After arriving at the Civil Affairs Bureau, it was full of young people queuing up to get the marriage certificate.

But they were all young couples.

It was rare for a family of three like Ye Kai to come out.

A staff member came to Ye Kai and asked, "What services do you two need?"

Ye Kai said, "We want to apply for a marriage certificate."

"Oh! Wait a moment."

The staff member went to the side to get a ticket and handed it to Ye Kai.

"When you are called later, you can go to the marriage registration office on the second floor to queue up."

Ye Kai took the ticket and nodded.

"There are more people now. If you haven't taken photos yet, you can go to the photo studio next door to take photos and come back."

"Okay, thank you."

"It's okay. I wish you a happy wedding."

The staff member said with a smile.

Ye Kai slowly walked back to Chen Yilin.

"Let's go take pictures first."


Chen Yilin was a little nervous at first, but she relaxed a little when she saw the crowd.

Ye Kai pushed Ye Ruoyi in front, and Chen Yilin held an umbrella for Ye Kai.

"There are really a lot of people today."

Ye Kai saw that several photo studios outside were full.

Although the photo studio was not very big, people had already lined up from inside to outside.

"Young man, you need to take a marriage certificate."

An old voice sounded from Ye Kai's ears.

Ye Kai turned around and saw an old man with a cane.

The old man was sitting under the shade of a tree, fanning himself gently with a cattail leaf fan.

Ye Kai nodded gently, "Yes, uncle, are you still out in such hot weather?"

The old man smiled and said.

"I have worked here for many years. Now I like to come here to see young people and reminisce about the past."

Ye Kai also smiled softly.

The old man continued, "According to my experience, after you take the photos, the ranking tickets in your hands will exceed yours."

"What should we do then?" Chen Yilin said with some worry on her face.

The old man smiled and said, "If you trust me, I will take a photo for you, so it will be faster."

Chen Yilin grabbed the corner of Ye Kai's clothes anxiously.

Ye Kai was silent for a while and asked, "Then, old man, how much is your fee?"

The old man stood up slowly.

"After the photo is taken, you can give me a random price. I don't rely on this for my living."

Chen Yilin asked in a low voice, "Kai, should we try it?"

Ye Kai turned his head and looked at the long queue that was motionless at all.

"Let's give it a try first. After all, the old man is kind-hearted."


Ye Kai and the other two followed the old man into a room.

The decoration inside looked like it was from the 1970s and 1980s.

At this time, another old man came out of the door.

"Old Zhou! You're so old and still taking pictures for people?"

The old man smiled and said, "I can only do this kind of work in my life."

After that, the old man turned his head and looked at Ye Kai and Chen Yilin.

"Wait a moment, I'll get my camera."

Chen Yilin couldn't help but sigh when she saw the decoration inside the house, "It's well preserved here."

Ye Kai also nodded. If he didn't say that this was a private place.

Ye Kai would probably think that this was a national museum.

But Chen Yilin was still a little worried, "Will the old man take out an old-fashioned camera and spend a lot of time developing photos later?"

To be honest, Ye Kai didn't know.

"It shouldn't be."

After saying that, the old man came back with a bag that was nearly half a meter long.

When Ye Kai saw the size of the camera, he really started to panic.

It couldn't really be that old-fashioned camera.

But fortunately, the old man slowly took out a camera from his bag.

Chen Yilin's heart slowly calmed down.

Ye Kai looked at the camera in the old man's hand with a shocked face.

Chen Yilin poked Ye Kai's arm.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Kai shook his head gently.

"It's okay, I was just shocked by the old man's camera."

Chen Yilin had never been involved in cameras. To her, all cameras seemed the same.

"What's wrong with this camera?"

Ye Kai paused and said.

"This thing, my roommate used to tell me every day that it was his lifelong dream, and it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars."

Chen Yilin took a breath.

"Is it so expensive?!"

The two people's eyes suddenly changed when they looked at the old man.The old man is always your old man.

After setting up the equipment, the old man looked at Chen Yilin and Ye Kai.

"Do you need to change some other clothes? I have some here, but they are a bit old."

"But don't worry, they are very well sealed and dust-free."

After saying that, the old man opened a box with all kinds of clothes in it.

Chen Yilin picked up one of the sets excitedly.

"I wore something similar to this when I was a kid."

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