Dad Academy

Chapter 1768 What is this?

"Which of you wet the bed?"

Early the next morning, Xiaobai and Xi'er sat at the dining table to have breakfast. Breakfast was prepared by Tan Jin'er.

Tan Jin'er told them to eat first and went to Xi'er's bedroom to make the bed, only to find that the bed was wet.

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiaobai and Xi'er who were eating were stunned. Xiaobai's bun stopped at his half-open mouth, and Xi'er's spoon stopped in front of his mouth.

The two of them looked at Tan Jin'er in unison.

"The sheets are wet." Tan Jin'er said, and then she thought that it was inappropriate to say this to Xiaobai. After all, Xiaobai is a 7-year-old child and would not wet the bed under normal circumstances, so she focused on the younger Xi. He said, "Xi'er, you must have done it. After you ate my potato chips last night, you drank a lot of water."

Xi'er continued to be confused, blinking her eyes. When she saw her sister and Xiaobai casting their eyes on her, she suddenly became unhappy and puffed out her cheeks and said angrily:

"I didn't! I didn't, I haven't wet the bed for a long time~~~"

"Then why are the sheets wet? But it doesn't matter. Just wash it and it'll be fine. I'm just asking, don't be unhappy."

Tan Jin'er thought that Xi'er missed her parents last night and was in a low mood. It was not appropriate to irritate children with bedwetting this morning, so she downplayed it, turned around and entered the bedroom, put away the wet sheets, and prepared to wash them.

There were footsteps behind him, and it was Xi'er who was following.

"Sister, it's really not me, I don't have it~~"

"Yeah, sister, I believe you." Tan Jin'er said perfunctorily, thinking that if it wasn't you, then it would be Xiaobai, right?

Just when she thought this, she heard Xi'er saying to Xiaobai behind her: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, what my sister means is that you wet the bed, hiahiahia. It's so funny. You have wet the bed since you were in the second grade of elementary school, hiahia~ ~”

"You!" Tan Jin'er glared at Xi'er, couldn't this little guy hide some words in his heart and not say them out? ! !

"I didn't! It's not me!" Xiaobai was a little excited. She had wet the bed. She hadn't wet the bed in several years. If this spread, how would she manage the melons in the future? ?

Let’s not talk about the distant situation, let’s talk about the immediate situation. How will she face Xiwawa? Will Xiwawa still listen to her in the future?

The corridor outside is her aunt's house. What will her aunt think of her in the future? You must use it to laugh at her from time to time!

As for my uncle, he is a good man.

And Xiaobai can be sure that if she admits it, then the matter will spread all over the city, and half of Pujiang City will know that her little friend Bai Chunhua wet the bed!

Because Xiwawa is a little loudspeaker who can shout everywhere and talk to everyone she meets.

"I didn't, it's really not me~" Xiaobai was very firm.

"hiahiahia~~~Xiaobai, isn't it you, is it me? hiahiahia~"

Xiwawa was still giggling, but when she smiled, she noticed that her sister and Xiaobai were looking at her.

"That's you."

Xiaobai and Tan Jiner said in unison.

(;`O)o“It’s not me~”

Xi'er's voice increased unconsciously, because it really wasn't her.

Xiaobai leaned over the sheets to check, and suddenly laughed:

"The area where Xiwawa sleeps is wet. It's you, Xiwawa."

Xi'er slept against the wall, inside, and the wet spot was in that position, so it couldn't be Xiaobai.

"It's you, it's you~" Xiaobai smiled.

Just now Xiwawa poured dirty water on her and said she wet the bed. Now Xiaobai is very angry and the consequences will be serious.

"not me."

"That's you."


"That's right, slightly, slightly, slightly~~"


Xi'er was crying, and was confused by Xiaobai's string of tongues. This is what only Liuliu can do, 嘤嘤嘤~

"Eh?" Xiaobai actually leaned in front of the bed sheet and smelled it, "Why doesn't it smell bad at all?"

When Xi'er heard this, her eyes lit up again.

She still has a chance to prove her innocence.

"Are you going to pee?"

"It's a boy peeing~hahahaha~~" Xiaobai laughed.

Xi'er didn't understand what child urine was, but seeing Xiaobai smiling like this, Xi'er knew it was definitely not a good word without asking.

"What is child urine?"

Xi'er couldn't help her curiosity and asked. After all, curiosity killed the cat.

"Oh, boy's urine is the urine of a three-year-old baby."

When Xi'er heard this, she immediately felt helpless. She puffed her cheeks and stared with big eyes, wanting to pounce on Xiaobai and bite her. Why was she so irritating?

"Awwww~ I'm biting you~"

Xi'er bared her teeth and claws, trying to pounce on Xiaobai.

But Xiaobai is not afraid at all, what a little milk cat can do.

At this time, Tan Jin'er also realized that something was wrong, because Xiaobai just said that the sheets did not smell bad, so she paid attention and found that there was indeed no smell, and it did not look like bedwetting.

"Xiwawa, are you the one who wetted the sheets?" Xiaobai asked.


Xi'er turned around and walked away proudly, climbed to the dining table, and continued eating her unfinished breakfast.


The big movie "Zhu Xian" is about to be released, and the promotion has started, but it seems that it has not gone smoothly from the beginning. As soon as the news of the movie was released, there were both positive and negative opinions on the Internet.

Positive public opinion is naturally full of expectations. Zhang Tan's production must be a high-quality one, not to mention it is a fairy tale movie.

Zhang Tan's mythological romance drama "The Legend of White Snake" has taken this summer vacation by storm, and now a similar fairy tale romance drama is being released again, and the audience is naturally full of expectations.

However, the negative public opinion criticized the special effects of the movie Sanmao, thinking that it is another bad romance movie disguised as a fairy tale.

“What’s going on with all this negative publicity?”

At the company's meeting, Zhang Tan was listening to the relevant person in charge's report.

"It feels a little wrong, like an organized negative public opinion, maybe someone is behind it." The person in charge of publicity said.

Zhang Tan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, agreeing with his opinion.

"At present, we have formulated a comprehensive response plan. First of all, we suggest holding a preview screening in advance and expanding the original invitation scale again..."

"Can you find out the person behind this?" Zhang Tan asked.

"We're working on it."

The meeting lasted from nine o'clock in the morning to ten thirty. As soon as the meeting ended, Zhang Tan left in a hurry.

He drove from the company to a farm on the outskirts of Pujiang. The car drove directly in and stopped in a parking lot. Then he rode an electric car from the farm and passed through a field and a hill when he saw Xiaobai. Others are catching fish in the creek.

Today is the day for outdoor development. A group of friends who “just want to play and don’t want to work” are here. This group of children are in the water now, with their trouser legs and sleeves rolled up, wearing straw hats, screaming in the stream, and chasing the fish. run.

Zhang Tan's arrival did not create a wave, oh, there was still a little ripple. Tan Xi'er, a child, glanced sideways at him despite his busy schedule, and then continued to join the army of catching fish.

"Hot it up, let's have a slice of watermelon."

Tan Jiner brought the freshly cut watermelon. It was said that it was grown on the farm itself. After picking it, it was left in the deep well water for a while.

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