Dad Academy

Chapter 2560 Liuliu's cry for help

"Nowadays, the company is getting better and better, prospering and growing in scale. Although the company has always adhered to the principle of employing elite soldiers and strictly controlled personnel, there are now more than 200 official staff members, including 20 screenwriters. Many people.”

Little Red Horse Film and Television Company has always attached great importance to screenwriters, so the company has a strong team of screenwriters.

Wu Zebing continued: "Facts have proven that it is correct to attach importance to screenwriters. Now the entire industry has seen the importance we attach to screenwriters. Combined with our achievements, many companies have begun to pay attention to them. Screenwriters are becoming more and more important in the industry. The higher. I participated in an industry forum a while ago, and several senior screenwriters in the industry came to me and thanked Little Red Horse Film and Television for attaching great importance to screenwriters. This has reversed the previous unhealthy trend of looking down on screenwriters. They all wanted to visit you... …”

The reason why Little Red Horse Film and Television Company attaches great importance to screenwriters is because its boss Zhang Tan is a screenwriter.

Zhang Tan said: "The industry atmosphere cannot be reversed in a short time. The fundamental thing is to improve the level of the entire screenwriting industry. We just set a leading example to let everyone see the benefits of paying attention to screenwriters. Screenwriters can bring a lot to a film and television project." huge role.”

Wu Zebing deeply agreed: "Yes, I mean the same thing, but everything is difficult at the beginning. We did this and did it very well. Everyone in the industry saw it and will naturally follow suit. Boss, I think the company It is necessary to establish a screenwriting department and implement unified management. "

Nowadays, the screenwriters of Xiaohongma Film and Television implement a project system. Certain screenwriters are responsible for a project and are directly responsible to the director. The screenwriters are scattered and there is no unified department.

But now that there are more screenwriters, such a project system will become too loose. When there are no projects, the screenwriters don’t know what to do.

Zhang Tan agreed after just thinking about it. "Okay, you make a plan."

Wu Zebing smiled and said: "Okay, let's make a plan first. Now that a department has been established, it is natural to determine the department head. Boss, do you have any suggestions?"

Zhang Tan also smiled and said: "You should brew it internally first."

Wu Zebing knew that the conversation should end here, so he said, "Then let's decide on the plan and candidates first, and then report to you", and then left.

The office suddenly became quiet, but the next second Wang Wenming walked in, stood a little further in from the door and said, "Boss, the company cafeteria has prepared lunch. It's getting late, so go eat first."

Zhang Tan was looking at his cell phone when he heard the words and said hello, "I'll give Xiaobai a call and go."

Wang Wenming gently closed the door and went to the cafeteria.

Zhang Tan dialed Xiaobai's number. It rang twice and the call was connected. Then several little faces appeared on the screen of the phone, crowded together and in front of the camera, their cheeks all flushed.

"Old man, old man! Have you finished the meeting?" Xiaobai asked from the front.

The small faces crowding around her were Xi'er, Xiaoxiaobai, and Liuliu. As soon as Liuliu squeezed, Xi'er and Xiaoxiaobai's faces disappeared from the camera. Then they tried their best to squeeze in again, and then they were squeezed out by Liliu again, and so on.

"We just finished the meeting. Did you guys have fun in the art gallery? Have you had lunch?" Zhang Tan asked, reminding at the same time, "Liuliu, don't crowd people."

Liuliu immediately argued: "I didn't squeeze, and it was useless for me to do anything. It's just that they are too weak."

Xi'er and Xiaoxiaobai, who were treated as weaklings by her, glared at her, and even Xi'er became angry.

When Liuliu's sinful hand quietly covered Xiaoxiaobai's face again, Xiaoxiaobai no longer spoiled her this time, but opened her mouth and bit Liuliu with her little milk teeth. of evil hands.

Liuliu howled and immediately disappeared from the camera.

Also missing was Xiao Xiaobai.

Although Zhang Tan couldn't see them anymore, he could hear their voices.

