Dad, Did You Study Today?

Chapter 344 Great Gift

The owner of the small restaurant shrank his shoulders, licked his lips, and hummed softly.

Zhou Huaishan stared at him for a moment.

"Is Zhou Yuan with him?" He asked again.

The restaurant owner nodded, "Yes, Zhou Yuan is with him."

Zhou Huaishan stared at the restaurant owner for a moment, then smiled and said, "Thank you."

Hearing these words, the restaurant owner suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Huaishan with a complicated and obscure expression in his eyes, as if he had heard some fantasy.

His dry mouth trembled, he wanted to say something, but he tried his best to hold back.

Zhou Huaishan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for reminding me."

After a pause, he added, "Is there anything else?"

The restaurant owner shook his head, "No, no more, then, then I, I'll leave first. Well, please pay more attention."

After saying that, he turned around and left, as if he was going to be bitten by a dog if he didn't leave.

Zhou Huaishan stared at his back.

"Oh, I'll rub it, my stomach hurts, Brother Shan, Brother Shan, go in first and I'll take care of it." Wang Jin, who was hiding aside, clutched his stomach and roared in pain, hunched over and walked away like a shrimp. .

Zhou Huaishan looked away and looked at Wang Jin, "Where are you going to solve it? There is a hut in the courtyard. Where are you going?"

Wang Jin clutched his stomach and looked like he couldn't help it, "Oh no, Brother Shan, you are moving into a new house today. I can't have sex in your hut! I am also a particular person and can't do this. Disgusting thing."

Zhou Huaishan.

"You talk nonsense about being particular about people! Hurry up and stop talking nonsense!"

Wang Jin shook his head, "No, I have my last stubbornness!"

After saying that, he held his stomach and trotted away for a while.

Zhou Huaishan smiled angrily and turned around to enter the hospital.

After crossing the threshold, he suddenly asked Li Er, who was following behind him: "Is anyone following him?"

Li Er was stunned for a moment and then realized that he was referring to Wang Jin, and said hurriedly: "Don't worry, sir, there is someone."

Zhou Huaishan said nothing and strode in.

After running past the turning point, Wang Jin looked back and saw that Zhou Huaishan was no longer there. He breathed a sigh of relief and stood up straight. The painful expression on his face disappeared and was replaced by a solemn and sinister look.

After shaking his sleeves, Wang Jin left, strolled to Gulou Street, and wandered into a brocade shop.

When he went in, he was still a young man in his twenties, but when he came out, he was an old man with a hunchback.

The old man held his cane and walked slowly towards the alley behind Gulou Street.

Turn left at the third intersection of the alley and enter an even smaller alley. There is an old locust tree in the alley, as dense as a canopy. You can see the small restaurant after walking around the old locust tree.

Now, the door of the small restaurant is closed, but in the corner not far from the door of the restaurant, two people are standing leisurely.

The two people were whispering to each other, but their eyes kept glancing towards the small restaurant.

Continuing to walk forward, about fifty meters past the two people, there is a small courtyard with a green painted gate. The gate is closed, but...

At this season and at this hour, the other courtyard doors nearby are all half-open.

The old man tilted his head, glanced quickly towards the door, and then slowly left the alley with his cane.

When I reached the alley, I looked back.

A figure flashed across the lush old locust tree.

When Wang Jin came out of Brocade Shop again, he held two large gift boxes in his hands and went straight to Zhou Huaishan's house whistling with a ruffian look on his face.

When he arrived, dinner was just about to begin.

Qingyang Hou laughed and said: "You are so young after all. It takes longer to urinate than us old guys! Tsk, you are so young. Your legs are stronger than ours even when squatting!"

Yun Qingbo looked like he was reminiscing about the past and said, "When I was young, my bowel movements lasted much longer than him. Hey, if I had loose bowel movements for so long now, I would have fallen into the cesspit along with the loose stools!"

Qingyang Hou rolled his eyes and said, "Fart, is that a cesspit that you have loosened from diarrhea? It was obviously a fart that jumped into it!"

Xu Ningyuan frowned and glanced at them, "Here we are eating shabu-shabu!"

Qingyang Hou and Yun Qingbo immediately said in unison: "When you march and fight, you can eat on human heads!"

Xu Ningyuan said: "But I have never eaten shit!"

Qingyang Hou said proudly: "Tsk, the general is nothing more than that!"

Uncle Yun Qing smiled and said, "We just ate shit."

Qingyang Hou turned his head and glanced at Yun Qingbo with a look of disgust on his face, "Shame! I didn't, it was you!"

Yun Qingbo. "What about brotherhood?"

Qingyang Hou. "We will break off our relationship if we encounter shit!"

Zhou Ping sat aside, laughing like crazy.

Wang Jin looked like he had seen a lot of people in the world and sat down next to Zhou Huaishan very calmly.

Zhou Huaishan glanced at the big box Wang Jin put aside, "Are you having diarrhea and pulling out a big gift bag?"

The abbot of the nearby Buddhist temple couldn't help laughing, "Such a gift package is rare!"

Opposite, Qingyang Hou, Yun Qingbo and Xu Ningyuan looked over.

They were also curious as to why Wang Jin came back with two big boxes when he went out to have a poop.

Wang Jin had a look on his face, "You all came empty-handed, hey, if you want to talk about the deepest relationship, it's me and my brother Shan who have the deepest relationship. This is a housewarming gift that I specially bought for my brother Shan!"

With that said, Wang Jin snapped his fingers, and his little book boy immediately held up two big boxes.

Wang Jin opened the box and revealed the brocade inside.

"Two sets of pajamas, I personally picked them for my brother Shan, absolutely soft and close-fitting. Look at the fabric, the workmanship, and the style. Which one does not represent my deep love for my brother Shan?

Love him, give him the best sleep!"

Yun Qingbo looked at Wang Jin and gritted his teeth, "Insidious villain!"

Qingyang Hou gritted his teeth, "Insidious +1"

The abbot of the Big Buddha Temple gritted his teeth, "Insidious +1"

Xu Ningyuan gritted his teeth, "Insidious +1"

Wang Jin said proudly, "I just like you guys, you are jealous of me but can't compare to the friendship between me and my brother Shan, tsk!"

Li Dehou, who had been wandering outside, wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth and pointed at the two sets of pajamas, "Did you poop out? Your butt is really different from ours! Give me a set tomorrow!"


"Hahahahaha! I want a set +1"

Zhou Huailin frowned and looked at the group of people in front of him who were laughing all over the place.

He didn't quite understand why the abbot of the Dafo Temple, a man with a scar on his head, had to sit at this shabu-shabu hot pot table, laughing so hard that he couldn't breathe and blew two snot bubbles.

However, when Zhou Huailin turned around and saw the murderous general Xu Ningyuan almost rolling on the stomach of the Marquis of Qingyang, he was relieved about the monk.

The housewarming party was a lively meal, and it was finally over when curfew was approaching.

Wang Jin sat on the chair with drunken eyes and said crazy, "I'm drunk, I can't move, no one can touch me!"

Zhou Huaishan saw this and thought, well, this guy has to sleep in his bed again today.

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