The sound of crying came from the private room next door.

Hearing the sound, Zhou Qing frowned and turned to look at Zhou Huaishan.

Zhou Huaishan also reacted, stood up, grabbed a cup and went straight to the wall.

The cup was pressed against the wall and his ear was propped up against it.

Shen Li


The moment Shen Li's eyes twitched, Zhou Qing picked up the cup in front of him and lay down next to Zhou Huaishan.

The sound from next door came through without missing a beat.

The private room next door.

Wang Qiang's father sat there with a dark face, looking at Zhou Huaihai with eyes that wanted to tear him apart.

Zhou Huaihai apologized and smiled.

The one who was crying was Wang Qiang's mother.

While crying, Wang Qiangniang spat at Mr. Wang.

A mouthful of phlegm spat directly onto Wang's arm.

"You shameless thing, you know how to trick me, you black-hearted thing, what good does it do you to trick me! Now it's better, the daughter-in-law I got is gone! Are you happy?"

Wang was so disgusted by the phlegm that she almost vomited.

But he didn't dare to have an attack.

Early this morning, Wang Qiang's father and mother came to the county government office to report to the officials.

When a county magistrate examines a case, he or she will naturally ask for evidence from everyone who reported the case.

There is no physical evidence, as for human evidence.

It was the couple who told Wang Qiang's parents that someone saw Zhou Qing and Wang Qiang entering the deserted temple together.

The county magistrate immediately sent someone to Qingyang Village to capture them.

When they arrived at the court, they originally wanted to be tough, but with the blow of the killing stick, she and Zhou Huaihai were so frightened that their legs went weak, and they gave in without waiting for the county magistrate to ask.

No one saw Zhou Qing and Wang Qiang entering the deserted temple together. They made it up.

After hearing this, Wang Qiang's mother almost beat Mrs. Wang into a hand-shredded cabbage at the county government office.

If the Wang couple hadn't made it up, they wouldn't have rushed to Zhou Qing's place last night, and the life-and-death engagement wouldn't have been cancelled.

As for Wang Qiang

Who would have thought that the county magistrate would know about Wang Qiang early on.

Wang Qiang was caught by the county government for doing evil things in Wangjia Village and was working as a coolie building roads in Shilipu.

The county magistrate said that this is called reform through labor.

Also arrested were two young men from the same village.

The two young men's family had already gained trust. It was only because they were at odds with the Wang family that they didn't tell Wang Qiang's parents and let them worry.

As for when to release Wang Qiang back, the county magistrate said it all depends on when the road is repaired.

Quickly, three to five years.

Slowly, just wait.

When she thought of her precious son doing hard labor, Wang Qiang's mother felt so distressed that she felt like she had been stabbed with a knife.

However, fortunately, Wang Qiang did not die, which can be considered a blessing in misfortune!

As soon as she came out of the county government office, Wang Qiang and her mother grabbed Wang and asked her to treat her to Fushun Restaurant.

Otherwise, let them know that they lied and framed Zhou Qing.

People were yelling and cursing next door, and Zhou Qing and Zhou Huaishan heard what happened.

The two men sat back in their seats with angry expressions on their faces.

"Thankfully, I have been worried about the county government questioning delaying the game, but I didn't expect this to be the case!

I knew my eldest brother was nothing, but I didn’t expect him to be such a nothing! Fortunately, there was a big fuss yesterday, and we finally broke with them. "

With an angry look on his face, Zhou Huaishan picked up the cup on the table and poured a cup of tea.

Zhou Qing was a little surprised where Wang Qiang was and looked towards Shen Li.

"Why was Wang Qiang arrested to build roads?"

“His Majesty is wise and has promoted water conservancy projects and road construction in all states and counties.

But there is not enough labor to build roads.

His Majesty then ordered that all those who were guilty of burning, killing, and committing adultery and the circumstances were egregious but did not cause any loss of life, would be sent to build roads.

