Dad, Did You Study Today?

Chapter 385 Unlucky

Shen Li did not go out in the end.

Not only did he not go out, he shamelessly jumped into the pool himself.

He scooped up the juice from the pool and took a sip. "I'll feed you. You'll be satisfied today."

It is absolutely impossible to solve the problem without four thousand words here!

When Zhou Qing lay down on the soft bed again, he had no strength at all and fell asleep without moving his eyelids.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already three poles high on the second day.

My whole body ached as if I had just had a fight after running a marathon.

The perpetrator was feeling refreshed, neatly dressed and reading something in front of his desk.

Zhou Qing lay on the bed and looked at Shen Li.


So lovely.

"Haven't you seen enough?" Shen Li put down the document in his hand, raised his eyes and looked at Zhou Qing, with a smile on his face.

Zhou Qing said: "You know"

As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice was so hoarse that he could hardly make a sound. Then he thought about why his voice was hoarse. Zhou Qing's cheeks turned red, he glared at Shen Li and simply shut up.

Shen Li held back his laughter and stood up and walked over, "Have something to drink. I'll have someone prepare whatever you want to eat."

He sat on the edge of the bed, easily lifted Zhou Qing up, then held the person against him, and turned around to bring the things that had been prepared on the small table.

"Bird's nest porridge, drink some to comfort your stomach."

Zhou Qing raised her hand to pick it up. The moment she raised her arm, she almost cried out in pain.

What is this strange movement and why does my arm hurt so much?

Against humanity!

Shen Li pressed her arm and said, "I'll feed you."

Last night, this person also said the same thing, but the result was that Zhou Qing couldn't hear it because it hurt wherever he moved.

Rolling his eyes, Zhou Qing endured the pain in his arms and said in a hoarse voice: "I'll eat it myself!"

Shen Li couldn't help but laugh at her, "What's for lunch?"

Zhou Qing raised his eyes and glanced at him.

Shen Li said in a tacit understanding: "Eating hot pot? Yes, but you can't eat spicy food, otherwise your throat will not heal."

Zhou Qing

Shut up!

Shut up!

Get out!

After a bowl of bird's nest porridge, Zhou Qing regained some strength, and lay lazily for a while before getting up to change clothes.

The hot pot was placed under the acacia tree, with a large square table full of dishes, and a copper pot in the middle boiling with steam.

When the two were sitting face to face eating hot pot, Zhou Qing asked Shen Li through the heat, "Are you going back today?"

Shen Li's movement of scooping up the tripe paused, and he raised his eyes with a half-smile, "Don't you want to go back?"

Zhou Qing

She must have been in a bad mood recently!

Shen Li put the tripe he picked up into Zhou Qing's bowl and said with a smile: "Go back, I have something to do in the evening. It will take too long to rush here after finishing the work."

Zhou Qing couldn't help but think more about this.

The direct consequence of overthinking is that you choke when drinking juice.

"You didn't choke when I fed you yesterday."

Zhou Qing took a deep breath, "Shut up!"

Shen Li smiled and shut up, then gave Zhou Qing another chopstick of green vegetables, "The case is not going well."

He suddenly spoke seriously, and Zhou Qing was stunned for a moment, "What? Can't you ask?"

Shen Li hummed and sighed, "The old lady of the Shen family is too old. If the torture instrument is too heavy, she will die. If it is too light, she will not speak.

Moreover, this old lady is somewhat invulnerable and not afraid of threats.

There is only one Shen Mingzhu left in the Shen family, and she doesn't care at all.

It doesn't matter to her whether the concubine's children are male or female.

Shen Tan is a weakling. Unfortunately, he is a fool. He doesn't know anything about his family.

The Huang family only harmed Huang Chen and Shen Mingyue, and knew nothing about the affairs of the Rongyang Marquis Mansion. "

Zhou Qing chewed the fish meatballs in his mouth and was silent for a while, "Then"

"Shen Brown and Mr. Huang have decided to execute the execution at noon tomorrow. The old lady still has to keep it."

Wenzhan, whether it's Shen Mingyue or Huang Chen, this case is considered closed.

More than ten years!

"Back then, something happened to the Rongyang Marquis Mansion. Since she was willing to sprinkle medicinal powder into her well water, either she hated the Rongyang Marquis Mansion personally, or it was a deal." Zhou Qing organized her thoughts and analyzed.

Shen Li said: "I asked my father-in-law and he has no hatred against the old lady."

Zhou Qing said: "What my father said may not be true. He feels that he has never done anything wrong, and there is no conflict between the two families. Naturally, there is no hatred.

But there are some things that you may not think of others, and some inexplicable hatred is very strange. You know what I mean. "

"I know, let's investigate again. The current progress has only found an old nanny from the Zhenguo Palace. The old nanny passed away last year. This clue is considered broken."

The clues that were finally found were stuck with the old lady and could not be continued. Zhou Qing understood Shen Li's mood.

"By the way, Su Xiang had a quarrel with my father at the gate of the Imperial College yesterday. He fell out of Class A during this assessment. I think there's something wrong with this."

Zhou Qing became angry when he mentioned this matter.

She told her father about Su Heng and Wang Jin properly, and her father sang the song "Little Swallow" to her!

"There is a problem. Next month, the Nanzhao state-owned mission is coming. They have brought their top students in the country and say they want to come for academic exchanges with us.

By then, our side will definitely select people from Class A of the Imperial College.

Although I still don’t know what the princeling is thinking, Su Xiang’s fall out of Class A must be intentional.

As for the disturbance he made at the gate of the Imperial College yesterday, it was probably intentional, just to cover it up and make everyone think that he didn't perform well. "

Zhou Qing smacked his lips.

"Then what does he mean by slandering my father?"

Shen Li shook his head, "It should be related to some arrangements of the Prince's Party. Su Xiang is always cautious in doing things. He almost obeys Su Heng's words. His disturbance must have been arranged by Su Heng, and it should be related to the delegation next month."

Su Heng?

Zhou Qing was stunned for a moment before he realized that it was Su Heng, not Su Heng.

The names of these two people have the same pronunciation.

Thinking here, Zhou Qing had to mention Wang Jin and Su Heng again.

Shen Li raised his eyebrows slightly, "The two of them?"

Zhou Qing chewed the meat, "You also think it's strange, but this person is also amazing. It's not without fate. They look very similar. "

Shen Li was picking up a beef meatball. Hearing this, the meatball on the chopsticks fell back into the pot, and he was stunned for a moment.


It seems, it is very similar.

He had never thought about it in this way before.

His eyebrows were slightly frowned, and a thought flashed through his mind, but his face was calm, "I think my father-in-law has been studying for too long and wants to relax. It's okay. I will pay attention to this matter. It shouldn't be a big problem. I have checked Su Heng and Wang Jin, and they have nothing to do with the prince's party. "

After hearing this, Zhou Qing was relieved.

"By the way, Shi Yuexin mentioned to me that Princess Minghe wants to marry a foreign prince?"

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