Dad Academy

Chapter 401 We want to see Kiss

Yang Zhu is a wavy person, with high and low emotional intelligence. When Zhang Tan first came, she was a lot of people and stole the identity of Su Lan's mistress. Maybe she was happy for Zhang Tan's arrival. After a while, she seemed to The enthusiasm retreated, and the emotional intelligence regained the high ground. He took the initiative to excuse himself and said that he had something else to do and had to leave first.

Zhang Tan persuaded him to stay and said, "Let's go after lunch. Look, the Bangbang Chicken will be ready soon. How delicious your cooking is."

Seeing that Sister Su Su was silent, Yang Zhu knew she couldn't stay.

"Zhuzhu~~" Su Lan seemed to hear her voice and called her.


Sister Su Su, are you going to keep me? Yang Zhu thought to herself, feeling very good.

Su Lan pointed at her waist and said, "Take off the apron."

"……oh oh."

Yang Zhu was very disappointed, took off her apron, opened the door and left. This time Zhang Tan called her to stop.

"What's wrong, Teacher Zhang?" Yang Zhu's eyes were full of hope. Teacher Zhang is handsome and kind-hearted, and he is a good man.

Zhang Tan went over and whispered to her: "I'll send you a location and recommend a restaurant. You can call a few friends to go together at noon, and I'll reimburse you later."

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang."

After Yang Zhu left, Zhang Tan came to the kitchen. Su Lan was wearing an apron and cooking. Suddenly, her body stiffened and she felt Zhang Tan close to her behind her, with his arms around her?

She didn't dare to move, and even stopped cooking. She was so flustered that Zhang Tan's hot voice sounded in her ears:

"Give me the apron and I'll cook."

Zhang Tan took off the apron she tied around her waist and wrapped it around herself. She took Su Lan aside, picked up the shovel, and started cooking skillfully.

Su Lan stood behind him, staring at him, glaring at him fiercely, muttering to Zhang Haiwang in her heart! Good at flirting! !

Su Lan's cooking skills are good, but not great, just enough. With the emotional seasoning, she can score 9 or above.

She had a small appetite and didn't eat much. Most of the three dishes went into Zhang Tan's stomach.

"Oh, by the way." After lunch, Zhang Tan remembered that he had brought a gift to Su Su.

He stood up and took out a bright rose from his backpack.

"Is it for me?" Su Lan asked in surprise.

"For you."

Su Lan said oh, not only was she not happy, but she was a little disappointed.

She was allergic to the scent of roses, and she thought Zhang Tan knew about it. She told her so when Zhang Tan took her and Chen Feiya to arrange flowers in Pujiang last time.

"I know you are allergic to the fragrance of roses, but you don't have to worry, these are eternal flowers without fragrance."

Zhang Tanxin said, "Don't be disappointed. My little notebook clearly marked that you are allergic to the fragrance of roses."

"Everlasting flower?" This is the first time Su Lan has heard of this kind of flower.

Zhang Tan explained to her that the flowers were actually dehydrated, dried, etc., so that the flowers could maintain their beautiful state when they were just picked.

"Thank you~" Su Lan happily accepted the beautifully packaged eternal flower and took a look at it. "By the way, do you have any ideas for the script?"

Zhang Tan frowned slightly, seeming to be worried, "I just had some ideas, but I'm still far from it."

"You tell me, and I'll listen too."

"I want to write a story about an underground party... but I haven't thought about the origin of the protagonist yet. Would you say it is better to set it as an underground party directly, or as an enemy originally, but gradually changed? Each has its own advantages."

Su Lan thought for a while and said: "In acting class, there is a word called character arc. If the character has a process of change, the plot will be more tense."

"Then what you mean is that you prefer the second one."

"Yeah, but this is just my personal idea. I don't understand screenwriters. In the end, it's up to you to make your own decision."

"It doesn't matter, let's continue to discuss this setting. Since the protagonist has a transformation process, it must be caused by internal and external reasons. The external reasons are easier to think of. They are nothing more than a series of conspiracy stories, mainly internal reasons. Where to start? Friendship? Family ties, or love?"

"Love?" Su Lan's eyes lit up, "Tell me, is it okay to arrange a love story for the underground party? Will it ruin the overall atmosphere?"

"It depends on how you write it. If you do it well, not only will it not destroy the atmosphere, but it will make the protagonist more grounded, closer to the audience, and more immersive."

Under Zhang Tan's step-by-step guidance, Su Lan successfully helped him make up the outline of a story. It was dark outside the window, but Su Lan didn't pay attention at all. The more she chatted, the more energetic she became. This experience had never happened before. Barabara chatted for a while. , actually came up with a good story, and with a little modification, it became a script.

