Dad Academy

Chapter 1238 I still love you

PS: Two chapters combined into one

The three children all achieved excellent results in the mock exams. They were not only satisfied with themselves, but also satisfied Boss Zhang. Of course, they also had to satisfy their elders. They wanted to tell the world and let everyone know that they wanted to work with them. Share with the little friends in Little Red Horse Academy.

Therefore, when Tan Jin'er came over for dinner, Xi'er couldn't wait to show her her test results.

Look, look, her little friend from kindergarten actually got 50 points in the final exam of the first grade of elementary school! Who would believe it! How can there be such a smart little girl in the world?

Xi'er was in high spirits, and Tan Jin'er was also happy for her. She felt that her sister looked silly at ordinary times, but she was smart at critical moments. Many people praised her as a smart child.

She took Xi'er's test paper, the smile on her face was a little stiff, and she looked surprised. She was about to say something, but suddenly she saw Zhang Tan winking at her, and she immediately understood that 50 points was a friendship score. Yeah, it's the face that the godfather gives to his goddaughter.

The child seems to know nothing, and she still thinks that she is a powerful child. Seeing how proud she is, I really want to pinch her little face and ask her, don’t you have some points in your mind about the papers you made yourself? .

The adults see through it but don't tell it, so let the children of Xi'er be happy. Tan Jin'er took the opportunity to encourage Xi'er. The semester is about to end, so should we strive to bring home a little red flower? You should also work hard to get a certificate for being a good boy.

Xi'er agreed wholeheartedly and was full of confidence.

"I'm not a durian, I have a lot of little red flowers."

Xiaomi on the side looked at it with sparkling eyes. Although she didn't speak, she felt a little excited.

It's just that she is introverted and doesn't like to express herself.

When Ding Jiamin picked up Xiaomi in the evening, Xiaomi sat in the car and chatted with her. She said a lot of preparatory words before talking about today's mock exam in a casual tone.

"Oh, yes, you and Xiao Bai Xi'er took a mock test together today. Have the test results come out?"

This was the question that Xiaomi was waiting for. She nodded in half a second and said, the results are out.

"Then what score did you get?"

Xiaomi said: "I got 100 points in the exam, look~"

As she spoke, she unfolded her test paper and showed it to Ding Jiamin. At the same time, she told her to take a look at it while driving, and then take a closer look at it when she gets home.

Ding Jiamin smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take a closer look when I get home. Xiaomi, you are so awesome. Let's tell our grandparents later to make them happy."

"Yeah!" Xiaomi nodded vigorously.

After talking about the exam, Xiaomi couldn't wait to talk about the 601 yuan that Li Baibai picked up from her.

Ding Jiamin was very surprised. It had been so many days, so why did she just talk about picking up the money now.

Her professional sensitivity made her very suspicious that Lao Li deliberately directed it because he saw that Xiaomi was obsessed with him.

After dinner in the evening, Ding Jiamin sent Xiaomi to Little Red Horse Academy again. This time she did not leave in a hurry. Instead, she found Lao Li in the yard who was sniffing and drinking tea. She chatted with him for a few words and asked about the 601 The money thing.

In front of the police comrades, Lao Li did not need to hide anything. He told Ding Jiamin that among the children in the academy, Xiaomi was the most sensible, well-behaved, polite and serious. He did not want to see Xiaomi unhappy all day long because of losing money. The 601 yuan is nothing to him, just think of it as New Year's money for Xiaomi.

Ding Jiamin felt that if she insisted on returning the money to Lao Li at this time, it would be disrespectful to Lao Li, so she sincerely thanked him.


The TV series "Dark Blood" has finally been completed, and all filming work will be completed before the end of the year. Now the show has come to an end, with about five episodes left to go.

In terms of ratings, not long after it was broadcast, it has been occupying the top spot in the same period of time. No matter the second and third positions continued to change, the top spot has always remained unchanged, which made many opponents despair.

