The four children are getting bolder now, and they will take care of Gu Qinghan before.

But recently, I found that Gu Qinghan's management was a little loose, so I thought more.

"What if Mommy gets angry when she knows we did this on purpose?"

Pan Pan was still a little hesitant, and did not dare to hide it from Gu Qinghan.

"It's okay, let's just find a way not to let Mommy find out, I'll go find a teacher to pull Mommy into the kindergarten group."

Yangyang is a man of action, and after speaking, he will go to the teacher to be coquettish.

As long as they are in the kindergarten group, they will naturally know about parent-child days.

No one else needs to be notified, and if there is a notice in the group, Cho Cao himself will come.

The school teacher did not endure Yangyang's coquetry, and directly pulled Qin Qiu into the group.

Qin Qiu saw that it was a kindergarten note, and immediately added it.

Gu Qinghan also didn't know Qin Qiu's WeChat name, so he didn't know that he had entered the group at all.

Yangyang came back happily: "Get it, Cao Chong will soon know about our parent-child day." Several

children's thoughts Gu Qinghan didn't know, and Qin Qiu didn't know either.

Qin Qiu was busy now, and he didn't have time to pay attention to other things.

If the technical department is a high-precision department, then the project department is a busy department.

Any project budget and proposal need to be done by the project team personally.

This is the core department of the company, and it is also the department that Gu Qinghan pays the most attention to.

Lin Wenxu is Gu Qinghan's die-hard fan, unlike Xu Shuo, Lin Wenxu is bolder in his work, but he is afraid in the face of Gu Qinghan.

Qin Qiu is the fastest person to get started in the project team.

Everyone else didn't pay much attention to him, although it helped them a lot, but they didn't do it professionally.

The most important thing was that they knew that Qin Qiu's education was very low.

They have a lot of professional terms, so when they speak, everyone is afraid that Qin Qiu will not understand the English.

Only Lin Wenxu welcomed Qin Qiu's arrival alone.

"Leave them alone, just get along for a long time in the future, you just don't know each other very well now."

Although Lin Wenxu had already held a meeting for them to explain the situation, he could not change their minds.

This was the most unfriendly moment for Qin Qiu after he entered the company.

Before, whether in the logistics department or the technical department, everyone was very friendly.

But the project department was completely different, everyone seemed to pretend not to know him, and no one took the initiative to talk to him.

Lin Wenxu is a leader, and it is impossible to be with them all the time, so the real situation is still unknown.

But Qin Qiu didn't care, since no one paid attention to him, it was good for him to be alone.

It's just that the people in the project team seem to be deliberately against him, and the project plan asks him to review.

Giving these things to a new person is like suicide.

Qin Qiu could see that they were embarrassing him, but it might disappoint them.

Although he has never done any planning, he seems to be familiar with these things, and he can tell what the problem is just by looking at it.

Looking at the stack of documents on the table, it is estimated that they all thought that he would work overtime to finish.

Unfortunately, Qin Qiu finished it in less than half an hour, and left directly on their desk.

The next day, everyone saw the documents on the table, as well as Qin Qiu, who had nothing to do, and did not believe that he could finish it.

But after seeing the file, I couldn't find the problem.

Of course, Qin Qiu couldn't blindly let them bully, since he shouldn't do the work, he wouldn't do more.

On this day, everyone piled up all the work that Qin Qiu should not have done to him, delaying Qin Qiu's cleaning time on the top floor.

Although I was transferred to the project team, I still had to go to the top floor to clean.

An Ran didn't understand Gu Qinghan's purpose, and it stands to reason that there is no shortage of people to clean the top floor.

But she couldn't guess the boss's thoughts.

"Why did you come up, I remember that the project team did not work overtime recently." An Ran was a little surprised that Qin Qiu would be late.

Since coming to the Gu family, Qin Qiu was late for the first time.

"It's a long story, maybe I'm stupid and need to get a lot of things."

Qin Qiu knew that there would be many opportunities to be late in the future.

In the next few days, Qin Qiu came up very late every time, which made Enron very unhappy.

She directly called Lin Wenxu to ask about the situation, and Lin Wenxu couldn't say a word or two, he didn't know what was going on.

Enron threatened Lin Wenxu that if it was not solved well, she would directly tell President Gu.

Lin Wenxu was not afraid of others, only afraid of Gu Qinghan, and when he heard that Enron wanted to file a complaint, he immediately promised to find out.

"I didn't even know that you gave Qin Qiu all the work at hand."

At night, Lin Wenxu did not leave, and he only knew what was going on when he saw the situation outside in the monitor.

No wonder there have been few chances of mistakes lately, and he's glad that everyone has improved a lot.

The off-work time was very embarrassing, and Bie Lin Wenxu found that everyone was playing with Qin Qiu's documents on the table.

Now everyone can't go, the secret discovered by the leadership.

Qin Qiu looked at the time: "I should go to the top floor to clean, you guys are busy!" "

Escape from this place of right and wrong, no one knows what happened that day, what Lin Wenxu said, in short, no one sent documents to Qin Qiu inexplicably overtime.

What changed was on Friday afternoon, when everyone was working normally in the office.

Gu Qinghan walked in aggressively and dropped the document directly on the nearest desk at the door.

"Who made the scheme? Lin Wenxu, come and see for yourself who made the plan? If I don't look at it today, I will lose nearly 30 million, but fortunately I reviewed it. "

As soon as Gu Qinghan became angry, there was no one in the company who was not afraid.

"Lin Wenxu, I want to see a new plan tonight, don't want this, if you can't do it, you will all work for nothing this month."

Gu Qinghan left after getting angry, but things still need to be solved.

So many people around a solution can't solve it.

Qin Qiu was a newcomer, and no one asked his opinion, only Lin Wenxu thought of him.

"Qin Qiu, do you want to try it, we really can't find this problem?"

Qin Qiu walked over and looked at the things given by the other party from the beginning, and then looked at the previous plan, no wonder Gu Qinghan was angry.

"The direction is wrong from the beginning, how can the data be?"

After Qin Qiu finished speaking, he was not convinced.

"What you're saying seems to negate all our efforts."

"Since you said it wrong, you make it and try it, let it be done tonight, I can't make it."

Qin Qiu sneered: "There is a problem with your own project, everyone is here to help you, you are still yin and yang weird?"

"The problem has been pointed out to you, and I will tell you the way, if you still can't figure it out, it's your IQ problem."

Qin Qiu directly listed all the points, and after telling the key points, he directly carried his bag to work.

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