary has been assassinated!"

In front of the carriage, a Qin State soldier found blood and suddenly opened the curtain of the carriage, but found that the Qin envoy in the carriage had fallen lifelessly in a pool of blood!

Zhang Fang's face immediately changed, and he quickly roared.

"Immediately block the surroundings and track down the murderer!"


The assassination of the Qin envoy in the Han country caused chaos in the entire Han country's political arena!

The news of the assassination of the Qin envoy soon spread back to the Qin state. 、

Zhangtai Palace, early dynasty.

"Great King, the Koreans deserve death, and they dare to assassinate our envoys, and the ministers think that they should immediately raise troops to conquer the Han Kingdom and destroy them! In this way, we can decide for Lord Ma! It is also to maintain the majesty of my Qin Kingdom! "

"When the king gave an order, Wang Yi was willing to be a pawn before the horse, establish an army order, not destroy the Han country, and be willing to be punished..."

In the court, the old general Wang Yi stepped forward and immediately said murderous advice.

"Great King, what General Wang said is not bad! The Han country does not respect my Qin country, and dares to murder my envoy of the Qin country, such a small country is simply guilty of death, deserve to be damned! "

"Great King, Wei Chen seconded, please lead the troops to march!"

"The minister is willing to follow General Wang to destroy the kingdom, and ask the king for permission!"

"The minister is also willing to follow General Wang!"

"The minister seconded!"

"The minister seconded the proposal..."


In the court, at this moment, a large number of military generals came out, one by one, filled with righteous indignation and eager to fight, hoping that they could not immediately lead troops into the Han Kingdom, pull King Han off the throne, and let him kneel in front of the corpse of the Qin envoy to make amends!

The Qin State has been prosperous for a long time, and now the national strength is strong, and all the military generals are waiting to make meritorious achievements, and they are naturally impatient when they see the opportunity to fight!

Ying Zheng stood high on the throne, overlooking the group of courtiers condescendingly, his face expressionless.

At this time, from the side of the civil officials, the right chancellor Lu Buwei came out.

"Great King, according to the news that came back, it was the Baiyue anti-thief in the territory of the Han Kingdom who assassinated the Qin envoy this time!"

"However, my Qin Kingdom has been fighting hard over the years, in order to dominate the world! Now my Qin country's national strength is thriving, and the national policy of the world of business is to accumulate the wealth of the world! "

"Today's Qin State has enough armor and a full treasury, which is enough to support any war to destroy the country! With the strength of my Qin Kingdom's army, destroying the Han Kingdom is just a snap of my fingers! "

"And now, the envoy of my Qin Kingdom has died in the Han Kingdom, which is simply a godsend opportunity, just in time to send troops and annex the Han Kingdom..."

In the court, Lu Buwei bowed his hand respectfully.

And at this moment, in the court, the left prime minister Liu Bowen came out.

"Great King, the minister seconded!"

"Now that my Great Qin armor is enough, after destroying the Han Kingdom, swallow it and grow, and then I can take advantage of the situation to go east, sweep the remaining five countries, and dominate the world!"


"The minister seconded!"

Immediately, in the court, the ministers seconded!

The Manchu Dynasty was all seeking battle, and at this moment, the throne finally had a trace of expression on his face.

Military generals want to make meritorious achievements, only military merits, so there are military generals who seek to fight and win the government, but this time, even Lu Buwei and Liu Bowen and other powerful ministers also feel that when the Qin State has sent troops to the Six Kingdoms, it really makes the government look sideways.

In the heart of Ying Zheng, although the current Qin State is strong, it is obviously not so simple to wipe out the Six Kingdoms, after all, everything recorded in the Tiangong Kaiwu has not been thoroughly understood!

Firearms battalions have not yet been established!

Not even artillery was installed in the whole army!

Ever since Jiang Han gave the globe, what Ying Zheng's heart has been filled with is the whole world! Not this small corner of the Central Plains!

But now even Wen Wu Qunchen is attacking the Han Kingdom, and he can't help but make Ying Zheng start to move!

After all, the Han Kingdom is just the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms, and annexing the Han Kingdom, presumably for the Qin Kingdom, it can get a lot of land without much effort!

The battle to destroy the country!

In the face of such temptation, even if the mind is as firm as Ying Zheng, it can't help but be moved, after all, a person's experience and insight need time to temper, although today's Ying Zheng is politically clever, but compared to the real historical emperor of the ages, it is finally a little less coquettish!

"This matter will be put on hold for the time being, and it will be discussed later!"


On the throne, Ying Zheng abruptly got up, immediately flicked his sleeve robe, and left the Zhangtai Palace.

Wang Yi: "..."

Liu Bowen: "..."

Lu Buwei: "..."

Qunchen: ""...""

In the Zhangtai Palace, the group of ministers looked at each other.

But said that after forcibly refusing the temptation in his heart, Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang Palace to think for a long time, but he was always unable to do so.

The temptation to destroy the country is as important as the big world in your chest, and the same unwillingness to let go!

This makes it difficult to weigh the government!

Finally, Ying Zheng pondered for a long time, and finally stood up abruptly.

"It seems that we should go to the ancestor to ask for advice, and ask the ancestor to solve the confusion of the widow!"


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