The crew held a celebration banquet, which was held together with the closing banquet, and the entire crew attended.

Zhang Tan and Bai Jianping were both present. Bai Jianping received a big red envelope, and the director specially toasted to him to thank him for his hard work over the past period of time.

Bai Jianping didn't join the crew from the beginning, he joined halfway. His predecessor had a food problem because he didn't do a good job, and some actors and staff had diarrhea after eating. The director was furious, fired these people, and then invited Bai Jianping, who was already well-known at Pujiang Film Studio.

Bai Jianping did have a moment. Since he joined the crew, the crew's food has not only been 100% guaranteed in terms of safety, but the quality and taste have also been significantly improved, which has been praised by everyone.

There were spiritual rewards, but also many material rewards. The director gave Bai Jianping a big red envelope.

Of course, everyone has a red envelope, big or small.

Bai Jianping's one is pretty big.

When he felt happy, he drank too much under everyone's persuasion, and became sixty or seventy percent drunk.

Fortunately, Zhang Tan got Ma Lanhua's advice before Zhang Tan came, asking him to look at Bai Jianping, which prevented Bai Jianping from continuing to get drunk to the end.

Bai Jianping is a crazy person, he is usually dull and sultry, but he actually likes people to be lively, just like Xiaobai's melon boy who likes to join in the fun. Bai Jianping, especially when drinking, the more people there are, the more energetic he becomes.

The more you drink the water, the colder it becomes, and the more you drink the wine, the warmer it becomes.

Normally, Malanhua would restrain Bai Jianping's drinking, but today at the celebration banquet, she was not present, and she immediately felt like a wild horse running wild. Plus, she had a good reason, so she let herself go and accidentally drank too much.

Fortunately, Zhang Tan stopped him in time, blocked all the toasts, and sent him home personally.

The car arrived at Huangjia Village. After getting off the car, Bai Jianping couldn't walk and was about to fall down at any time. Zhang Tan had to help him.

When passing near the village square in the city, the music of square dancing could be heard faintly. When Bai Jianping heard it, he instantly became energetic and wanted to dance because of the drunkenness.

Zhang Tan took a look and thought, this is okay, how can I take you home if you jump up, so he quickly quickened his pace and took him away.

When we finally got downstairs, a bunch of dogs gathered in the alley. When they saw someone coming, they rushed out like a swarm of swarms.

Bai Jianping drunkenly shouted: "Don't run~Don't run! Why are you running! We are all brothers~~~Haha~~~~~burp~"

Zhang Tan comforted him not to get excited, they were just dogs, not his brothers.

Bai Jianping heard this and looked at him, as if he didn't recognize him. It took him a while to recognize Zhang Tan.

"Zhang Tan, it's you, you kid, you kid, please find a wife. Life will always move forward. As long as the wife loves Xiaobai, it's fine. If she doesn't love him, we won't agree. If we don't agree, let's get hammered!"

Finally arriving at the door of his house, Zhang Tan knocked on the door. Unexpectedly, the person who opened the door was the child Bai Chunhua.

Zhang Tan and her stared at each other, neither expecting to see them here.

"Xiaobai, why are you here? When did you come here?"

Xiaobai laughed and said that she sent Xi'er here.

Zhang Tan didn't believe it. The lights in Xiao Tan's house next door were turned off just now. It was obvious that Tan Jin'er was not at home.

He looked into the room and saw a little kid watching TV, and kid Tan Xi'er was also there.

As soon as Bai Jianping came back, Xiao Bai smelled the strong smell of alcohol, and immediately turned around and shouted into the room: "It's not good~ It's not good! Aunt, uncle is drunk - he drank a lot of wine! Come here quickly Take care of him!"

Malanhua was busy in the kitchen. When she came out, she was about to curse, but saw that Zhang Tan was there, so she endured it and went back. She took Bai Jianping from Zhang Tan's hand and helped him walk into the house, just like helping him go up the stairs. Like a battlefield, and then threw him on the sofa.

