Dad Academy

Chapter 2668: There is a lot to be done in the vast world

This time, Robin really couldn't help it and cried.

How many falls did she have tonight?

I fell down in the pig pen before eating, I fell down again while catching fireflies after dinner, and now I fell down again.

Moreover, this fall was caused by Luoliu!

Robin Bai wanted to break up with Liliu on the spot! Never play with her again.

Liuliu knew that he was wrong, and the hero was short of breath. He smiled awkwardly and said: "Look at what you said, look at what you said~"

"Go home quickly and take a shower quickly." Tan Jin'er said, this time she was walking in front.

Liuliu and Xiao Xiaobai followed closely behind them, Xiao Bai was behind them, constantly educating Xiao Bai: "I told you not to run around, don't run around, but you just don't listen to me? "

With a smile on his face, the little white tiger responded as he walked home: "Little aunt, I'm listening."

Xiaobai continued to nag: "If you keep wrestling like this, there will be no clothes for you to change."

But Xiao Xiaobai said seriously: "How could it be possible? My mother stuffed a lot of beautiful clothes into my bag. Have you forgotten, little aunt? My mother also bought me several pieces that day."

Xiaobai was furious. Is this what I meant? !

After returning home, Tan Jiner and Teacher Jiang asked Xiaobai and Liuliu to take a bath, and then asked Xiaobai and others to take a bath.

It was not his turn for a while, so Zhang Tan came to the yard. The moonlight was very bright tonight, the valley was very quiet, and there were small insects sizzling in the grass, but it was not noisy, but seemed more peaceful.

After Luoliu and Xiaobai took a bath, they also ran out. Xiaobai was holding a glass bottle with fireflies in his hands, looking at it happily and showing off to Zhang Tan.

This little guy seemed to have forgotten that he had announced not long ago that he would break up with Liliu.

Liuliu told Zhang Tan: "Boss Zhang, grandma asked you to put the watermelon in the ditch to chill it."

Zhang Tan was stunned for a moment before he understood the meaning.

Dunzi's father sent three watermelons today, and they are now placed in the living room.


Zhang Tan responded, then went to his house and brought a watermelon out, and went to the ditch outside the yard. The water was gurgling and very clear. The water flowed down from the mountains and merged into the small river not far away.

Although it is summer now, the water in the ditch is a little cold.

Zhang Tan found a place with relatively deep water and put the watermelon in the water so that when he took it out tomorrow, the watermelon would be ice-cold, delicious and relieve the heat.

Liuliu and Xiaoxiaobai stood on the shore and watched the whole process. Zhang Tan said nothing and wouldn't let them get close. What if he fell again and fell into the ditch? Tan Jin'er would probably go crazy.

After taking care of these children to take a bath, it was already 9:30 in the evening. Zhang Tan drove them all into the room to sleep, while Tan Jin'er was packing the clothes they had changed and throwing them into the washing machine for cleaning.

Seven children sleep in two rooms, and it is up to them to decide who sleeps with whom.

There was another commotion, and under Zhang Tan's supervision and urging, a few people finally assigned the beds.

Xiao Xiaobai was disliked by everyone, and no one wanted to take her to sleep because they were worried that she would wet the bed.

This made Xiao Xiaobai so angry that she almost stopped talking later and kept a fierce look on her face, waiting for everyone to coax her.

But everyone was busy dividing the beds, and no one paid attention to her, so she came to the living room with the doll in her arms and lay down on the sofa helplessly. No matter how Zhang Tan tried to persuade her, she refused to leave.

It wasn't until her little aunt came to tell her to sleep with her that Xiaobai followed with a fierce face, hugging the doll...

I took a step and felt better.

After taking two steps, I no longer felt sad.

After taking three steps, I wanted to sleep with my little aunt. I was in a good mood.

After walking four steps, I realized that my little aunt loved me, and Xiao Xiaobai laughed out loud.

After they separated into separate beds, Zhang Tan told Xiaobai, Xiaobai and Xi'er a bedtime story.

As for Liliu and others in the other room, Zhang Tan saved a lot of things because Cheng Cheng told them stories.

Finally, after taking care of them all, Zhang Tan had time to take a shower.

"Give me the clothes you changed out of." Tan Jin'er said.

"What?" Zhang Tan asked subconsciously.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm going to wash it for you!"

