Dad Academy

Chapter 580 Farewell

The new semester is about to start, and the interest classes during the summer vacation are about to end. To thank Zhang Tan, the children teamed up to treat him to a feast.

They spent the entire afternoon cooking a colorful meal in the sandpit of Little Red Horse Academy, including Xiaobai's specialty fish feast and mustard rice. Dudu put three dishes on a plate. There was a stone, a wild chrysanthemum and some vegetable stems. He said it was delicious and insisted on giving Zhang Tan a try.

Zhang Tan didn't dare to taste it. After tasting hers, should he try Xiaobai's? After trying Xiaobai’s, do you want to try Xiwa’s? The one for the baby is a few mulberry leaves covered on a plate of sand mixed with water, which is said to be Dengying beef! She learned it from her sister!

You think Zhang Tan is a fool, don’t you know what Dengying beef is like? ! !

Zhang Tan didn't dare to eat and ran away. The children followed him and blocked the door of his house, always knocking on the door and asking him to come out and have a taste.

Fortunately, Tan Jin'er came, she rescued Zhang Tan, and at the same time delivered the real Dengying beef.

She brought dinner to Zhang Tan and especially thanked Zhang Tan for taking care of Xi'er and the dolls. There is no charge for summer classes.

"Thank you." Zhang Tan said, "It's really delicious."

He didn't say it was okay, but when he did, the other children looked at him eagerly with all the "delicious dishes" he made!

Zhang Tan excused himself to get some air and went to the balcony to escape. On the balcony, he saw Jiang Bin and asked him to come up and have a seat.

After a while, Jiang Bin knocked on the door. Xiao Bai opened the door and warmly invited him to come in.

Jiang Bin stood at the door, not in a hurry to come in, but said: "Boss Zhang~~ I won't go in."

"Have you eaten?" Zhang Tan stood up and came over, "Come in and sit down, let's chat, don't be afraid, Xi'er and the others are here, and Xi'er's sister is also here."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and Xi'er hiahiahia appeared and warmly invited Jiang Bin to come in.

Jiang Bin changed his shoes and carefully came to sit on the sofa in the living room.

It has been so long since Little Red Horse came, but he has never been to Zhang Tan's house. If Zhang Tan hadn't invited him, he would not have come on his own initiative.

"I've had dinner, thank you, Boss Zhang." Jiang Bin said. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of an additional child in front of him. He looked up slightly and said with a smile: "Dudu~~"

"Hee~~~" Dudu grinned at him. She moved a small stool and sat in front of Jiang Bin.

Jiang Bin is the oldest child in Little Red Pony Academy. Xiaobai and the others have a good relationship with him. He is very good at taking care of others. He has saved Liuliu countless times. He is Liuliu's lifesaver.

Jiang Bin is leaving Little Red Pony. He has already completed the procedures for leaving the kindergarten. Tomorrow is the first day of school and he will not come back tomorrow.

He is 9 years old this year. A child of this age no longer needs to be taken care of at Little Red Horse.

In fact, Jiang Bin has always seemed out of tune with his surroundings. Although he is gentle and attentive, takes good care of others, and is polite to everyone, he keeps a certain distance from everyone and it is difficult to chat with anyone.

After all, he is several years older than other children. For children of this age, there is a generation gap at one or two years old, let alone several years old.

It wasn't until Little Red Horse came over that Xiao Yingzi came, and Xiao Yingzi was one year younger than him, so they could chat together.

It was Jiang Bin himself who proposed to his father not to come to Little Red Horse again.

He likes it here very much. There are many cute brothers and sisters here. Xiaobai, Xi'er, Xiaoyingzi, Liuliu, Luo Zikang... they are all cute and he likes them all.

It's very free here. Here, he doesn’t have to study all the time. He can watch TV and cartoons openly. He can also secretly read childish and interesting picture books. He can watch children playing silly games and laughing all night...

It's a good place here and there are many reasons to stay, but it's really time for him to leave. He is already 9 years old.

He is already 9 years old. He was always a precocious child, but now he knows more things. He felt sorry for his father. He felt that he was a man now. He could help his father so that he would not be reluctant to buy a new piece of clothing.

Apart from the adults, only Xiao Yingzi knew the news of his departure. He had not said goodbye to everyone yet.

When Zhang Tan told him about leaving, Xiaobai was just surprised and didn't think much about it. But as he listened, he realized something was wrong. When he asked, he found out that Jiang Bin would not come again. This was a big deal. She I cried immediately.

The other children, Liuliu, Xier, Dudu, and Xiaomi, all gathered around Jiang Bin, holding his clothes with their little hands, as if they were afraid that he was really going to leave.

Not only them, Luo Zikang also burst into tears.

