Dad Academy

Chapter 1541 Big Bear Motorcycle

Liu Yan of Sichuan-Shu TV Station thought about it for two days and came up with a plan for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. She submitted it to the station, but it was eventually canceled.

The winner was another plan, won by another director on stage.

Liu Yan's heart was full of regrets, but now it was too late, Taili had finally made a decision.

She took a look at the winning plan. Its theme was also traditional culture, and it had many eye-catching features.

Liu Yan had to admit this, but she didn't think her plan was worse than the other's.

In this kind of thing, what ultimately matters is whether it meets the boss's interests.

If the big boss likes it and plays into his plans, it's not a matter of a word from him.

The so-called doing things according to the east means to do things according to the instructions of the boss.

Liu Yan was helpless.

She could only settle for the next best thing. Since she couldn't plan the party, she had to try her best to recommend a program.

She reported the idea of ​​"Tang Palace Night Banquet" to the stage.

She applied directly to the deputy director, who was her direct supervisor.

After the deputy director saw it, he was very interested and approved the idea. However, he did not agree immediately. Instead, he said: "Send the plan to Liu Zhi. She is the chief planner of this party. She has just taken office. Everything related to the party Everything is under her control."

Liu Yan smiled and said: "You think this plan is very interesting. If it is done well, it will be amazing. You also like it. Whether it is decided or not is not a matter of your words."

The deputy director returned to his desk and sat down. He and Liu Yan faced each other across the desk and said, "Since the rules have been set, then follow the rules. Liu Yan, you are an old man in the station and you don't understand this." ?I know you are unwilling to accept Liu Zhi's promotion. In fact, both you and Liu Zhi's plan this time is good. Whoever wins can lose. It's a 50-50 chance. Although you lost the election in the end, it's not a bad thing. It’s not just a chance, everything depends on blessings and misfortunes. However, once the candidates and plans have been decided, they must not fail to do their best, let alone make mistakes or make fun of them. This is a big taboo in the station. "

Liu Yan saw the old leader saying these words seriously and knew that he was very serious, so she also put away her smile and promised: "Don't worry, leader, I am not someone who cannot afford to lose. I chose Liu Zhi in the station. I definitely support it fully, but as you can see, I do feel a little dissatisfied. But it doesn’t matter, I can understand things clearly and put the overall situation first. This is what I think and what I do, so you see, I am not Have you come up with the program ideas that are at the bottom of the box? Mentally and mentally, I like that our Mid-Autumn Festival Gala can be watched by Changhong."

Regardless of whether she said these words sincerely or fakely, at least this statement was important and her attitude was correct.

The old leader put a smile on his face again and said: "Liu Yan, you are the one who can understand things clearly. I can rest assured about this. Your idea of ​​"Tang Palace Night Banquet" is indeed very good, but I see that many details are not perfect. , you still need to think about it. You should hurry up and do it. As long as the quality of the program is excellent, it will not be suppressed. In the station, everything is based on the overall situation, and no one can pretend to be public. This is what I say to you. I would say the same thing to others, including Liu Zhi.”

After hearing this, Liu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the old leader still faced her.

Although he didn't favor her, he wouldn't let her suffer.

"Thank you, leader. By the way, let me tell you a little secret."


"Do you know where the idea for "Tang Palace Night Banquet" came from?"

"Haha~ Is it possible that there is some secret here?"

"There are indeed some discrepancies. Let me remind you, didn't I go to interview the donation ceremony of the "Mo Di" crew this time?"

"Haha, you have a lot of thoughts. Could it be that you were inspired by something in the Modi Cultural Center and came up with "Night Banquet at the Tang Palace"?"

Liu Yan did not keep playing riddles, but smiled and said Zhang Tan's name.

The old leader understood everything and suddenly said: "It turns out that you have a noble person to help you. Why did you go to such a remote place to interview the news this time? It turns out that you were going to someone else. Yes, maybe he is your noble person. .”

After Liu Yan left the old leader's office, her expression returned to normal.

She originally planned to return to her office, but when she passed the hall, she saw Liu Zhi.

Liu Zhi was surrounded by several people, all directors on stage, discussing the party enthusiastically.

Liu Yan stood aside and did not leave in a hurry. Only when there was no one around Liu Zhi did she step forward and congratulate Liu Zhi.

Liu Zhi is a woman in her forties, well-maintained, and it can be seen that her charm is still there.