In addition, anyone under the age of fourteen who is guilty of burning, killing, committing adultery, and the circumstances are extremely serious will be sent to road construction. "

Zhou Qing's heart moved when he heard the word fourteen years old.

"How long will it take to repair?"

"All my life."

"Those seven or eight years old, or six or seven years old, if they have committed such a crime, are they also going to build roads?"

Shen Li nodded.

"As long as the government finds out that the perpetrator committed the crime on his own initiative and was not instigated by others, that will be the case."

After Shen Li finished speaking, he saw Zhou Qing frowning and sighed.

"Miss Qing thinks they are pitiful?"

Zhou Qing pursed her lips.

Is it pitiful?

It’s hateful!

If they were pitiful, wouldn't those who were harmed by them be pitiful as well?

In her time

Zhou Qing's heart sank when he thought of the fairness that he would never get.

"Three years ago, there was a case in Kyoto.

The criminal was only eight years old when he committed the crime. Taking advantage of the fact that there were no adults in the neighbor's house, he climbed over the wall and entered the little girl's house. He failed to steal and killed the little girl.

The method was cruel, and the case caused a sensation throughout Kyoto at the time.

But because the offender was too young, the government only arrested and imprisoned him for one year in accordance with regulations.

Do you know what he did after serving his one-year sentence? "

Zhou Qing's heart tightened and he didn't dare to guess.

The story Shen Li told was not uncommon in her era.

What about the results that can be processed?

Zhou Qing's hand on his leg was trembling uncontrollably.

Shen Li sighed.

"After the criminal was released from prison, he held a grudge against the little girl's parents. He believed that the little girl's parents had harmed him. If they had not reported the crime, he would not have been imprisoned for a year.

The first thing he did after he was released from prison was to carry a knife and go straight to the little girl's house. In the name of a sincere apology, he took the little girl's parents off guard and pulled out the knife. "

When Shen Li said this, Zhou Huaishan slapped the table.

"Damn, this is such a beast!"

Zhou Qing's hand trembled violently.

Shen Li said: "Since this case, the court law has changed. Anyone who commits a serious crime will be executed if he is guilty. Those who are not sentenced to death will be sent to build roads for life, regardless of age."

After speaking, Shen Li was silent for a while, took a breath and sighed slowly.

"Don't expect bad people to become good people when they grow up and understand things.

He will only become a bigger bad guy.

In order not to cause more harm, the best way is to completely isolate them from society."

Zhou Qing listened with mixed feelings.

Seeing Zhou Qing's face gloomy, Shen Li tilted his head, "Miss Qing, do you think it's inappropriate?"

Zhou Qing shook his head slowly.

"I think it's good, that's how it should be!"

Yes, that's how it should be!

Otherwise, some laws will become a fearless reliance for criminals!

And those who should be protected have lost the opportunity to be protected forever, and even after death, they will not get the fairness they deserve.

While talking, the dishes of the restaurant were served one by one.

He clearly ordered three meat dishes, three vegetables and one soup.

Looking at the full plates on the table and the waiter who was still serving dishes.

Zhou Qing and Zhou Huaishan were stunned, and their anger just now was dispersed by shock.

"No, this... Is this wrong?" Zhou Qing looked at the waiter with an incredible look.

The waiter put down the plate in his hand and smiled politely: "That's right, this young man ordered all the dishes in our restaurant."

After that, the waiter called the waiter outside.

"Come, add another table here."

How can one table hold all the dishes of Fushun Restaurant.

Of course it takes two!

Watching the waiters carry the table in, and another waiter constantly puts various dishes on the table.

Zhou Qing

"You ordered all the dishes?"

Zhou Huaishan.

"I didn't play like this back then!"

Shocked, Zhou Qing didn't care about Zhou Huaishan's personality.

"No, no, this, this is how much silver, are you crazy?"

Zhou Qing stood up and grabbed a young waiter, "Can this be returned? We can't finish so much!"

Thanks to the cute Su Jin for the tip! Thank you to the cute Xiao Xiao Tong Fei for the tip! Thank you to the cute Chan Chan Tou for the tip!

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