Fast in time, the dark blue Cadillac came within range of five snipers.

"The target is here, and that kid is dead... Hmm, what about the car!?" all

five snipers focused on the dark blue light and shadow that appeared in their field of vision, ready to shoot a headshot, however, when they locked on again, the Cadillac had already appeared seven or eight meters away, so fast that they had never seen it in their lives.

"Damn, it's too fast to lock on

!" "Bastard!!"

the five cursed in unison, ready to estimate the trajectory of the target and force a kill, but the success rate would be greatly reduced.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he made a decisive shot at the estimated position, just as he was about to pull the trigger.


A series of five steel drills the thickness of adult thumbs, more than one meter long, with terrifying strength, instantly penetrated the hearts of the five snipers, and directly nailed the five people to the wall, and the steel drill sank into the wall for more than 30 centimeters.

"How..... Perhaps!?"

the five snipers felt the stinging pain in their hearts, and looked down to see a steel drill stabbed accurately in their hearts before they died, and the blood flowed down the steel drill to the ground, and not far in front of them was their sniper rifle quietly leaning against the railing.


The rich unwillingness filled their hearts, each of them was a silver killer of the Sakura Society, the top of them could be ranked in the top twenty, even the weakest were all Silver Thirty-Six, they couldn't accept that they had died in such a humiliating way, and they didn't even know who the enemy who killed them was.

It's just that even if they were unwilling, after all, as their consciousness collapsed, their heads crooked and softened on the wall, and the snapping hot blood still dripped down the steel drill, and the rich smell of blood spread, as if the field turned into Shura hell.


, a black light sank into the sniper's side at a miraculous speed, and half of it sank into the wall, it was a thing that looked like a token, divided into two sides, the front was a hideous, unusual, and chilling hell rakshasa pattern, and on the reverse side there were three cold big characters 'Rakshasa Order'.

And this token is not simple, it is an extraterrestrial meteorite that Ye Xuan exchanged from the system mall, it is extremely hard, even if it is 10,000 degrees Celsius, don't want to melt it.

The reason for this move is to serve as a deterrent, to attribute these means to an ethereal unknown existence, so as to divert everyone's attention from him and avoid some troublesome troubles in the future.

A Rakshasa Order has a 1 Daddy value, 5 is 5 Daddy Value, and on the wall next to the highest-ranked Silver Twenty Sniper, the god-level Wan Magnet wrote a string of scarlet characters on the wall: Those who offend me Rakshasa will be punished even if they are far away!

Of course, as for the effect of the next scene, it is not his concern, and it is not surprising that the Sakura Society will be plunged into unprecedented turmoil for a long time to come.


"Why can't you hear the gunshots, strange!" Another

wave of killers who are speeding after him, the members of the Sakura Club in the five cars frowned slightly at the dark blue car that was still speeding in front of him, and it stands to reason that he has already entered the shooting range of the five silver killers, but... Why didn't you hear a single gunshot?

I can't help but feel that many of the bronze medal killers who have been chasing me have a vague feeling of being extremely bad.

After taking out the five Snipers, the death date of the five car killers is approaching, making it easier to deal with the remaining killers.

The [God-level Magneto] ability is used to turn the metal of the wheel hub of five cars into liquid, which then penetrates into the tires, and then turns into nails.

As for the consequences, it is already obvious, this is undoubtedly an invitation to the five cars speeding at high speed to step into the ghost gate.


of the tires of a high-speed car suddenly burst open, and the direction was instantly unbalanced

, "What!" "Not good, jump out of the car!!"

The sound just fell, and before there was time to move, the head of the car directly hit the stone pier railing next to it, making a terrifying roaring sound, the fuel tank broke, and the sparks splashed by friction led to the fuel tank, and the next moment the earth-shattering thunder exploded, and the car exploded on the spot.

As for the two members of the Sakura Society in the car, they were directly blown into two dried corpses by the violent explosion.

Coincidentally, something similar happened to the other four cars, which returned to the west with the sound of explosions.

At this point, the first wave of members of the Sakura Society who assassinated Ye Xuan were all killed without exception

!!! About a few minutes later.

A figure appeared at the location of Silver Twenty, when he came to the field, Silver Twenty's face was white and black, the blood around his body had dried up, and a pool of blood had gathered on the ground, and Silver Twenty was suddenly inserted into the wall by a steel drill, and suddenly Sato Ichigo's eyes fell on the scarlet characters on the Rakshasa Order and the wall.

"Those who offend me Rakshasa will be punished even if they are far away!?"

The terrifying killing intent around the body was pervasive, and everything here was already obvious, this was done by a force called Rakshasa, "Good!

!" "Rakshasa Order, Rakshasa !!" "

Kill me Sakura Society Silver Medal Killer, no matter what force you are, you are !! dead".

Dodged away, Sato Ichigo reappeared in the other four sniper locations, and everyone couldn't be contacted, Sato Ichigo's face was gloomy and iron-blue to the extreme.

This time, many killers of the Sakura Club led by him all fell except for him, and if the president knew about this matter, he would definitely be stripped of his skin.

"Rakshasa Order, Rakshasa ....... Huh!?"

he held a Rakshasa Order in his hand, and with his strength, he couldn't damage it in the slightest, and the hardness was much greater than he thought.

"Can't be destroyed?" Sato

Ichigo, who frowned slightly, then skillfully took out a silenced pistol and hit it at the Rakshasa Order.

Bang's shot hit the Rakshasa Order accurately, but... To his surprise, the Rakshasa Order was still unscathed.

"What !!"

At this moment, Ichigo Sato was not calm, the token alone was so extraordinary, and he knew with his toes how strong the Rakshasa power was when he heard it for the first time.

Suddenly, looking at Ichigo Sato, who couldn't see the dark night around him, shivered, if so, then... Over there of the Silver Five...

"This matter must be notified to the five silver people, be sure to let him be careful!!"

However, now is not the time to make a phone call, it is better to leave this place first, the people from the forces where the Rakshasa Order is located, I am afraid that only the five silver people can deal with it.

Thinking of this, Ichigo Sato, who was full of fear, dodged out of the field and ran away, because he didn't feel the slightest safety here.

About a few minutes later.

On the top floor of the Kennedy Hotel, somewhere in the dark.

"Hey, Thirteen. "

What did you say!?"

"Gichiichiro Gingokawa, who received the call from Silver Thirteen, had anger in his eyes, "Except for you, everyone was wiped out." "

Yaga, are you rice buckets!!"

"Rakshasa Order, okay, I know.

Then hung up the phone, Ichiro Kawaki's face was very unpleasant, and the seven or eight Sakura Club silver killers around him were all shocked.

"Kawaki-kun, the thirteenth waste is all wiped out??" Kawaki

Ichiro's side of the silver twelve eyebrows frowned slightly, although he and Sato Ichigo only have a ranking difference, but the status of the Sakura Club is very different, after all, from the silver one to the silver twelve, the twelve of them are called the cherry blossom twelve silver, and the strength is not a star and a half stronger than the killer after the twelfth.

"Rakshasa Order!?" "I want to see what kind of bull ghost and snake god left the Rakshasa Order, dare to kill my Sakura Society silver medal powerhouse so openly, looking for death!!".

Kawaki Ichiro's eyes were full of fierceness, it was obvious that he didn't listen to Silver Thirteen's words at all, at this moment he would never know what kind of terrifying existence was behind the Rakshasa Order, not to mention his little Silver Five, even the gold medal killer of the Sakura Society was just an ant in front of Ye Xuan.

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