Dad, Did You Study Today?

Chapter 307 Punishment

The Minister of Punishment made Zhou Huaishan so noisy that his head hurt.

"What kind of evidence do we need? My son is lying on the bed right now. Any imperial doctor who goes to see him can prove his injuries."

Zhou Huaishan curled his lips.

"But the wound doesn't have the word "Zhou Huaishan" written on it, so why do you insist that it was me?"

The Queen Mother said solemnly: "You yourself admitted just now that you were the one who attacked Yang Tian. You said it yourself, and you still have to come to apologize."

Zhou Huaishan nodded, "Yes, our husband has always taught us to be honest and trustworthy, and to have love for our classmates.

I felt that it was wrong for me to push Yang Tian because he scolded Dasha, so I said I would come to apologize.

Is there a problem with this?

However, don't blame me for Yang Tian's injuries. Unless you have physical evidence, I won't bear the blame.

Yang Tian is injured. Yang Tian will be pregnant tomorrow. Does this child count as mine?

That doesn’t make sense! "

Master Jijiu's eyes widened again instantly.

Yang Tian is pregnant!

God is so pregnant.

After Zhou Huaishan finished speaking, he burst into tears.

"Just because my daughter is going to marry Shen Li, you are trying to harm me.

This is a marriage granted by the imperial decree. If you really don’t want my daughter to marry Shen Li, you are trying to destroy the marriage. What are you doing to me?

I provoked whomever!

I have been studying in the Imperial College for only three days including today!

I don’t even know a few people!

You say, Yang Tian was beaten so hard by me that he couldn't even hold up a pen. There must be some evidence. That's it. For something like this that you can't even produce evidence for, it's worth pretending to pass the imperial edict once, the Queen Mother.

You are so wise, why would you leave the imperial edict for such a trivial matter?

You just went for Shen Li.

My son-in-law is really pitiful!

I don’t know who he was working for and who he offended, so he was harmed like this. "

Zhou Huaishan cried aggrievedly, and his nose bubbles came out one after another.

After saying that, he looked at the Queen Mother with a pair of tearful eyes, "You said that you called me into the palace just to ask how my daughter's marriage preparations are going. Why, are you staying in Bihui Palace?"

No one expected that Zhou Huaishan would come out of nowhere.

His behavior could be considered disrespectful, even disobedient.

But unfortunately, the Queen Mother had no way to punish him.

After all, it is a false edict.

She ran to the door and hammered it herself.

These words were like a big slap hitting the Queen Mother's face one after another.

As for the Minister of Punishment, he really couldn't produce any personal or material evidence.

Moreover, what Zhou Huaishan said just now really blocked the mouth of the Minister of Punishment.

You have been working so hard to prepare a birthday message, but why do you have time to run out and fight?

There is obviously something wrong with this.

Unless the Minister of Punishment admits that he lied.

That is, Yang Tian was not prepared diligently.

Zhou Huaishan howled and knelt down, "Caomin please take back the imperial edict and grant marriage. Caomin and Caomin's daughter cannot bear this crime.

We haven't even gotten married yet, and the common people are being persecuted like this.

When they get married, the common people are afraid that the life of their daughter will be short.

Cao Min is just such a girl. "

After sniffing, Zhou Huaishan added, "The Cao Min heard that the Marquis Rongyang, who has the same name as the Cao Min, has eight sons.

But what about eight sons? No matter how many people there are, they can't prevent them from being killed!

The Marquis of Rongyang is gone, but the common people want to keep their children alive for a few more years.

Common people don't understand things like court struggles, political parties, etc. Common people just want to live in peace with their families. "

Zhou Huaishan suddenly mentioned Rongyang Hou and then suddenly mentioned the partisan dispute.

After saying that, he quickly turned his head and looked straight at the Queen Mother.

That gaze was like an iron hook.

The Queen Mother's heart beat violently, and she vomited out a mouthful of blood.

She was so angry that she was so angry, so angry, so anxious.

No need to pretend to be dizzy now.

Her eyes suddenly darkened, and the Queen Mother fell over.


He fell solidly to the ground.

The Minister of Punishment was so frightened that he subconsciously went over to help him.

However, there was a dead silence in the imperial study room. The Minister of the Ministry of Justice raised his legs halfway and froze there in embarrassment. Then he paused for a moment and knelt down again.

"Do you plead guilty to falsely accusing a student of the Imperial Academy?" The emperor said in a calm voice, word by word.

The Minister of Punishment was thrown to the ground by the Empress Dowager, and his heart was in a state of shock.

The Queen Mother is not young anymore, so don’t do anything wrong with this fall.

Now that the Duke of Zhenguo is gone, if something happens to the Queen Mother again, then the princelings will still fight over her!

Just as huge waves were rolling in his heart, the emperor suddenly spoke, and the Minister of Punishment suddenly became excited, "Your Majesty clearly knows that I have no intention of harming Zhou Huaishan. I have no reason to do this."

The emperor snorted heavily, his voice extremely mocking.

The Minister of Punishment is a member of the Zhenguo Gong Party, so he certainly has a reason to harm Zhou Huaishan.

Zhou Huaishan is Shen Li's father-in-law.

At best, it can only be said that Zhou Huaishan is not worthy of being harmed by him.

"Your Majesty, I was worried when I saw the child being beaten like that."

"When did you have friction yesterday?" The emperor stared at the Minister of Punishment with fire in his eyes, but he said these words to Zhou Huaishan.

Zhou Huaishan immediately said: "It was around the beginning of Hai Hai when we came out of Jingzhao Yin Mansion. Jing Zhaoyin can prove that Yang Tian was not injured at all at that time."

The emperor did not answer Zhou Huaishan's words, and only said to the Minister of Punishment: "At Haishi, Yang Tian was still in the Yin Mansion in Jingzhao. When did you enter the palace to complain to the Queen Mother?

As far as I know, the Queen Mother has always gone to bed early these years. "

The Minister of Punishment was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

The emperor slammed the table and said angrily: "Say!"

That low roar was like the roar of a dragon.

The Minister of Punishment immediately wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "It was after Yang Tian returned to the palace, I don't remember the specific time, but it was my wife who entered the palace.

At that time, I tried my best to stop her, but I was incompetent and did not stop her. "

The emperor said: "You are incompetent and dare to let your wife enter the palace without any evidence.

However, although you are incompetent, your wife is very capable. When she entered the palace, the palace gates were locked! "

The Minister of Punishment was kneeling there, his face pale.

The emperor said: "Last night, when the key was dropped at the palace door, you all went into the palace to complain, but today you came to me to cry. You are really a good minister who has dedicated his life to me.

But I am not worthy of your dedication. "

"Your Majesty, I forgive you. I am aware of my guilt, but I acted recklessly without investigating clearly."

The emperor was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, "Since your son is bedridden and seriously injured, the father must be worried about you. I miss you as a father and remember your hard work over the years, so I will give you three months of leave."

The Minister of Justice's face immediately turned pale, and he screamed, "Your Majesty!"

The emperor waved his hand, "No need to thank me, just go ahead."

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