Dad Academy

Chapter 477 So good

Zhang Tan saw Xiaobai and Xi'er sleeping soundly, so he quietly went to the bedroom and took a towel and quilt to cover them.

It's early summer now, and the temperature is both hot and cold. It's no longer necessary to sleep without a quilt at night, but Xiaobai and Xi'er were very active during the day and sweated, so they still covered them with towels and quilts in case they caught a cold.

Xi'er was laughing in her dreams. Smash her little mouth, and her dreams would probably be sweet.

Xiaobai muttered and frowned, not knowing what he was dreaming about. He kicked off the towel that he had just covered with his feet, and half of it fell on the floor, dragging the half that Xi'er was covering with it. on the ground.

Zhang Tan picked up the towel and quilt, covered them again, moved Xiaobai inside, and then moved the coffee table to the edge of the sofa, right next to it to prevent them from falling to the floor.

The lights in the living room were turned off, and the door to the balcony was also closed. The night breeze outside the house was shut out. The floor lamp was turned on, giving off a faint warm yellowish glow. The glow opened up a small world in the darkness and covered the sofa. The two sleeping babies were shrouded in it, giving them a gleaming protective color.

In the darkness beyond the light, the cockerel crows.

Toot toot~~~

As if to say, you are there under the light, and they are there in the dark, so don’t worry.

After finishing his work, Zhang Tan returned to the kitchen, closed the door, and started making dinner.

Light flows from the crack of the ajar door, leaving a ray of light in the dark restaurant.

The light flickers on and off, as people inside are constantly moving around.

At the end of the light is the dining table, which is covered with white moonlight.

The white moonlight kept swaying, and it was the mulberry trees in the yard swaying in the wind.

Considering that the two children were exhausted during the day and should have some hard food at night, Zhang Tan took out a piece of fresh pork belly from the refrigerator.

Xiaobai likes to eat quack, but Xi'er doesn't know it. There are very few opportunities to eat with her, but as long as she's not particularly picky about food, she usually doesn't stop eating meat.

Zhang Tan washed the pork belly, put it into the pot, poured water, and then found a pack of ingredients in the refrigerator, which included dried ginger slices, star anise, and cinnamon. He also took a fresh scallion and cut it into pieces. Cut into sections, sprinkle into the pot, light the fire and bring to a boil.

After a while, fine water bubbles appeared from the bottom of the pot. Cover the lid and wait for 20 minutes.

During this period, Zhang Tan made a cold cucumber dish and prepared a sauce.

The sauce is based on lemon steamed fish soy sauce. Add chili pepper, balsamic vinegar, and white sugar and mix well. Then I peeled and peeled five pieces of garlic. Since I didn’t have a garlic press, I had to chop it manually.

First, use a knife to flatten and crush the garlic cloves, then chop them into minced garlic. Pour the minced garlic into the sauce, mix well, and the garlic ingredients are ready.

At this time, the time was up. Zhang Tan opened the lid of the pot, and a burst of steam came out, filling his field of vision. He waved his hand to disperse the steam, and observed the whole piece of pork belly that had been cooked in the pot for 20 minutes. He inserted a fork into the meat, and there was no trace. When the blood oozes out, it's ready to be taken out of the pot.

The pork belly that had just come out of the pot was very hot. Soak it in water to cool down. Then put it on the cutting board. Zhang Tan took out the kitchen knife from the knife holder and started to cut into thin slices.

At first, I didn't control the strength well. I cut it too thickly, or too thinly, and it broke. After a few adjustments, it gradually got better. The thickness of the meat slices was similar. When it was held under the light, it could be seen through the light. It was very similar to the lantern shadow beef that Tan Jin'er used to make.

A whole piece of pork belly was cut into thin slices and placed on the plate. The remaining two cold cucumbers were also sliced ​​into thin slices. They were sandwiched between the pork belly and rolled into rolls. They were placed on the plate again and topped with garlic sauce. , a dish of white meat with garlic paste is ready.

White pork with garlic paste is one of the Sichuan dishes, Xiaobai will probably like it very much. As for Xi'er, I don't know whether this little guy is a carnivore or a vegetarian. I only know that her sister has made Dengying beef, and I guess she should also eat garlic paste. White meat.

After that, Zhang Tan made two dishes and one soup, a total of three dishes, one soup, and one cold cucumber. That was it for dinner.

He carried it to the dining room and turned on the chandelier above the dining table. The light drove away the flickering white moonlight, and the light that sneaked out of the kitchen expanded into a large area.

After finishing these tasks, Zhang Tan washed his hands and went to the living room to call the children to wake up and eat. He saw that Xiaobai had already woken up and was looking at him.

She was nestled in the corner of the sofa, holding a towel and quilt on her body. Watermelon's hair was in a mess, her eyes were sleepy, and she stared at Zhang Tan who was approaching.

When she woke up, why was it dark? Why are the children missing? Isn't she watching a movie? Isn't she sliding down the slide? ...Is this a dream? She was having so much fun that she couldn't help but feel huge loneliness in her heart. She suddenly panicked and was about to cry when she heard a chicken crow and saw lights in the restaurant. There were people under the lights. Someone was cooking. The aroma of food wafted to her nose.

