Dad, Did You Study Today?

Chapter 326 Broken

Zhou Ping's words were like throwing a firecracker directly on Shi Yue Xin Tian Ling Gai.

Qi Zhou Ping coughed when he was talking.

What he is clearly saying is: Why do you think two women can be together?

But I was affected by that cough: Do you think two women can cough together?

Zhou Qing said quickly before Shi Yuexin could react: "We can be friends, we can be sisters, we can be brothers! When two women are together, they can gossip and talk about not having the same thing for three days and three nights! That's okay too. Have a fight!"

After saying that, Zhou Qing quickly glanced at Shi Yuexin.

At a glance, I suddenly felt a little strange.

Why does she care so much about Shi Yuexin?

Could it be that she subconsciously had some inappropriate thoughts about Shi Yuexin?


Fortunately, when Zhou Qing yelled, Shi Yuexin's expression softened. She looked at Zhou Ping with great interest, "What are you holding in your hand?"

Zhou Ping glanced down and smiled like a Shiba Inu, "Sister Xin made me fried chicken legs. They are super delicious. Do you want to eat them?"

"Shen Xin?"

Zhou Ping nodded proudly, "Ang!"

That way, it was as if Shen Xin was his biological sister.

Shi Yuexin's stomach growled quickly, "I have long heard that Shen Xin cooks good food, but I have never eaten it. I used to think that if I married Shen Li, I would be able to eat it every day. Tsk tsk, let's go, eat!" "

Shi Yuexin glanced at Zhou Qing, and finally hesitated with her arm in mid-air, put it on the back of Zhou Ping's neck, and entered the hospital.

Zhou Qing


I suspect that you have been madly in love with Shen Li for several years. You are not in love with Shen Li at all, but you are just greedy for Shen Xin's cooking skills.

Zhou Ping took them directly to the kitchen.

When they arrived, Shen Xin and Hu Weiyue were the only two people in the kitchen.

Shen Xin prayed humbly, "Master Hu, Uncle Hu, Grandpa Hu, please teach me, ah? You see, your craft is unparalleled in the world. Now that you are this old, what if you can't do it anymore?" If you want to eat it, who can cook it for you?

If you teach me, in the future, whenever you want to eat, I will come to your door and cook it immediately without saying anything.

Grandpa Hu, Uncle Hu, Master Hu, if you don’t teach me this skill, what a big loss it will be if it is lost in the future.

You see, you are already this old.”


The sound of chopping with a kitchen knife frightened Zhou Qing into jumping in, and he saw Hu Weiyue cutting the duck in half.

Zhou Qing

So what was she excited about just now?

Are you worried that Hu Weiyue will kill Shen Xin?

With a twitch of the corner of his mouth, Zhou Qing looked towards Hu Weiyue.

Hu Weiyue was wearing an apron, holding a knife in one hand and a duck in the other. He sighed towards Shen Xin, "Son, stop talking. If you keep talking, maybe according to your plot, I will die tomorrow!

I promise you, let me live a few more years. "

Zhou Ping was laughing happily on the side. While enjoying himself, he reached out his paws to get the fried chicken legs from a basin.

Shen Xin almost cried with joy and hugged Hu Weiyue's arm, "Grandpa Hu, you are really my biological father!"

Hu Weiyue.

He sighed helplessly, "Neither your grandfather nor your father will agree. Don't say stupid things."

As soon as Hu Weiyue finished speaking, Shen Xin quickly let go and slapped Zhou Ping on the back of his hand.

At that moment, Zhou Ping's hand was reaching for the basin of fried chicken legs.

"How many have you eaten? How many have I fried in total? You can eat them all before they are even served!"

Zhou Ping looked aggrieved and pointed at Shi Yuexin, "I got it for this beautiful sister."

Shen Xin looked over and was startled when he saw Shi Yuexin. He immediately looked at Zhou Qing warily, and then suddenly thought of something that made him want to live.

Her brother likes men!

Originally, she had almost forgotten about this matter.

But at the lakeside, she and Shi Yuexin saw that scene together.

Now that she saw Shi Yuexin, she remembered it again.


Don't let anyone eat well on this special day!

Fortunately, Hu Weiyue agreed to teach her the secret of lemon duck, otherwise, how would she have lived like this!

It's so depressing to have an annoying brother.

Sighing, Shen Xin nodded towards Shi Yuexin, "Can you pat garlic?"

Shi Yuexin glanced at the fried chicken legs, swallowed her saliva, and nodded, "Yes."

"Then wash your hands and pat these cloves of garlic." Shen Xin put down the knife in his hand, wiped his hands and said to Hu Weiyue: "Let's get started."

Over there, Hu Weiyue taught Shen Xin how to make lemon duck.

Here, Zhou Qing wiped his hands and took a fried chicken leg from the basin and handed it to Shi Yuexin, "Would you like to eat it?"

Shi Yuexin had just washed her hands and was about to pat the garlic. Without thinking, she took a bite of Zhou Qing's hand and said, "Well, it certainly lives up to its reputation. It's so delicious."

After eating, he turned his eyes to the chopping board in front of him and stared at the cloves of garlic.

"Do you know how to take pictures? I'll do it. Don't do it. How can you let people take pictures as soon as you come to the door?" Zhou Qing looked at Shen Xin dumbfounded and said to Shi Yuexin.

Shi Yuexin raised her jaw, "Looking down on people? Don't talk about garlic, I can also shoot cucumbers!"

After saying that, he stared at the garlic and was silent for a while, then picked up the kitchen knife, raised it high, and chopped down hard at the few cloves of garlic.

That posture looks like beheading someone!

Also has dubbing.


When the knife went down, not a single clove of garlic was cut, but several cloves of garlic were all blown away.

Zhou Ping was stunned for a moment, then he hugged his belly and laughed to the ground.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Hu Weiyue was just prying open the duck's mouth to tell Shen Xin how to make lemon duck and how to stuff things into the duck's mouth, when he saw a clove of garlic fall into the duck's mouth.


Zhou Ping rolled on the ground with laughter, and Zhou Qing couldn't help it and laughed against the wall.

Shen Xin turned around and looked at Shi Yuexin.

Then Zhou Qing watched Shi Yuexin take a few more cloves of garlic from the small bowl next to her and put them on the chopping board. She put the kitchen knife aside, gathered her strength and jumped up with a "ha", and then slapped the chopping board with one hand.


A scream suddenly resounded throughout the kitchen.

Shi Yuexin shook her hands and bent her waist and turned around on the spot, "My hand!"

Zhou Ping was almost dying of laughter.

Zhou Qing walked towards Shi Yuexin with tears of laughter, "How's your hand?"

Shi Yuexin screamed, "My hand is broken."

Shen Xin rolled her eyes and walked forward, "Cracking garlic, I've never seen it cracked like this! How did it break? Hahahahahaha"

Shen Xin laughed while holding her stomach.

There were still two cloves of garlic embedded in Shi Yuexin's palm, but they had been smashed.

As the only elder here, Hu Weiyue tried to hold back his laughter and hurried forward to pinch Shi Yuexin's wrist, "It's okay, the pain should be caused by the garlic."

At the end, he couldn't help laughing.


It's really funny!

Shi Yuexin laughed herself.

While laughing, she quickly ran to the table, picked up a chopstick to scrape off the garlic on her palm, turned to Shen Xin and said, "I risked breaking my hand to crack this garlic. If you don't cook it well, you'll be sorry for my hand."

Shen Xin laughed and said, "I don't use your hands to cook!"

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