

When Ji Wuye heard this, he almost didn't stand firmly in his hands.

Bloody Hou, this is the strongest of the four fierce generals under his command, and he is his right-hand man!

However, the Bloody Hou actually died?

A look of disbelief appeared in Ji Wuye's eyes, and he only felt that his hands and feet were cold for a while.

Bloody Hou led 100,000 troops to guard Quexia Mountain, and now even Bloody Hou, a great master of the Grandmaster Realm, has died in battle, then the 100,000 army of Quexia Mountain, isn't it...

"! Rubbish! "

"Prepare a horse now!"

Ji Wuye roared.

Soon, Ji Wuye served left and right, put on battle armor, and carried eight feet to lead the palace forbidden army to the city tower.

When Ji Wuye came to the Xinzheng City Wall, outside the city, the army of the Qin State was already waiting for the battle, and all the arrangements were made!

"Meet the king!" 、

On the city tower, a group of Korean soldiers hurriedly saluted.

Ji Wuye had a cold expression, standing on the city tower and looking at the army of the Qin State outside the city!

At this moment, outside Xinzheng City, Meng Tian Chen had 100,000 soldiers, almost black pressure was endless, and all the golden fire cavalry of the Qin Kingdom were in the eyes!

And not far below the city, a ten-square-foot tall organ beast broke the ground and was lined up, the whole body bronze metal texture, as well as the explosive and aggressive body shape, it made people's scalp numb!

"Damn it!"

Ji Wuye smashed a punch on the city wall in front of him, his face was livid!

Obviously, looking at such a battle in the Qin Kingdom, he was definitely rushing to destroy Han!

Now that Quexia Mountain has been lost, South Korea has lost 100,000 troops, and in Xinzheng City, only 50,000 defenders plus 20,000 forbidden troops remain, if the city is broken, these 70,000 troops in the city can block the golden fire cavalry outside the city?

For the first time, Ji Wuye, who dominated South Korea, had a sense of panic in his heart!

And not long after Ji Wuye climbed the city tower, the Qin army under the city began to move!

In front of the Qin army, on a low mound, Meng Tian collapsed the black horse, looking at Xinzhengcheng, and the corner of his mouth could not help but outline a smile.

"Order, the whole army attack!"




Bang! Bang! Bang bang...


Soon, with Meng Tian's order, the war drums of the Qin army burst out!


Rumble! Rumble......

On the battlefield, when the war drums of the Qin army sounded, dozens of earthbreakers who had been silent suddenly stood up, wrapped in the momentum of shaking the earth, and rushed to Xinzheng City!


"Oh my God! What kind of monsters are these? "

"Organ beast, this is an organ beast! Oh, my God! What a big beast, so terrifying..."


On the Xinzheng City Wall, countless Korean soldiers were terrified and shouted in panic.

However, no matter how frightened the Koreans were, Saburo still arrived as scheduled!


A groundbreaking saburo roared up to the sky, and in the next moment, his figure jumped violently!


Immediately, that mechanical beast directly probed its claws and grabbed at the city wall!



Breaking the ground, Saburo's claws grabbed violently, and immediately a piece of the Xinzheng City Wall was grabbed!

"Oh my God! Monster! Monsters! "

"Run away! How can we be opponents of this monster? "

"Get out of the way! Let me pass..."


On the Xinzheng City Wall, countless Korean soldiers were frightened on the spot, crying and shouting for their mother's desperate life, wanting to escape away from the broken earth San Lang!

However, the Qin Army's mechanical beast was not just this one!


Rumble! Rumble......


The Xinzheng City Wall was shaking, and one by one they broke the ground and jumped up, climbing directly onto the Xinzheng City Wall, waving bronze claws, and killing wantonly!

"Ah! Run for your life! "

"Don't kill me! Please don't kill me..."

The public loser has lived in seclusion for decades, and his reputation is not obvious today, Han Ren He has seen such scenes, the army's heart collapsed on the spot, and all the Xinzheng defenders cried and abandoned their armor one by one to escape!

"Damn it!"

On the city wall, Ji Wuye's anger burned.

The Qin army has not moved, just a group of mechanical beasts, directly killed the army under his command collapsed, which makes the proud Ji Wuye how can he endure!

"Dead things, An dares to commit murder!"

Ji Wuye drank angrily, jumped up sharply, and the eight feet in his hand burst out with a sharp sword qi!



The sword light crisscrossed, and the closest mechanical beast to Ji Wuye was directly split in half!

