Chen Yilin came to Ye Kai's room and looked at Ye Kai, who was still not very energetic.

She also guessed that it was probably at night, and her daughter was making a fuss again, and Ye Kai did not sleep well.

Chen Yilin's anger could not help but disappear, and she looked at Ye Kai and said gently.

"Why don't you go wash up first, and I'll feed her."

Ye Kai looked at Chen Yilin for a while, and then nodded gently.

"Then you'll be tired for a while, I'll go wash up and have breakfast first."

Chen Yilin took her daughter from Ye Kai's arms.

Ye Kai also got up and went to the sink to wash up briefly, and then returned to the dining table.

While eating breakfast, he watched Chen Yilin feeding his daughter.

Ye Kai felt that he felt so stable for the first time in his heart.

After Chen Yilin fed her daughter, she returned to her room and began to choose clothes for her daughter.

Today was also Ye Ruoyi's first time going out.

To prevent Ye Ruoyi from having allergies, Chen Yilin specially selected a pair of clothes that were gentle and skin-friendly.

Chen Yilin carried Ye Ruoyi, who had changed her clothes, out of the room.

"How is it, my daughter looks good, right?"

Ye Kai looked at Ye Ruoyi's new clothes and nodded with a smile.

"Looks good!"

Ye Ruoyi also began to wave.

Ye Kai couldn't help but laugh at Ye Ruoyi's silly look, completely forgetting that he was still drinking soy milk.

He almost choked himself.

Chen Yilin said hurriedly.

"Eat slowly, don't rush."

Although he said he was not in a hurry, there would be more people in the hospital if he went too late.

By then, he would have to wait in line for a long time.

After Ye Kai stuffed two small buns into his mouth, he stood up and took a few diapers and wet wipes and put them in his bag.

After preparing the stroller, Ye Kai set off with his daughter and Chen Yilin.

Because his Aston Martin was not very convenient to take his daughter with him, Ye Kai called a taxi to go out.

After putting the stroller in the trunk of the taxi, Ye Kai also picked up his daughter.

He put his daughter on his chest with a baby carrier.

After the two got in the car, the driver looked at Ye Kai and asked with a smile.

"Are you going to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital?"

Ye Kai was stunned and asked.

"Master, how did you know?"

The driver smiled.

"I have been running a taxi for almost ten years. If you can't even see this, it's really a waste of time."

Ye Kai said with a smile.

"You are really an old master."

The driver looked at Ye Ruoyi through the rearview mirror and asked.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"


"No wonder she is so cute, her face is so chubby."

Ye Kai looked at his daughter with a smile and gently touched her daughter's face with his hand.

Ye Ruoyi also grabbed Ye Kai's finger.

Bit it.

Chen Yilin hurriedly grabbed Ye Ruoyi.

"This is for Dad, you can't eat it."

Ye Ruoyi looked at Ye Kai with a little grievance.

Ye Kai gently rubbed Ye Ruoyi's head with his hand.

The driver saw the warm family of three in the back seat of the car and smiled.

After arriving at the hospital, Ye Kai went to get a number first, and Chen Yilin pushed Ye Ruoyi to find a seat and sat down.

It was not yet eight o'clock, and there were not many people. Ye Kai took Chen Yilin to the previous doctor.

The doctor checked Ye Ruoyi first.

"The child is very healthy, there is no problem. If you are not in a hurry later, go and get the second shot of the vaccine."

Ye Kai nodded and said.

"Nothing to do today, doctor, please help arrange it."

The doctor recorded Ye Ruoyi's vaccine on the card.

"Take this card to pay the fee and get the medicine later."

Nowadays, it is no longer necessary to have a doctor write a prescription to get the medicine. It is all recorded directly in the computer system.

Ye Kai nodded and took the card from the doctor's hand.

The doctor turned and looked at Chen Yilin.

"Does the wound still hurt recently?"

Chen Yilin shook her head and said.

"It hurt a few days after I went back, but now I don't feel anything."

The doctor glanced at Ye Kai, and Ye Kai also left the diagnosis room very sensibly.

The doctor pointed to the bed next to him and said.

"Go lie on the bed, I'll check the wound."

Chen Yilin nodded. After all, she was a female doctor and she would not resist.

After Chen Yilin lay on the bed, the doctor briefly checked the surgical wound.

"The wound has recovered well, but you still have to be careful not to do intense exercise. I'll draw blood for testing later."

Chen Yilin got up and simply packed her clothes.

"Okay, thank you doctor."

The doctor smiled and said.

"Don't thank me.I, thank your husband. When you had the operation, we all thought you were going to die. Now you are in such good condition, it must be related to his care. "

Chen Yilin's face turned red: "Okay."

After that, Chen Yilin walked out of the diagnosis room.

Ye Kai held his daughter and saw Chen Yilin walking out of the diagnosis room with a red face.

Chen Yilin blushed easily, and Ye Kai knew it and didn't ask those detailed questions.

"How is your body, according to the doctor?"

Chen Yilin said: "The doctor said that the wound has recovered well, just don't do strenuous exercise."

"It's really not a waste of Aunt Liu's daily medicinal food! "

Ye Kai said with a slight smile.

Chen Yilin nodded. Although Aunt Liu had just returned home for two days, Chen Yilin still missed her a little.

When she was bored at home, she could still chat with her.

After paying the fee, Ye Kai received an invoice. He originally thought that he would have to go to get the vaccine himself.

But the nurse said that he could just take the ticket to the injection room.

When Ye Kai came to the injection room, because he and Chen Yilin had just checked their bodies, the injection room was already full of people.

Ye Kai first accompanied Chen Yilin to draw blood for testing.

Because there are fewer people drawing blood now, and there are slightly more people in the other injection room.

Chen Yilin just gave the receipt to the nurse.

The nurse started to draw blood from Chen Yilin first.

If it is just a test, the amount of blood drawn is not It's a lot.

After Chen Yilin finished drawing blood, Ye Kai took two people to the door of the injection room.

After Ye Kai found a seat for Chen Yilin, he found a seat for himself and squeezed in.

After handing the bill to the nurse, Ye Kai waited for the nurse to call his daughter's number.

Ye Kai stood there and looked at the text message on his mobile phone. He also received 20,000 yuan this morning.

Now that he has more than 100,000 yuan, Ye Kai began to ponder how to use this money.

You can't always spend it, otherwise it will be troublesome if the money is suddenly taken back.

You have to find something to do with this money.

But what can you do with this 100,000 yuan?

Open a store? I have projects to do on hand, and my daughter has just been born.

I can't spare the time at all.

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