Luo Zikang only cried on three occasions. One was when he lost a fight with Xiaobai and he was sad. The other was when his grandfather didn't come to pick him up and he was sad. The other time is now when Jiang Bin is leaving and he is sad.

Jiang Bin said goodbye to the children while telling those who were worried about things.

He told Xiaobai and Liuliu not to fight with Luo Zikang in the future. He also hoped that Xiaobai would take good care of his little girlfriends in the future. They were still young and they should not be bullied.

He told Dudu not to go into the woods alone with others, otherwise his face would be red and would not go away.

He told Xiaomi to smile more and wished her all her dreams come true in the future and she became a glorious police officer.

He also had something to tell Cheng Cheng, but Cheng Cheng was not here, so he told Xiaobai and asked Xiaobai to convey it.

He also told Luo Zikang not to blame his father all the time. His father must also love him.

The one who gave the most advice was to Xiao Yingzi.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Jiang Bin's father came early and said goodbye to Zhang Tan, Aunt Huang, and the little teachers.

When leaving, Zhang Tan specifically told him that it is every parent's wish to have a successful child, and there is nothing wrong with this. However, when paying attention to children's studies, they should communicate more with them and not pay too much attention to their academic performance and ignore their personality development. Jiang Bin is a big boy. He understands many things whether you tell him or not. More than anyone else, he hopes to be a big man and share your worries. However, he is only 9 years old. He feels that he is old, but no matter how old he is, he is still a child. What are other children of this age doing? So, don't put too much pressure on him and let him grow freely according to his own temperament.

Zhang Tan had wanted to say these words to Jiang Jin for a long time, but they were too personal and seemed to be suspicious of a close relationship, so he kept them in his heart. If Jiang Bin was leaving, what else could he not say.

Jiang Jin is very kind to Jiang Bin, but he is too strict with Jiang Bin, especially in studies. If he does not get full marks in the exam, he will be severely criticized by him.

Jiang Jin expressed his gratitude to Zhang Tan for his words, picked up Jiang Bin with Jiang Bin's quilt and pillow.

There was a cry behind him, and the children came out to see him off.

Little Yingzi Xie Ying stood behind a group of little ones, waving to the leaving Jiangbin with tears in her eyes, crying and smiling, looking lonely.

You must come to see us more often in the future, Xiao Yingzi said in a low voice, not as if she was telling Jiang Bin, but as if she was telling herself.

Jiang Bin's home is still nearby and has not changed. He just no longer stays at Little Red Horse. If he has time, he can come to Little Red Horse to visit everyone. He will always be welcome at Little Red Horse Academy.

Suddenly a loud cry sounded. Liuliu broke through the obstruction and chased after him. He hugged Jiang Bin's thigh and lay on the ground to prevent him from leaving.

Jiang Bin wanted to be a man, and he had been holding back from crying all night, but at this moment, his tears became disobedient, just like Liuliu disobedient and ran out of the crowd.

He held Liliu in his arms and cried too.

Jiang Jin didn't urge, just watched all this silently. In Pujiang, a metropolis full of fame and fortune, it was such a blessing to have so many sincere good friends. At least, he dared not say that he had made a friend here who he could cry with.

Jiang Bin still left, just ten minutes late.

How can children make their own decisions? They are all dandelions, and they can scatter in all directions when the wind blows.

What they can do is not to forget these once sincere friends as the years change.

That night, Xiaobai couldn't calm down and couldn't wait to talk to Cheng Cheng on the phone. First, he told Cheng Cheng that Jiang Bin's brother was gone and conveyed Jiang Bin's advice. The two cried for a while on the phone; Ask Cheng Cheng when she will come back. Will she not come like brother Jiang Bin?

Xiaobai was particularly sentimental tonight. After calling Cheng Cheng, he immediately called his aunt Malanhua. In addition to expressing his longing for her, he also quarreled with her, so that the phone call started in a sticky manner, angrily. Finish.

The night full of farewell melancholy finally passed, and the next day was another beautiful and brilliant day.

Kindergarten started, and Zhang Tan waited at home early, welcoming Bai Jianping and Xiaobai walking from the quiet alley in the morning light.

Xiaobai was handed over to him, and Zhang Tan went to attend a child's parent-teacher meeting for the first time in his life as a parent.

The 33rd leader is born, thank you Jun Xiu!

Thank you to Nianshui Dulu for the 20,000-coin reward, thank you to Junxiu for the 8,000-coin reward, thank you Oiyayougoo for the 5,000-coin reward, thank you to Headache, Moji Mingjue, and Cong Xin~ for the 1,500-coin reward, and thank you to Luanye for the 1,500-coin reward. 1,000 coin reward... lots and lots, thank you all!

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