"All to King Ben back!"

"Defend the city! Kill all the Qin people..."

Ji Wuye roared, and between words, eight feet moved again, wrapped in fierce killing intent, and slashed towards the next mechanical beast!

"Yin and yang two lives, Wanye flying flowers!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

In the next instant, in Xinzheng City, fallen leaves flew and turned into a heavenly chain, suddenly attacking and killing Xiang Ji Wuye!


A cold color flashed in Ji Wuye's eyes, and the tiger's mouth was fiercely forced, and the eight feet returned to defense!


An invisible aftermath dispersed, and between heaven and earth, fallen leaves flew!

At the same time, a purple-haired girl appeared on the eaves of the Xinzhengcheng Tower.

"Yin-Yang family?"

Ji Wuye stared at Shao Si Ming, and a dignified look flashed in his eyes.

"Ji Wuye, your opponent is us!"

Behind Ji Wuye, a voice with a piercing chill sounded.

Ji Wuye turned around sharply, but found a young man with six chains wrapped around his body slowly walking towards him with an old man, these two were Tianze, the Prince of Baiyue, and the old man of Hundred Poisons!

On the other side, the moon god hand pinched the seal, and the money came...

"Tianze, have you also become a lackey of the Qin Kingdom!"

"Huh! The four of you go together! "

Ji Wuye glanced coldly at the Moon God and the others, and suddenly his body was murderous!

Ji Wuye is known as the strongest general in Korea in a hundred years, and his cultivation strength is even above the blood-clothed marquis, and he has already reached the realm of the world's top Grandmaster master!


Eight feet whispered, the sword light rose!

"Wanye Feihua!"

The young master ordered his hand to pinch the seal and cast a spell.

On the other side, the moon god cast a yin and yang handprint to meet Ji Wuye!


Clang! Clang......


Between heaven and earth, the sound of gold and iron communication is endless.

Tianze struck, and six red-browed dragon snake chains collided with eight feet!


"I should have killed you in the first place!"

Ji Wuye roared lowly, the sword light crisscrossed, and the eight feet in his hand were like the death scythe of death, killing all around!

However, Ji Wuye underestimated the strength of the Moon God and Shaoshi Ming and the others after all!

, The four of them joined forces, and instantly pressed Ji Wuye to fight!

Ji Wuye roared again and again, but to no avail!

Outside the city, in front of the Qin army.

Meng Tian watched the broken earth San Lang break the city, and Ji Wuye was even suppressed by the experts of the Qin Kingdom, and a sneer was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

In the next instant, Meng Tian swung his sword violently.

"The whole army charged!"



"Zhao Jiao Lao Qin, go to the country together!"

"You have no clothes, you are robed with your son, you have no clothes, you are clothed with your son..."


With Meng Tian's order, 100,000 golden fire cavalry surged out, like a monstrous torrent, rushing towards Xinzheng City!

At this moment, Xinzheng, who had already broken up his army's heart and even had his city wall crippled in large pieces, where could he withstand the attack of the Golden Fire Cavalry!


The city gate was smashed into powder by a groundbreaker!

In the next instant, the Golden Fire Cavalry swarmed in...


Ji Wuye was suppressed, and seeing Xinzheng lost, he was furious.

"Lord, I'll help you!"

At this moment, a coquettish voice came from afar.

In the next instant, the Chao Banshee jumped up, holding a soft sword, and took off into the air.

Ji Wuye caught a glimpse of the Chao Banshee, and his heart was immediately relieved.

Tianze is originally a difficult master, the Yin-Yang family spell of the moon god and the young master is even more pervasive and unpreventable, Ji Wuye is under great pressure, and at this moment, with the help of the Chao Banshee, it must be much easier!


Suddenly, the moment the tide banshee arrived, Ji Wuye suddenly felt a chill in her back!


Ji Wuye vomited blood and turned his head in disbelief.

The tide banshee won the sword, and immediately fled thousands of miles away.

"General, don't blame me!"

"Good birds choose trees to live, the Korean Mansion will fall, you can't let the slave family be buried with you!"




When Ji Wuye heard this, he was angry and vomited blood on the spot!

"Yin and Yang Handprint!"

The moon god on the side seized the opportunity and immediately shot out a seal!

A terrifying seal smashed towards Ji Wuye!


On the spot, Ji Wuye was like a kite that had been broken, flying out tens of meters!

Blood is spilled, there is no life!

South Korea's generation of powerful ministers Ji Wuye, completely ended...


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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