Dad Academy

Chapter 2684: A Little Thing of Remarkable Importance

After Bai Feng was knocked to the ground by Xiao Bai, the children rushed over in a swarm, some seeking revenge and some complaining.

Suddenly, Xiao Bai felt a pain in her mouth and quickly left. When she touched her mouth, she found it was bleeding.

"Ah--Xiao Bai is injured, she is bleeding, a lot of blood!" Liu Liu shouted in horror.

Everyone stopped fighting and looked at Xiao Bai who was standing aside and covering her mouth.

They saw that there was indeed blood on Xiao Bai's mouth and hands, and everyone panicked immediately.

Fighting is fighting, but for children of their age, it is a big deal to beat someone up and make him bleed.

"Xiao Bai, what's wrong with you? Do you feel pain?" Xiaomi rushed over to find out the situation.

"Xiao Bai--" Xier also rushed over.

Dudu, Cheng Cheng, Liu Liu and others all surrounded them.

Xiao Xiaobai squeezed in with tears and howls: "Aunt, Aunt - don't die, don't leave me -"

Dunzi angrily rushed to Baifeng who was lying on the ground again, and his fists rained down on Baifeng.

"Ah~ah~~~ Stop hitting, stop hitting, I didn't hit Xiaohuahua! I was the one who was beaten -"

Baifeng shouted, he was wronged, he felt that he didn't hit Xiaobai at all, he was always being beaten.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, my front teeth fell out."

Xiaobai finally realized her situation, not being beaten, but the front teeth that were already shaky fell out.

She and Dudu quickly pulled up the crazy Dunzi.

Dunzi's eyes were red, and he looked like he was going to eat Baifeng.

Xiaobai told him that it was just his teeth that fell out.

Dunzi calmed down.

Baifeng had never seen Dunzi in such a violent state, and was a little scared.

He was sure that if he hadn't been pulled away, Dunzi would have beaten him to death.

How dare he bully such a tough guy?

Thinking of this, Bai Feng couldn't help but shudder, and made up his mind not to bully Dunzi again.

Bai Feng was messy in the wind by the river. He didn't expect that he would be beaten by a group of girls in front of his little brothers.

He was a little disappointed, lying on the grass, looking at the white clouds and blue sky in the sky. The white clouds kept changing their shapes and positions in the blue sky. That was the existence of the wind. The white clouds and the wind together were his name.

In fact, he was a little relieved in his heart. Although it was embarrassing, it was over after all. Xiao Huahua couldn't beat him again!

However, the next moment, he found that he thought too easily.

Everyone stopped beating him, but the girl named Xiwawa came in front of him and cared about him.

He felt warm in his heart. It was this Xiwawa who had helped him to stop, otherwise he might have been beaten again.

"Don't be afraid, I'll treat you." Xiwawa said with a smile, with a kind and gentle smile on his face, which made people feel kind and forget the pain in their bodies.

Suddenly, Bai Feng felt a pain in his buttocks and found that he was stabbed by Xiwawa with a small wooden stick!

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts~~ What are you doing?" Bai Feng asked in horror.

Xiwawa smiled and said, "I'm giving you an injection, so you won't get sick, and your injury will heal quickly! Don't worry, it just hurts for a while, and it won't hurt soon."

As he said that, he didn't stop and stabbed him again!

Bai Feng only felt that this Xiwawa spoke so nicely and smiled so beautifully, but he was not gentle at all, and the small wooden stick was still sticking on his buttocks!

"Ah-it hurts~~~~"

Bai Feng quickly rolled and crawled up, not daring to look at the white clouds and blue sky in a literary way.

"Are you convinced?" Xiaobai asked.

Bai Feng remained silent.

Liuliu immediately said, "Xiaobai, he is not convinced. Xiao Fengzi, it seems that we should not have let him go just now. Xiaobai, you go ahead and beat him up again. We must convince others with reason."

Xiaobai was too lazy to pay attention to her. She had the strongest mouth.

Dunzi walked to Xiaobai and looked at Bai Feng covetously.

Dudu also came over and stood on the other side of Xiaobai.

The two were like Xiaobai's left and right protectors. If they wanted to fight, they would really go.

Just now, Dunzi rushed up without hesitation to help Xiaobai suppress Bai Feng.

Although Dunzi usually did not fight and acted a little weak, so he was bullied, not fighting did not mean that he did not dare to fight, nor did it mean that he did not have the strength to fight.

Dunzi had a lot of brute force.

Xiaobai helped him out and fought with Bai Feng, and he immediately rushed up.

Now, if Bai Feng wanted to fight with Xiaobai again, he would still rush to the front.

Bai Feng saw that he had no chance of winning when he was fighting three people at once, so he raised his hands in surrender: "I surrender, I surrender, I will never bully Dunzi again!"

Xiao Bai was half-believing and half-doubting, and asked him to swear.

Bai Feng immediately swore that if he bullied Dunzi again, he would not be a human being.

"Then you must remember what you said today. If you bully Dunzi again in the future, I will definitely chase you home." Xiao Bai said fiercely.

Bai Feng shuddered when he thought of Xiao Huahua running to his home to chase him.

"No, no~" Bai Feng vowed, "Xiao Huahua, did your tooth fall out? I'll help you find it."

Everyone bent down and searched on the grass, looking for the front tooth that Xiao Bai had fallen out.

Suddenly, a voice came from a small bridge not far away.

"Xiaobai, what are you doing——"

It was Zhang Tan who passed by and saw them gathered here, so he asked.

