Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruxian all looked at Li Hao nervously.

“Do you… Can’t eat spicy!? ”

“If you can’t eat spicy, don’t do it, you see that your spicy ones are in tears!”

“You can order the bottom of the pot that is not spicy.”

Li Hao pointed to another pot of unspicy broth at the bottom of the Mandarin Duck pot and said to Li Er.

Changsun Wuji: (⊙o⊙)….

Fang Xuanling: (⊙o⊙)….

Du Ruxi: (⊙o⊙)….


There were literally 10,000 grass and mud horse divine beasts roaring past them inside!


It turned out that Li Hao thought that His Majesty’s tears were spicy!?

It’s really worried for nothing!

“Yes, yes, but some can’t eat spicy.”

“What is this thing? It’s even hotter than Juyu! ”

When Li Er heard this, he immediately borrowed the donkey from the slope and met Li Hao, feeling both a little happy and a little disappointed in his heart.

At that moment just now, he really had the urge to have a showdown with Li Hao!

But fortunately, Li Hao misunderstood.

Otherwise, things would be a bit big!

“This thing is called chili, and it was a condiment I stumbled upon when I traveled with Master in my early years.”

Li Hao said nonsense.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to say that he exchanged it from the system.

“So that’s the case, I said why haven’t I seen such a thing!” Changsun Wuji said abruptly.

“Hmph, you haven’t seen it a lot!”

For Changsun Wuji, Li Hao really has no good impression, and the impression of meeting from the beginning is very poor.

To know that first impressions are very important.

Every time Li Hao saw Changsun Wuji, he subconsciously regarded him as a jiji.

“Yes, yes, yes, or the divine doctor is well-informed.” Changsun Wuji said with a smile.

“It is better to read ten thousand books than to travel thousands of miles.”

“On paper, you will never know that you have to do it.”

Li Hao shook his head and pulled a handful of text.

Primary school, junior high school, high school, university, Li Hao has learned a lot of poetry and songs, and there is still a little ink in his stomach.

“On paper, you will never know that you have to do it!”

“Wonderful! Wonderful! ”

“A poem by the divine doctor explains the true meaning of reading and learning knowledge!”

Du Ruxian stroked his palm and praised.

“The export of the divine doctor is a chapter, presumably the literary style is also amazing, the little girl Fang Qingyun loves poetry, and if there is a chance for the divine doctor, you can communicate with it.”

Fang Xuanling seized the opportunity to start a relationship with Li Hao for his daughter.

“Nope! No! I won’t! ”

Li Hao directly denied it three times in a row!

There was a silence in my heart.

These old men haven’t given up yet!

It is impossible to marry your daughter, and it is impossible to marry your daughter in this life.

I, Li Hao, jumped from here and died outside, and it is impossible for me to marry your daughter!”

“Hehe, the little god doctor has traveled all over the world since he was a child, and he is well-informed.”

“Can you tell me what you think of the Great Tang?”

Li Er fished a peeing cow ball from the pot and put it in his mouth, chewed it, and asked Li Hao.

When Changsun Wuji and the others heard this, their bodies suddenly shook.

This seems like a small talk.

It sounds extraordinary to their ears!

Or rather….

This is a test for Li Hao, the great prince!


“What can I think of a small citizen of Shengdou?”

“Besides, in case I say that sentence wrong, it will make your Majesty unhappy and directly click me.”

“Then I’m not sad!”

Li Hao picked up the potato chips on the table and put them in the pot, and directly rejected Li Er.

When Li Er heard this, his head was suddenly full of black lines.

“Look what you said, how can you be so petty!”

“Even if you say that no matter what you say, even if you say that you want to rebel, you will not be guilty, and it should be idle talk.”

When Li Hao heard this, he wiped his mouth with a hand towel, “Since Your Majesty said so, then I am not polite.” ”

“I’m just an ordinary healer, and I don’t understand the principles of governing the country.”

“Let me talk about our current Great Tang from the perspective of a healer.”

Li Er, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, and Du Ruxian heard Li Hao say this, and suddenly showed a hint of interest.

From the perspective of a healer, the Great Tang.


They wanted to see how Li Hao said about the Great Tang from the perspective of a healer.

“Lao Tzu said: Three thousand avenues go the same way, in my opinion, everything is figured out, and governing the country is like treating people.”

“First of all, we must find out the cause, then determine the treatment, and finally prescribe the right medicine.”

When Li Er and the others heard this, they immediately nodded, feeling that what Li Hao said made some sense.

It seems to be really such a process.

“Actually, in my opinion, the Great Tang at this time is riddled with all kinds of illnesses and terminally ill!”

Li Hao’s words suddenly exploded in Li Er’s ears like thunder, and he looked at Li Hao with a shocked face.

“Nope… Maybe? ”

“Although today’s Tang is not very rich, at least the rulers are clear and the people live and work in peace.”

“Tell me, what is the disease of the Great Tang?”

Li Er said a little unconvinced.

Since he ascended the throne, he has been conscientious, dare not slack off in the slightest, and is determined to be a wise king of the ages.

Now he is denied by his son, which makes him feel very faceless.

“Zhi Qingming?”

“The people live in peace?”


Li Hao suddenly sneered.

Since he can remember, he has followed Master Jianghu Langzhong on his journey to the rivers and lakes, traveled the world, and seen too unfair injustice and death.

“The family annexes land, is this a disease!?”

“The family left and right, is this a disease!?”

“The family controls talents, is this a disease!?”

“The imperial examination is unfair and unjust, is this a disease!?”

“The law is not strict and unfair, is this a disease!?”

“The upper grade has no cold door, the lower grade has no shi, is this a disease!?”

Li Hao said the six major diseases of the Great Tang in one breath, and looked at Li Er with blazing eyes to see if he still had something to refute it!


Li Hao’s words exploded in the minds of Li Er and others like thunder, causing his heart to turn over terrifying waves!

His eyes looked at Li Hao in amazement, as if looking at a peerless demon!





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