Dad, Did You Study Today?

Chapter 39 Heavy Rain

If only time could go back.

That day and night, he would have remained rational, calm, wise and composed, and would never have accepted that dead academic bully as his apprentice.

Looking at Zhou Qing, Zhou Huaishan was filled with grief.

Zhou Qing slapped the table, "I won't say anything today. From tomorrow on, if Shen Li says something to me that you won't cooperate, you'll see how I'll deal with you!"

Zhou Huaishan tilted his neck in despair.

"I'm your father! Do you want to bully me with outsiders?"

Zhou Qing really wanted to slap him with a brick.

"You'd better believe that I keep my word."

In order to prevent himself from doing something rebellious under impulse, Zhou Qing said something and turned away.

Zhou Huaishan was left alone in the room to regret silently.

He thought he had picked up a servant for nothing, but he didn't expect to invite a master!

Zhou Huaishan, who was upset and desperate, was sad for a full cup of tea and fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, Zhao got up early and cooked. Zhou Qing and Zhou Huailin ate and set off.

The nearby villages have all been sold, and there are mule carts, so they plan to go to a place a little further away.

Shen Li came early in the morning.

When he came, he brought two porks and a set of offal in his hand and handed them to Zhao.

He bought them from the village butcher with the copper coins Zhou Qing gave him for the share of the bill.

"Aunt San, I live alone, and it's not convenient to cook. Look, if it's convenient, can I share a meal?"

Zhao responded with a smile, "What's wrong with that? You're too polite."

After a brief exchange of greetings with Zhao, Shen Li entered the second room.

In order to allow Zhou Huaishan to pass the Tongsheng exam, Shen Li conducted a survey of him.

Survey results

Except for the domineering and majestic handwriting of Zhou Huaishan, the rest of his academic level is not much better than Zhou Ping.

Not long after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Tongsheng exam will be held. Facing Zhou Huaishan, Shen Li only feels a huge pressure.

But he promised Zhou Qing.

Since he promised, he must do it.

There is no way, so Zhou Huaishan can only study hard day and night.

Zhou Ping didn't expect his senior brother to be so knowledgeable. After Shen Li started the class, Zhou Ping raised his face with admiration and listened attentively.

With him beside him, Zhou Huaishan, no matter how thick-skinned he was, didn't dare to do anything too much.

In addition, Shen Li's lectures were humorous and funny. He told the Four Books and Five Classics like jokes. Zhou Huaishan found it interesting, but the study time was a bit too long.

He studied with Shen Li for a whole day. At night, when Shen Li wrote the word "Feng", he had to copy the book, and he couldn't be lazy.

Zhou Qing took a small stick and sat next to him and stared at him. If he was lazy, Zhou Qing would hit him on the arm with the stick in his hand.

Time passed, and it was the day before Mid-Autumn Festival in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Yuan brought back a message from the academy that he would not go home during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. He wanted to go sightseeing with his classmates for a few days and asked his family for five taels of silver.

Busy with autumn harvest during Mid-Autumn Festival.

The second and third rooms had some money this year, so they hired several people and harvested the grain in three days.

The first and second wives had hired people, although not many, but they could finish the harvest in three to five days.

Now that they had lost five taels of silver, they had to dismiss the hired people and go to the fields themselves.

"Dad, what's wrong with the weather?"

Zhou Huaihai, who had never worked in the fields in his life, felt that his life was over within an hour of his first day.

Sitting on the ridge of the field, panting, Zhou Huaihai pointed to the dark clouds above his head, "It's going to rain."

While Zhou Huaihai was talking, before Mr. Zhou could answer, a strong wind suddenly blew.

The strong wind blew up the dead grass and yellow soil on the ground. Almost in an instant, the sky and the earth turned yellow, and the visibility was less than one meter.


Wang screamed in the strong wind.

The ears of wheat they cut were not tied into bundles, and they were all blown away by the strong wind.

Sun was anxious and wanted to grab the ears of wheat that were blown into the sky, but she couldn't reach them.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the dark clouds in the sky were getting heavier and heavier. It was already as dark as midnight at noon.

There were thunder and lightning, and heavy rain was about to pour.

"Dad, the wind is so strong that people can't even stand steadily." Zhou Huaihai squatted on the ground and didn't dare to get up. "Let's go back. In this weather, we can't harvest much even if we rush to harvest. Don't blow people up into the sky."

Grandpa Zhou looked at the fields that were still unharvested, and his heart was bleeding.

In previous years, when the second and third sons went to the fields, his family's grain had been harvested long ago.

But now.


Grandpa Zhou was hesitating, and Wang suddenly screamed, and there was a great risk of sweeping her away. Fortunately, Zhou Huaihai was next to her and pulled her in time.

Seeing this, Grandpa Zhou could only sigh heavily, "Let's go home first."

Zhou Huaihai breathed a sigh of relief and walked away.

Old Zhou's house.

"Second uncle, it's so windy, is my eldest sister okay?" Zhou Ping stood under the eaves with a worried look on his face.

Zhou Huaishan looked at the dark sky, "No, I have to go find Qing."

"I'll go." Shen Li's face was not much better than Zhou Huaishan's. He was gloomy and worried. "Third uncle is not here. If there is anything at home, Master can take care of it. I'll go find someone."

"What can happen at home? What can be more important than my daughter?" Zhou Huaishan rolled his eyes at Shen Li, turned around and went into the house to get a raincoat.

Shen Li stopped Zhou Huaishan in the end.

"Master, you and I are both going in the same direction. It's no different from me going alone. In such a big storm, if you have another accident on the way, how can I explain to Qing'er."

Anxious, Zhou Huaishan didn't pay attention to Shen Li's words about Qing'er.

"Master, listen to me, I'll go find her, I will definitely bring her back safely."

After saying that, Shen Li turned around and ran out without taking his raincoat.

Instead of looking for Zhou Qing immediately, Shen Li went up the back mountain first.

He picked five people with the best kung fu skills and set off with them.

The rain was pouring down, and in just a blink of an eye, the ground was muddy and difficult to move forward.

Zhou Huailin jumped off the car and pulled the mule cart forward. He had never seen such heavy rain in his life.

"Uncle San, let's find a place to take shelter first." Zhou Qing sat on the mule cart, wiped the rain off his face, and said loudly: "There seems to be an abandoned temple ahead."

"Okay, Qing girl, sit down."

Zhou Huailin pulled the mule cart forward in the rain. The abandoned temple was not far away, but the road was difficult to walk on. It took him half an hour to get there.

"It's raining so hard, Uncle San."

As soon as he entered the temple, Zhou Qing immediately wrung the water off his trouser legs.

Zhou Huailin stood at the temple gate, his face full of worry, "I'm afraid the rain won't stop for a while. We can't go back, and we don't know what's happening at home. I'm afraid our house can't stand the rain."

A few days ago, Zhou Qing said he wanted to repair the roof, but Zhou Huailin said there was no heavy rain in this season, so he would repair it after the Mid-Autumn Festival.


Zhou Huailin was getting anxious, and suddenly he saw someone outside.

Zhou Huailin's mind was calm, and he looked outside, "Qing girl, look outside, is there anyone there?"

Zhou Qing turned his head and saw Wang Qiang walking out of the rain.

Zhou Qing

What a coincidence?

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