"Why did you drink so much?" Ma Lanhua asked Bai Jianping. Before going there, he was specially told to control the amount of alcohol and not to get drunk. But in the end, he was still so drunk. This is how much he drank! Are her words falling on deaf ears? !

Bai Jianping waved his hand and said, "I'm happy! Awesome!"

Malanhua said: "I can understand that you are happy, but how do you say you are awesome?"

Bai Jianping suddenly laughed without warning, startling Xi'er who was sitting on the sofa watching TV. She looked at Uncle Bai in surprise, wondering why he was laughing.

"Come on, Xibaba." Xiaobai called Xi'er over and held her hand.

"You are so ridiculous!" Malanhua said angrily.

Bai Jianping, drunk and hazy, fumbled around in his pocket for a while, took out a red envelope, handed it to Ma Lanhua, and said proudly, "The biggest red envelope the crew gave me is for you."

I took the Malanhua in my hand and said in my heart that if you don't want to give it to me, there is no place to hide it. Your morning and evening are mine.

However, Lao Bai deserves to be commended for having such awareness.

"Big red envelope, the biggest one. The director gave it to me personally. Do you know why? Do you know?"

Seeing that he was drunk, Malanhua followed the words and asked, "Why?" to avoid trouble.

Bai Jianping said loudly: "I have no other secret to getting big red envelopes, it's just to be serious, you know, serious! Xiaobai, do you know?"

Xiaobai and Xi'er said in unison: "Seriously!"

Malanhua: "Look how proud you are."

Bai Jianping sang a tuneless ditty, "Rang, rang, rang..."

The two couples quarreled, you hurt me and I hurt you. Bai Jianping usually didn't have the courage. Today, he had the courage to talk back to Lao Ma because of his drinking. There were 365 days in the year, so he only had such an opportunity in one or two days.

Zhang Tan saw the two of them laughing and scolding, and it was inappropriate to stay for a long time, so he asked Xiaobai and Xi'er if they wanted to go back to Little Red Horse Academy together.

But Xiaobai and Xi'er didn't want to go, they both wanted to stay here... to watch the show.

The drunken Bai Jianping amazes them, especially Xi'er. It's strange and fun. They don't want to miss it. They want to see how Uncle Bai behaves as a demon today and how Aunt Ma subdues the demon.

Zhang Tan said, "I'll pick you up again at nine o'clock."

As soon as Zhang Tan left, Ma Lanhua gave Lao Bai a look on her face. She clearly told Lao Bai not to drink too much, but he still got drunk.

"Let's see how you go to work tomorrow!"

Lao Bai said: "I won't go to work tomorrow. The TV series has been finished, so why should I work? Let's talk about it after the New Year!"

Malanhua added: "If the leaders see how crazy you are, no one will dare to use you."

After saying that, she said to Xiaobai: "Gua Wazi, go and pour a cup of tea for your uncle."

Xiaobai poured a cup of tea, and Bai Jianping took it. He drank it in one breath and burped happily, almost knocking Xiaobai down.


Xiaobai covered his nose and retreated hastily, "It stinks! Ugh! I'm going to get drunk and chatter."

Suddenly Xi'er grabbed her from behind and said, "Sister, I'll protect you."


A cartoon was playing on the TV, and two little pigs were dancing ballroom. Bai Jianping was drunk, and on a whim, he suddenly stood up from the sofa. Amidst Malanhua's astonishment, he took her hand and danced in front of the two children. Face, dance a ballroom dance, even with the own BGM, Deng Deng Deng~唔唔唔唔唔唔唔~~~~

Xiaobai and Xi'er were stunned and laughed immediately.

Bai Jianping also laughed, lost his old horse, grabbed a child, and continued dancing.

The child looked confused.

Yes, this kid is Bai Chunhua kid who just scored 98 points in the mock exam.

