Dad Academy

Chapter 1991 Focus

"I will miss you, little Weiwei."

"Xiao Weiwei, you are my best friend, I will never forget you."

"Xiao Weiwei, can you please not leave?"


"Little Weiwei, give me your phone number. I'll save it and call you when I grow up."

"Xiao Weiwei, I like you so much."

"Xiao Weiwei, can you help me wash my socks again?"

Everyone in Little Red Pony Academy knew that Little Weiwei was leaving Little Red Pony, and they came to say goodbye to her one by one. This filled the Little Red Pony Academy with a sad atmosphere of farewell. After a night of crying, they had gradually become stronger and accepted her. The real Xiao Weiwei felt sad again at this moment and couldn't control herself.

The children lined up to say farewell to her, as if little Weiwei would not be here tomorrow.

The fact is, Xiao Weiwei still has more than half a month left.

I don’t know which melon boy started hugging Xiao Weiwei, so that all the melon boys behind me had to hug and say goodbye to little Weiwei with tears streaming down their cheeks.

When Teacher Xiao Liu came over to take a look, the scene was out of control. The children were all in tears, saying goodbye to Xiao Weiwei.

Xiao Weiwei cried like a little cat. Xiao Lizi and Xiao Youyou supported her on the left and right to prevent her from collapsing on the ground.

Dudu arrived in line and said many thoughtful words to Xiao Weiwei, which made Xiao Weiwei burst into tears again.

"Xiao Weiwei, don't cry yet, I haven't said anything yet." Liuliu, who was lining up behind Dudu, reminded.

If she has finished crying now, will she still be able to cry when she speaks?

In the eyes of some children, the number of tears Xiao Weiwei sheds represents a deeper friendship with someone.

Liuliu thinks that she has a deep relationship with Xiao Weiwei and is her best friend, so when she speaks, Xiao Weiwei must cry more.

Xiao Weiwei wiped away her tears, suppressed her sadness and made herself strong.

Dudu left and Liuliu came.

"We will never see each other again..." Liuliu said this, which immediately made the strong little Weiwei unable to be strong anymore and burst into tears again. Xiao Youyou quickly handed her a tissue to wipe her tears, while Xiao Lizi Staring at Liliu angrily.

Liuliu was not afraid at all and continued: "You will never have to see Little Plum again, Little Plum Duck, you will never see Little Weiwei again, not for the rest of your life..."

Xiao Weiwei let out a cry and cried louder, while Xiao Lizi glared at Liliu, and his eyes turned red. Finally, under the atmosphere deliberately created by Liliu, Xiao Lizi couldn't hold it any longer, and he and Xiao Weiwei Hug my head and cry.

Then, Liuliu was driven away.

Xiaobai and Xiaomi teamed up to arrest her, cut her hands behind her back, and took her to solitary confinement.

"Why are you arresting me? Why duck? Bully duck, bully people!"

Liuliu was very unconvinced and kept shouting, with a righteous tone.

But no matter how she defended herself, Xiaobai and Xiaomi were not fooled and arrested her.

When she came back, Xiao Weiwei finally stopped crying and became strong again with the comfort of Xi'er, Xiao Youyou and others.

That night, the little red horse lost its former liveliness and became melancholy and sad.

At the same time, the pony who was also leaving the little red pony during the winter vacation did not receive so many farewells.

He witnessed Xiao Weiwei's popularity, and then looked at himself. Except for Xiaobai, Xi'er and Xiaomi who said goodbye to him, none of the other children came.

He tightened his pants and silently returned to his little stool, dragging his cheeks and thinking about the chess game. He then thought of something and took the backgammon and looked around for Liuliu. Finally, he found Liuliu in the data room, who was facing the wall and thinking about his past.

He wanted to find Liuliu for another round. In the entire Little Red Horse Academy, there were only two people he had not defeated. One was Cheng Cheng who never fought without preparation, and the other was Liuliu who asked her to give her five steps first. pomegranate.

Cheng Cheng's words meant that Xiao Ma was not going to challenge him again, and his repeated defeats were simply trampling his self-confidence to the ground.

But he plans to find Liuliu to regain his place.

However, Liuliu avoided fighting. Why would she, a winner, play chess with a loser? !

"I can't afford to lose that person! I can't afford to lose the duck -" Luoliu shouted, his words filled with embarrassment.

This pony was very angry.

When Xiao Weiwei's mother, Zhong Fei, came to pick her up in the evening, she saw her daughter and her children hugging each other and crying. It was as if they were separated and would never see each other again.

Zhong Fei was speechless.

When she got home, she just asked Xiao Weiwei why she hugged and cried with the children today. Xiao Weiwei burst into tears without saying a word, her lips were trembling with tears.

Zhong Fei was funny and distressed, and asked her if she was really reluctant to leave the little red horse?

Xiao Weiwei nodded, looking pitiful.

Zhong Fei said: "Although we left the Little Red Horse, you will still come back after the winter vacation. Then mom will send you to the Little Red Horse, okay?"

When Xiao Weiwei heard this, she couldn't believe it at first. After getting her mother's affirmative reply, she nodded with tears in her eyes and said yes.

"Then don't cry. Come on, show your mother a smile," Zhong Fei said.

Xiao Weiwei smiled, hee~

A huge bubble of snot came out.

Zhong Fei laughed loudly, and Xiao Weiwei giggled sheepishly.


As time goes by, winter is getting colder and colder, the leaves are withering and the cold wind is blowing.

The children are about to face the final exam. During this period, the learning tasks are relatively heavy, mainly because of the high mental pressure.

Xiaobai was watched by Xi'er doing her homework every day and night. If she played without doing her homework, she would be nagged to death by Xi'er.

Teacher Jiang is also very tight-lipped. She accompanies the children to do their homework every night, and even helps to check and correct the homework after they are finished.

"Is this a test?"

"The teacher said that this is the key point and you will probably pass the exam."


Xiaobai and Xiaomi were discussing the final exam, and Liuliu leaned over.

"Which one?"

"This is it~"

"I'm Kangkang."

"Will you take the exam?"

"That's what the teacher focused on."

"Hey! Then I have to study hard."

When Liuliu heard that this was the key point marked by the teacher, and that he might pass it in the final exam, he immediately became interested, borrowed Xiaomi's book, and picked out the key points in his own book.

"Didn't the teacher say that in class? Didn't you listen, Luliu?" Xiaomi asked.

They were in the same class. When the teacher was highlighting the key points, Liuliu and Xiaobai were there, but they didn't seem to know, so we could tell what they were doing during class.

Liuliu pretended not to hear and focused on the key points.

Suddenly, she felt someone coming next to her. Immediately, the person stretched out a hand and pulled Xiaomi's schoolbag to the side.

"Who are you?"

Liuliu looked over impatiently and saw a big smiling face.

"hiahiahia, Liuliu, I also want to highlight the key points, show me~"

"... Let's watch together." Liuliu said helplessly, she couldn't bully Xiba.

"hiahia, thank you Liliu."

"You're welcome...huh?"

Luoliu suddenly thought, isn't Xiwawa in the first grade? Can my focus in second grade be the same as their first grade focus?

She looked at Xi'er's book and saw that Xi'er was drawing smiling faces on the book.

Do you think this melon boy is teasing her? ! It's a duck!

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