The abbot said he would go to Zhou Qing's house to pull flowers in person, so Zhou Qing stayed and waited for him.

The county magistrate chatted with Zhou Qing and left with the people.

As soon as the county magistrate left, Zhou Qing said curiously to the young monk on the side: "Who is this donor Hu?"

"I am borrowing from someone who lives in the temple. He is very knowledgeable and the master respects him very much."

Zhou Qing frowned.

He is knowledgeable, yet he lives in a temple and is respected by the abbot.

Shunzhi's kind of accommodation?

Zhou Qing was thinking about it when the young monk sighed and said, "Donor Hu is also a poor person. He is obviously full of knowledge, but he has never found any talents in his life. Master said, this is fate."

Zhou Qing

That's not Shunzhi's kind.

He is full of knowledge but has no talent.

This means that Donor Hu's current situation is not very good.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qing had some concerns.

After waiting for about half a stick of incense, the abbot finally came back.

"You've kept the donor waiting for a long time, let's set off now?"

The Buddha Festival will start in two days. After buying these flowers, I still need to decorate them. The abbot can’t wait.

When he gets together with fellow monks in the future, he can proudly say that his Qingquan Temple also uses silk flowers to celebrate festivals.

Well, after I brought the flowers back, I wrote a letter to the monks and invited them to attend the Buddha Festival.

The abbot was about to leave, but Zhou Qing didn't move his feet.


Zhou Qing smiled sheepishly and said, "I heard that Qingquan Temple is famous for its plain noodles. Master, can I take a bowl back?"

The last time I accompanied Shen Li to eat, I didn't get anything to eat.

He must still be thinking about it.

The abbot waved his hand and said, "No matter how big the problem is, it's worth wasting time."

With that said, the abbot turned to a young monk and said, "Go and call your senior brother Liu, and ask him to bring the dishes, the condiments and the pot, and set off with me."

After saying that, the abbot smiled at Zhou Qing and said, "Donor, can we set off this time?"

Zhou Qing

Bring a pot?

Is this going to be cooked at my house?

Master, you are a ruthless person!

Zhou Huailin drove the lead car to lead the way, and Zhou Qing got into the abbot's car in order to talk to him.

"Master, is Donor Hu feeling better?"

The master took a deep look at Zhou Qing and said, "Donor Hu, he is over forty this year."

Zhou Qing


I was stunned for a moment, and then I came to my senses.

Depend on!

Does this monk think she has a crush on Benefactor Hu?

It is promised that the six senses of a monk will be pure!

"Master, you are overthinking. I heard from the primary school master in the temple that this benefactor, Hu, is very knowledgeable. Our village has set up an academy and has recruited many students, but we have never been able to find a good and knowledgeable gentleman, so I asked."

After what the abbot said just now, Zhou Qing didn't dare to chat with the abbot anymore and went straight to the topic.

The abbot looked at Zhou Qing with some surprise.

"You mean, you want to invite him to teach in your village?"

Zhou Qing nodded, "If he is knowledgeable and has a good heart, I will hire him at a high price."

Before Zhou Qing could finish speaking, the abbot immediately said: "Stop the car."

Zhou Qing


Are you not going to buy flowers?

"Go, take Donor Hu with you to Qingyang Village."

Zhou Qing

A young monk gets an order and executes it immediately.

As soon as he left, the mule train continued its journey.

Zhou Qing wrinkled his eyes and didn't know how to speak again.

This abbot.

It's a bit unusual.

The abbot had a normal look on his face, "There is nothing to say about his knowledge. As for his character, you may not believe me when I say he is good. Why don't you take him with him and have a look at each other? If you like him, stay. If you don't like me, Bring it back."

Zhou Qing

No one expected that the abbot would come to pull flowers in person today. As soon as he returned to Qingyang Village, Zhou Huailin parked his car and went straight to the patriarch's house and invited the patriarch to come over.

The patriarch was a little confused until he arrived at Shen Li's house.

The abbot of Qingquan Temple in the county actually came to their village in person!

How great the Buddha’s light is!

When the patriarch arrived, the abbot had already skipped the polite chatting and directly asked people to carry the ordered flowers to the car and cover them with linoleum cloth.

After the business was done, the abbot pushed Almsgiver Hu forward.

"Hu Yue was born as a Jinshi, but had no chance of officialdom. He is excellent in character and learning, and has a handsome appearance."

Hu Yue, who was pushed forward, glared at the abbot fiercely, but said nothing more.

After all, as a person who is full of talents but has nothing to show for himself, teaching in the countryside is the best place to relax.

It's much better than being depressed in the temple.

He had asked for several opportunities to teach in the academy before, but he was rejected all times.


The moment Hu Yue appeared in his field of vision, Shen Li was completely taken aback.

Who would have thought that the Minister of War, who was the most powerful man in the court, would become such a skinny old man now.

What Hu Yue? This person's name is Hu Weiyue, and he was once the Minister of the Ministry of War.

Eight years ago, he was framed by the Zhenguo Gong Party, and the emperor was forced to demote him.

Later, he was framed again by the Zhenguo Gong Party in the place of demotion and was completely deposed.

Although the emperor dismissed him, he always thought about reusing him.


Next year at the latest.

It is true that this Hu Weiyue is good-looking and good in character and academics, but he is a bit petty and loves to hold grudges.

Zhou Qing saw Shen Li staring at Hu Yue and quietly poked his arm, "What?"

Shen Li shook his head, smiled, and said in a low voice: "It's nothing, it looks good. It was recommended by the master, so there should be no problem."

"Then you will test his knowledge later. If you think it is okay, we will keep him."

Shen Li

Should I test Hu Weiyue?

When Hu Weiyue was the Minister of the Ministry of War and was in the limelight, I still peed on the bed!

I was only a little over ten years old when I was demoted and left Beijing.

How can you have this qualification?

But he couldn't say this, so he could only nodded vaguely, "Okay."

The clan leader was beyond happy.

I originally thought that inviting a scholar to teach in the village would be a great honor.

Now, here comes a Jinshi!

This is a Jinshi!

Looking at Hu Yue, the patriarch's eyes were shining.

It seems that I have seen countless Jinshi exams from Huaishan Academy.

"Are you willing to come to our village to teach?" The patriarch rubbed his hands and faced the Jinshi, feeling a little uneasy.

"I said some things openly. I was a criminal who was demoted by the imperial court." Hu Yue licked his lips and said in a hoarse voice.

The skinny face bears years of wind and frost and helplessness about life.

Over the years, he has been rejected repeatedly when he wanted to teach, all because of this reason.

Those academies were afraid that his bad influence in the court would affect their students.

Most of the imperial factions are based on the academy.

A student brought out by a guilty minister will have an inferior status even if he becomes an official in the future.

He could understand the rejection, but he wouldn't dare risk the academy's future.

But his good friend, the abbot of Qingquan Temple, always encouraged him to go out and give it a try.

Hearing this, the clan leader was startled.

The deposed criminal

Seeing the clan leader's hesitation, Shen Li hurriedly said: "The ups and downs of the officialdom are common for officials. You can be demoted without degrading yourself. You are willing to pass on your life's hard work to others. It shows that you have a noble character and you are also a Jinshi. Your background is something we at Huaishan Academy can only hope for, and we hope that you, sir, will not dislike it.”

As Shen Li spoke, he seemed to pull Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing understood and immediately smiled and said: "Yes, as long as you are willing to teach at Huaishan Academy, we warmly welcome you."

The clan leader frowned.

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