Dad Academy

Chapter 2092 It’s better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish

Zhang Tan never expected that he would go out to chat with someone and prepare to have a meal. When he came out, he would meet his biological daughter and goddaughter drinking milk tea and watching pigeons in the square. Shouldn't they be at home? ! Why did you run away! And there are no adults around.

"Old man!"


The two children were pleasantly surprised when they saw him.

Zhang Tan found out from their stories that they were selling flowers to the little girl and had her grandma’s permission.

"Where are the flowers?"

Zhang Tan glanced at the little girl's flower basket, but saw that it was empty, leaving only an empty basket.

If he couldn't sell them, he would buy them all.

He wanted to buy them all last time, but the little girl was only willing to sell him one because he didn't have a girlfriend.

Now that he has friends around him, it's not too much to give them one or two roses.

"Sold out, haha~"

"We sold out. We sold out so quickly. It's amazing, us."

Zhang Tan asked: "All sold out? So fast?"

He remembered that the last time the little girl sold a basket of roses, it took a day before they were sold out, so he thought it must be quite difficult.

"Yeah, yeah, it's sold out. We sold two baskets." Xiaobai said.

"You sold two baskets of roses? Have you come here twice?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xi'er smiled so proudly that her tail was raised, but she still wanted to say that she was not proud at all.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but be interested and asked them how they sold it. He was told that they sold it to rich couples in front of clothing stores.

Zhang Tan immediately felt relieved, thinking that he would not have to worry about losing all his billions in wealth to Xiaobai, as this kid was very business-savvy.

"Have you eaten? Come on, let's eat together." Zhang Tan greeted.

"Let's go~"

Xiaobai took the lead and took the little flower seller away.

The little girl hesitated, stopped, glanced timidly at Zhang Tan who was walking in front, and whispered to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, I'm not going, I have to go home."

Xiaobai said: "It's time to eat. You eat with us and then go home after eating."

"But, but..."

"No, let's go and eat. What do you like to eat?"

"But, but..." The little girl was still there, but she couldn't think of a good reason, so she finally said, "But I'm not familiar with your father."

Xiaobai was surprised: "You just need to be familiar with us."

Xi'er also came over and giggled: "hiahia, we are good friends. By the way, what's your name? hiahiahia~~~"

It turns out that I am very familiar with him, I don’t even know his name.

Xiaobai was stunned, it was true, she still didn’t know what the little girl’s name was.

"My name is Song Qin." the little girl said.

"Song Qin?" Xi'er recited it several times, "It sounds good, it sounds really good."

But I just don’t know why it sounds good. You don’t need a reason to praise someone.

"Song Qin, let's go eat." Xiaobai held Xiao Song Qin's hand and wanted to take her to eat together.

At this time, Zhang Tan, who was two steps ahead of them, turned back and said, "Let's go eat together."

Today he was hosting the dean of the Forbidden City and his delegation. After listening to "Memory of the Forbidden City", the other party was so moved that they flew all the way to Pujiang just to visit him.

According to this person's level and status, the reception should have been very grand, and even required government personnel to intervene. However, this person tried to keep a low profile before coming, and repeatedly reminded that he came in a personal capacity, visiting relatives and friends, and that was all. That's all, don't waste your time.

Accompanying him were the vice-dean who had received Zhang Tan before, as well as Liu Chuyuan and Wang Xuehui, the three of whom were acquaintances.

When Zhang Tan was looking for Xiaobai and the others, they stood there and watched. Soon they saw Zhang Tan bringing three children over. Xiaobai and Xier had seen them before, but the dean had not, so Liu Chu Yuan immediately introduced to the dean: "The one in the middle is Teacher Zhang's daughter, named Xiaobai, and the little one on the left is Teacher Zhang's goddaughter, named Xi'er. They were also together last time when we came to the Forbidden City. The other one is Teacher Zhang's goddaughter. A little girl with a basket I don’t recognize.”

At this time, Zhang Tan had already walked closer and said to them with a smile: "I unexpectedly met my daughter here."

Wang Huixue said: "There are a lot of pigeons here. Are you here to feed the pigeons?"

With that said, she said hello to Xiaobai and Xi'er, and these two children still remembered her and responded enthusiastically.

"Miss, we are here to sell flowers."

"Sold out."

Wang Xuehui was stunned for a moment, then smiled and praised them for being so awesome.

We had lunch at a high-end restaurant nearby. Although Xiaobai and Xi'er had never been to this restaurant, they had been to many good places with Zhang Tan, and they were also children who had seen the world.

Only Xiao Songqin was very reserved. She looked at the surrounding environment and behaved more cautiously.

Fortunately, Xiaobai and Xi'er were with her and kept bringing her food, so she wouldn't be so frightened that she ran away.

After lunch, Liu Chuyuan and the other two went to the hotel to rest. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Tan came to pick them up and take them to the company.

He took Xiao Bai and the others back to Little Red Horse Academy, and Xiao Song Qin separated from them at the gate of the academy.

"Are you still selling flowers this afternoon?" Xiaobai asked before leaving.

"Sell." Xiao Songqin said from a distance.


"Go home and get some flowers."

Although Xiaobai really wanted to take a rest at home, Xiao Songqin didn't want to take a rest, so she didn't plan to take a rest.

"I'll wait for you here."

"... Xiaobai, you don't have to go. You can go and play by yourselves."

"It's nothing. It's just fun to sell flowers with you."

"...Oh, okay~"

When Xiao Bai and others could no longer be seen, Xiao Song Qin walked home briskly.

Xi'er followed Xiaobai and talked to her, saying that she wanted to go again.

Xiaobai asked her to rest at home and take a nap, but Xi'er disagreed. She thought selling flowers was interesting.

Although Zhang Tan intended for Xiao Bai and Xi'er to rest at home, the two children were unwilling and wanted to go sell flowers with Xiao Song Qin. On the one hand, they thought it was fun and interesting, and on the other hand, they felt that Xiao Song Qin was selling flowers alone. so lonely.

"That little doll doesn't know how to sell flowers. She can't sell one flower in a long time. If it weren't for us, she would be selling flowers until night." Xiaobai said.

Xi'er nodded in agreement: "This is our strength. When I shout, brothers and sisters come to buy our flowers. I'm so awesome, huh~"

Anyway, the people listening to her words are not outsiders, so let her say whatever she wants, just be happy and brag as hard as she can.

Zhang Tan understood the mood of the two people and said: "There is a saying that teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish. You can teach Xiao Song Qin to sell flowers and let her learn how to sell flowers. If you have something to do in the future, you can't accompany her. , she can also sell the flowers quickly herself."

Hearing this, Xiaobai nodded and said, "But old man, what do you mean by fish? Fish, what do you mean?"

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