"The fifty-seventh test failed."

After Ye Kai recorded the results of the test in the notebook, he fell on the chair.

He was almost numb to doing this test, but new problems would arise every time.

Zhang Chu saw that his apprentice had been in the laboratory for more than a week and asked with some distress.

"Xiao Kai, what's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Ye Kai stood up hurriedly and said.

"Master, I'm fine. I was just wondering why there are always new problems."

Zhang Chu pushed Ye Kai back to the chair and looked at Ye Kai with a serious look.

"Xiao Kai, you should take a break. If you continue like this, your body will collapse."

Since Zhang Chu proposed the new project, the team headed by Ye Kai began to work on it.

As Zhang Chu's favorite apprentice, Ye Kai has been busy on the front line of work.

At first, other members thought Ye Kai was just putting on a show.

But after seeing Ye Kai staying in the laboratory for two consecutive months, the others didn't say much, and only admired him in their hearts.

But neither they nor Zhang Chu understood why Ye Kai was risking his life.

Every time Zhang Chu asked Ye Kai, Ye Kai just smiled bitterly and shook his head.

After that, every time Ye Kai took a break, someone would basically drag Ye Kai back to the dormitory and lock the door.

Zhang Chu liked Ye Kai and felt sorry for him, so there was an unwritten rule in the laboratory.

Ye Kai could not stay in the laboratory for a month.

But it seemed to have no effect.

Ye Kai looked in the direction of Zhang Chu and said.

"Master, I know my body well. I will rest according to the situation."

After saying that, Ye Kai walked towards the toilet.

If Ye Kai hadn't walked crookedly, Zhang Chu might have believed him.

"Master, why do you think the eldest brother is so handsome, but doesn't fall in love, and is obsessed with these instruments and equipment."

The little sister Liu Jiayi asked, looking at Ye Kai's thin figure.

Zhang Chu said after a sigh.

"Everyone has their own aspirations."

Ye Kai washed his face with water in the wash basin, intending to sober up.

At this time, the phone rang.

Ye Kai took out his phone and looked at the phone number on it.

A look of disgust appeared on his face, and he wanted to hang up directly.

But after thinking for a while, he still answered the call.

"Master, the master has a health problem, you should come back and see him as soon as possible."

Ye Kai frowned and pinched both sides of his nose.

"Uncle Li, you don't know how many times you have used this reason, change it next time."

"Then, Master, when will you come back."

There were caring words from the other side.

And Ye Kai just replied coldly.


After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Li Cheng, who was hung up on the other side, couldn't help but sighed when he looked at the phone.

"What's wrong? Hang up again?"

A middle-aged man next to Li Cheng asked with a smile.

And this middle-aged man is Ye Kai's father, Ye Lin.

"Young Master has been angry for so many years, and he still doesn't want to come back."

Ye Lin waved his hand.

"Let him be, anyway, this is his home, he will come back sooner or later."

After saying that, Ye Lin looked at the photo of the family of three on his desk and couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, the family of three was very harmonious, if Ye Kai's mother hadn't passed away.

Perhaps Ye Kai has started to take over his own business now.

Instead of doing experiments in the laboratory.

After his mother passed away, Ye Kai left home.

He came out to work and live alone.

Ye Lin thought Ye Kai couldn't hold on for a month, but Ye Kai managed to survive until he became a graduate student.

Even so, Ye Lin still asked Li Cheng to give Ye Kai a black card.

Although he had never used it once.

After Ye Kai hung up the phone, he saw the photo of himself and his mother on the phone screen.

The whole person couldn't help but be distracted.

"Big Brother, what are you doing?" Liu Zixuan patted Ye Kai's shoulder and asked. Ye Kai came back from his memories. "It's okay. I was just thinking about something." Liu Zixuan said while washing his hands. "Big Brother, we have a party tonight. Are you going?" Ye Kai shook his head hurriedly. He couldn't drink much. If he went, he would be forced to drink again. When he went out with them before, after two or three drinks. He didn't even know how he got to the hotel. Liu Zixuan also guessed that Ye Kai would not come. The last time they dragged Ye Kai out to drink. Ye Kai just drank a little and the whole person was crooked. If others hadn't stopped him, Ye Kai would have taken off his clothes and ran naked. Although I don't know why it happenedSuch a thing happened.

But the people in the team also knew that Ye Kai had been suppressed for too long.

Ye Kai was just about to go back to complete the experiment.

At this time, the phone rang again.

Ye Kai thought it was Li Cheng calling again, and he hung up without looking.

But after this call ended, someone else called again.

Ye Kai looked at the mobile phone number on the phone with some annoyance.

Only then did he realize that the mobile phone number was not Li Cheng's mobile phone number.

It was a phone number he had never seen before.

But Ye Kai had no contact with anyone except work and Li Cheng.

After thinking for a while, Ye Kai still answered the phone.

"Hello? Hello, is this Chen Yilin's husband? Now your wife is going to have a caesarean section, please come and sign as soon as possible."


Ye Kai looked at the phone in confusion.

"Sorry, you dialed the wrong number, I don't know Chen Yilin."

"Oh, that's it, sorry."

The phone was hung up after that.

Ye Kai put down the phone and was about to do his own thing, but the phone rang again.

It was the same number as before.


"Didn't I say you dialed the wrong number? Why did you call me?"

"Is your name Ye Kai?"


"That's right, your wife Chen Yilin has already fainted. If you don't come, there will really be problems. Chengbei Maternal and Child Health Hospital, come quickly!"

This time, before Ye Kai could speak, the other party hung up the phone in a hurry.

Ye Kai pondered for a while, but still couldn't remember who Chen Yilin was.

But from the phone, he was really anxious. If he didn't go, someone might really die.

Ye Kai took off his white coat and looked at Zhang Chu.

"Master, I'm going to take a leave today. I have something to do."

Zhang Chu said with relief.

"Okay, I'll give you a few days to rest. There's no rush to come back."

Ye Kai left the lab in a hurry before he finished listening.

"Big Brother, what happened? Why are you so anxious?"

"Maybe something happened at home."

"No, didn't Big Brother say he was an orphan?"

It was the first time that everyone in the lab saw Ye Kai in such a mess.

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