Liuliu was raging, Xiaobai was laughing, then Xiaobai begged for mercy, and then Xi'er ran to break up the fight, and then other children's voices joined in, seemingly causing a melee, and then there was a loud noise. Liuliu’s stern cry for help——

Xiaobai in front of the camera looked back at the mess of melon dolls. She turned the camera to them and glanced at Zhang Tan. There was no longer a melon doll in the pile... She seemed to be submerged. Similar.

"Have you eaten?" Zhang Tan asked with concern.

Xiaobai shook his head and said, "We haven't eaten yet. Sister Jin'er has booked a restaurant for us. It's in the art museum, but we have to queue up. We're just waiting in line."

Zhang Tan asked again: "Are you going home after dinner? Or continue to play there?"

Xiaobai said: "I haven't finished it yet. It's so big here, old man. I saw a lot of beautiful paintings. I even took pictures. I'll show them to you when I get home."

"Okay, I also want to see what good-looking paintings look like." After Zhang Tan finished speaking, he saw Dudu running over and calling Xiaobai to go eat.

Tan Jiner was also seen in the camera. She was greeting the children to enter the restaurant.

Zhang Tan hung up the phone with Xiaobai, and he went to the company canteen to eat.

The company transformed half of the first floor into a canteen, which serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Although employees have to swipe their credit cards to eat, the company will subsidize a sum of money every month, which greatly reduces everyone's dining costs.

There are three executive dining halls in the cafeteria. When Zhang Tan passed by, Wang Wenming was standing outside the door waiting for him and said with a smile: "Everyone is here."

Zhang Tan pushed the door open and walked in. The people who had just attended the meeting were all dining inside, and there were also a few senior executives who were not attending the meeting. Originally, everyone should have already had their meal at this time, but magically everyone postponed it today and waited until this time to arrive at the restaurant.

The meal lasted for more than half an hour, chatting with everyone while eating. When Zhang Tan left and returned to the office, he was just about to take a nap when someone knocked on the door.

It’s screenwriter Wu Zhensheng.

"Mr. Zhang, do you have time? I'll give you a few minutes," Wu Zhensheng said.

Zhang Tan had just stood up and was about to go to the back bedroom. When he saw him coming, he moved to the sofa by the window in the office and said, "It's okay. Come sit here if you have something to do."

Wu Zhensheng sat down on the sofa opposite him and said with a smile: "I also came back from a walk downstairs after dinner, and happened to see your office door open, so I came over to take a look. I have nothing else important to do. I would like to report to you about the screenwriting work of "Xiu Chun Dao"..."

Zhang Tan was a little surprised, but said calmly: "Today the company confirmed that "Xiu Chun Knife" will be released during the Spring Festival this year, so the filming schedule must be guaranteed."

Wu Zhensheng took over the topic wisely and reported on the work of the crew.

Zhang Tan listened very carefully. He had indeed not been to the set of "Xiu Chun Knife" for a while and didn't know much about the situation there. He took the opportunity to learn more about it today.

However, Wu Zhensheng's report was very concise and to the point. He knew that his boss was going to take a break at this time and there was not much time left for him, so he did not give a lengthy report.

But after the report, Wu Zhensheng added: "A few days ago, Mr. Wu asked me about the management of the company's screenwriters. I just had some ideas, so I told him that the project system implemented by the company is very practical. At that time, the company was founded. It has played a big role, but as the company grows, it is necessary to make some adjustments and optimizations. I usually think about these issues when I have time, so I told Mr. Wu about it. I don’t know if it’s right.”

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Mr. Wu told me today that he wants to set up a screenwriting department in the company. I heard that it is very necessary. They will formulate a plan. If they ask for everyone's opinions, don't hide your stupidity and give more opinions. The company Management depends on everyone.”

He already knew the purpose of Wu Zhensheng's trip. He was interested in the leadership position of the screenwriting department.

Zhang Tan hasn’t thought carefully about the selection of the minister, but Wu Zhensheng is indeed a good candidate. He has been able to take charge of his own role as a screenwriter very early, and has taken the lead in participating in works such as "Mo Di", "Northeast Police Story" and "Xiu Chun Dao". His experience Rich, and the directors and producers of several projects also spoke highly of him.

Please give me your monthly ticket. There will be more dolls in the next chapter.

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