Dad Academy

Chapter 2582 Are you strong?

Xiao Xiaobai grabbed a ball gun tightly and shouted that she would choose this one! No one could separate her from the ball gun! ╭(╯^╰)╮

Xiao Bai told her that if she chose this one, she could not choose another one, because a person could only choose one.

Xiao Xiaobai vowed that she wanted a ball gun in her life.

Xiao Bai did not say anything else. Xier also took a ball gun to play with, but she put it down after playing for a while. She was not very interested in it.

This toy city is very big, it is simply a paradise for children. You can see happy children and accompanying sad-faced adults everywhere.

The children jumped from here to there, and every time they saw a new toy, they would scream excitedly, as if they had never seen the world.

In fact, in their short lives, they really had not seen much of the world.

Xiao Bai and Xier were considered to be the most experienced among the children. People like Xiao Xiaobai and Wang Xiaoyu were all frogs at the bottom of the well.

This is not to disparage Wang Xiaoyu. The fact is that he can only be compared with Xiao Xiaobai at present.

Xiao Xiaobai soon dropped the ball gun because she had her eyes on a helicopter, a real helicopter that could fly into the air, not just a model.

She didn't know how to play, so Wang Xiaoyu gave her control on the spot. The helicopter flew up in her shocked eyes, hovering in front of her, parallel to her.

Xiao Xiaobai shouted that she wanted this and nothing else.

Xiaobai looked at her and didn't say anything. She didn't bother to care about her. Anyway, the money she spent was not hers, but her aunt's. She didn't feel bad at all.

Wang Xiaoyu came to live at his grandfather's house and brought his drone. During lunch, he said he would take Xiao Xiaobai to fly the drone. Xiao Xiaobai was looking forward to it.

Now, Xiao Xiaobai has one herself and is very happy.

Zhang Mingxue nervously looked at the price at the first time. Fortunately, it was within her affordability.

But the price was still very high, and she couldn't let Xiao Xiaobai get it so easily.

"It's so expensive." Zhang Mingxue said with a deliberately sad face.

Xiao Xiaobai immediately asked nervously: "Auntie, can't we afford it?"

Zhang Mingxue said: "It's so expensive, why don't you change it."

Xiao Xiaobai immediately expressed her loyalty: "The best aunt in the world, I will support you and take care of you in my old age when I grow up and make money, and give you all my salary. You buy me this plane."

Zhang Mingxue said unhappily: "You are so young, but you can draw big cakes. You are really good. Where did you learn it? Did your aunt teach you?"

Xiaobai didn't expect that the dirty water could be splashed on her, and immediately said unhappily: "Why are you talking about me? It's not me. I didn't teach Xiao Xiaobai."

Xiao Xiaobai diligently handed her water cup to Zhang Mingxue to drink, and asked if she was thirsty.

Zhang Mingxue said she was not thirsty, and Xiao Xiaobai asked her if she wanted to go to the toilet to poop, and if she was in a hurry, she could go with her.

Zhang Mingxue waved her hand and told her to get out quickly.

The child is too young and stupid. He can only flatter people of this level. He doesn't feel any sense of accomplishment. It's better to let the little fool go away quickly.

Xiao Xiaobai was still flattering stupidly. Wang Xiaoyu leaned close to her ear and whispered something. Xiao Xiaobai's eyes widened and she suddenly realized it. Then she ran away happily holding the helicopter.

The aunt said to get out, but she didn't say that she couldn't get out with the helicopter. La la la la ~~~~

Xiao Xiaobai ran to find Xier. Xier shuttled among the rows of dolls and was trapped in the array of dolls. She was completely dazzled and couldn't tell north from south. She had a silly smile on her face, the kind of smile that said "I am very happy but I am also stupid", as if she was in a maze and won the prize in a dream.


Xiaobai was not far away, and Xier's silly smile could be heard from time to time.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai~ Look at this."

Wang Xiaoyu called Xiaobai.

In front of him, there was a whole storage rack full of minute-shaped water guns.

"Shall we buy water guns to play with? Let's buy them all, so that we can have a water fight."

Xiaobai happily looked at the full rack of water guns, and then asked Wang Xiaoyu: "Are you strong?"

Wang Xiaoyu was confused, "Ah?"

"Are you strong or not?" Xiaobai asked, and the strange question made Wang Xiaoyu confused.

However, as a man who thinks he is, Wang Xiaoyu certainly can't say that he is actually afraid of ghosts, weak and likes to cry. He nodded firmly and said: "Xiaobai, I forgot to tell you that I have a nickname. My classmates call me Wang Xiaoqiang."

This time it was Xiaobai's turn to be confused. Wang Xiaoqiang? Strong? What does it matter?

Wang Xiaoyu explained that Xiaoqiang is a very strong creature. Even if he suffers a fatal blow, he will stick to it and defend his honor with his life.

Xiaobai was in awe and said, "Then let's buy a water gun. Don't cry when I spray you. If you cry, I will laugh at you for the rest of your life."

Wang Xiaoyu said confidently, "A man sheds blood but not tears. Come on, Xiaobai. But! If you are sprayed by me, you can't cry. Grandpa will be angry if he knows."

Xiaobai immediately raised her hand to promise that she would never cry when sprayed by the water gun.

Wang Xiaoyu also raised his hand to promise, clearing the last obstacle for the suffering he was about to suffer.

Xiao Xiaobai also ran over at some point, and foolishly followed suit, raising her little hand to promise that she would never cry when sprayed, otherwise she would not be a human being.

Xiaobai and Wang Xiaoyu both looked at her secretly.

Xiao Xiaobai responded with a silly smile.

Zhang Mingxue chased after them and told them to quickly choose their toys because they were going to check out and go back.

"I looked at the toys you chose, and only Xiao Xiaobai made it more difficult for me. Your helicopter is much more expensive than everyone else's."

Zhang Mingxue stared at the youngest kid with a bad temper, looking like she was going to pick him up and spank him.

Xiao Xiaobai stubbornly hugged the helicopter tightly and continued to flatter her, saying that after returning to the Little Red Horse Academy, he would sing praises of the goodness of the aunt and spread her good name.

Zhang Mingxue didn't know why she had to spread her good name among a group of little kids, so she asked Xiao Xiaobai to calculate how much these toys would cost in total.

"I can't calculate, I haven't studied math yet."

Xiao Xiaobai said frankly that she couldn't calculate, she hasn't studied math yet.

Zhang Mingxue asked: "You didn't learn math? Do you know what 1+1 equals?"

"I don't know."

"If you have a piece of watermelon, and I give you another piece of watermelon, how many pieces of watermelon do you have in total?"

"I don't want it. I can't eat it. My teeth are broken."

Zhang Mingxue was furious and left a word "little fool" and went to pay the bill.

Xiao Xiaobai shrugged and was very unhappy when he was called a little fool. "It's too much, too much, I'm too much~~"

Xier comforted her and said: "I bought you a helicopter."

Wang Xiaoyu continued: "You don't want your helicopter to be taken away, do you?"

Xiao Xiaobai immediately stopped muttering and planned to write it in his diary at night.

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