Xiao Xiaobai opened her mouth to speak, but Xiaobai quickly covered her mouth and said to the old man with a smile: "We are fishing——hiahiahiahia~"

"Why do you talk a little bit? Remember to go home early, it's so hot outside." Zhang Tan didn't take it to heart. When he returned to the village, how could the children be so obedient to stay at home all the time? He reminded Xiaobai and the others to pay attention to safety and not to play in the water, and then left.

After everyone watched Boss Zhang leave, they continued to look for front teeth on the grass.

"I found it, here." Xier held a front tooth in her hand, which was the one that Xiaobai dropped.

Bai Feng quickly offered his courtesy and said that the front teeth should be thrown on the roof or under the bed, and they could not be thrown away casually.

Xiaobai had also heard of this saying. After wiping the front teeth clean, she put them in her pocket.

Xiao Xiaobai stared at her pocket curiously, and was very interested in the front teeth of her aunt inside.

"Don't use the duckling to fish anymore." Xiaobai warned Baifeng.

"Yes, yes, it's too cruel. It was Guagua who told me that I could fish like this." Baifeng agreed, and didn't forget to dig a hole for Baiguagua.

Baiguagua was so anxious that he jumped up and down: "I didn't, it wasn't me, you're talking nonsense!"

Baifeng said: "You said that your family raises fish."

He couldn't deal with Xiaohuahua, so how could he not deal with Baiguagua!

Liuliu immediately pointed the gun at Baiguagua and said contemptuously: "I didn't expect you to be such a melon, you are not a good melon duck!"

Xiaoxiaobai also came over: "We will never eat melons like you again, hum!"

Liuliu added: "Our duckling is so cute, why do we need to use it for fishing? I will write you down in my notebook tonight! Unless you have secrets to tell me in the future."

She had long been jealous of Baiguagua for passing information to Xiaobai from time to time.

Baiguagua said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, I didn't!"

Xiaobai comforted: "I believe you."

Then she glared at Baifeng: "Gua Wa, don't mess around, I know what you are thinking."

Baifeng was still trying to quibble, but suddenly, Xiaoxiaobai shouted: "Oh no, the little hedgehog family ran away--"

The bamboo basket was empty. When they were fighting just now, Xiaoxiaobai let the little hedgehog family out to bite Baifeng, but the four of them ran away swiftly.

Everyone looked around separately, but couldn't find any clues.

Liuli said in a veiled way: "Good duck-this little hedgehog runs really fast, and those who run fast are not good things."

Everyone was thinking about the little hedgehog who ran away, but no one noticed what she said. Only Chengcheng glanced at her, with wisdom in his eyes.

"It's gone, so it's gone. Anyway, the little hedgehog family will be released." Xiaobai comforted the sad Xiaoxiaobai.

Xiao Xiaobai bid farewell to the little hedgehog. He had to experience this kind of separation at such a young age.

"Do you have anything to say?" Xiaobai asked.

Liuliu also said: "Just say whatever you want to say, and say it to everyone around you!"

Encouraged by everyone, Xiao Xiaobai shouted to everyone around him, wishing the little hedgehog family a safe journey, and sang a song "Picking up Trash Together" to them.

Under the willow trees by the stream, the cool breeze was refreshing at noon in midsummer.

Everyone stayed here and fished with mulberries.

Unexpectedly, the fish in the river would eat mulberries, which brought up everyone's enthusiasm.

Suddenly, a car drove onto the small bridge, and Xiaobai recognized it as Zhang Lao's.

The car stopped on the small bridge, and Zhang came out and knocked around the car.

Xier said, "Xiaobai, what is godfather doing?"

Xiaobai looked for a while and said, "Is the car broken?"

She shouted, "Old man, what's going on?"

Zhang Tan then realized that Xiaobai and the others were still under the willow tree by the river, so he responded, "The car is broken and can't move."

Liuliu followed and shouted, "Boss Zhang - you blocked the cow."

Zhang Tan was puzzled and said, "What?"

"You blocked the cow!" Liuliu shouted.

"You blocked the cow -" Xiao Xiaobai also shouted with her little butt sticking out.

"You blocked the cow -" Dudu also shouted.


The children shouted at him and waved.

Zhang Tan looked back in confusion and saw four big water heads standing at the bridge head. There were adults and children preparing to drive the cows across the small bridge.

They planned to throw the cows to the mountain and let them eat grass.

But Zhang Tan's car broke down on the small bridge and blocked the road.

Zhang Tan: "..."

He was immediately anxious.

The car broke down on the small bridge, blocking the traffic.

Xiaobai and the other children also rushed over. Fishing is not as fun as repairing a car.

But Zhang Tan struggled for a long time and couldn't restart the car.

It looked like it was really broken.

The children chattered and gave him advice.

Those who were originally going to herd the buffaloes were no longer in a hurry. They threw the buffaloes directly to the river and gathered around to give Zhang Tan bad advice.

In the end, Zhang Tan chose the largest buffalo to pull the car, and several people were responsible for driving the buffaloes. More people squeezed behind the car to help push the car.

"One, two, one! One, two, one-three, two, one! One, two, one!!!"

The children shouted slogans, one by one, and they really put in effort.

The lazy people by the river babbled, and their calls intertwined into one, as if they were also shouting in unison to cheer.

Even the little bugs in the grass by the river were chirping louder.

The river was gurgling.

With the big buffalo pulling in front and the idiot pushing in the back, the car finally started to move slowly and drove away from the small bridge.

When the car left the small bridge and stopped on the river bank beside the road, everyone cheered as if they had done something great.

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