There was a smile on her face, her pear curls were light, and her eyes were shining. After Zhang Tan's repeated reminders, she finally agreed to end the discussion for the time being and it was time to make dinner.

The two had just decided what to make for dinner when Su Lan received a call from Zhou Li and asked her to go to the company in the evening.

In order to save time, the two temporarily changed their minds and chose a restaurant to have dinner. Then Zhang Tan drove Su Lan to the company, and he stayed in the car waiting for her.

More than an hour later, Su Lan came down from the company with a stack of information in her hand, which she said was a script for a new play that the company had chosen for her. But it’s not decided. She just has a chance to audition. Whether she can win it depends on the results of the audition. Zhou Li said that there are several actresses who auditioned.

Zhang Tan asked about the general situation of the drama, thought for a while and said: "How about you wait a little longer and don't rush to finalize it. I think the heroine of the drama we just discussed is very suitable for you. But now, now No matter what, I don’t know if I can win this project in the end, so you first follow the company’s requirements and I will try my best to move forward.”

Su Lan was surprised, but faintly excited. She had participated in the production of this story. If it could be filmed and she played the heroine, the experience would be amazing.


Just as Su Lan was about to agree, her whole body suddenly stiffened, her eyes widened, and a voice in her heart sounded wildly: I was forcibly kissed by Zhang Tan.

Su Lan felt her whole body tremble and slumped down, almost falling into Zhang Tan's arms. She held her hands stubbornly between the two of them, grabbing his clothes.

Her lips were very soft and fragrant. It was the first time that Zhang Tan kissed her. He reluctantly let go and said to the panting and angry girl: "Fortunately, I blocked your mouth. Don't rush to say anything, don't rush to do things." Just agree, think about it carefully, and it won’t be too late to answer your question tomorrow morning.”

Su Lanjiao said angrily: "Then do I still want to thank you?"

"You have thanked me with practical actions."

Su Lanyi was angry and gave him a nice look, "I've decided, I don't agree~"


In the Little Red Horse Academy, a bunch of little carrot heads were sitting in front of the TV, staring at them with their little faces raised. Teacher Xiaoliu and Teacher Xiaoman stood behind the pile of dolls, chatting quietly. Teacher Xiaoliu brought good news today. She and her boyfriend are getting engaged. At this moment, she was discussing with Teacher Xiaoman where to take wedding photos.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the quiet pile of dolls, and scenes inappropriate for children appeared on the TV.

Yes, yes. It was just a scene of kissing. I thought it would pass soon, but it didn't. On the contrary, it became more and more intense.

"Turn it off?" Teacher Xiaoman said.


Teacher Xiaoliu immediately changed the channel, which caused a lot of little voices to protest and chatter, and some said they would complain to the principal's aunt.

"Kiss, I want to see Kiss Duck~~~~~" Luoliu followed.

"You won't let me see it. If I want to see it, I'll give you a blow with my sword and give you a small fist~"

Xiaobai followed several children who were a bit taller than her to protest around Teacher Xiaoliu.

When Liuliu saw this, why was she afraid of so many leaders, so she bravely charged at her~~ She called out to Xi'er who was setting up building blocks with Cheng Cheng and Xiaomi not far away, please come with a few more people, it will be lively~~~ ~FanFengDuck~~Lighting the FireDuck~~~~

"Kiss, I want to see kiss, Xiaobai wants to see kiss, Xi'er wants to see kiss, Xiaomi wants to see kiss, Teacher Xiaoliu and her boyfriend secretly kiss~~~Ah~ Xi'er, you little one, it Damn it, let me go~~~"

"hiahiahia~~Liuliu, what are you doing?"

Xi'er ran over, jumped on Liliu's back, and hugged her neck. Hiahia laughed and wanted to ride a horse, but Liliu was not her sister and couldn't bear the impact, so she pedaled forward. After rushing for several steps, I knocked away the two children, and with a click, I knelt down in front of Teacher Xiaoliu.

Teacher Xiaoliu: "..."

You realized your mistake so quickly and gave such a big gift. You are so sensible~~~

Xiaobai also looked at Liuliu and Xi'er in surprise, thinking, are these two melon boys Hanhan'er?

Luliu was furious, put his hands on the ground, quickly got up, lifted up his pants that had fallen down, and angrily chased Xi'er, who turned into a gust of wind and ran away. He would not retreat until he beat her flat.

It’s been a long time since I asked for monthly tickets and recommendation votes. It’s about to fall out of the top 100. Many people may not know that everyone still has female channel recommendation votes. Don’t waste your vote, vote for our young lady, "One Side of Green Jade Jue Chen", written by Zi Ling Jue Chen, she is very beautiful, if you are not beautiful, you can contact me... …I haven’t seen it either????

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