The dish smelled like quack, and the person was Boss Zhang. She liked to eat quack, and Boss Zhang was a good boss, so she immediately stopped panicking.

"Eh? Xiaobai~~are you awake?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai nodded silently.

"Are you hungry? We have dinner."

Xiaobai looked at him silently and blankly. Zhang Tan guessed that the other mental Xiaobai was still lingering in his dream and had not come out, and now it was only Flesh Xiaobai who woke up.

He didn't pay much attention, and instead pinched Xi'er's little face, which was still sleeping. It was red and warm, and the texture was similar to the pork belly just fished out of the pot.

Xi'er woke up after being fiddled with for a few times. It was a heinous crime to disturb someone's dream, so she pursed her lips and cried.

Zhang Tan quickly coaxed her: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's me, Boss Zhang. I'm not a bad person. I'm asking you to get up and eat, not bullying you. Oh oh oh oh, is that so? Stop crying. Stop crying~~~ "

One was crying vigorously, the other was busy cheering up, and Xiaobai was quietly nestled in the corner, watching them quietly.

After a while, Xi'er stopped crying. Zhang Tan wiped away her tears and took Xiaobai to the restaurant. There was steaming hot and fragrant food on the dining table, and the two children's eyes widened when they saw it. After playing so hard during the day, the little ones were already hungry.

"I made dinner, let's eat." Zhang Tan said.

"This is not good~~" Xiaobai said subconsciously, and Xi'er immediately turned to stare at her.

"This is specially made for you. Come here, wash your hands first, and then eat. Don't be polite to me. I will be rude to anyone who is polite to me."

Yielding to Boss Zhang's threat, Xiaobai and Xi'er could only wash their hands and sit at the dining table to have dinner.

The white meat with garlic paste really won Xiaobai's favor, and Xi'er also liked to eat it.

In order to take care of Xi'er's dietary preferences, Zhang Tan didn't add too much chili pepper to the white meat with garlic paste. It was convenient for others and for himself, and he was very happy to eat it himself.

The three of them finished eating such a large plate of white meat. Xiaobai praised cooking as Boss Zhang's forte, while Xier praised his cooking skills, which were only inferior to her sister's. It was already amazing and asked him if he would teach her. She wants to make dumplings.

Liliu came to Little Red Horse in the evening and listened to Xi'er talking about today's dinner. She was salivating and in great pain. She had never eaten white meat with garlic paste! ! ! What kind of meat is that? Heavenly (⊙o⊙) duck, 666~~~ must be extremely delicious.

The moon was at the top of the sky, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, Xiaobai was picked up by Bai Jianping, walking on his shadow along the way, while recounting today's experience.

"Are these two penguins you are holding?" Bai Jianping asked after hearing the movie story.


Xiaobai was holding a stuffed animal in his arms. It was a toy surrounding the movie that Zhang Tan gave them after watching the movie. These were two penguin dolls stuck together, one big and one small. They were the mother and daughter penguins in the movie.

"Is it fun to watch a movie?"

"It's so fun."

"My uncle will take you there next time too."

"Huh? Hey, hey, Xiaobai will take his uncle there too."


"Xiaobai takes uncle to see a movie, please do it."

"Are you rich?"

"Uncle is rich."

"That means you invited me to watch a movie, but I paid for it, right?"

"you do not say."

"...That's okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, we are good friends."



"Auntie is also coming to see you."


"Go and call your aunt to come back."

Because he slept at Zhang Tan's house in the evening, Xiaobai was so energetic at night that he didn't want to go to sleep. He lay on the small bed with the penguin doll, watching the penguin with his big bright eyes, and was still recalling the movie scenes during the day. , I read it twice and it’s really amazing. I remember it very clearly.

She whispered, repeating Cheng Cheng's words that night. In the evening, Cheng Cheng told the story of the movie Little Penguin to other children. The other five people who lost the fight were still not satisfied after watching it twice, so they listened to Cheng Cheng tell it again.

Now, in the dead of night, Xiaobai can't sleep, and his mind is filled with images of little penguins and their mother penguins.

The little penguin was born and hid in his mother's arms to resist the cold wind.

The little penguin has just learned to walk, and he waddles behind his mother and runs towards the sea.

The little penguin didn't dare to go into the water and stood on the edge of the water quacking. Her mother swam nimbly in the water, encouraging her to be brave. She panicked and fell into the sea. After struggling hard, she actually learned to swim. Haha~ She chases fish in the water and looks for beautiful corals, which is really enviable.

The seals are coming, the water is dyed red with blood, and the little penguins are panicking.

Xiaobai waved his fist in the air to help fight off the seal.

The little penguin was saved. It was her mother who saved her, but her mother was injured...

It's so miserable, so pitiful.

So good, so happy.

Her mother is so kind.

Well, it’s great to have a mother.

Well, she wants to be a brave little penguin.

Well, she also wants a protective mother penguin.

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