Dad Academy

Chapter 2549 Female Director

The premiere was finally over. Originally, Tan Jin'er was going to take Xiao Bai, Xi'er and Xiao Xiaobai home first, so she didn't wait for Zhang Tan because Zhang Tan was really busy at the moment and was not busy with the movie premiere. When the ceremony was over and he was free, more people gathered around him talking about this and that. Even Dudu and Liuliu came forward to send congratulations and they took the time to seize the opportunity.

But Xiaobai refused to leave first. She asked Sister Jin'er to take everyone away first, while she stayed and went back with the old man.

So Tan Jin'er took the others and left first. Xi'er and Xiao Xiaobai originally wanted to stay with Xiao Bai, but they were not allowed, so they had to leave first.

After Zhang Tan finished dealing with everyone, Wang Hao quickly stepped forward to help him block the people who were coming forward.

"Mr. Zhang, please go first. Xiaobai has been waiting. We can deal with it here."

Wang Hao stayed with Xiao Bai and never left. He took advantage of every opportunity to help Zhang Tan block the crowd that wanted to surround him and let him take Xiao Bai home first.

Zhang Tan thanked him, then clasped his fists in apology to everyone, and took Xiaobai home.

Along the way, Xiaobai talked excitedly about the movie, asked various questions, and had a hundred thousand whys.

"This is news written by Xiao Weiwei. She wanted to give it to you, but you didn't have time, so she gave it to me. Take a look, old man."

Zhang Tan was surprised: "Did Xiao Weiwei really write news? When did she write it?"

"While watching the movie, she was watching and writing that she insisted on getting this doll."

"Then she is indeed really powerful."

"Old man, take a look."

"I'm driving, why don't you read it to me."

"I want to watch Boss Zhang's movie today..."

When Xiaobai read it aloud, he found that the news was short and cute, with no more than 200 words in total. However, for a child who was only a few years old, it was already a lengthy article, which was rare.

Zhang Tan couldn't help laughing while listening, and Xiaobai also laughed while reading.

After reading Xiao Weiwei's news, Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai both spoke highly of it and agreed to thank Xiao Weiwei tomorrow for writing such a good piece of news.

"There is something Xiaomi wants to tell you."

"What words?"

"The movie is great. I wish Boss Zhang the movie will be a success."

"Thank her."

"And Cheng Cheng's..."

Xiaobai conveyed the children's blessings one by one. After she finished speaking, the car also arrived at Huangjiacun and the two of them arrived home.

Xi'er and Xiao Xiaobai were both not at home and had gone back to their own homes. There was no one in the Little Red Horse Academy. The children were either taken home by their parents or slept in the dormitories on the second floor.

Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai returned to the third floor. Teacher Jiang heard the noise and appeared in the corridor. Seeing them coming back, he asked if they were hungry and if they wanted some midnight snacks.

Teacher Jiang also went to the premiere in the evening. She came back with Tan Jiner, which was only half an hour earlier than Xiaobai and the others.

It was getting late, and I didn't plan to have a midnight snack. When I got home, I took a shower first, and then got ready to go to bed.

Although the sound of new messages kept coming from the phone, Zhang Tan didn't want to worry about it anymore and would talk about it tomorrow.

After every movie premiere, information is flying all over the place.

Xiaobai was very excited and very busy checking various news on his mobile phone.

"Old man, look at this, I'm complimenting you."

Xiaobai enthusiastically showed his phone to Zhang Tan. Zhang Tan just glanced at it without looking. Instead, he asked: "What does it say? Can you read it to me?"

"Yes." Xiaobai looked very excited, because everyone was praising her old man, as if they were praising herself, which made her very happy.

She sat up straight, looked serious, coughed twice, cleared her throat, and then read aloud in a measured tone: "There is no doubt that "The Matrix" is the best science fiction movie in Chinese history. It can even be said to be a milestone movie in the history of world cinema... I don’t recognize a single word of Le... I don’t recognize a single word of Le... emmm, I don’t know..."

I finally finished reading it. Xiaobai felt a little embarrassed because there were quite a few words I didn’t recognize. Hahahaha.

But her old man didn't think she was bad at all. Instead, he praised her, saying that she read aloud very well, with a rich voice and full of emotion.

Although Xiaobai didn't know what it meant to be eloquent and eloquent, he guessed that he must be saying something very good and praising her, so he couldn't stop having fun.

She was encouraged and became more energetic, and continued to search for fresh movie reviews on the Internet, reading one after another to her old man.

These reviews are almost all overwhelmingly positive, and even the harshest film critics have to praise it after watching tonight's premiere.

Chinese movies are so lacking in science fiction films, and there are almost no good science fiction films.

"Old man, can I also make movies in the future?" Xiaobai had a whim and wanted her daughter to inherit her father's legacy and become a female director in the future.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Okay, you always have to have dreams, just in case they come true."

Xiaobai laughed and was extremely happy, as if the old man's words announced that she had become a female director.

Zhang Tan continued: "If you make a movie, you can invite Liliu to be the starring role."

Xiaobai thought for a while, carefully considered this suggestion, nodded and said: "Yes, although Liuliu is a fool, she is still very good at acting. As long as she is obedient, I will ask her to act, and then ask Cheng Cheng to be the screenwriter. , please invite Xiaonian to act too..."

Soon, Xiaobai built his own team. It's not to mention that although the five organs are small, they are fully equipped, the division of labor is very clear, and there are people in key positions.

The father and daughter imagined the future, and Zhang Tan also checked the news on his mobile phone, but he found the film reviews of "Taotie".

Because the two movies were released at the same time, face to face PK, so if we want to talk about "The Matrix", we have to talk about "Taotie".

"The Matrix" has almost one-sided positive reviews, while "Taotie" has mixed reviews. There are people who praise it, but there are more people who scold it, especially the film critics, who are almost all critical.

Everyone has a relatively unified view that this movie has a good appearance but no substance, and it is more like a show.

While Zhang Tan was taking his little girl to read the reviews, in a courtyard in BJ, a middle-aged man was also checking his mobile phone and reading the comments on the Internet. His face was not good from beginning to end, and he was always gloomy and solemn.

Suddenly, the door of the study was pushed open, and a woman walked in, "Old Sun, aren't you going to bed yet? It's already very late."

Old Sun is Sun Jianrong, the director of "Taotie". He closed his phone, and the displeasure on his face just now disappeared instantly. He still looked calm and calm, "I'll sit for a while, you go to bed first."

"Okay, don't stay up late."

The woman went out after she finished speaking. Sun Jianrong put his phone on the desk, leaned back against the armchair, closed his eyes for a while, picked up his phone again, searched for "The Matrix", and his face became serious again.

After a long time, he finally put down his phone. If he couldn't find "The Matrix" on the Internet, he would have stayed up late to watch it tonight.

Although the comments on the Internet say that "The Matrix" is better than "Taotie", he still has thoughts about the box office. What does it matter if the comments are good? After all, the movie is ultimately judged by the box office. If the market doesn't accept it, what's the use of applause.

Thinking of this, Sun Jianrong stopped struggling, walked out of the study, and went back to his room to sleep.

I owe you a chapter tonight.

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