Dad Academy

Chapter 525 Between the Eyes

PS: Today is New Year’s Eve. I wish everyone a happy New Year and good luck in the Year of the Ox.

It was the first time that Zhang Tan spoke his mind in front of others. Ma Lanhua and Bai Jianping were good listeners. They looked at each other and understood Zhang Tan. Anyone who suddenly had a daughter would be emotional.

They didn't take Zhang Tan's words to heart. Although they couldn't understand some of them, they could probably understand the meaning. They missed the old days. They know that Zhang Tan has no father or mother, and his grandparents have passed away. Now in this world, there are not many relatives. He used to be a child, and now he suddenly has a child. They will probably have this kind of longing for the past. It can also be seen that Boss Zhang is not ready to be a father. This change of identity comes too fast. His thoughts, words and deeds must change accordingly, which requires a process of adaptation.

"I'm sorry, Boss Zhang, my old man is too impulsive." Malanhua apologized.

In terms of human relations and sophistication, she is much more mature than Bai Jianping.

Zhang Tan also completely recovered, "I can understand."

What happened to his own sister made Bai Jianping lose control of his behavior, and Zhang Tan could indeed understand.

"We need to go back and discuss this matter carefully. We will first find an opportunity to report to Teacher Jiang and listen to her opinion. Before she replies, we will maintain the original status for the time being. Xiaobai will continue to go to Little Red Horse and live life as usual. What do you think? How about it?"


The three of them agreed and went their separate ways.

Zhang Tan wandered outside for most of the day, and did not return to Little Red Horse until night. Lao Li was enjoying the cool breeze in the yard and drinking tea. The children were playing in the classroom, but the teachers were watching and prohibited them from coming out. He took a look at the opportunity and quickly He went upstairs without being noticed by the little ones.

However, Dudu, who was walking around in the classroom carrying a small stool, saw it. She followed him, stood at the top of the stairs and looked up the steps. Boss Zhang had disappeared, but she did see it.

Dudu carried the small stool and ran back to find Xiaobai, babbling at her.

Xiaobai was listening to Cheng Cheng telling a story, and when he finished telling a story, he asked, "What did you say?"

Dudu: "*...¥¥% # ¥"

She gestured, and Xiaobai asked, "You said Boss Zhang is back?"

Dudu nodded quickly, 365 lines, she is the best at reporting.

Xiaobai wiped her little hands, laughed, got up and went to find Boss Zhang, Dudu followed behind, worried that Xiaobai would not take her with her, so he quietly grabbed her pants with his little hands. After Xiaobai knocked his hands off, he quietly He stretched out his hand, this time just sticking it, even if it was just a pretense.

Liliu wanted to play with him, but now she was more concerned about the story. She approached Cheng Cheng and asked Cheng Cheng to tell her whether the little fox finally ate the crow's meat.

Cheng Cheng was cold and ignored her, so Luoliu took out a pack of gummy bears, thought about it, opened it, and pinched one for her.

She was worried that if she gave it to Cheng Cheng all at once, wouldn't it be a big loss if Cheng Cheng took it but didn't say anything?

Cheng Cheng was not polite. He took the gummy bear and stuffed it into his mouth to eat. His big eyes looked at Liuliu's small eyes. It was obvious that he didn't give enough.

Xiaobai and Dudu came to the third floor and knocked on Zhang Tan's door.

"Is there no one there?" Xiaobai rang the doorbell twice, but no one responded, let alone opened the door. She lowered her head and asked Dudu, "Dudu, are you kidding me?"

Dudu said firmly: "*\u0026%¥ # ¥###¥"

Xiaobai rang the doorbell again, but this time there was still no movement. She was sure that Dudu was teasing her. This melon boy was so stupid.

"Take your claws away!" Xiaobai said unhappily, staring at Dudu's little hand holding her pants.

"hiahia~~" he retracted his little hand with a murmur, "*...%¥##¥ # "

"Guawazi, you're still laughing, you're just laughing." Xiaobai turned around angrily and went back. At this time, there was a sudden click behind him, and the door opened. Dudu was jumping up and down, happily and triumphantly. That means I'm not lying. Damn it, Boss Zhang is really back.