She was a little surprised by the congratulations sent by Liu Yan, but she quickly returned to normal, expressed her gratitude with a smile, and hoped that Liu Yan would bring forward more good ideas.

But Liu Yan didn't say a word about "Tang Palace Night Banquet" and left in a hurry after saying goodbye.

The old leader has already spoken, so she doesn't have to worry about Liu Zhi suppressing "Tang Palace Night Banquet".

The most important thing is that she strives for herself and makes this show exciting.

Back in the office, Liu Yan stood in front of the window and lingered for a long time, then decided to leave immediately to go to Baijiacun again.

Although "Tang Palace Night Banquet" has some creativity, Zhang Tan's words were very vague last time and many details were not explained thoroughly.

Liu Yan can improve these details by herself or ask experts to improve them. This is not difficult.

However, this show is very important to her now, and she cannot relax at all.

There is something in the words of the old leader, and there is a saying that is right: good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. This time she failed to be the general planner of the party, but maybe it was a good thing.

The chief planner is in the spotlight, and many people are watching and criticizing her. Instead, she is behind the scenes and can work on the show with peace of mind.

"Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi, I hope you really have that ability, otherwise you just set up the stage and watch me sing."

When she set out for Baijiacun, she definitely couldn't go empty-handed.

But it's not enough to give gifts, Zhang Tan doesn't lack these.

There are so many people giving gifts, how can she, Liu Yan, be ranked among them?

She recalled her meeting with Zhang Tan a few days ago and found some clues from the words.


Liu Yan thought of a clue. When she and Zhang Tan were chatting, Zhang Tan mentioned that there were many fish ponds in Baijia Village, and some people were raising fish as a side business, but they were only doing it on a small scale and were not allowed to enter.

Thinking of this, Liu Yan directly called a friend of hers, an agricultural expert who was very knowledgeable about the breeding industry.

As a news media person, your biggest advantage is your connections.

I interact with people every day and get to know people from all over the world.

She made an appointment with the breeding expert, then called the photographers and reporters in the station, and the four of them set off for Baijia Village.

First, we took the high-speed train to the county seat, and then drove straight to Baijia Village. At nearly four o'clock in the afternoon, we passed the town where Baijia Village is located and headed towards the village.

The man driving the car was the male reporter he brought with him. This time Liu Yan called them here to make a documentary about Shu embroidery.

To be on the safe side, Liu Yan gave Zhang Tan two big gifts. One was to interview Teacher Jiang and make a documentary, and the other was to teach the villagers in Baijia Village about fish farming experience and help them with on-the-spot inspections.

"Huh? Do you know this kid?"

The cameraman sitting in the passenger seat looked out the window and said to Liu Yan.

Liu Yan looked around and saw that at some point, a new Big Bear motorcycle appeared by the car window. A man was riding the motorcycle with a little girl sitting behind him.

Both were wearing helmets and their faces could not be seen.

But the little girl in the back seat turned her face sideways and looked into the car curiously.

The little girl grabbed the man on the bike with one hand and held a small plastic water gun in the other. She looked cool.

Although he was wearing a helmet and couldn't see his face, Liu Yan still recognized him at a glance. Isn't this the Zhang Tan they were looking for on this trip?

As for the little girl sitting in the back seat holding a small water gun, she is Teacher Zhang’s daughter, Xiaobai.

"Down the car window!" Liu Yan said.

But at this time, the Big Bear motorcycle suddenly accelerated and jumped out, leaving the car behind.

Seeing the motorcycle driving further and further away, Liu Yan quickly said: "Hurry up and follow~"

The reporter who was driving immediately stepped on the accelerator and chased after him.

"Sister Liu, who is this?" the camera guy said.

Liu Yan looked at him helplessly: "This is Teacher Zhang and his daughter. What are you looking at!"

"Ah, I really didn't recognize it. Hey, hey, why is the motorcycle missing?"

The reporter driving the car said: "What are you yelling about! This is a mountain road with twists and turns. Cars are not as flexible as motorcycles. Safety comes first. We will catch up in a minute when we get to the straight road."

The cement road built in Baijia Village is very smooth, but it often has to make twists and turns. Finally, I finally came to a straight road, only to find that there was nothing in front of me, and there was no sign of a motorcycle anywhere.

The photography guy laughed and said, "With your skills, you might as well let me do it!"

The reporter driving the car rolled his eyes and said, "We jumped into the fields when we asked you to come."

Immediately, he said enviously: "Big Bear Motorcycle is flying all over the world!"

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