
"Yuan Feibai."


"Food supplier."

Yuan Feibai sat in the interrogation room nervously.

After receiving the news from his sister, he immediately rushed to the police station.

Although he did not have any education, he was not stupid.

Now he could at most explain himself well, but if he was caught, he would be miserable.

He might be labeled as a gangster.

The police looked at Yuan Feibai and asked sharply.

"Why did you go to someone else's restaurant to attack the restaurant manager!"

Yuan Feibai said hurriedly, "I asked my men to discuss a new cooperation plan with the other party. I didn't know they would fight."

Yuan Feibai looked innocent and said very sincerely.

After the police simply closed the documents in his hand, he turned around and left the interrogation room.

Yuan Feibai sat there anxiously, sweating all over his body.

What should I do!

Is he really caught like this?

No! This can't be done!

Yuan Feibai lowered his head, frowning.


"Xiao Kai, your store is really popular. You don't know that people here discuss it every day."

Gao Chengwu sat in his office, and Ye Kai sat opposite him.

Ye Kai scratched his head gently.

"I didn't expect it to be so popular. I'm actually just a hands-off shopkeeper. I'm only responsible for paying."

Gao Chengwu laughed a few times.

"You don't have to be modest. Many people go there for the reputation of your store."

"No, it's all thanks to everyone."

"Okay, okay, but then again, why didn't you tell your uncle when you had a daughter? When it was full moon, your uncle didn't have time to give your niece a red envelope."

Ye Kai smiled and said, "Haha, that's what my wife wanted. I want to keep it simple."

Gao Chengwu nodded gently. He also understood that the main reason was because of Ye Kai's father.

After all, Gao Chengwu also knew about their family's situation.

"Knock, knock, knock."

There was a knock at the door of Gao Chengwu's office.

"Come in."

A policeman came to Gao Chengwu with a document in his hand.

"Director, Yuan Feibai admitted that he sent someone to negotiate with Mr. Ye, but he did not admit that he arranged people to commit violence."

Gao Chengwu took the document, looked at it for a long time, and then looked in the direction of Ye Kai.

"Xiao Kai, what do you think?"

The policeman next to him also looked in the direction of Ye Kai curiously.

From other colleagues, the police also knew that Ye Kai's identity was the owner of the store.

And the most important thing is that he is the only son of the owner of Tianhai Group.

Ye Kai was silent for a while and said, "I also think that it should not be the thugs arranged by him."


Gao Chengwu and the police looked in the direction of Ye Kai in surprise, not knowing why he said that.

Ye Kai explained, "Now the initiative to cooperate with them or not is still in my hands. Since he is a boss, of course he will think of such things."


Gao Chengwu nodded. He also felt that what Ye Kai said made some sense, but he also felt that Yuan Feibai was not such a person.

But none of this mattered. The most important thing now was how to deal with this dispute. After all, it happened within his jurisdiction.

Thinking of this, Gao Chengwu said, "Well, let's continue to interrogate Yuan Feibai. If there is any follow-up, we will contact you by phone."

Ye Kai nodded gently, "Uncle Gao, then I'll trouble you."

Gao Chengwu waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to be polite.

Ye Kai retreated.


Yuan Feibai kept his head down and waited.

After waiting for a while, he heard footsteps outside. He looked up and saw that it was his sister who walked in.

Yuan Feibai stood up hurriedly.

"Sister! I'm here!"

Yuan Xue walked in and said coldly to her brother.

"You are really amazing. You really think you are a gangster, right? You hired someone to smash other people's shops."

Yuan Feibai wanted to pull Yan Jing over and beat him up. If he hadn't made things like this, he wouldn't be so uncomfortable.

"Sister, listen to my explanation." Yuan Feibai said hurriedly.

Yuan Xue raised her hand, "No need. The police have already told me the whole thing before I came in."

"Then, take me out quickly." Yuan Feibai said anxiously.

Yuan Xue shook her head, "You can't go out now. You must stay."

"No, I can't go out now.? "Yuan Feibai panicked.

Yuan Xue said lightly, "Do you know who you are working with?"

Yuan Feibai was stunned for a moment and said, "Yi opened a restaurant, what's wrong?"

Yuan Xue sneered.

"Originally you could have a better way, even soaring to the sky and taking our family further, but your path is narrow."

"No, sister, what do you mean by this sentence?"

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