Zhang Tan smiled dryly and said he would wash it himself.

Tan Jin'er didn't seem to hear it and insisted on taking his clothes away, but did not throw them into the washing machine.

Because the children's clothes were being washed in the washing machine and it would not be finished for a while, she carried a basin to the yard, pressed water in the pressure well, and started washing by hand.

When Zhang Tan came out from the shower, he saw Tan Jin'er drying his clothes in the yard under the moonlight.

Zhang Tan knew that if Tan Jin'er didn't come with him, he wouldn't dare to agree to have all his best friends come with him, and he wouldn't be able to take care of her at all.

He brought a glass of water over. When Tan Jin'er finished his work, he handed the water over and said, "Drink some water and go to bed later."

Tan Jin'er hummed, maybe she was really thirsty, and drank all the water in the cup in one go.

"Do you want more? I'll pour you some more." Zhang Tan said, reaching out to take the empty cup from her hand.

"No, this water is a bit sweet." Tan Jin'er said.

Zhang Tan nodded and said, "It's mountain spring water from the pressure well."

"No wonder." Tan Jin'er looked around. With the moonlight, he could see the outline of the mountain and the outline of the trees on the top of the mountain. From time to time, strange bird calls were heard, and the sound echoed in the valley, which seemed particularly peaceful.

"Go back to sleep. You have to get up early tomorrow." Tan Jin'er said, turning around and walking away from Zhang Tan into the house.

Xiaobai and the others have made an appointment with Dunzi tomorrow to pick watermelons from Dunzi's melon field and sell them in town.

Many people in Baijia Village have started picking melons and selling them these days.

Zhang Tan locked the door of his house and returned to his room.

Tan Jin'er was next door. The sound insulation of the country house was not good, so they could hear each other's movements.

Tan Jin'er was lying on the bed and could hear Zhang Tan walking around in the room, getting into bed, etc.

Gradually, there was no sound in both rooms, and people slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, Teacher Jiang was the first to get up, and she started to prepare breakfast.

Tan Jin'er followed closely behind. Although she was careful, Zhang Tan next door still heard the sound, so he got up too.

When he opened the door and appeared in the living room, he found that a child had gotten up earlier than him.

"Dudu, why did you get up so early?"

Dudu smiled at him and said, "I got up at dawn. I went to check the watermelons I put in the ditch last night."

The child had been worried that the watermelons Zhang Tan put in the ditch last night would be washed away by the water, so he couldn't wait to check as soon as he got up.

Fortunately, the watermelons were still there.

"It's Dudu~"

"Dudu, you're up so early too."


Several little boys from Baijia Village drove cattle and passed by not far away, going to the mountains to graze cattle.

Dudu looked at them curiously. She knew them all and had seen them yesterday.

"What are you going to do?" Dudu asked.

"We're going to graze cattle. Dudu, will you go with us?" a little boy asked.

"Me? Can I go?"

Dudu was a little tempted.

"Yes, of course~"

The group of cattle herders invited her enthusiastically.

At this time, Dunzi also drove his own big buffalo out and walked on the ridge of the field.

When Dudu asked, she found out that Dunzi was also going to herd cattle.

So she immediately ran back home and asked Zhang Tan for permission to herd cattle.

Zhang Tan followed her out and saw a group of cattle herders and seven or eight big buffaloes standing in the yard, all staring at him.

Including the big buffaloes, those pairs of cow eyes seemed to have human nature.

"Are you going to take Dudu to herd cattle?" Zhang Tan asked.

Everyone nodded, and a boy said, "Old man Xiaohuahua, don't worry, we will take good care of Dudu."

Since returning to Baijia Village, Zhang Tan has no name, and the children all call him Xiaohuahua's father.

Zhang Tan didn't care about these.

He asked Dudu: "Dudu, don't you have to pick watermelons with Dunzi in the morning? If you go to herd cattle in the morning, will it be too tiring?"

Dudu simply said no, and pointed to Dunzi who was leading the cattle. Dunzi was not tired, so how could she be tired.

Since Dudu really wanted to go, Zhang Tan agreed readily.

So, with the singing, Dudu followed the group of cowherds and set off.

In the room, the other children were still sleeping soundly. Zhang Tan thought with evil humor, should he wake them up to do morning reading and summer homework?

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