Dad, Did You Study Today?

Chapter 367 Mother and Daughter

The moment Zhou Qing stepped forward, Shen Li's breath froze.


".Well. I did it on purpose."

The joys and sorrows of people are always incompatible.

Here, the Zhou family compound is once again welcoming their new housewarming, and there is an atmosphere of joy everywhere.

However, the Shen Brown family who was kicked out without even taking a hair away could no longer laugh.

Shen Brown did have a house in Kyoto, but compared to the dignified residence of the Minister of Dali Temple, that house seemed too shabby and cramped.

The servants all crowded into such a small house, and they couldn't even find accommodation.

The yard was a mess, and the housekeeper tried his best to arrange it.

Chen Tan sat on a poplar chair in the room with a dark face. This chair was not as spacious as before. He looked at Mr. Huang with a gloomy coldness in his eyes, "Don't you have anything to explain to me? "

Mrs. Huang just explained all the arrangements in the house to the housekeeper. She was so tired that she couldn't breathe evenly. She just entered the house with a sallow complexion. Her shoulders trembled violently when she heard this. Just as she was about to speak, she was gently touched by the nanny beside her. A light touch on the shoulder.

Mrs. Huang was slightly startled, and then she said: "Sir, when my wife married you earlier, because she was the sister of the former wife, the dowry given by the family at that time was not as generous as that of the former wife. However, in recent years, my wife has been able to manage her business well. The servant has just calculated it, and the money is still enough to supplement the dowry for the second lady. "

Chen Tan didn't expect her to say such a thing suddenly.

He was full of anger and was about to curse, but when the words came to his lips, he paused.

All his savings are in the mansion. Now that the mansion has been occupied by Zhou Huaishan, his savings have also been occupied by Zhou Huaishan. It is still a question of when he can get it out.

The whole family needs money to eat, drink and have sex.

this money

Chen Brown didn't look at Mrs. Huang and snorted coldly, "If your dowry is not in the house, I can't get it out!"

The voice was not as chilly as before.

Grandma immediately explained: "Sir, as you know, Madam has two shops outside. This shop collects dividends every six months. This year's inventory happens to be tomorrow, so I should be able to get a lot back. Besides."

Grandma paused for a moment before speaking again, her voice a little low, as if she was very frightened.

"The old slave took care of the dowry for the madam, and secretly took it away from the madam at high interest. The old slave deserved death. These silver coins, including the principal and interest, will come back tomorrow, and all the subsequent interest will be destroyed. ”

Chen Brown took a deep look at Mammy, and finally cast his sinister eyes on Mrs. Huang, "I'm tired today. I will definitely report back to Your Majesty tomorrow morning about the affairs of the house. You'd better give me an explanation about Chen'er. !”

After saying that, Shen Zhu stood up, flicked his sleeves and left in anger.

As soon as he left, Mrs. Huang seemed to be in collapse, leaning on her whole body. She hugged her distressedly and helped her sit down on the bed.

"Thank you." Huang moved his chapped and white lips and said softly.

Grandma sighed and gave Huang a cup of hot tea, "Madam, just don't blame me for being troublesome."

Huang smiled bitterly, "How could I not know what you mean."

Now that they have been kicked out of their homes, no one in this family will be penniless until they get their property back.

If Shen Brown wants to hold Mr. Huang accountable, he should carefully consider it. Nowadays, Mr. Huang is the only person in the family who can come up with money!

Whether he wants money or seeks justice for Huang Chen is his choice.

But Mammy was determined that Shen Brown wanted money.

Mr. Huang leaned on the pillow with a sad look on his face, "Did I make a mistake back then?"

Just as she was talking, Shen Mingzhu came in from outside. As soon as she entered the door, she sneered coldly, "What did mother do wrong? Did she give me the identity of an adulterer or did she kill my own sister?"

"Second Miss!" Mammy exclaimed and looked towards Shen Mingzhu, with unbearable anger on her face, "Second Miss, you can't talk to Madam like that!"

Shen Mingzhu glared at her, "Who do you think you are! You're just an old dog, get out of here!"

Shen Mingzhu looked at Mr. Huang with disgust, "It's all you who made me lose face in front of the Crown Prince today! I hate you! You are so disgusting!"

Being pointed at and scolded by her own daughter, Huang shivered all over. Without thinking, she subconsciously reached out and slapped Shen Mingzhu on the face, "Shut up!"

Shen Mingzhu was slapped and staggered to one side following the force. She covered her cheek and looked at Huang with hatred, "What qualifications do you have to hit me!"

Mrs. Huang gasped for breath, "Qualifications? Just because you are a member of the cabinet, I will buy the dowry for you!"

Shen Mingzhu.

He opened his mouth, swallowed back the words in a cowardly manner, and just smiled coldly, "Leave the cabinet? Do you think I can still be the second prince's concubine after things like this?"

Huang said: "Why not? His Highness the Second Prince has been here today and he heard everything. But what did he say in the end? He said that no matter what, he would welcome you in!"

"You also said that he was talking about welcoming me in, not marrying me in!"

Huang said with anger and accusation, "Don't you know why he said that? What were you looking at at that time!"

Looking at the Crown Prince of Prince Ning’s Mansion.

Shen Mingzhu pursed her lips, turned her face to one side, and said with a pinched neck: "I already like the Crown Prince. It's not like you don't know. You want me to marry His Highness the Second Highness. This is not my choice."

Mrs. Huang made her so angry that she couldn't even breathe.

"Yes, you like the Crown Prince, but does the Crown Prince like you? He likes the dead man! He would rather take the dead man's dowry today than even look at you!

You are my daughter, don’t I know that I feel sorry for you?

As long as he takes one more look at you, wouldn't I want you to marry him?

It's true that I asked you to marry His Highness, but have you ever thought about whether you have a better choice besides His Highness? "

Shen Mingzhu sneered, "Choice? Do I have a choice? Didn't the Queen Mother choose it? Don't think that I don't know what your intentions are in letting me marry His Highness! But now, I am an adulterer!"

The words "adult child" were like three sharp knives piercing Huang's chest. She sat on the bed, swayed, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Shen Mingzhu felt anxious and subconsciously stepped forward, but she clenched her fists and stood there without moving.

Grandma was so shocked that she quickly rubbed Huang's back, "Madam, Madam, don't be angry, Madam."

Huang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the blood was particularly dazzling on his pale face.

She tilted her head to look at Shen Mingzhu, "Mom, I have nothing else to ask for now. I just ask that you can marry His Highness smoothly. Your Highness is very affectionate to you. As long as you are willing to show kindness to him, he will not listen to you." .

As for what you said."

Huang couldn't say the word "adult child".

"This is just a rumor, without any basis or evidence! As long as you are the second prince's concubine, who would dare to spread such a rumor!"

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