Bai Jianping grabbed Xiaobai and danced ballroom dancing together, like an eagle catching a chicken.


Xiaobai was almost thrown by Bai Jianping several times, or tripped to the ground.

"I will fight with you——"

Angrily, he finally broke free, but Lao Bai grabbed hold of the unsuspecting child Tan Xi'er who was laughing and watching the show.

"Xiwawa, run quickly——"

Xiwawa didn't run away and was caught in Bai Jianping's hand, dancing and singing.

What is sung is:

Malan flowers, Malan flowers, are not afraid of wind and rain~~~

Malan flower, Malan flower, the hard-working people are talking, please bloom now!

Tan Xi'er, a child, was caught by Lao Bai and danced an inexplicable social dance. Her face was confused, her body was dancing, but her soul was confused, and she never recovered. Until Malanhua rescued her, she was still in a daze. Still haven't woken up from the shock just now.

Xiaobai held her hand, pinched her little face, and called her Xibao. Xibao came back to life. Immediately, her eyes lit up, she jumped up and down, and she was so excited that she had done something she had never done before. Jumping for joy.

"Malanhua, Malanhua, why don't you bloom soon!"

Bai Jianping was still drunk and crazy. He couldn't wake up. He never looked back on the road of seeking death. In front of Malanhua, he wanted to make Malanhua perform a flowering stunt.

Malanhua's anger level grew higher and higher, and finally, under Bai Jianping's urging, she gave him a push and knocked him down on the sofa.

Xiaobai and Xier ate the melon in shock, their mouths opened like this: ⊙0⊙

Bai Jianping, who was thrown down on the sofa, still didn't stop and started singing a different song. This time he sang an affectionate and straightforward love song.

Shufen~~My dear Shufen~~~

That day you were eating jelly on Chunxi Road

I'll sit next to you and chew some flowers

You glanced at me lightly

You are a fool

My favorite Jia Shufener~

Shufen, my dear Shufen~~

You are the Tintin cat in the sky

I'm an underground bastard

You are spinning in the sky

I'm chasing you underground

Sing loudly, singing with such devotion and forgetfulness.

Xiaobai and Xi'er laughed so loudly that they almost broke their bellies. Xiaobai even sang along softly, but then he was glared fiercely by Malanhua and quickly closed his mouth.

"Old Bai! Shut up! Go to sleep!"

Bai Jianping couldn't calm down at all now. Not only did he sing, but he also danced. This time, instead of using a strong man as his dance partner, he started dancing in the square.

Compared with ballroom dancing, square dancing is his specialty. The dance is both standard and powerful. Oh my, this old man is really happy.

Xiaobai and Xier burst out laughing and couldn't stop.

Malanhua shouted angrily and asked Bai Jianping to calm down.

Not only did Bai Jianping not stop, but he suddenly said drunkenly to Ma Lanhua: "Old Ma, you are such a fierce woman and don't know how to be gentle."

Ma Lanhua clenched her iron fist tightly, ready to use the iron fist of justice at any time, but Bai Jianping then said: "But I still love you."

Hearing this, Xiaobai felt shy and quickly covered his little face, while He Xi'er snickered.

Bai Jianping went on to say: "Old Ma, you are a woman who doesn't know how to dress yourself up. You are a tall and thick girl, but don't worry, I will still call you little fairy when no one is around. I still love you."

"Old Ma, you are such a strong woman and your life is so tiring, but don't worry, I still love you."

After listening to something, Malanhua left and went to the kitchen to continue her work.

Xiaobai asked her if she didn't care about her uncle.

Malanhua said: "Let him go, he will fall asleep later."

Let him go, this old boy has worked hard all year, and he should be happy one day.

Not long after she left, Bai Jianping's voice gradually became quieter as he talked, and he fell asleep.

The last words I said before going to bed were vaguely:

"Lao Ma, you have worked hard."

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