Dad, Did You Study Today?

Chapter 341 River Repair

Zhou Qing glanced at Shen Xin speechlessly, "This map"

Shen Xin gritted her teeth and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I didn't steal this from my brother's study. I drew it blindly by myself. There is no prototype or reference. It's just a blind painting."

Zhou Qing nodded.

Maps are common in modern times, but in ancient times, they were considered high-level government secrets.

The two of them were talking when Zhou Ping ran in and shouted at the top of his voice, "Report the high-powered intelligence ahead, eldest sister, the second uncle is back!"

Zhou Qing stood up and said, "Please perfect the decoration plan again, and we'll hire someone to start the work tomorrow."

"Okay, sister-in-law, don't worry. It's all right. It will be done in a moment. Third aunt and I will learn how to fry dried fish. Third aunt's skills are simply amazing."

Zhou Qing came out of the room, and Zhou Ping followed her eagerly, looking at Zhou Qing several times with a hesitant expression.

Zhou Qing couldn't help laughing and said: "You are a six-year-old child, what words can you say to make you so entangled!"

Zhou Ping immediately rolled his eyes with an unhappy look on his face, "What do you mean, a six-year-old child like me can't speak? It should be, I'm already six years old! You said this as if I'm a five-year-old child Similar."

Zhou Qing couldn't help laughing but flicked Zhou Ping's head, "Well, you're six years old. What do you want to say? You're six years old, so don't beat around the bush. You're not a five-year-old."

Zhou Ping bit his lower lip, and when his lip was almost gone from the blood, he finally took a breath, looked at Zhou Qing with dark eyes, raised his head and said: "Sister, can I go with General Xu? "

Xu Ningyuan wanted to take Zhou Ping as a personal soldier. Zhou Qing knew about this the day he returned home.

Of course, Xu Ningyuan would not just tell Zhou Ping about such a major matter, but would naturally seek the opinions of the adults in the family.

It’s just this Xu Ningyuan.

She was a little unsure.

He was different from those old dudes. He was not her father's original playmate. Moreover, he held military power and dominated the country.

In fact, this kind of person is not suitable to be too close to Shen Li, as it will not be good for anyone.

She also asked her father about his old friendship with Xu Ningyuan, but her father couldn't remember that they had any old friendship at all.

"do you want to go?"

Zhou Ping nodded and said, "I want to go, sister, I really want to go."

"A sword has no eyes in the battlefield."

Zhou Ping said extraordinarily boldly: "A man must protect his family and his country!"

Zhou Qing touched Zhou Ping's head and said, "What do three uncles and three aunts mean?"

"My father said yes, boys should have big ambitions. My mother said she could go if she wanted to, so as not to make her angry in front of her."

Zhou Qing smiled and said, "Waiting for your senior brother to come back."

Zhou Ping Baba looked at Zhou Qing, "But General Xu will leave in a few days, and my brother-in-law doesn't know when he will come back."

There was a burning desire in his eyes.

"Sister, I really want to join the army."

Zhou Qing pinched Zhou Ping's face and said, "You are only six years old, not sixty years old. General Xu can leave whenever he wants. It's not like he will never come back."

After a pause, Zhou Qing sighed, "He has no old friendship with our family. He suddenly wants to recruit you as a personal soldier. Your senior brother has such a position. Sister needs to think about this matter carefully."

Not only for Shen Li but also for Zhou Huaishan, but also for Zhou Ping.

The light in Zhou Ping's eyes dimmed a little, but he nodded obediently, "Okay."

While talking, the two arrived at Zhou Huaishan's courtyard, and Zhou Ping followed Zhou Qing in.

"Your second uncle has to do homework, why did you come in?"

Zhou Ping bared his teeth and smiled, and the sadness in his eyes had completely disappeared.

"I asked about my second uncle's achievements just now, and I heard that half of the mansion of the Qing family in Dali Temple belongs to our family."

As he spoke, Zhou Ping jumped straight to Zhou Huaishan's house, "Second uncle, are we moving again?"

Zhou Huaishan was slumped on his chair, holding a small teapot and drinking tea directly from the spout of the teapot with his mouth tilted.

Seeing them coming in, Zhou Huaishan's eyebrows were full of joy and he said, "That's right, we are moving again!"

Zhou Ping excitedly lay down on the side of Zhou Huai Mountain, "Second uncle, are we going to live in the courtyard of Qing's family in Dali Temple?"

"Are you happy?"

Zhou Ping nodded excitedly, "I'm glad, I heard that half of the yard is bigger than our house! Tsk, it would be great if the whole yard belonged to us!"

Zhou Huaishan laughed suddenly, "If you don't have a big appetite, you have a big appetite. But don't worry, within a month, the whole house of his family will be ours."

"Dad! What are you talking about in front of Pingzi!" Zhou Qing immediately scolded Zhou Huaishan.

Zhou Ping ignored Zhou Qing at all and looked at Zhou Huaishan with hot eyes, "Seriously? Second uncle."

Zhou Huaishan slapped his chest with a stern look on his face, "Seriously! It really can't be true anymore!"

"Wow!" Zhou Ping suddenly jumped three feet high, "Second uncle, come on, I will build a river in the yard after we move here."

Zhou Qing's eyes twitched, "What are you repairing?"

Zhou Ping said majesticly: "A river!"

Zhou Qing

Do you have any misunderstanding about the river?

He looked at Zhou Ping with wrinkled eyes, unable to keep up with his six-year-old mind, "Why are you building a river?"

"Practice swimming and water combat!"

Zhou Qing

Before Zhou Qing could react to Zhou Ping's creativity, Zhou Huaishan jumped up from his chair, "Pingzi, what a great idea!"

Zhou Qinghuo raised her eyes to look at her father.

Zhou Huaishan said with great interest: "When the time comes, I will build a river and a good boat, so that we can experience the canal boat at home in advance, and arrange singing, dancing and delicious food! Tsk, when the time comes, the old man Li Dehou will be so happy!"

Zhou Ping rolled his eyes immediately.

"Second uncle, what are you talking about! I want to practice water combat on the boat, the kind of war! Tsk, you adults are so arrogant and extravagant!"

Zhou Huaishan raised his hand and snapped his fingers at Zhou Ping's head.

Zhou Ping immediately held his head and howled in pain.

Thinking about such a big thing as water combat, Zhou Ping stayed in Zhou Huaishan's house for a while and then left.

As soon as he left, Zhou Qing looked at Zhou Huaishan, "Dad?"

Zhou Huaishan waved his hand, "The house next to that is the Rongyang Marquis's mansion."

Zhou Qing knew it was like this.

At that time, news came from outside that Zhou Huaishan wanted half of the house of the Dali Temple, and she immediately asked someone to inquire about the location of the Dali Temple's mansion.

The courtyard wall on the east road of the mansion is separated from the Rongyang Marquis Mansion by a street.

"Dad, do you want to dig a secret passage?" Zhou Qing sat down opposite Zhou Huaishan.

Zhou Huaishan shook his head, "Not really, I just want to be closer."

Closer to them.

Zhou Qing knew that this closer meant closer to those who would never come back.

His nose felt a little sour for a moment.


Zhou Huaishan looked up at the roof at a 45-degree angle and said nothing.

Zhou Qing looked at Zhou Huaishan, feeling a pain in his heart. He took a breath and silently put Zhou Huaishan's homework on the table.

"Dad, adjust your mood."

Zhou Huaishan glanced at the homework on the table from the corner of his eye, and the emotions that were originally immersed in grief were suddenly aroused and disappeared.

He jumped up from the chair again and yelled at Zhou Qing: "Where is human nature!"

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