Dad Academy

Chapter 1818 Interesting things at the power-on ceremony

This day is an auspicious day, suitable for the launch of new dramas, so "The Legend of White Snake" was chosen to launch on this day.

The opening ceremony was held at Pujiang Cinema City, where the drama will be filmed.

The time is set at 8:18 in the morning.

At six o'clock in the morning, Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai had breakfast, dressed up, and went out together.

"Let's go - have a big fight!"

Xiaobai always has high morale and high spirits.

She directly put on Xu Xian's costume in the play, with long and fluttering belt, like a handsome boy.

However, because Xiao Bai's hairstyle in the play is very complicated, Zhang Tan doesn't have the ability, so he can only give her a watermelon hairdo, which looks natural and innocent. After arriving on the set, Xiao Bai has to wear a wig.

The two of them left the room and went downstairs, and happened to see Teacher Xiaoliu in the yard.

"Boss, Xiaobai, morning."

Teacher Xiaoliu took the initiative to say hello. She was cleaning the yard. The children ran wildly last night and left some garbage in the yard.

Teacher Xiaoliu was on duty last night, because some children were not picked up until one o'clock in the morning. It was too late, so she chose to stay in the academy and go home in the morning.

"Good morning, Teacher Xiaoliu - we are going to film!" Xiaobai greeted her.

"Ah? We're filming, oh, by the way, it's Xiao Drama's The Legend of White Snake, right? I wish you all the best." Teacher Xiaoliu smiled and watched the two of them leave the yard.

She continued to clean, and when she was done, she returned to the room, took her bag, went out, and went home.

Zhang Tan and Xiaobai went to Huangjiacun, first to pick up Tan Jin'er and Xi'er, and then to pick up Xiaonian.

"Aunt - I'm going to film!"

Passing by the pancake and fruit shop, Xiaobai jumped up and greeted Malanhua who was busy inside.

As soon as she finished speaking, the crowd of people queuing up to buy pancakes and fruits at the entrance of the store brushed their eyes and many looked over.

However, these people did not take Xiaobai's words seriously. Who would have thought that such a child would be a famous actor.


Malanhua temporarily put down what she was doing and handed it over to others. She came out of the store, came over to ask a few questions, and gave Xiaobai a lot of instructions before letting them go.

Xi'er had already prepared and was waiting for Xiaobai to pick her up.

After meeting the Tan family sisters, a group of people arrived at the door of Xiaonian's house. The wooden door of the yard was replaced with a new one and locked, but there were people in the yard. Xiaonian was wearing new clothes and was waiting in the yard. It's her grandparents.

The two old men ceremoniously handed Xiaonian to Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er, thanked them profusely, and insisted on sending them out of Huangjia Village before stopping.

Xiao Nian was a little timid and shy, but Xiao Bai and Xi'er were there, and Xi'er kept holding her little hand. The three of them talked and laughed, so Xiao Nian didn't get discouraged.

Zhang Tan's car is a modified MPV that can accommodate so many people.

We drove from Huangjiacun and due to the traffic jam on the road, we didn't arrive at the set until seven o'clock.

The crew was already buzzing with people, people were coming and going, and it was very busy.

A start-up ceremony was arranged at the scene, and the staff were still coming and going. They were busy setting up the shooting scene. Because as soon as the opening ceremony is over, filming will begin.

Liliu hasn't arrived yet, but some children have arrived.

Zhang Tan saw the little bald Huang Tao at a glance. This is the little boy who plays the role of Little Fahai. He is very talented in acting.

When he saw Zhang Tan, he immediately came over to say hello.

"Good morning, Teacher Zhang, early morning for Xiaobai, early morning for Xi'er, early morning for this sister, early morning for this kid."

Huang Tao is really not left behind. Even if he doesn't know Tan Jin'er and Xiaonian, it doesn't stop him from saying hello.

"You came so early." Zhang Tan said.

"Fahai, do you want to arrest me?" Xiaobai asked Huang Tao. She still couldn't forget that Fahai was against her.

Without waiting for Huang Tao to answer, Xi'er asked immediately.

"Hiahia, Fahai, are you going to capture Xiaobai in that Bobo? Where is your Bobo?"

Huang Tao laughed and said: "My Bobo is a prop, and it is still with the staff. I am not catching Xiaobai into Bobo, I am catching White Snake."

Xi'er said: "White lady is a durian, you want to put the durian in Bobo?! Do you want to make Bobo chicken? Do you want to stew the durian with chicken? hiahiahia~~~~"

This brain circuit is very good at making associations. Xiaobai chuckled mischievously, and Xiaonian also looked at this side curiously.

In addition to the child Huang Tao, there were also other young actors at the scene. However, Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan hadn't arrived yet. It was probably because they had difficulty getting up, as you can imagine. But with Zhu Xiaojing here, Zhang Tan is not worried that she will be late.

Zhang Tan thought they were the first to arrive in the group of girlfriends, but he caught a glimpse of a man walking past with a plate of peaches in the crowd.

He thought his eyes were dazzled, but when he looked again, he was right.

At this time, Tan Jin'er also spotted the figure and said with some surprise: "Is that Dudu?"

That's it. It's impossible that both Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er got it wrong.

Miss Zhao came so early, and this little guy didn't care about life at all. He found work by himself when he came.

I saw her carrying a plate of peaches, coming to a incense table, and placing the peaches on top, keeping them neatly with the bananas next to them.

"Is it okay?" Dudu asked the staff around him.

The staff said: "Okay, thank you, Dudu."


Dudu ran happily towards Xiaobai.

There was a red ribbon tied on her forehead, and there were several big words written on the ribbon: Roll up your sleeves and work hard!

"Dudu, you came so early -" Tan Jiner greeted Dudu with a smile.

Dudu: "666——I'm here to help the duck, there are a lot of things to do here, haha, Xiaobai, Xi'er——Hey, Xiaonian is here too, Fahai, don't eat the pomegranate duck~"

A few children gathered together, and then director Zhang Tongshun appeared and told Zhang Tan: "The actors are basically all here, only Liuliu is missing."

Zhang Tan looked at the time. It was now 7:40 in the morning, and there was still half an hour. There was no rush, 5 billion big swallows had to be the last to arrive.

What Zhang Tan wanted to say was other things.

“Who thought of the red plate next to this?”

He pointed to the red boards on both sides of the scene. The red boards were very eye-catching and had some big characters on them.

Zhang Tan noticed it as soon as he arrived, and was even more attracted by the words on it.

Zhang Tongshun said with a smile: "It was our publicity team's idea. It felt very appropriate, and it immediately made this place cute."

Tan Jiner also kept laughing.

Originally, these red boards at the scene were written with auspicious words such as "a good start", "a big hit at the box office", and "a good start".

Up to now, there have been some changes. Due to the increase in bad artists, the words on these red boards have changed again, with some words such as "obeying the law" and "being honest and self-disciplined" added.

However, when the crew of "The Legend of White Snake" arrived at the scene, these words "good luck starting" and "obeying the law" were gone, replaced by:

"Have a good time filming and make progress every day"

"We are the sun at six o'clock in the morning"

"Obey orders, don't cry or make trouble"

"Eight-hour work system, get off work when you're done"

"Determined not to work overtime"

“No night shift here”

"Speak well if you have something to say."

"No fighting, we are all friends."

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