Fang Qingyun printed on Li Hao’s cheek like a dragonfly.

Then he immediately lowered his head, his fingers kept circling in circles, and he didn’t dare to look at Li Hao shyly, and his beautiful face was red like a ripe apple.

The gesture of the youngest daughter’s family is unobstructed and endearing.

“Brother Hao, are you satisfied?” Fang Qingyun said to Li Hao with a hum.

If it weren’t for his good hearing, he wouldn’t have heard at all.

Li Hao knew that her daughter’s family was thin-skinned, and if it weren’t for the marriage contract between the two, she wouldn’t have been able to do so.

Rao is that the two have a marriage contract, which is also the limit of what she can bear.

Want to go further.

That was only until the night of the candle in the cave room.

Li Hao stopped at the right time, chuckled, and took Fang Qingyun’s jade hand into the medical hall.

The two collected herbs alone, cleaned the dust on the tables and chairs alone, and smiled at each other from time to time.

It’s like a tacit little couple.

After two days of excitement.

Li Hao’s medical hall has returned to calm, although there are many people, but it no longer has the appearance of a long queue when the door is opened before.

After all.

It is impossible to have that many patients every day.

Not long after Li Hao cleaned up the medical hall, patients began to come to the door one after another.

Li Hao sat on the examination table, and all the patients who came to him were healed like a stream.

Fang Qingyun sat on the side, staring at Li Hao practicing medicine without blinking, and her calm and calm appearance looked at her with great color and adoration.

The morning passed quickly.

Li Hao healed and saved people, and Fang Qingyun helped Li Hao get some herbs from time to time.


Fang Qingyun did not go home, and the two of them had a beautiful lunch.

In the afternoon, Li Hao did not continue to sit in the medical center.

Instead, he went to the fields.

Prepare to see the situation of the land that Li Erfeng has awarded him.

Yesterday, the treatment room Qingyun burst out three rewards in a row, including a quyuan plow and a ton of potatoes.

These two things are definitely artifacts and fetishists in this era!

Quyuan plough can greatly improve the cultivation speed of the land, and potatoes are a very high-yield crop, the main nutrients are starch, frying, cooking and baking, everything can be used, can solve the food and clothing of countless people.

Li Hao plans to plant all his 10,000 mu of good land with potatoes!

The two came to Wannian County by carriage.

Knowing that Li Hao was coming, Wannian County Ling Song Ming immediately came to welcome and receive him in person.

It’s a long way away and waiting next to the road.

Seeing Li Hao’s carriage coming, he immediately rushed forward quickly, bowed with both hands and saluted, “Welcome Hou Ye to come!” ”

The attitude is very respectful, and the demeanor is flattering.

At the same time, there was also some trepidation in my heart, for fear that I would offend Li Hao if I did something bad.

Since Li Hao was named the Hou of Wannian County, in just a few days, God knows what he went through!

Sun Wuji, the chief secretary of the Ministry of Shang, warned him to let him take care of Li Hao, and if he encountered something that could not be handled, he must tell him.

Shangshu Du Ruxian of the military department also admonished him.

Shangshu’s right servant Fang Xuanling also warned him.

General Qin Qiong, General Qin, General Cheng Yanjin, and General Cheng also warned him!

What frightened him the most was that even His Majesty’s personal chamberlain, the chief attendant, and the queen’s mother-in-law, also warned him so!

He was warned one after another by so many high-ranking top bigwigs, even His Majesty the knight and the Empress Concubine.

Wannian County Ling Song Ming was almost not scared to pee!

It was the first time he had encountered this situation since he became an official.

What kind of immortal figure is this, which has attracted so many super bigwigs to escort him!?

In the heart of Wannian County Ling, he had long regarded Li Hao as a god-like figure!

It’s more awed than treating your own dad!

No way!

If you don’t have awe, you can’t do it!

Thinking of so many super bigwigs standing behind this master, Wannian County Ling felt that his legs and stomach were trembling!

“Are you… Wannian County Order? ”

Li Hao asked with some uncertainty.

Before coming, Li Hao naturally asked people to submit a letter to notify the Wannian County Order.

After all.

This is the territory under the jurisdiction of others, and Li Hao still doesn’t know where his field is.

“That’s right, it’s Xiaguan!”

“Hou Ye, if you have anything to order, even if you go to the Dao Mountain and the sea of fire, the lower official will definitely do it for you!”

Wannian County Ling Song Ming quickly came to Li Hao’s side like licking a dog, and said flatteringly.


Do I have such a big face?

Li Hao scratched his head and looked at the somewhat enthusiastic and excessive Wannian County Order, and felt very confused in his heart.

Although it is said that the founding county of the three products is very high.

But in the end, it is just a Hou Ye without real power.

What’s more, in Chang’an, the king is full of land, there are many national princes like dogs, and a founding county is really not such a powerful magnate!

How could a Huangcheng County Commander who held real power be treated so warmly?

Thereinto… There won’t be any tricky conspiracy, right?

Li Hao remembered that he was guilty of this old boy Pei Yu above the court.

In fact, it is not surprising that he thinks so much.

After all.

He was only a founding county marquis, far from being treated like this by an imperial city county commander.

However, the founding county should not be treated like this, and the big man standing behind his hidden identity deserves to be treated like this!

“Lord County Ling, today I mainly want to come and see my 10,000 mu of land property.”

“I wonder if the prefectural commander can tell me where I am?”

Li Hao asked politely, but there was a little more vigilance in his heart.

He didn’t know how terrifying his identity was, and there were so many bigwigs standing behind him.

Seeing Li Hao so polite and courteous, Wannian County Ling immediately felt flattered, and his heart was filled with an emotion called moving.

As a small county order, in this Chang’an City where the powerful and powerful are everywhere, families gather.

Whoever sees him does not shout and drink, and shout five and drink six.

Where would a big man be so polite to Li Hao?

“Of course you can!”

“Xiaguan personally took you there.”

“Hou Ye please!”

Wannian County Ling waved his hand and made a gesture of invitation to Li Hao, and his attitude became more respectful.

If he was forced to be respectful before because of Li Hao’s identity background, now he is respectful from the heart.

After all.

This is the first time that Wannian County Ling has experienced the feeling of being respected by a big man!

Being treated so politely by Li Hao, Wannian County Ling felt that his body was fluttering.

It’s a wonderful feeling to be respected by the big guy!!


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