After Ye Kai returned to the kitchen and made another chicken drumstick, he put the chicken drumstick on a plate to prevent Chen Yilin from dropping it again.

After Chen Yilin and Ye Ruoyi had eaten their fill, they both fell asleep on the sofa in the living room.

After Ye Kai took out a blanket from the room and covered them with it, he returned to the room.

Ye Kai opened the contact list.

Li Cheng.

Li Cheng was by Ye Lin's side, helping to deal with some daily affairs, when Ye Kai called.

Seeing Ye Kai calling, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

After all, he and Ye Lin were close, and Ye Kai rarely called him.

"Hello? Master?"

Ye Kai's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Tell that guy surnamed Ye that if he can't manage his subordinates well, he should retire early and stop bullying people outside!"

Li Cheng was confused by Ye Kai's sudden words.

"Master, I don't understand what you mean by this?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, he understands."

After saying that, Ye Kai hung up the phone.

Li Cheng wanted to ask something else, but seeing Ye Kai hung up the phone, it seemed that the master was not in a good mood.

Li Cheng didn't dare to call back. After returning to Ye Lin, Ye Lin also saw the strangeness of Li Cheng's face.

"Xiao Kai called you?"

Li Cheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ye Lin to see it. He could only nod helplessly.

Ye Lin asked lightly.

"What did he say?"

Li Cheng didn't know how to say what Ye Kai said for a moment.

Seeing Li Cheng's shy look, Ye Lin frowned.

"Speak, what he said has nothing to do with you."

After Li Cheng sighed.

"Master told you to manage your subordinates well. If you can't manage well, retire early."

Ye Lin frowned and began to analyze Ye Kai's words.

"That's all he said."

Li Cheng said hurriedly, "The young master also said that you would understand what this sentence meant."

Ye Lin picked up the phone beside him.

"Xiao Zhou, check if there are any problems with our projects recently and report them to me, including the personnel with problems."

After saying that, Ye Lin hung up the phone.

Ye Lin looked at Li Cheng and asked.

"Can you guess what Xiao Kai meant by that?"

Li Cheng shook his head hurriedly.

Ye Lin said after a moment of silence.

"It is estimated that some interest issues involve him, otherwise he would not call you, you can help check it out."


After Ye Kai hung up the phone, he looked at the wound on his hand.

He was busy applying medicine to Chen Yilin just now. Fortunately, she was so nervous that she focused on the chicken leg and did not pay attention to the wound on her hand.

Ye Kai gently opened the door of the room, took the medicine into the room, and began to bandage his wound.

After Ye Kai applied the medicine, a message from Zhang Chu came to his phone.

"The approval from above has been completed, and we can start the next step of the project!"

Ye Kai couldn't help but get excited when he saw the news.

This project is like Ye Ruoyi, his child, and he has come all the way from nothing to something.

However, Ye Kai was happy for a while, and then he became depressed again.

There were suddenly more things on his body, and what should he do when he gets busy.

Forget it, just take it one step at a time.

Ye Kai also lay down on the bed to rest.


"Get up and eat!"

Ye Kai squatted beside Chen Yilin and whispered.

Chen Yilin opened her eyes in a daze, and suddenly found that Ye Kai's face was very close to her.

She was so scared that she hurriedly stepped back several steps.

Ye Ruoyi, who was still in a dream, woke up all of a sudden.

"Woo ah ah ah."

Ye Ruoyi, who was suddenly awakened, cried loudly.

Ye Kai hurriedly took out a rattle and shook it in front of Ye Ruoyi.

But Ye Ruoyi didn't seem to wake up, and her eyes were not open.

She couldn't see Ye Kai teasing her at all.

Chen Yilin sat on the sofa for a while and looked at the quilt on her body blankly.

"When did I fall asleep?"

Ye Kai thought for a while.

"You fell asleep after eating the chicken leg, and you were holding the chicken leg in your hand when you fell asleep."

Chen Yilin said hurriedly.

"Don't lie to me, I definitely won't fall asleep with a chicken leg in my hand."

Ye Kai took out his mobile phone and opened the album. The first photo in it was Chen Yilin holding a chicken leg in her right hand and hanging it in the air.

And a trace of transparent saliva was still flowing from the corner of Chen Yilin's mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhh! That's not me! Delete it now! "

Chen Yilin shouted loudly, covering her face.

Ye Kai handed the phone to Chen Yilin, and picked up Ye Ruoyi.

"Here's the phone. The meal is ready. Come and eat. There's one last chicken leg tonight."

"Chicken leg!"

After deleting her photo from Ye Kai's phone, Chen Yilin rushed to the dining table.

Ye Kai couldn't help laughing at Chen Yilin's enthusiasm while eating.

"When will this girl be so enthusiastic towards me?"

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