"It's Xiaobai and Dudu, come in quickly." Zhang Tan welcomed the two children into the door and gave them slippers to wear. However, Dudu's feet were too small, and the slippers at home were still too big for her.

"Boss Zhang, are you here all day long?" Xiaobai asked curiously, took out a pack of gummy bears from her pocket and gave it to Zhang Tan to eat. She had robbed Liuliu, and Liuliu seemed to never be able to finish the snacks. Okay, last time I took away two packs, and today I saw pomegranates eating them again, with two more packs hidden in my pocket.

"Thank you~emmm, it's delicious. I'll just take one." Zhang Tan smiled awkwardly and wanted to say thank you, but immediately felt that it was too raw.

The gummy bear that Zhang Tan handed back was intercepted by another little hand. Dudu took the gummy bear very naturally, pinched one and stuffed it into his mouth. When it reached his mouth, he thought about it and fed it to Xiaobai. Eat it, and then it's your turn to eat it, "corrupting" the entire pack of gummies by the way.

"Have you eaten?" Zhang Tan asked.

The two children nodded, climbed up to the sofa and sat down. Dudu fed another gummy to Xiaobai, and then stuffed one into himself. Their little feet were shaking and shaking. They were so happy that they suddenly saw a black screen TV and pointed at it. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Xiaobai said: "Dudu wants to see windmills and fake sophistication."

"Okay, I'll find it for you."

The TV was turned on, and it was Fengchaoche and Fake Sophistication. Zhang Tan was also sitting on the sofa. He was not watching TV, but playing with his mobile phone.

Clear laughter sounded from time to time around them. Xiaobai and Dudu were amused by the two cats and mice on the TV, laughing and staggering around.

Zhang Tan glanced at Xiaobai again and again. He had known Xiaobai for more than a year, but today his attitude was completely different.

Xiaobai is so thin.

This was Zhang Tan's first feeling.

Compared with last year, Xiaobai is much better now. He was thinner and black at that time, but not so black now. He is as his name suggests, small and white, but he is still thin.

Her watermelon hair has grown so lushly that the bangs on her forehead reach above her eyebrows.

She has slender eyebrows, a straight little nose, a melon-shaped face, and a pointed chin. When she smiles, she reveals a row of white and neat little teeth.

Her smile is very beautiful, like a spring flower.

When not smiling, there is a delicate and heroic look between the eyebrows.

Zhang Tan remembered that someone had said that Xiaobai and he looked very similar, and there were vague shadows of each other between their eyebrows.

He pretended to be leaning on the back of the sofa, but in fact he had been secretly looking at Xiaobai. Her little ears seemed to be transparent, and the thin and fine hairs could be seen.

Her little body was small and contained in a white T-shirt. The T-shirt was a bit too big and seemed very loose. The hem of his clothes was stuck in his trousers, which was caught by Dudu just now.

She was wearing blue denim cropped pants with a red panda pattern on the knees.

Her little feet were not wearing socks, and her toenails were a little long. As she moved, she saw that the soles of her feet were a little yellow and black. This was caused by walking barefoot for a long time. Children in the countryside would be familiar with this.

"Hoho, what are you looking at, Boss Zhang?" Xiaobai suddenly turned around and caught Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan remained calm and composed, "I saw that your toenails are too long and will wear out your shoes. Let me cut them for you."

He got up, went to the TV cabinet to find nail scissors, and cut Xiaobai's toenails.

Xiaobai watched his little jiojio being caught curiously, but did not take it back, but looked at Boss Zhang seriously with curiosity in his eyes.

She was in a great mood and started cheering after a while.

"Okay, it's all cut. Take a look for yourself. Are you satisfied?" Zhang Tan called it a day.

"Hoo ho ho, thank you, Boss Zhang."

"What else should we be thankful for?"

"Hey, have my hands grown too?"

Xiaobai stretched out his little hand to show Zhang Tan. The fingernails were not long, they were just a little bit longer, but they were already stretched out, so let’s trim them. The kid was obviously very happy.

Beside her, Dudu took off her little socks, lifted up her chubby, white and tender little jio, and got ready. She was queuing up, and Boss Zhang was going to cut it for Xiaobai after he finished cutting it.

There is a single chapter at the back, talking about the recent content

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